Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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ATTACK (Open to All)

Dmitra Diamante
Aquila Wilson
Mikhail Novikov
Dimitrius Skaia
Ariana Jenkins
Viktor Nickel
Darcie Vane
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
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Post by Dimitrius Skaia Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:31 am

Professor Novikov was right; Dimitri was ready to scream the moment a hand was placed on his shoulder. He had listened carefully to the Professor's instructions, and when the Professor had got out to fight with the others, Dimitrius had stayed where he was. He gripped his wand tighter, watching with wide eyes as Professor Vane held her own while protecting all his fellow classmates. There were surely enough wizards and witches there to help her.

He cast a glance over in the other direction, seeing his Professor facing off against five of the British wizards. Steeling his resolve, he made his way up to help his Professor. Running over to them, he shouted, "Bombarda!" It wasn't as strong as Professor Novikov's, but it did blast the man back until he fell off the ship.

"Don't you worry about a thing Professor. I've got your back."
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
Verstand Sixth Year

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Post by Mikhail Novikov Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:48 am

Mikhail didn't even know what the hell happened. One minute he was facing two British idiots, and the next, there were five. Where is everyone else? he thought angrily, casting spell after spell to try and keep them all back. He had cast a few glances back at the children and Darcie, only catching glimpses of what was happening to her.

His focus was always returned to the fight he was in, and it seemed that every one he took down, another one replaced him. "This is insane," Mik growled to himself, blinking in surprised when another Bombarda was cast at one of the men he was fighting. And then the caster of the spell joined him.

"While I do appreciate you having my back, Mister Skaia-Bombarda! Stupefy! Expelliarmus! I do not believe this is what I was talking about! You should be over there with Miss Vane and the other students." Mikhail growled, casting off spells between speaking. "If you're not going to leave, you better not get hurt or die. Got it?"

Mikhail didn't turn back to Mister Skaia for an answer. He instead threw himself into the battle with more intensity. Surely, the British were done sending people onto their ship with children aboard. A hoarsely shouted Sectumsempra! had Mikhail dodging, but only just barely. It nicked across his wand arm, drawing a deep cut that was already bleeding heavily.

He cursed and tossed another Bombarda at the man while clutching his arm. "Alright Mister Skaia," he said, breathing in deeply. "New plan. Knock these idiots out. We have to get to Darcie and the others, and I'm losing feeling in my wand arm."
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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Post by Dmitra Diamante Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:39 am

The portkey and all was okay, but one of the Instructors and the students were facing off against too many people. Dmitra wanted to do something, she didn't have deadly power or skill, but she had a plan.

Dmitra knelt and murmured a spell to weaken the wooden floorboard of the ship. Then she summoned all the power in her and cast at the foot of the battling British rebels, 'Reducto!'

The floorboard collapsed, taking three men down with it, leaving the Instructor to face off against barely few rebels. Dmitra smiled in victory.
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:00 am

Darcie wondered where this Aurelia was that the woman had talked about and wondered if it was the woman 'Shadow' who was fighting with Viktor, she really hoped that he would be okay because she felt so bad about leaving him on his own, with a small frown on her face she saw Mikhail get hurt in his fight and she wished that he would just take a break to heal himself, but there was no time in a battle like this.

When she returned to her surroundings, making sure she was not daydreaming and was in fact paying attention Darcie saw that there was a rather large wave of water coming the ships way which managed to knock it to one side, making one of the British rebels tumble into her and she was pinned underneath him as he grinned down at her.

Uh...oh...she thought.

Feeling the tip of his wand pressing against her throat Darcie didn't really want to do what she did but she had to, and her knee shot up and connected with the mans groin, rolling out of the way Darcie scrambled up.

"Sorry!" she called out to the man, knowing just how much that would hurt

However the incarcerous spell was cast by the man now gritting his teeth as he knelt in pain on the floor and she fell back down to the deck, her wand underneath her body but she managed to wiggle herself around to pull it out and to send a sharp jolt of 'Riktusempra' towards the man.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Post by Dimitrius Skaia Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:25 pm

Dimitri looked behind him to smile at the girl before facing off against the last two British men they had to take care of. For this side anyway. He could understand the Professors wanting to take care of the children first. "Bombarda!" He shouted, taking down the man just as he shouted out another Sectumsempra! The spell went awry and caught Dimitrius on the inside of his ankle.

Gritting in pain, the boy hobbled over to his teacher as the last of the British they were facing went down. "Come on, Professor. We gotta get to the others." Dimitrius said, hobbling over to the other Professor on the ground.

He looked over at the girl who had helped himself and Professor Novikov. "I'm not exactly sure if there's a counter spell for this. Do you know, Professor Vane? I mean, unless you can get out of those ropes yourself." Dimitrius admitted, looking around at the destruction. He lifted up his pant leg to see an unhealthy gash on his skin. "Yeah that'll leave a mark."
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
Verstand Sixth Year

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Post by Mikhail Novikov Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:46 pm

Mikhail easily took the other man out once there was only two of them. Though Mister Skaia had gotten hurt. His fault, he supposed, for not taking down the man in time. Though Dimitri had done a fair job on his own, all things considering. He clutched his arm and followed the hobbling boy, telling himself to get the kid help as soon as they could manage.

"Finite," Mik growled, pointing his wand at the ropes on Darcie. "You guys alright? We need to get the children out of here, Darcie." He turned away to watch the other fights going on and breaking out, leaving someone else to pick up the other Professor. He wasn't going to be knocked out cold by his own power today. No way, no how.

"Lean on me if you must, Mister Skaia," Mikhail said softly. "You'll be off your feet soon enough. Sectumsempra is just a cutting hex, and as long as it didn't go too deep, you should be fine. In pain until they get potions in you, but fine."
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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Post by Christielle van Gysel Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:28 pm

Christielle was panicking. She carefully listened to what Lehrer Vane said, nodding afterwards. How was she supposed to gather all of the students? The place was in chaos, and so many things were happening before she would realize that it'd happen. Shaking her head, she picked up the jacket. It would probably leave with her any second now, and she needed to gather the students. Fast.

As she made her way towards the clump of students, Sectumsempra had hit her on the right arm. It was small, yes, but the cut was deep. She groaned. She had nothing to cover it with, so she covered it with her hands and kept walking. She saw an instructor with one of the Verstand boys. Both of them she did not know who, but she walked to them anyways. "Le-lehrer... Lehrer Vane says that the students should go..." she was gasping for air, now. "Should use this portkey out of the Ship. I... I need help to ga--" She fell on the floor with a loud-ish thud. Her arm was nearly soaked with blood.

"The students... I need help to gather the students, yeah." she managed to say, with a cough. Christielle started to blink. "How stupid of me." she thought. She had easily forgotten the spell that she used to heal Lehrer Vane's cut. "Vulnera Sanentur." she mumbled. The cut was still deep. "Uh.. Vu-Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur." she said quietly. The cut was a bit healed, but there was a small mark. It stung, but it was worth it.

She stood up again. She stood on her toes, looking for the other two girls who had helped Lehrer Vane earlier.
Christielle van Gysel
Christielle van Gysel
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Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:17 pm

Darcie was very glad that Mikhail and Dimitrius were now beside her even if she was rolling around on the floor trying to move, there were so many spells flying everywhere and the children were getting hurt by them, even better that the portkey was going to be leaving for the Ministry with them on any moment.

When Mikhail used the counter curse to release her from the binds, Darcie got herself up off the deck and smiled in a relieved manner as soon as she was up on her feet again. Placing her head in her hands Darcie tried to concentrate with all the sounds of the battle going on around them.

"Christielle has a portkey to take the children to the Ministry, it will leave soon though so you had better go and find her." she said with an urgent tone to her voice "You two will need healers to have a look at you, so you should probably take the portkey too Mik." Darcie whispered, pointing over to where Christielle was popping her head out of the fray.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Post by Mikhail Novikov Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:55 pm

Mikhail growled. There would be no way he was leaving this fight. Not until it was all said and done. He gently pushed Mister Skaia away from him and toward the girl Darcie had pointed out. "Go on Mister Skaia," he urged, pointing a finger. "Take the portkey and get yourself looked at. No buts."

Sighing softly to himself, Mik ripped his left jacket sleeve off his jacket and tied it around his wound. He grunted in pain when he had it fastened tight and he flexed his hand before gripping his wand. "Not to worry, Darcie. I've had worse things happen to me. Though you don't look so good yourself. I've got it covered here if you want to leave."

He cast a look at Darcie and gave her a wry grin. "I've always wondered what it would be like to go down fighting," he commented offhandedly. "I wonder if today I'll get that chance. You help round up the kids. I'll keep the British fools off your back. Bombarda!"
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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Post by Dmitra Diamante Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:43 pm

Everybody, like everybody around her was getting hurt. Dmitra inwardly marvelled at her good luck on not getting even a scratch till now, attributing it to extraordinary luck and her Quidditch reflexes. However being the only one not hurt made it her responsibility to do whatever she could to help those who were.

As the boy fighting next to the male Instructor smiled at her, Dmitra smiled until that same smile turned into one of horror as the boy got hurt. She hurried forward to help the boy to lean on her shoulder, leaving the Instructor free to deal with enemies. She caught a glance of the girl who had almost disarmed her earlier, holding the jacket, and then slowly made her way over along with the boy.

“Its okay.” She smiled reassuringly. “The portkey’s time is almost up and nearly all the students are here.” Then she bit her lip slightly, “Though I don’t want to leave a fight halfway.”
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:51 am

Aurelia decided that she would leave the fight with the German man, since he seemed to be less than a match for her, the main fight was on the upper decks and that was where she must go, it was where her people were so she needed to protect them.

Dashing up the stairs she saw two professors who appeared to be rounding up the children, that was good, no innocents should be harmed at all, even if they were German.

Letting her eyes narrow, Aurelia took out her gun, loaded it and smirked, aiming it at the two professors, the man, and the woman she had fought before, her wand in her other hand as she sent out waves of cutting curses and blasting curses towards the other German forces, especially the Besturmen.
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance
Aurelia 'Shadow' Vance

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Post by Darcie Vane Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:12 am

Darcie shook her head when Mikhail asked her if she wanted to leave, she had to prove to herself and to her other professors that she wasn't useless and that she was definately going to be able to fight her own when it came to battles.

"N-no I'll stay." she said a little shakily "Please just be careful Mik, don't get yourself hurt."

Now more worried about her friend than herself Darcie gasped when she saw the woman coming up from the lower decks, had she managed to defeat Viktor?! Biting her lip she looked wide eyed at the gun and ran behind some of the barrels of the ship to avoid the shells.

With a small squeak she waited until the shots had stopped and she looked over the barrels, casting disarming spells left right and center, taking care to avoid all of the fellow Germans protecting the ship. Sending a wave of stupefy towards Shadow, Darcie hid behind the barrels once more, trying to wait out the shots.

It wasn't until she looked at her arm that she noticed it was covered in red blood, a large cut had been slashed onto her arm from a cutting curse and Darcie couldn't do anything but look on in shock now beginning to feel cold and dizzy.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Post by Dimitrius Skaia Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:44 am

"I know what you mean," Dimitrius murmured to the girl, looking behind him at Professor Novikov. "The Professors really put their all into it when we're on board. I've never heard Professor Novikov talk so much." He chuckled and grimaced when he jarred his ankle.

Dimitri sighed and lifted his pant leg to look at his wound; it was still bleeding, no surprise to him. "However, I am in no condition to fight. If I stand up for too long, I might end up passing out from exhaustion and blood less." He said, shaking his head.

He figured as long as the kids got away safe, that was all the Professor's cared about. "As long as we all get away, we're good. Once we're away, then the Professors can focus more on the battle, and stop worrying that there's one student still on the ship and what not."
Dimitrius Skaia
Dimitrius Skaia
Verstand Sixth Year

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Post by Dmitra Diamante Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:54 am

"I understand. But it feels so wrong to leave when I know I can help." An undecided look crossed over Dmitra's face. "It feels like I'm deserting them. And I'm not hurt either, unlike the Professors." Then Dmitra let out an aggravated sigh. "Only if I had been older!"

When Dimitrius lifted up his pant leg, Dmitra winced slightly. She bent down immediately and waved her wand over the wound. The blood flow ceased to a considerable extent. "I'm not a Healer, so this is the best I can do right now."
Dmitra Diamante
Dmitra Diamante
Muhe Seventh Year

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Post by Christielle van Gysel Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:37 pm

Christielle looked around. She saw the other girl she had accidentally disarmed... she didn't get her name. "The portkey. Here it is. It's almost ready, and the others are still there. I'll need your... oh." she saw the other boy's... cut, if you could still call it that.

She didn't know what to do. She was only a First Year, and no one paid much attention to her. Several cutting and blasting curses flew past her, and one nearly hit her. She ducked, not wanting to end up like the boy, and looked around.

Christielle had no idea what to do now. Ducking, she pointed her wand somewhere and said, "Expelliarmus!" She didn't know who got hit by it, but she was sure it wasn't a student or anything. It was clear to go, now, so she started walking around, doing her best to gather the Durmstrang students. "There's a--ouch--portkey over there and--hey!--ugh. This is hopeless." she sighed. Several people had trampled over her, and she was on the floor.

She stood up and looked around. She could barely make out the faces of the students walking around. She had had enough of the trampling-over, so she walked back to the two students from Muhe and Verstand and sighed.
Christielle van Gysel
Christielle van Gysel
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Post by Viktoria Steinburg Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:21 am

Viktoria, who had been trying to stay at the castle for the Holidays had only just received the news of the attack on the Durmstrang ship, she apparated away to the location as soon as possible and she saw that there were many British rebels there, not only that but there were still a number of students present also, lost in the confusion.

Moving her bag to the front of her body, Viktoria took out her tea cup, and poured a little bit of tea into it, sighing happily she sipped at it and walked calmly through the destruction making sure that all the students were now being rounded up to use the portkey to get away from the destruction.

As soon as she saw one of the British rebels, one who looked like she was pretty chummy with the leader, Viktoria tore the paper off the bottom of her tea cup and tossed it at her, activating the paper bomb at the bottom of it, it was due to explode any second.

"I suggest you leave." she said quietly "You weren't invited to our tea party, it's rude to arrive without an invitation."
Viktoria Steinburg
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