Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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ATTACK (Open to All)

Dmitra Diamante
Aquila Wilson
Mikhail Novikov
Dimitrius Skaia
Ariana Jenkins
Viktor Nickel
Darcie Vane
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:05 am

Aurelia had decided that enough was enough, the Germans had attacked their magical school and so she was going to be able to avenge the students and adults that had been killed by the others while they were in the process of trying to escape the attacks on Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.

Frowning, she made it her mission to stay away from the children, she did not want to harm them, it was not their fault this fight was going on however much it disgusted her to be in the same ship as so many German people, there were four men behind her, members of the British Rebel Alliance.

Silently she slipped down onto the lower decks of the ship, making her way to the staff room, and signalling to her men they began to burst into the cabins of the ship looking for various staff members while Aurelia herself blasted open the door to the Instructors quarter with a shout of;

Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Darcie Vane Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:33 am

Darcie squeaked and jumped out of her chair when she heard that there was some sort of explosion by the doorway to the staff room, there was a woman standing there and her heart was pounding in her chest, all of the other Professors were doing rounds in other areas of the ship so she was alone with this woman.

Oh if only she knew what spells to cast to make her safe! Darcie could tell that this woman meant business and she bit her lip shakily reaching for her wand and holding it out in front of her, hoping that it would deter her for a moment.

The only thought running through her head was to make sure the students were safe, they were the only things that mattered in this situation and she immediately pressed a rune on the side of the ship to sound the alarm for the rest of the Professors.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:37 am

Aurelia couldn't believe that she had only managed to find one wimpy little Professor that couldn't seem to tell one end of her wand from the other, it was more than a little pathetic so she couldn't help but chuckle a little when she pointed her wand at her.

What Aurelia did not expect however was when she activated the warning rune that had been concealed in the side of the ship, cursing, Aurelia dived forwards and she flicked her hand out across the womans face in a sharp slap to her cheek, aiming to slam her into the wall.

Using the woman's hand to deactivate the rune, Aurelia could only hope that her men had managed to keep the other professors distracted.

"That was not a good idea." Aurelia purred as she gripped the Professor by her hair and glanced into her eyes, making sure that she kept contact with them until she could see the fear rising in her gaze.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Darcie Vane Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:52 am

Darcie couldn't move away from the woman fast enough and she ended up being caught by the slap to the face, she squeaked unhappily and smacked her head against the wall, making herself dizzy and disorientated, it was so hard to keep herself together.

She knew however she had to and she raised her wand again, as soon as she did however, Darcie felt a harsh grip on her hair and she whimpered looking into the womans eyes and wondered what was going to happen to her now.

There was no way she was going to give up that easily and she raised her hands and slapped the woman hard around the ears as she stumbled up from the ground and aimed her wand at the lady;

"Oh I'm so sorry." she said, with a slight tremor to her voice "I didnt mean to hurt you I just...you gave me no choice!"
Darcie Vane
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Viktor Nickel Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:55 am

Viktor had been doing his rounds when they were attacked and had been with a small group of third year boys. He co-ordinated the attacks of the school children so that even their banishing charms worked together to throw some of the British attackers out of nearby windows.

Moving down the ship, relentlessly killing every British attacker who stood in his way, Viktor eventually saw the entrance to the professor's area. He used a cutting curse to slice two men in half as one man rushed into the professor's quarters,

"Shadow! There's a-!"

The man's voice was cut off and his eyes widened slightly. Out of his wide mouth a thin line of fiendfrye flickered lightly an unnatural tongue. Before it cut down, ruthlessly burning the man's body in two. Viktor banished the remains to the side carelessly,

"Shadow is it?" He smirked darkly, "Your men are weak. I lead four thirteen year old boys who had more combat experience. I wonder what strength that gives you if you're the leader? Six thirteen year old boys worth? Seven?"
Viktor Nickel
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:10 am

Aurelia grimaced when she heard sounds of destruction coming from above, she heard what she thought was Kyle dying and her anger flared with each sound that she heard that meant one of her men were killed or hurt, the slap to her ears had made her slightly dizzy and she growled, rounding on the woman.

When the man entered, she smirked and gave him a mock bow, her arm swooping low against the floor as she measured him up, fire based attacks, best counter attack was water or ice.

Holding her wand up she smirked;

"Finally someone real to fight, she was bloody useless, you killed Kyle, I liked Kyle, so you'll soon see how many versions of you I'm worth, and I can tell you it's far more than one." she smirked.

Raising her wand Aurelia chanted her own formulation of several spells, the melting spell, one of the dark arts ideas that she had read about, that literally melted the skin from the body, and the freezing spell that made the atmosphere cold and icy; 'Tabescet! Hiemo! Bombarda!"
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Post by Darcie Vane Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:13 am

Darcie was so glad when she heard someone else coming, and she turned to see one of the Nickel twins, she couldn't be sure which, she thought it was Viktor, but she had not spent much time with either of them since she had started.

It appeared that Viktor was angry at her for covering the Dark Arts class when he had wanted the position in the first place.

Seeing that the other two were now fighting, Darcie gasped when Shadow threw out so many curses and she hurried to cover Viktor from the blasting curse, not knowing how to deflect the others;

"Protego!" she muttered in a flustered manner, managing a very weak sheild that just deflected the spell.
Darcie Vane
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Viktor Nickel Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:26 am

Viktor really did not care for Darcie Vane. She was a wimpy professor who had taken his rightful position as instructor of the Dark Arts. But despite all that she was a German. He would save her from the British if only for that fact. He chuckled darkly,

"Kyle? Yeah as you can see Kyle died squealing like a stuck pig. Or he would have... if I hadn't burnt out his voice box first." he taunted with a dark smirk, "You're worthless little English... and I show you just how worthless you are soon enough."

The first spell was one that he'd never heard of. Come to think of it, so was the second spell. Either way, that meant that he didn't want to get hit by them. And a regular shield probably wouldn't work. That meant he needed something solid to block the hit. He waved his wand and the remains of Kyle took the hit. Viktor blinked when the body's skin started to melt even as it levitated in front of him as a shield. He barked a laugh,

"You know what... I'm starting to like Kyle too! He's a good meat shield!" he laughed, banishing the remains back at Shadow, "Rumpo sempra!"

The spell was an old Dark Arts spell that turned the bones into explosives. Kyle bones exploded outwards in a spray of shrapnel at Shadow.
Viktor Nickel
Viktor Nickel
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:39 am

Aurelia gritted her teeth she knew well enough from her many business ventures not to rise to the threats of stupid men who considered themselves 'the bee's knees' they were often all talk and no substance which is what this man seemed to be.

Frowning when he summoned Kyles body, Aurelia felt a small surge of guilt when he was used to deflect her spells, but she did not allow her anger to cloud her judgement in fighting, merely exhaling a large breath she furrowed her brow and kept her wand trained on the man.

As soon as the bones headed her way, she knew she did not want to get hit by them, and she called out loudly;

"Immobulus!" making the bones stop in mid air, and while she had the time she applied a simple transfiguration spell to the bones, turning them into small flowers, with a smirk she picked one up "My my, if you wanted to show your affection for me you're going about it the wrong way my dear."

In retaliation Aurelia barked; "Confringo! Defodio! Deprimo!" sending a wave of flames towards the man, before sending a wave of the gouging spell at him, which would do serious damage if it connected as it was normally used to gouge out materials such as metal, and finally a large blast of wind was sent his way with the final spell.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Darcie Vane Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:05 am

Darcie was torn she did not know what to do, she heard the sounds of students moving on the upper decks and there still sounded like there were fights going on up there, maybe Mikhail was there and he was needing some help? What kind of friend would she be if she didn't at least look?!

Viktor looked like he could handle himself and she dashed up the stairs and out onto the open deck of the ship where there were many more British rebels arriving, apparating out of nowhere, and Mikhail was nowhere to be seen.

Gulping she gathered a group of children behind her and cast a stronger protection sheild over them all so that they would be safe from the enemy spells, as most of the rebels seemed busy fighting other professors and German Besturmen.
Darcie Vane
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Ariana Jenkins Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:40 am

Lomas Cole was student that was going to Durmstang she was rather good student. She had was moving on deck she heard the fighting going on she was debuted off the ship and making swim for it. She knew how to swim what the problem was she wonder what was in the water. Was there shark would they leave one student alone she had no idea she was not from original from Germany but from other place. But she live on the streets she did not talk much to other people she keep her present condition a secret on how she live her life.

When some student bunch in on her she pick pocket and mainly she was after there money. She need to eat that how she got by and she live on the street. It was sad but true but nobody want her all the same. She was from California that where she came from to be more liked it but still she had her secret all the same.

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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Dimitrius Skaia Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:30 am

Dimitrius was hiding. He'd seen what kind of spells these British used, and he didn't want to be in an early grave. With his wand firmly clutched in his hand, he poked his head around the barrels he was hiding behind. It seemed all the fighting and fire had moved away from where he was hiding, so he scrambled out. He looked right and left before darting out and heading to the upper decks.

Making a small noise, he ducked down as he saw more and more people apparating on the ship. And there appeared to be a Professor minding all the other children. "I don't think she'll be able to hold them off if they move to her," he whispered to himself. "I gotta do something."
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:47 am

Of course this would happen. He should have expected it from the British. "You stay and I mean it," he growled at his cat, who for once, obeyed his order. He stepped out the room he was in, casting his wand around. It seemed the firefight here had come and gone, but Mik would be a fool to lower his wand. Hearing something crack behind him, he whirled around to see an unfamiliar person.

"Expelliarmus! Defodio! Bombarda!" Mikhail called off, firing each spell in rapid succession. The man had no chance as he was gouged and blown up away from Mik. Straightening his jacket, Mik grunted. "Better not have any blood on me."

He was heading for the upper decks now, and he could see a child hiding there. "Mister Skaia," he breathed quietly, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Do not make a sound. You know who I am." Mik swallowed as he looked up at the decks. "Darcie. Look here Mister Skaia, you may only be a second year, but you still have power. Bombarda. Use that one. And don't forget your Expelliarmus. If I tell you to leave, you leave."

Mik made his way up the steps quickly, beginning a face-off between two of the enemies. He caught Dimitirius' eye and nodded, before looking at both his assailants. "Which do you prefer, gentlemen? Drowning or getting blown up? Too late. Bombarda!"
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Aquila Wilson Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:50 am

Aquila had been minding her own business when suddenly, they were being attacked. Panicked, she darted out to see all the commotion and ducked underneath a spell that narrowly avoided hitting her. She pulled out her wand and gripped it tightly, hiding behind a group of chairs. She sat still for a moment, until she heard familiar voices. She peeked up and saw Darcie, then there was commotion again and fighting was all around her. She felt a hand grab her, but she whipped around and punched the man in the face before making a run for it. Her hand ached painfully and tears stung her eyes. She looked around wildly and tried to find Darcie again.

She had to make sure her lehrer was safe - even though she was just a third year and there wasn't all that much she could do, she still wanted to know Darcie was okay. She saw Darcie trying to get a group of students to safety and rushed over to help her, adding her own, much weaker protection charm to Darcie's. Even though it was weaker, it still would help in protecting them all. She looked at Darcie, frightened. "Are you okay?" She asked. "What do we do?" Her voice trembled slightly, and she prayed that Lucian was okay - wherever he was.
Aquila Wilson
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Dmitra Diamante Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:14 am

This wasn't fair. This really, really wasn't fair. Dmitra had just joined Durmstrang, she had only heard about the War between England and Germany, and here she was in the middle of an attack! Dmitra dived to the ground as an apparently crazy man shot a scarlet spell at her, blowing up the wooden wall behind, creating a smoking hole. She managed to scramble out of the room just in time, as she heard the man mutter, "Bloody Germans."

I'm not German, damnit!!! Dmitra thought angrily, and a little frantically as she ran towards the deck. She briefly considered going for her broom, she could easily get out of here, she had travelled longer distances. But then, her sight fell on the Dark Arts instructor, with a cluster of students around her, trying to protect themselves.

I may not be German, but I have a duty towards it all the same. Dmitra ran faster and skidded to a stop behind the Instructor, withdrawing her wand from her pocket. "Expelliarmus!"
Dmitra Diamante
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Christielle van Gysel Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:05 pm

Christielle panicked when she heard explosions. She quickly went downstairs to find the British attacking. She had to have a part in the fight. She didn't want to be thought of as the weak, little blonde girl. She glared, at no one, and made her way towards the other students. "Ex--oh." she mumbled, but found her self nearly attacking Lehrer Vane. "Sorry." she said and walked with the other students.

She looked around, trying to see which ones were the British. Then she saw a girl, third year, from Muhe. The girl shot a spell at Lehrer Vane. Christielle raised her wand, slowly pointed it at the girl and said, "Expelliarmus!"

Without turning to see if the spell worked, she made her way somewhere in the front so the girl wouldn't see it was her. She did a simple spell, yes. But what if the girl pointed the spell at the instructor by mistake? Sighing, Christielle looked around, trying to see what the other instructors were doing.
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Darcie Vane Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:28 pm

Darcie looked around the deck and saw many more students coming towards her, although she was happy that they would now be protected, she knew that her charm was nowhere near strong enough to protect them all.

As soon as she saw Mik Darcie couldn't help but smile, at least he was okay, but while she was distracted a large blasting curse hit her sheild head on and it jarred her arm terribly making her whimper.

Knowing now that Aquila was safe too, Darcie hearded all of the students behind her and said in a shaky voice;

"Don't worry I'm okay, now, my charm sheild is not strong enough to hold out against these attacks, or large enough to protect all of you, you each need to cast the charm sheild and it will make a stronger and larger one. Okay guys?" she asked with a small smile on her lips.

Once she was sure that the students sheild was strong enough, Darcie stepped out from behind it and tried to find the courage to cast a spell at the men coming towards her, and coming towards the children.

Resolving herself, despite their obvious advantage against her Darcie started to cast defensive spells;

"Everte statum! Expelliarmus! Stupefy!"

One of the men was hit by the stunning curse and Darcie gave a little woop and a cheer, before it was swiftly wiped off her face as now disarmed, the other man resorted to fist fighting and slammed a rather large fist into her cheek, making her reel to one side.

Clutching her cheek Darcie attempted to put her arms up in front of her face to protect herself when he continued to try and land hits on her nose and head, instead the heavy blows fell on her arms with such strength she thought they would break.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Aquila Wilson Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:05 pm

Aquila cast the shield charm again as instructed to by Darcie, looking at the other students and watching as they all did the same. She hoped the charm would be strong enough to protect them all, as it it would be un-fortunate to go out there and be attacked.

She watched as Darcie charged out and began to attack some english men, watching anxiously. She nibbled on her fingernails and looked around, just as she heard Darcie woop. She grinned, but then it vanished as the english man punched her on the face.

Darcie held her arms up, and Aquila felt a surge of pure loathing. Darcie was a sweethearted angel, and Aquila's friend. Aquila stormed out and shakily lifted her wand. She focused on her inner calm and felt her hand become steady. "Stupefy!" She cried, watching as it hit the man square in the back. She ran towards Darcie. "Are you okay?" She asked desperately, before feeling a body-lock hit her in the back and she fell backwards, frozen.
Aquila Wilson
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Dmitra Diamante Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:36 pm

Dmitra sidestepped the spell just in time, and she turned her head to see blond hair and a Durmstrang robe whip out of sight. I was trying to disarm the man next to her you idiot!

On the Instructor's command, Dmitra immediately put up a shield, though with some amount of doubt. She was much better with offensive spells rather than defensive. Then she watched with wide eyes as the Instructor stepped out to face the fire all alone, immediately coming under heavy assault. A fellow student stepped up to her rescue, but then fell victim to a body-lock herself.

Without thinking, Dmitra stepped forward and shot an Incarcerous at the attacker, thick ropes flying out from her wand and wrapping the assailant. She knelt down quickly next to the frozen girl, and tried to recall the counter-curse to the Body Bind frantically.
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Christielle van Gysel Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:52 pm

Christielle turned around, seeing the girl she tried to disarm attack one of the British. "At least I didn't shoot an actual curse at you." she slightly rolled her eyes. She noticed Lehrer Vane on the ground, with another fellow student as she fell to the ground. The girl she sort-of attacked came running towards the girl who was now frozen.

She quickly made her way towards them both. "You're probably mad at me for hitting that disarming spell at you, but on the other hand I missed," Christielle explained to the girl. "Uhm... er.. Fi.. finite..?" she mumbled, pointed her wand towards the older girl who had the body-bind spell on her. Not bothering to see if it worked, she turned around. "Sorry again." Christielle said to the girl whom she nearly disarmed and ran somewhere in the back of the clump of students.

Frantically, she looked around, hoping none of the other Lehrers got or are getting hurt. "Protego!" she said, now confidently, and cast a shield charm around her just as Lehrer Vane told her. "About time I try this," she mumbled, "Sectumsempra!" She pointed her wand to one of the British men. It wasn't as strong and she was only in the first year, but it left a not-so-small cut on the man's arm. She smirked.
Christielle van Gysel
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:02 am

Darcie was relieved when the barriage on her arms stopped, although she had to say that she thought that it was all too lucky that Aquila hadn't gotten hurt herself in the process, them an did not look like he was above hurting a child, they were attacking a ship full of them after all! Smiling at Aquila she gasped when she was hit by the body bind curse and quickly performed the counter curse.

Looking at all three students Darcie hugged them all together and ushered them back to the center of the ship, where the other students were gathered, she urged them to stay there while she tried to make them all safe, she didn't want any of them getting hurt.

"I'm going to cast a charm on you, it should make sure that you don't get hurt, at least for as long as I can keep it up so please still be careful," Darcie said in a flustered manner "Impervius! That'll stop any flames or shrapnel harming you okay?" she asked all of the students.

As soon as she had cast the spell on all of them, Darcie turned and tried to spot if there were any other British rebels that were not currently engaged in an attack, there was one man, who looked like he was coming her way and she steeled herself, her wand in her hand for when he approached, although as he cast sectumsempra towards her she had no idea what to do apart from try Protego, which in her shock didn't seem to be that strong, so the spell still connected slashing across her stomach causing Darcie to cough blood up onto the deck of the ship as she tried to straighten up.
Darcie Vane
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Christielle van Gysel Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:18 am

Christielle nodded at what Lehrer Vane said. Everyone was in a panic, they'd do anything to keep themselves safe. She blinked after seeing Lehrer Vane get slashed by one of the British Rebels. She slightly gasped. She wanted to help, so she made her way towards the instructor.

"I... uh, sit down Lehrer Vane," she said. "I'll... I don't have any of those Dittany... maybe..." Christielle had no idea what spell to use. She closed her eyes and pointed her wand at the instructor. "Vulnera Sanentur," she said. It was a spell that healed minor injuries and deep cuts. She just hoped it would work, but the lehrer would probably have a scar since she didn't have any Dittany.

She backed away a little, and said, "Protego." A stunning spell hit her before her spell worked. Christielle fell to the ground, half-unconscious.
Christielle van Gysel
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Post by Ophelia Zabini Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:29 am

Ophelia loathed the chaos, and how some seemed to enjoy attacking. It sickened her, but she persisted battling her way through the German's with a determined expression on her face. "Reducto!" She pointed at one mans feet and watched as the flooring exploded, sending him flying over the edge and into the waters.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat and ran for it as she heard someone chasing at her, angry german words being yelled at her. She dived behind a bunch of barrels and pushed one rolling in front of him, effectively knocking him to the ground. She leant against another barrel, trying to catch her breath as she watched a durmstrang instructor trying to protect a group of students. She didn't care what the Brit's thought of her as she saw the woman go down, and she went charging over there.

The children had to be protected, and Ophelia momentarily became the neutral person she normally liked to be. She knelt down beside the woman and pulled out a vile of dittany, lightly applying it to the woman's wound. "Children, listen to everything she says and do NOT attack the adults! I fear they will harm you, I can hold my own off for a while whilst you make a break for it." Ophelia didn't care that she was on the Brit's side, they were only children for goodness sake. She stood up and walked a way off, motioning for the children to move as the coast was clear.
Ophelia Zabini
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Post by Charina Hayes Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:32 am

Chari had kicked the doors open, looking for some fun, until she saw some students. She grinned wolfishly. "Let's go get some fun." she said. She made her way towards the students, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw a British woman talking to them. "May I ask, what do you think you are doing?" she said, quietly, to the woman. "Are you, or not, a British?"

"If you are, I certainly think that you have no right to help these children. They are probably old enough already to know what to do. Leave them on their own. Let them do things by themselves." Chari said. She didn't want anyone helping the Germans, even if they were children. She was sure that Aurelia wouldn't be hurting any of the kids.

One of the British Rebel men shot her with a disarming spell. "You fool! Now I think I know what the leader feels whenever these gits make mistakes." she said, saying the last sentence to her self. She kicked the doors open, looking for some adult to have fun with.
Charina Hayes
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ATTACK (Open to All) Empty Re: ATTACK (Open to All)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:33 am

Darcie noticed that one of her students Christielle was moving out of the group and she gritted her teeth against the pain, she wanted to tell her to go back but she attempted to heal her which stung more than a little although she di not show it, she did not want to seem ungrateful. She only wanted her to be safe and her attacker was still in the area.

As she went down, Darcie gasped and she took out her wand with a shakey hand and was about to start to work on the counter spell, but a woman appeared and she...she was healing her? Furrowing her brow in confusion, Darcie couldn't help but smile broadly at the woman and grasp her hand in a sort of odd handshake.

"Thank you." she smiled before turning her attention to Christielle and removing the stunning curse from her so she could now move.

Picking off her jacket, Darcie tapped it and frowned, she had not made a portkey in a while, and she gave it to Christielle with a slight wince as her wound was still tender although healing as they spoke; "This portkey will leave the ship in fifteen minutes, get all the students together, it will take you to the German ministry and either you, Aquila or Miss Diamante are to tell them what's happening." she smiled gently.

Seeing that there was actually more British rebels here now than ever she took up a defensive stance and when the man from before rounded on her again she was ready and she shouted; "Stupefy!" before he could get his wand up, letting him fall painfully to the floor, Darcie winced and hoped he'd be okay when he woke up.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
Durmstrang Instructor

Posts : 423
Join date : 2012-04-13
Location : Durmstrang

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