Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Attack of the Conscience (Open)

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:10 am

Lolita sat down on the large comfy arm chair and sighed softly, she was upset, she was very very conflicted and she didn't know what to do about it, she hadn't been back to see Frank since that day she had sent Pierre to him.

It was that thought that had plagued her every day.

Sighing she sipped her large mug of tea and she rested it on a coaster, before flicking open another book and beginning to read it once more, it was one of her favourite books, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It was a first edition.

Lolita bit her lip and tried to lose herself in the story.


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:33 pm

It was very rare for Frank to get out of the Hospital Wing, save for when he had to go to his Counselor office. He just didn't like seeing so many people he wasn't allowed to dissect. So many students, so many different skills, so many different brains with endless possibilities...

Sighing, he passed the library, but then stopped. He had promised that he would stop by to see how Lolita was doing, and in all honesty, he was actually interested in seeing how she was. It was strange, having a friend. He preferred it when everyone shied away from him.

Moving into the library, he immediately found Lolita reading a book. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, if he wasn't mistaken. He approached her from behind. She was the only one he hadn't managed to give a good scare yet, so he might as well do it now.

When he reached Lolita, standing behind her, he leaned down so his mouth was by her ear. "A good book," he said suddenly, smiling. "A classic."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:18 pm

Lolita was so engrossed in her book that she couldn't hear anything or anyone, there could have been a student at the counter for all she knew. It was for that reason that when she suddenly heard a voice next to her ear she gave a small scream and turned her head swiftly.

"Murdre! Frank!!! My word you gave me a fright."

Placing a hand on her heart Lolita placed her tea down carefully, she didn't want to spill it on one of her books, moving to sit up on her chair, their faces at the same distance they were Lolita gave Frank a brief hug.

"Well hello, this certainly is a welcome surprise, what do I owe this unexpected pleasure to my friend?"

Lolita got up from the chair and straightened out her shorts before wandering over to the tin of biscuits she kept in here, she had cut her hair a bit, so the two different eye colours could clearly be seen.


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:28 pm

"Murdre! Frank!!! My word you gave me a fright." Frank gave a cackle at that. Finally, he managed to give his friend a good scare! He needed to scare people. It was no fun otherwise. The cackle immediately died, however, when she gave him a hug, making him stiffen. "Well hello, this certainly is a welcome surprise, what do I owe this unexpected pleasure to my friend?"

"Well, I promised to come by and visit you, didn't I?" Frank asked with a shrug. "I was bored, so I left the Hospital Wing, figuring that I might as well head for my office on this floor, when I got a sudden urge to visit, so here I am," he said, spreading his arms out to show he was there.

"So, how have you been?" Frank asked, leaning against the counter. He wasn't very good with small talk, so he said the first thing that popped into his head. "By the way, there was no rejection. The liver was compatible!"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:35 pm

Lolita smiled happily and listened to Frank's explaination, it was rather sweet actually that he had come to visit and it made her feel immediately better about herself, and drew her out of the slump that she had been in.

"Thank you for coming to visit anyway, it's nice to see you again."

With that Lolita gestures to the biscuit tin, of course she handmade these biscuits, a special family recipe but not many people got to taste them because not many people befriended Lolita.

"And here you are, would you like one?"

Lolita gestures to the biscuit tin and she sat down again sipping at her tea once more before almost choking on it when Frank told her that the liver was compatible, her guilt reared up and she went a little grey, but then, she smiled widely, that was wonderful news.

"Wow! Frank that's amazing for you! I'm so happy I was able to help, so when's the big day then? Or has it already been?"


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:58 pm

"Thank you for coming to visit anyway, it's nice to see you again." It's nice to see you again... Words Frank thought he'd never hear... ever... "And here you are, would you like one?" Frank blinked and looked down at the tin, his eyes widening.

"Ooh, cookies," he said, taking one and munching down on it. It was delicious, even if it wasn't straight out of the oven. If it tasted this good, how would it taste when it did come straight out of the oven? It would be truly delicious. Lolita seemed to choke on her tea from the surprise of hearing about his success.

"Wow! Frank that's amazing for you! I'm so happy I was able to help, so when's the big day then? Or has it already been?"

"Just waiting for a thunderstorm," Frank said, after swallowing his cookie. "A lightning bolt should be powerful enough to start up his heart."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:19 pm

Frank seemed to be a little bewildered by the way that she was treating him, maybe he wasn't used to it, but she hoped that it wasn't anything that she was doing wrong on her part, she was just trying to be friendly.

"Yes, I make them myself, an old family recipe in fact, so you'll never know how to make them, you'll have to come to me to get some."

Winking and pulling out her tongue Lolita gestured to the tin: "Take as many as you like."

At further mention of Junior Lolita smiled happily, it was going to be so lovely for Frank to finally have his son after all the time that he had been waiting for him to be complete.

"You must be very excited! There should be one soon I reckon so you won't have to wait that much longer."

Lolita stood back up and went looking around her office for something, coming back with a big handful of papers she needed to look through later she placed them carefully on her desk, flushing a little bit as she asked:

"You know, when he's alive, may I come and see him?"


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:30 pm

"Yes, I make them myself, an old family recipe in fact, so you'll never know how to make them, you'll have to come to me to get some." Frank laughed, and at her urging, he took another cookie. They really were quite delicious.

"You must be very excited! There should be one soon I reckon so you won't have to wait that much longer."

Frank nodded. "Yes, there should be one within two days. Then, I'll take him up to the Astronomy Tower, and I will create a miracle. I will create life!" he said triumphantly. Honestly, if this failed, he didn't know what he'd do. A failure was not acceptable.

"You know, when he's alive, may I come and see him?"

"Of course you can," Frank said happily. "Little Junior will need as many friends as he can get, and I'm sure he'll appreciate the company."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:43 pm

Lolita was happy that Frank took another cookie and she sighed, taking one herself as she hoped to make herself feel better by eating herself into a state of cookie coma. Frank's laugh although at first was a little creepy was now growing on her...

"Yes you will! And you will fufill what you've been wanting for the past few years, nothing could beat that sense of completion I bet."

Although, something did worry her, what would Frank do if this didn't work? Whatever he did, she would be there for him to try and stop him doing anything silly.

"I can? Oh thank you!"

Lolita clapped her hands happily and she almost hugged him, but she didn't, she kept her calm and just grinned softly while she thought about befriending this truly unqiue man.

"It's sweet you know, the way you talk about him." she smiled softly


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:55 pm

"Yes you will! And you will fufill what you've been wanting for the past few years, nothing could beat that sense of completion I bet."

Frank's chest puffed out, and he took a deep breath of satisfaction. Finally... Junior was finally going to live, after all these years of searching for the right bones, right flesh, right organs, right blood, and most importantly the right brain...

Lolita clapped her hands happily, and Frank saw her suppressing the urge to hug him. That was good. Frank wasn't used to physical contact, especially from a girl. He had had sex once in his youth, but it wasn't anything for him. And after his self-experiments, not many women wanted to approach him.

"It's sweet you know, the way you talk about him."

Frank cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up higher on his nose. If he could blush, he would have. "R-Really? I've never really noticed..."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Join date : 2011-12-01

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:00 pm

Lolita giggled softly as she saw that Frank's chest was puffing out in pride, and probably immensely satisfied that his work was coming to fruition finally, and it was nice to be a part of it, something that would help shape the history of science was happening right now and she was in the midst of it.

"It must be nice, to be considered so special and unique, even more so when your discovery comes to light."

She'd always had a problem with getting praise as a child, she had always been overshadowed by her sisters, but now, her friend was getting recognised and she didn't mind at all...it was a weird sensation to be sure. Still saddening though.

Lolita looked at Frank in disbelief but it quickly turned to a small grin, was he embarrassed by what she had said?

"Really, I think it's lovely, show's off the nicer side to you I must admit, he'll be a very lucky boy to have you as a father, I just know it."


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:28 pm

"It must be nice, to be considered so special and unique, even more so when your discovery comes to light."

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" Frank asked, shaking his head. "Sadly, people see my uniqueness as something to be feared and hated. They do not understand my genius," he admitted sadly. If only more people would understand him, they would realize that his research was for the greater good!

"Really, I think it's lovely, show's off the nicer side to you I must admit, he'll be a very lucky boy to have you as a father, I just know it."

"Thank you," Frank said, putting a hand on his chest. "It warms my fifth heart to hear that."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:26 am

Lolita smiled sadly at Frank, he seemed so lonely, just like she only more so, and it made her heart hurt a little bit, at least, however, his loneliness might be coming to an end with his new son he was about to receive.

"Well, that might be true, but at least you've got me, that's not much I know but..."

Smiling again Lolita shrugged her shoulders and sipped at her tea, biting her lip she took another cookie as if on impulse, about to eat it, but sat it back down on the coaster before she could put it in her mouth.

"Best not have too many, don't want any more chubbiness."

Lolita laughed softly and shook her head lightly, she didn't know if Frank was serious or not, but she hoped that he wasn't being sarcastic, it seemed like he would be, but...it seemed to be an emotive point for him, his creations.

"You're welcome, I guess you don't get complimented that much hm?"


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:55 am

"Well, that might be true, but at least you've got me, that's not much I know but..."

"Quite on the contrary, my dear. It means a lot to me to have you as a friend," Frank objected immediately. She was invaluable to him, as she was one of few who actually treated Frank as a human being. It was... strange and refreshing, he had to admit.

He watched as Lolita seemed to be contemplating eating the cookie she had just picked up of not. Apparently deciding against it, she set it down on a coaster. "Best not have too many, don't want any more chubbiness."

Frank laughed at that, and he shook his head. "My dear girl, there is nothing chubby about you at all. One more cookie won't hurt you. It certainly won't hurt me," he said and took another cookie, munching down on it.

"You're welcome, I guess you don't get complimented that much hm?"

"Not at all," Frank said, shaking his head. "Like I said, most everyone thinks I'm a freak. They don't take the time to see me for the genius I am."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:29 am

The sudden way that Frank objected to what she said made Lolita a little shocked and she smiled widely, feeling warm inside, she liked being told that she was needed, but invaluable? She had never ever been called that, she was always 'dispensable'.

"Thanks," she said with a large blush "That's not said to me an awful lot, so thank you."

Lolita smiled even more, if that was possible and she took the cookie and ate it slowly, in her nibbling way, she couldn't help but chuckle, for a man who wasn't used to being nice it seemed he was getting rather good at it.

"You're making me blush Frank, but, if I ever do need cosmetics done I'll look you up mkay?"

Unable to keep the smile from her face Lolita turned to one side and looked shyly up at Frank, she knew that he was unorthodox, maybe even a little scary to some people but to her, he just looked like a harmless lonely man.

"I'll be sure to pop by and give you a compliment every day then, okay? Then you'll get used to them."


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:53 pm

"You're making me blush Frank, but, if I ever do need cosmetics done I'll look you up mkay?"

Frank grinned widely as his fingers twitched, eager to get started. Then he remembered that she'd said if. Oh well, if was better than nothing. "Of course you can look me up. I could make any changes to your body you could possibly want."

The strange thing was that if he was askd to do something on her, he'd do it, without adding anything extra to her, such as a third kidney or something like that, like he usually did, like that time Michael wanted him to take a look at his liver, and Frank ended up giving him a new spleen. He never told Michael of that, of course...

"I'll be sure to pop by and give you a compliment every day then, okay? Then you'll get used to them."

Frank laughed again. "Every day? Are you sure you have time for that?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:18 pm

Lolita grinned and she couldn't help but giggle a little as Frank looked ready and raring to go, but there was nothing that needed doing yet unless...no they were fine as they were for now, any bigger and they'd look weird.

"It'll be a few years yet Frank, easy tiger."

Smiling softly Lolita nodded her head, gesturing around at the library, vacant and silent, it was just too intimidating sometimes, it was too crushing the silence.

"Of course I have time, there's nobody here but me, these cookies, Franky and books I've read five times already."

Lolita gasped and motioned for Frank to stay still, she rushed into her bedroom, just off from the office, leaving the door open as she did so, and a few moments later she came back with a sleepy Franky in her arms.

"Look Franky, look who's come to see you...! He's doing well isn't he?" she asked Frank


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:35 am

"It'll be a few years yet Frank, easy tiger." Frank pouted childishly at being unable to operate on Lolita, but the pout soon disappeared when she spoke again. "Of course I have time, there's nobody here but me, these cookies, Franky and books I've read five times already."

Frank found it hard to believe that she had read every single book in the grand Hogwarts library five times, but then again, people found it hard to believe that one could replace their organs and many of the other things Frank had done in his life.

Suddenly, Lolita gasped and gestured for Frank to stay before running off, coming back with Franky in her arms. Frank's eyes immediately lit up at the sight of the cat, his first reanimation. "Look Franky, look who's come to see you...! He's doing well isn't he?"

"Franky!" Frank said happily, moving over and taking the cat from Lolita's arms. "How's my little Frankenkitty doing today?" he asked as he looked the cat over, checking his eyes, his mouth, his paws, prodding here and there with a hum. "He is doing alright? No rigor mortis?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:05 am

Lolita couldn't help but giggle again at the pout, this guy was like 80 and was pouting, it was kind of weird and cute all at the same time, pretending to be hurt Lolita raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms around her chest.

"Are you saying...are you saying that I need work already?" she sniffled

Seeing Frank's eyes light up made Lolita smile, it was really quite sweet the way he did it without seemingly realising and she watched him as he interacted with Franky, it was just too sweet, but she wouldn't comment again.

"OH he's doing just fine, he loves tuna and salmon, which is what I feed him every day, and I haven't tried the catnip yet I didn't want to in case it doesn't agree with him."

Lolita moved over to Frank and Franky, scratching behind his ears with a grin and she kissed his forehead, before realising that she was just a tad too close to Frank's face to be comfortable and moved away.

"So, Frank, weird question but what are you doing at the weekend?"


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:54 pm

Her fake hurt was obvious, as she raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "Are you saying...are you saying that I need work already?" she asked with a fake sniffle. Frank laughed.

"Not at all. There's nothing wrong with your body, but I really wouldn't mind cutting you open." He grinned widely at Lolita. "I thought we had already established that I enjoy cutting things open," he said as he gestured for Franky, who purred when Lolita scratched him behind the ears.

"OH he's doing just fine, he loves tuna and salmon, which is what I feed him every day, and I haven't tried the catnip yet I didn't want to in case it doesn't agree with him."

Frank nodded. "That's good. I'm not really sure just how his body would react to the catnip, so it's best to keep him away from it for now," he said, nodding as Lolita leaned down and kissed Franky's forehead. er question caught him completely off-guard. He blinked several times, and then said, "Reviving Junior, if there isn't a thunderstorm until then. Why do you ask?"
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:10 pm

Lolita giggled slightly as Frank laughed, she would have thought that he would react like that, either that or he would start poking and prodding away at her body to see if anything did in fact need doing. Toying with an idea Lolita quickly shoved it to the back of her mind.

"Well yes, but what would you do if you just cut me open and didn't have to do anything? Itd be a bit pointless wouldn't it?"

She asked with a grin.

The look on Franks face had been priceless and she wondered if he would in fact say yes to what she wanted to ask him to do, but she bit her lip for a moment and she placed her hand on a stack of books, steadying herself.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me."

Flushing slightly Lolita added hurridley:

"Of course it's okay if you dont want to! I mean Junior is far far more important than me I understand."


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:32 pm

"Well yes, but what would you do if you just cut me open and didn't have to do anything? Itd be a bit pointless wouldn't it?" Frank blinked. Pointless? He'd get to cut her open. That'd be a reward in and of itself! That was the whole point.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me." Again, Frank blinked. Do something with her? What did she mean? Surely, she didn't...? "Of course it's okay if you dont want to! I mean Junior is far far more important than me I understand."

Frank chose his words carefully. "No, no, the thunderstorm probably comes before the weekend, so what did you want to do?" She couldn't mean a date, right? After all, he was 92, and covered in stitches, and... Well, he was just repulsive. Surely, she couldn't possibly mean a date.
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:42 pm

The blinking was not doing anything for Lolita's nerves, she didn't know if that was a good sign or if it meant 'What the heck are you doing you stupid girl?!' she hoped that it was the first one but she couldn't be sure.

"Uhm...okay then, that's good."

Lolita blushed a little more, her cheeks turning pink, and she bit her lip before straightening up and pushing her embarrassment to the back of her mind.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me or something, or a coffee if you want to..."

Waiting patiently for Franks reply, Lolita hoped that he wouldn't get unnerved and not want to speak to her again, or just laugh at the notion to her face, after all, she didn't really understand why she liked him, she just did...and hoped that shed understand why she did after doing this meeting thing.

"But of course you don't have to! I understand completely if you don't want to. Honest I do."


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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Frank Stein Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:26 pm

"Uhm...okay then, that's good." She was blushing. That was not a very good sign. After all, if she was blushing then that meant that she did want to go on a date... "I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me or something, or a coffee if you want to..."

Frank just blinked owlishly again. What else was he supposed to do? He had only dated one woman before, and that was seventy years ago. Add to the fact that this girl was young enough to be his granddaughter... Then again, any woman his age... He opened his mouth to respond, but she beat him to it.

"But of course you don't have to! I understand completely if you don't want to. Honest I do."

"No, no," Frank said, shaking his head. He set Franky down on the ground, watching him walking away, then reached up and turned the knob on his head. The clicking, coupled with the tickling, calmed him down. "You just surprised me, is all. I'd like to have dinner with you."
Frank Stein
Frank Stein

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Attack of the Conscience (Open) Empty Re: Attack of the Conscience (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:32 pm

The blinking again.

Lolita felt like she would like nothing more than to curl up into a ball and die on the floor, it made her feel not only stupid, but realised just how weird she was being. Frank was...well he was Frank! What was she doing?!

When he said that he would like to go out to dinner with her Lolita blushed slightly more and she smiled widely, biting her lip slightly to contain herself from being too happy, after all, that would probably be very offputting for him.

"You would? T-thats great!"

Smiling softly Lolita bowed her head while she got her blush under control.

"So...saturday night? Would that be, okay?"

Getting a book to occupy her hands Lolita smiled shyly: "Where would you like to go?"


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