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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Briony Romain
Lucia Henley
Viktor Nickel
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Viktor Nickel Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:25 pm

Viktor aparated into the village of Hogsmede, already not really into this whole attack thing but willing to fight as per his orders. Even though his orders had meant that he'd miss Niobe's production of the Phantom of the Opera, which he knew meant the world to him.

Focusing his anger and frustration at being forced to cancel on Niobe into a different angle, Viktor blew the door to the pub off of it's hinges. Two off-duty aurors went for their wands but Viktor acted first,

"Bombarda! Confringo!" he called out, both blasting curses smashing into the two off-duty aurors, bursting their chests apart and causing the two of them to fall over, dead. Viktor winced a little, he didn't really want to kill people but he wasn't about to make himself a target.
Viktor Nickel
Viktor Nickel
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Lucia Henley Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:04 pm

Lucia was walking down to Hogsmeade for a nice butterbeer when she saw him. That guy who Charlotte seemed to think of as a friend. She narrowed her eyes, and then the person, Viktor, she believed, burst the door into Three Broomsticks. Lucia reacted instantly. She grabbed her wand and dashed after the guy. She reached the door and then stopped dead, her wand at the ready, but her eyes shocked when she saw the two dead people.

"Expelliarmus!" she yelled at the man with his back turned.
Lucia Henley
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Briony Romain Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:52 pm

Briony had been working in her office when she had heard news of an attack in Hogsmeade, deciding that she would have to abandon her work to see if it was true, Briony was glad that she had done so when she had arrived.

Seeing two dead wizards already, and one of those hellish twins on the scene, Briony raised her wand, glad that Lucia was there also, there might be more german forces that they would have to contend with.

Immediately Briony sent a blast of shadows at Viktor's chest with a snarl, attempting to reduce the fight to a mere fist fight, which she knew she would win.

"Pleasant surprise Viktor, you're foolish to think you can attack so close to my home and not expect me to show up." she smirked, looking at Lucia with a grin.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Viktor Nickel Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:40 am

Viktor spun round when he heard the disarming spell being sent his way and slashed his wand up,

"Protego!" he called out, a light blue shield springing up to defend against the red stunning spell, "Really? A stunning spell? At least try to kill me, it's the only way you'll come out of this alive."

His instincts flared and Viktor acted immediately, arching his back. It saved him a rather painful blast of shadows to his chest, even if it did mean he fell and had to turn it into a defensive roll. He grinned back at Briony,

"Like that!" he declared, gesturing at Briony, "Come at me to kill like Mrs Romain did. Hello by the way Mrs Romain. So glad you could come out of your castle to play... husband not around to do your bidding?"
Viktor Nickel
Viktor Nickel
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:56 am

Hugo and his father side alonged to the Three Broomsticks. They knew the attack was underway. He smiled seeing that it was just starting. He hurried away from his father knowing he would make it out alive.

He pointed his wand at Lucia, she was causing a bit of a problem. "Stupefy" He called at her. Not checking to see if her hit her pointed his wand a Briony as well. "Crucio" She needed to be cursed. She had power not just a wand.

Hugo ran and hid behind the bar. It was a better location for cursing but not being cursed. He smirked as he waited for more people. MOre would come. They always did.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:17 am

Lucia rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry for not being a cold-hearted muderer, but since you insist," she said in an icy voice.

She was about to curse him when Briony suddenly appeared. This brought a smirk to Lucia's face. She kept a check of the energy surrounding them, making sure she had them at the ready should she or Briony get hurt in any way. She would be able to heal before they had the time to even think 'Avada Kedavra'.

Then she felt the energy vibrate as a new power surged to her. Stupefy. She turned sharply as the spell raced towards her, but blocked it easily with a non-verbal protego charm. It was a freaking kid. A KID! Why would he...? Lucia stopped. This wasn't a joke. This was attacks. And she needed to do the freaking best she could. Then the kid screamed crucio at Briony. Lucia grit her teeth and threw some random spell. The two collided and clashed, changing direction completely, Lucia having made the estimated mathematical angle so the cruciospell would hopefully hit Viktor.

She then turned her attention to the kid hiding. She narrowed her eyes at the bar he was hiding behind. She then shook her head.

"Reducto," she said, pointing at the bar he was hiding behind, making it explode into bits and pieces.

"If you're gonna fight, then be man enough to look me in the eyes," Lucia snarled at him, throwing a hurling hex at him.
Lucia Henley
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:47 am

Hugo frowned as his spell missed on both acconts. He moved just in time when she blew apart the bar. She was taunting him. He stood up tall and sent a few more torture curses at the two woman. If they wanted to fight him, they could. He had no problem killing them.

"Alright Ma'am" he said pulling out a few cursed knives. They had very old and Dark magic on them. Any harm they caused would keep coming back. they could never hid the scars caused by these knives. He threw one at each of the woman.

"Are you going to hurt me I'm just a kid." He tounted holding a knife in one hand his wand in the other.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer Frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:52 am

Sam was walking to the Three Broomsticks when she heard crashing and spells walking inside she saw Hugo the one Alex told her about in letter Sam walked inside never have fought before she didn't care as long as Alex wasn't there Sam would be fine she grabbed her wand when knives came at the Professors she pointed her wand at Hugo " Stupfey!" She yelled.

Sam Hawthorn

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:15 am

Lucia narrowed her eyes when he picked up some knives. She could feel the dark magic oozing off them and knew she could not be hit by them. She grit her teeth.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna overlook that small detail," she said coolly, referring to his age.

She managed to dodge the crucio-curses, not without difficulty, and she deflected the knives, keeping her energy tapped on them to see if there was some other cheap trick about it.

Then a first year Gryffindor, Sam Hawthorn, ran into the bar and shot a stunning spell at him. Lucia grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her behind her back.

"Keep an eye on the knives, use protego should they come at you. Do not get hit by them, all right?" she asked calmly.

She knew the policy was to get the young children out, but Lucia couldn't leave at the moment. She returned her gaze to the guy.

"Just follow my every move," she said back to the girl, "And try to cast some spells you've learned during class or those you know every once in a while, but try to stay behind me."

She shot some non-verbal spells at the guy, many at the time, hoping he wouldn't have time to dodge them all. She then raised her wand again.

"Sectumsempra," she said, flicking her wand.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuwe Frei! - Attack thread

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:24 am

Sam nodded " Yes Professor" Sam said as a knife came at her " Protego!" she shouted and the knife stopped sighing a breath of relief she knew she had no fighting expierence but she could at least try, Sam quickly shot a spell at Hugo.

" Immobulus!" She shouted to Hugo and she saw another knife come at Her " Protego!" she shouted and the knife did like the last one Sam tried to stay behind the Professor but she had to reach behind her so she could hit Hugo.

Sam Hawthorn

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:28 am

Hugo Smirked at the new addtion. He doged her spell with ease. She had no clue what she was dealing with. If she wanted to play, so be it. It was her neck on the line.

"Is that all you got Girly?" He tunted. An evil smirk spread on his face, as he pointed his wand at her. "I think you need a lesson," She smiled "Crucio" He wispered so that no one would hear. His spell zoomed toward her. She couldn't block it. There was no shield strong enough.

He looked at the other woman Briony and Lucia. He smirked and threw a few more knives at them. He had added another spell. They would now sail through all shields. They could die for all he cared. They didn't matter to him. He thrived of younger peoples pain. He sent more Knves at Sam he had hundreds of them.

He saw a few spells being sent toard him he knew that there were many. He called "Protego" and doged the rest.

He heard the next spell and moved. he only caught his cheek. He didn't care his father could heal it. However it enraged him. She wanted to play as well.

"Crucio." He claaed over and over. Someone would feel the pain of his spell.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer Frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:36 am

Sam barely dodged the spell " Well is that all you got Girly boy?" Sam taunted back smirking she looked and Sam saw another knife " Protego!" she shouted knowing she couldn't block all of them sighing Sam saw a spell hit his cheek she smirked and thought of another spell.

" Petrificus Totalus!" She shouted to Hugo " Protego!" She shouted as another knife came at her ' How many knives does this kid have!' she thought.

Sam Hawthorn

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:41 am

Hugo smirked and growled when She doged his spells. He could dance forever. He would get her. He pulled out a few more knives. He had enchanted his cloak to keep up atkeing them from his home. He added another spell that his father had taught him. They could now go through sheild charms. He threw more at the woman fighting.

"Your Shild can't protect you now." He smirked. "Crucio" He wispered again.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:44 am

Lucia narrowed her eyes when the kid taunted Sam. She then felt panic rise a bit when he sent crucio at the first year student. She then seized Sam's wrist and pulled her down with her to the floor. Then the knives were sent through the air again. She called up her shield, but then something told her it wouldn't help.

Lucia's teeth clenched and she pulled Sam to her, rolling on the floor, dodging the knives. But she felt one phase her waist. She didn't care. She simply healed it. Then she felt shock engulf her. The rasp came back, she felt it. And she immediately knew why they couldn't be anywhere near the knives.

"Don't let the knives reach you, Sam, Briony!" she called, "The wounds won't heal!"

She got to her feet quickly and dragged Sam with her. Another knife zoomed towards her, but she grabbed it by the handle. She narrowed her eyes and threw it back at him double the speed. He then kept shouting crucio and suddenly she and Sam weren't standing together any longer. Dodging the spells had brought them away from one another. Lucia raised her wand.

"Petrificus Totalis!" she yelled at him and then sent a reductor curse at Viktor, trying to give Briony some space as well.
Lucia Henley
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer Frei! - Attack thread

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:52 am

Sam gasped as a knife went through her shield charm sighing she grabbed the professor and moved them out of the way, She didn't want anyone but Hugo to get hurt Sam sighed and thought of another spell.

" Rictusempra!" Sam shouted while closing her eye's knowing that wasn't the best thing to do.

Sam Hawthorn

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:55 am

Hugo growled as they doged the spells and knives. He would get them. He saw her throw one of his knives back at him and he pulled so reandom person in front of him. He took the other spell as well. When the knife hit him he became dead weight in his arms. He droppped the body and pulled out more knives.

They wre going to pay for that. He waved his wand and did some old magic. They would not hurt him nor anyone with German blood. He flicked his wand and sent them at the british woman. The would remain airborn till they hit non-German flesh. He smirked. He knew dark magic way beyond his years. He had learned it all.

"Avada Kedavra" he called toward the woman. He didn't care who he hit.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:11 am

Lucia looked at the spells coming towards them in disbelief. She dodged them, but they kept coming. She felt her breathing quicken. She then let her eyes slip to the floor. He was barely dead. It would work.

"Accio corpus," Lucia whispered, not wanting to do what she was about to do in the least.

The dead body that the kid had just used as shield flew towards her and then the spells hit him. They then vanished. Then he sent the killing-curse at her. Lucia's eyes narrowed dangerously as she jumped to the floor, landing on her hands and toes, two inches off the ground. She then jumped back up lightly and rose her wand slowly. This kid was so ignorant to what kind of gifts Lucia had. As an advanced healer, she could absolutely heal people. But she could also withdraw energy from one person and into another.

Lucia cast the aquamenti spell and water lay itself on the ground, reaching all of the fighting ones, Sam, Briony, Viktor and the kid. She then reached down, not letting her eyes leave the kid and keeping her energy tapped on the knives and Viktor, she touched the water, sending a wave of energy of her own to the kid, knowing he'd feel much more powerful for a moment, and then she started sucking away his and Viktor's energy, giving it to Sam and Briony.

Of course, it was easy to get away from it, just stay out of the reach of the water, but the second she touched the water, they had already lost some of their energy and Sam and Briony would've gained some. She, herself, lost more than the others, but she could easily regain it.

"Confringo!" she then called, directing the spell at the kid.
Lucia Henley
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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:14 am

Anne was suppose to meet Parker in Hogsmeade. She was taking the long way down she didn't want to go through the shack. IF she ever saw his face again she would fight him with everything she had. He was going to pay for what he did to her.

As Anne passed the three broomsticks she heard the sound of a fight. Being unable to not have a look. She tried to extend her 'gift.' It didn't work, she went inside and saw a full out battle. She was planing on just leaving when she saw him. Hugo.

Anne drew her wand and shot into action moving fast she called at Hugo "Stupify"

Anne Jones

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:22 am

Tessa was going to Hogsmeade to enjoy her last week at Hogwarts. But it seemed like something else was happening. There was fighting and she had no idea what she was going on. Was this what Cain and Lolly was talking about. This was something that she wanted to try and stop. This was a war between the british and the germans. And nothing was going to stop the fighting.


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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:23 am

Hugo felt some of his magic drain him. He needed a little time to get it back. He ran and hid behind the still intact part of the bar, out of the water. He saw anne come in and knew that something was going to have to happen. This girl was not going to get away without a sratch. She was as good as dead.

He felt something new corse through his body. It was addrenalin. She was going to learn another lesson. She came to play she was going to suffer.

"Why Hello Anne dear. Did you miss me?" He called to her, then shouted. "Crucio." At her and threw another knife at her and a few more at the other people.

He saw another girl that looked like she couldn't see. He shot a 'Crucio' at her as well.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:31 am

Katrina was suppose to stay back at the school but she didn't want to miss all the excitement as she arrived in hogsmeade she noticed a girl that shot a spell towards Hugo, I wondered if this is who Hugo was talking about, she looked like she fit the description.

Just as Katrina was about to approach she noticed that Hugo had turned around to face the girl, it was the girl that Hugo was after, maybe she would just hold her for Hugo for awhile.

Katrina was very good at walking quietly and walked up behind this girl with her wand out arriving behind the girl she had her wand in her back. With Hugo keeping her eye contact it was very easy to do.

"Hello there little one that would be my boyfriend you are firing those spell at and I do not like that one bit. I believe you should follow me."

Katrina had her wand hand in her back and the other arm around her neck trying to cover her mouth.

"Hugo dear why don't you just let me keep this one busy for you, while you finish what you are doing."


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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei - Attack

Post by Sam Hawthorn Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:33 am

Sam saw Tessa and Anne come in " Get out!" Sam yelled and shot a stunning spell toward Hugo when another knife came at her, Sam screamed as one got her neck Sam shot every spell she could think of at him.

" Incendo!" Sam yelled and she quickly dodged another knife.

When she saw Katrina come she had also heard a few things about her " Incedio!" Sam yelled at Katrina.

Sam Hawthorn

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:40 am

Anne saw a spell zoom at Tessa. She pulled her down. "Get out of here." She called to her straightening up. She shot another spell at Hugo. She felt a wand at her back. She let out a gasp that no one heard. He mouth was now covered with the persons hand.

She didn't have to respond she knew if she shot another spell at Hugo she would be dead. She nodded her head. She would go with this woman. She would do it to ensure that she survived. She had warned Tessa it was her choice to listen or not. She prayed she did. She didn't want to die.

She knew Katrina would doge the spells Sam threw at her, as would Hugo. She heard Sam scream and tried to tell her to leave. She tried to say he's who hurt her. It came out as muffled screams. Nothing she would hear over the noise.

Anne Jones

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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:43 am

Tessa froze because of her fear. She had never thought that this was happening. Tessa didn't want to belive. She wanted to find away to help Cain and the other creatures to stop this peacefully. Anne was yelling at her, but she had no idea why. Tessa had left Yasmina at the school for some reason. And she was glad that she did.


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Feuer frei! - Attack Thread Empty Re: Feuer frei! - Attack Thread

Post by Hugo Ehrlichmann Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:46 am

Hugo nodded at Kat. She could take Anne. He was going to take this Tessa girl. Anne cared about her enough to protect her. It would hurt her. He put up a shield that blocked every spell that silly girl threw at her. He enchanted a knife to go to Kat, and shouted "Here take this, remind her what i can do." He called.

Hugo blocked the fire that Sam sent at him and Kat he threw a few more knives at her and another 'crucio.' He moved over to the blind girl and cast a sinlencing charm on her. He dragged her to the side near the door. She was going to come with him. "You will come with me or Die, your choice." He hissed at her.

Hugo Ehrlichmann

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