Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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ATTACK! (Open To All)

Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
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ATTACK! (Open To All) Empty ATTACK! (Open To All)

Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:26 am

Aurelia knew that this area was going to be full of wicthes and wizards training themselves to be the best that they could be in their magical skills, and above all else if she took some of their best down, and even managed to make a dint in the building itself, then it would affect their training and everyone elses.

Now she was perching on the top of the stadium, and someone was walking along the wall towards her, it was almost like they knew who she was, and she grinned, pulling out her gun she shot the wizard in the head before jumping down from the wall and landing in the middle of the arena.

Flicking her wand she locked all of the exits and smirked as she began to get herself ready for one of the closest battles she would ever have to fight, all of the other witches and wizards in here also getting themselves ready to fight back.

Quickly Aurelia sent a wave of 'reducto' into the stone of the arena above the witches and wizards, some managed to sheild themselves from the rubble, some fell at the first hurdle, and Aurelia pulled her guns out, shooting the darts loaded with her magical serum, that would temporarily zap the strength of anyone it came in contact with.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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ATTACK! (Open To All) Empty Re: ATTACK! (Open To All)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:35 am

Markuz had been at the Arena, to see if there was anybody familiar around, who would be willing to spar with him. Seeing as the sun was high in the sky, he could easily spar for hours, before his knee would start acting up.

Just as he saw a promising wizard at the shooting range, he saw a woman jump into the middle of the arena.

As she flicked her wands, all exits locked. What was she planning? Pulling out his wand, Markuz prepared to dodge or shield.

When the witch fired of a wave of Reductos, Markuz conjured a large marble slab to hover above him, protecting him from the falling debris. Seeiing the woman pull out two guns, Markuz conjured a rock wall, which he used as cover. Using his strongest Avis spell, some twenty birds came out of his wand.

Leaning out of cover, Markuz barked out, "Oppugno!" As his birds flew at this crazy woman, Markuz conjured two wolves, cast a Protego Totalum on them both and sent them forth to attack as well.

Ducking behind cover again, Markuz focused his attention on the exit closest to him. Any lock could be picked!

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Post by Luther Amsel Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:56 am

Luther had pushed and he had pushed Leon to accept the proposal and eventually his old team-mate had given in and accepted.

Luther's warning system had been put into place.

It was a system that allowed him to quickly and accurately pinpoint an attack on German soil with the use of what were essentially security cameras. Having picked up on an attack at the arena, Luther immediately had a portkey made to the arena and disappeared...

... to reappear in the air above the arena.

Using a small propulsion charm, he adjusted his position in the air so that he was falling down on top of the British attacker. He cast the propulsion charm upwards so that he came flying down towards her with one fist stretched out in front of him as he hurtled down towards his enemy,

Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Post by Willow Hartman Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:03 am

Willow had been coming to the training arena because she had thought that she would be best off trying to make herself feel more secure that she was going to be able to defend herself if the time came to it, hopefully she would be able to do that if she kept coming.

Hearing a large explosion, Willow quickly performed the unlocking charm and she ran out into the main section of the arena, her mouth hanging open as she saw what could only be described as someone dive bombing another person and she knew this must be a British attack.

Squeaking a little as her shoulder was gripped and she was thrown against the wall by who she could only think was another British Rebel, gasping she ducked the fist the was aimed at her face and smiled, rather proud of herself, but that meant that she missed the other hit to her face, her nose clicked and she felt it break, blood coming out from her nose.

Attempting to push the other man off of her Willow slapped him hard on the cheek and dashed out from being trapped against the wall.
Willow Hartman
Willow Hartman
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Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:44 am

Aurelia grinned when one of the man decided to actually attack her, sending birds towards her to distract her no doubt from another attack that he was attempting to give to her in the process, with a grin on her lips Aurelia apparated out of the way of the birds and tried to think of how to defeat the wolves that he had summoned too.

Seeing that he had magically protected them she supposed the only way to kill them was the muggle way, and taking out her gun she quickly shot two bullets into the wolves, culling them and leaving her to deal with the other aerial attack. Sending a wave of cutting curses towards the men who had attacked her Aurelia grinned darkly.

Apparating away from Luther, because that surely is who it was, Aurelia rolled her eyes and shook her head; "Die? Really? Is that all you can say in English or are you really that unoriginal?"

Seeing that another woman was being taken care of by one of her associates, Aurelia grinned and she gave her full attention to these two men.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Post by Luther Amsel Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:50 am

The cutting curses that were sent his way were a minor annoyance at best but Luther decided to block them rather than take the minimal damage they'd inflict. Tapping his arm, the metal expanded into a flat round shield that covered most of his body, stopping the cutting curses from getting through.

Seeing that his aerial attack had been unsuccessful, Luther scowled at the woman. As she was wasting time taunting him he charged towards her with his fist cocked back,

"How about this then?" he growled as fire began to pool in his fist, "Dragon fist rune sequence!"

The runic sequence on his arm glowed briefly before the burst of fire was sent hurtling at Aurelia as fast as one of Luther's enhanced punches. Using it as a distraction, Luther apparated. He reappeared behind her, slamming his fist down at the ground to break the ground up at her feet.
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:56 am

Seeiing an ally appear in the sky and attack the Rebel from above, Markuz was disappointed by the easy way in which the woman dispatched of his attack, before disapparating.

Seeiing the man push the offensive, Markuz focused on a support role. Conjuring some daggers fired them at the British Rebel, making sure he wouldn't hit the man.

The daggers were a mere distraction though, conjuring three more wolves, Markuz once again covered them with a protego totalum. Transfiguring their skin to steel, to make them at least mildly bulletproof, he sent them to attack the woman on her flanks.

Having done that, Markuz focused on his surroundings. Blasting one of the exits open with a Bombarda Maxima, he conjured two enormous, thick marble walls, to offer some cover to those who weren't willing to fight back.

Looking back at the the Rebel and his unknown ally, Markuz prayed for success.

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Post by Lucian Ciero Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:05 am

Lucian stepped into the arena, and he set his sights on the person that he had wanted to kill for a good long while now, and that person was not British, no...that person was Luther Amsel. Luckily, he was right here, and Lucian was in the mood to destroy some humans.

Quickly Lucian created the defensive rune sequence that the Doctor taught him, creating a number four on the ground and he poured some of his magic into the rune, which had the effect creating a sheild around him from attacks, a very useful trick he had to say.

Smirking at the British Rebel, Lucian dipped his head towards her and he chuckled;

"Wow mate, that attack was crap. This is how you do it." Lucian taunted, summoning up his magic, which wasn't hard since normally it was overflowing in his voice and crackling around him in his energy and he activated the rune on the back of his hand;

"DRAGON FIST!" Lucian bellowed, sending a large wave of fire shaped like a dragon Luthers way and he growled as he did so.
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:13 am

Aurelia swore and she managed to block the fire attack by using the 'aguamente' water spell in order to disperse it into steam, but the ground falling from underneath her made her falter and she fell forwards a little before she apparated away in order to regain some sort of composure before she began to fight once more.

Managing only just to dodge most of the knives, Aurelia was cut by one of them on her cheek and she hissed a little at the man who was attacking her, by the looks of it Luther was having his attention taken up and she paid closer attention to this man.

Cocking her gun Aurelia shot of two rounds of darts towards him, full of the serum that she had created to zap magical energy, if she managed to land a hit the transfigured wolves would dissappear. It was at that time she realised how much she hated Transfiguration masters.

Growling Aurelia cast; 'Wingardium Leviosa' on the wolves and flicked the over the arena sides with a growl, her attention now focused on this other man.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Post by Luther Amsel Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:18 am

Luther was glad that his second attack had stumbled her but was distracted by another voice. He turned to tell the fighter to stop commenting on his form and attack when a massive burst of fire came barrelling towards him. Swearing, Luther transfigured his left arm into it's shield form and hid behind it to block the flames. When it died down he flicked his arm and it returned to normal. He glanced at Markuz,

"Mr Dobcek! Focus on the woman!" he told the man before frowning at the teenager in front of him, "I'll deal with you, you little traitor."

In Luther's eyes there was little worse than a traitor. He gripped his wand tightly before pointing it at the boy,

"One warning you spineless coward." he hissed at Lucian, "Give up now... or I will tear out your spine and beat you with it!"
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Post by Lucian Ciero Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:24 am

Lucian laughed, a harsh and cruel laugh and he could feel his shirt burning off as his body temperature rocketed, he grinned as his pentagram tatto spread from the center of his chest all across his arms and back, an indication of his power having grown significantly.

When he taunted him by insulting him, Lucian laughed and he tapped his box, knowing that he was more than safe in here, but just to make sure, he drew another smaller four, and another, now secured by three levels of protection.

"Come and have a go, if you think your hard enough you lousy, cowardly, Government tool!" he retorted.

Touching a rune on his elbow and on his hand, Lucian began to build up a large ball of magic manifested as lighting in his palm and he growled as he let it build up and up before shooting it at Luther in a wall of pure burning magic.

"Take that you poncing arse!"
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:37 am

Markuz was pleased by the small success the combination of his attack with that of the man he now managed to identify as the renowned Luther Amsel, achieved.

Unfortunately, Amsel was attacked by another man, boy, student?! A traitor amongst their own?

Cursing, Markuz heard Luther yell a warning to him as he focused on the boy.

Seeiing the Rebel cock her arm, Markuz instinctually ducked behind one of his marble walls. Hearing two impacts, Markuz rolled out of cover firing off some chains. Using the small time window he had gained, Markuz conjured a lumbering grizzly. Once again transfiguring the skin to steel, he sent it charging at the woman.

Ducking behind his cover again, Markuz conjured four steelskinned wolves, hitting them with a Protego Totalum, he disillusioned them and silenced them. Sending two charging at the woman from the front, and he sent the other two around to attack her in the back.

Hopefully she would think he had only one batch of disillussioned wolves. The other one might take her by surprise. Preparing for the worst, Markuz conjured multiple smaller barriers between him and the woman.

Using the distraction his wolves and grizzly provided, he ran forward, ducking behind the next barrier, closing the distance at least somewhat.

Conjuring a longsword, Markuz looked up to see what had become of his attack.

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Post by Luther Amsel Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:38 am

Luther scowled at the teenager until he noticed the shifting tattoo and his eyes narrowed. Only one person had a tattoo like that and that was Lucian Ciero. Luther was not a fan of demons playing at being human but it seemed that this one meant to attempt to fight him. He knew that demons were powerful though so he'd have to be careful.

The damned box technique was something that Luther had a long standing hatred of. But it appeared that The Doctor had seen fit to entrust his apprentice with the knowledge of how to use it. It was a very tough defence and only overwhelming force could destroy it. Fortunately, that was something Luther was adept at using,

"Big talk for a demon using a human skin as a finger puppet." he smirked cruelly, "What's the matter Lucian? Isn't this normally where your sister fights your battles for you?"

Swearing when he saw the attack coming towards him, Luther thrust one hand out to meet the attack head on and punched his other in the ground. A piece of metal connected his two arms around his back. The electric attack hit his outstretched hand and lightning arced through his arm, ran through the metal round his back, into his other arm and then harmlessly into the ground. It still burnt like all holy hell where his arms connected to his body. Not to mention his sleeves caught on fire, exposing his metal arms. He stood up slowly, smirking at the teenager,

"You were saying little boy?"
Luther Amsel
Luther Amsel

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Post by Lucian Ciero Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:51 am

Lucian smirked and he shook his head, obviously the man in front of him knew nothing about demons, or nothing about him anyway, he didn't take this human body as a host, he was born into it, he just had a slightly different appearence underneath.

When he mentioned his sister Lucian stopped laughing and his features went into a dead sort of state, then they melted away, the humanity stripping itself from him and he appeared in his true demonic form, but little did Luther know, this would mean his demonic powers were now fully available to him.

"You will die Luther Amsel, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but by my hand you and everything you love will die. Maybe my Professor Darcie would like to hear what you did to my sister, maybe she'd like to have a little conversation with me in private...I am an Incubus after all." he baited with a smirk.

With that Lucian flicked his fingers forwards on two hands and up out of the ground came two hell hounds, all bone and fire charging towards Luther as he once again performed the Dragon Fist rune technique.

Lucian as a Demon
Lucian Ciero
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Post by Willow Hartman Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:35 am

Willow could see that the fight was heating up and she really didn't know what to do, she had managed to heal her nose and stun the man that had been fighting her but everything seemed so chaotic that there was nothing else for her to do except to watch the main battles going on.

When she noticed that one of the fighters was Markuz Willow bit her lip and she whispered, unsure of whether he would hear; "Be safe Markuz, just please be safe."

Suddenly her attention was gripped by the man she had stunned coming back to life and she pointed her wand at him in a very weak stance but she was ready to hit him back with another spell if she needed to.

Squeaking when he sent out a throwing knife at her Willow only just managed to dodge it as it cut some of her hair off, and it worked in distracting her long enough for the man to get up on his feet and aim another punch at her, connecting with her cheekbone, Willow was sent flying into a wall and she scraped the other side of her face.

Whimpering a little she tried to get away from the corner she was being slowly backed into by his attacks.
Willow Hartman
Willow Hartman
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ATTACK! (Open To All) Empty Re: ATTACK! (Open To All)

Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:51 am

Not seeing what had become of his attack yet, as his conjured grizzly blocked his sight, Markuz felt the urge to look over his shoulder.

When he looked, Markuz felt his temper boil. Some guy was throwing a knife at Willow of all people! What was she even doing here? The arena was no place for the peace-loving healer/teacher!

Seeing Willow get roughed up, Markuz conjured some more daggers and knives, which he sent arcing to the British rebel, before sprinting over, firing an Incarcerous at the unknown man as he ran.

He just hoped his conjurations would last long enough against the British woman to take this guy out and get Willow out of here! He'd chop the bastard's head off!

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Post by Willow Hartman Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:16 am

Willow gasped as the man suddenly had a knife through his arm and shortly was tied up on the ground, looking past him she wondered who had cast the spells and she couldn't help but grin at Markuz, who must have tried to help her even from his own fight.

Gritting her teeth Willow closed her eyes and made a small noise of pain as she quickly allowed her wings to grow from her back, breaking through the skin and quickly, the white wings were flapping themselves dry in the warmth of the arena.

"Thank you." she mouthed to Markuz,

Before she gathered up some of the knives and she flew up into the air, throwing them down at the British rebel lady, hoping to land a hit, but one completely missed and almost hit one of the German people hiding;

"Oh sorry! Sorry!" she shouted down before managing to aim one in the right direction and wondering if it would hit or not.
Willow Hartman
Willow Hartman
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Post by MarkuzDobcek Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:26 am

Seeing Willow safe, Markuz was relieved for a second, before seeing her sprout wings!? He hadn't known about that. Something to talk about later then.

As he saw Willow mouth a thank you, he rolled back into cover so he could continue his fight with the British woman, as Willow took to the air.

Markuz couldn't help but wonder what was going on behind the imposing form of his conjured grizzly.

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Post by Laurena Reinstadtler Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:02 pm

Laurena rushed to Schläge Reitbahn when she heard the news about another attack. She groaned as she made her way to the battle arena. Luckily, she saw two Durmstrang lehrers somewhere around. She ran towards them, managing to block stray spells that went towards her.

When she reached the two lehrers she sighed and waved her wand, "Protego!" Laurena said, loudly and clearly. The spell blocked several stray spells.

"Hello, don't worry, I am on your side," she said; "Laurena Reinstadtler, head Heilung. Is anyone hurt? Minor injuries? Broken legs...?" she asked the woman who was one of the two lehrers. "Ah, damn... Protego Totalum! There, that should keep stray spells away for a short while."
Laurena Reinstadtler
Laurena Reinstadtler
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Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:30 am

Aurelia sighed, was this guy ever going to quit? It would seem like he was going to keep churning out these creatures regardless of the drain it was going to have on his magical core, after all, not even the most powerful of wizards could keep going on forever, even Dumbledore had his limits.

Looking quickly around the arena, Aurelia applied a repelling charm to her body, so that the animals would not so readily attack her, and she also used the charm to repell herself from the ground, landing on one of the many beams and stone ledges running around the arena, and she waited for him to try and make an attack to reach her up there.

Aurelia pointed her wand at the dummies in the corner of the arena, and muttered;


Before levitating the dummies one by one and throwing them at each of the Germans in the arena, the one currently flying like some sort of angel parody, the annoying as all hell one who kept trying to attack her, and the healer who had now appeared.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Post by MarkuzDobcek Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:02 am

Markuz cursed as the Rebel found the weak spot in his strategy. A simple repelling charm or ward and his conjurations would not attack voluntarily.

Considering an Imperio, that option was taken from Markuz by the rebel, when she shot herself onto an elevated position.

Weighing his options, Markuz was unpleasantly surprised when the rebel started flinging burning dummies.

Simply sidestepping the dummy that was targeted at him, changing its path with a simple banisher, Markuz noticed the rebel attacking Willow and Laurena as well. Hoping that the two women could take care of this meager threat by themselves, Markuz aimed for the beam on which the woman was standing on.

Firing a few simple stunners and other incapacitating curses, Markuz sneaked in two strong gouging curses, aiming for the beam the rebel was standing on. Both 3 feet to her left, and 4 feet to her right. It needed to look as if his aim was off.

She'd come crashing down into his horde of animals. Repelling charm or no, if the animals felt threatened by a suddenly appearing human, they would attack for sure!

Taking a deep breath, Markuz realized that he was rapidly running out of juice. He wouldn't be able to keep this up very long. Where were the Besturmen!?

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Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:13 am

Aurelia smirked proudly when it seemed that the wizard was pleasantly foxed by her attack, she tilted her head to either side when he aimed the curses at her, and she blocked them with a simple repelling spell, but when she heard the gouging spells, and saw that they were off target when the others were, she suspected it.

Frowning Aurelia gasped a little as she felt herself beginning to fall, cutting her leg on a sharp edge of wood that was jutting out from the beam as she began to fall, but halfway down before hitting the animals, she apparated herself to the top of the undamaged side of the arena.

"Really? Thats all you're going to do." she smirked "Ah well, maybe I should look elsewhere for a better fight."

Eyes glinting maliciously, Aurelia took out a small pistol from her inner thigh holdster and she shot off a few rounds at Markuz, seeing he was getting a little bit tired.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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