Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Post by Guest Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:36 am

Dani sighed as she walked to the amphitheater she couldn't believe it had been years since she's been there she sat down on the stone steps and watched everyone.

Dani hummed quietly as she watched people walking around she was getting tired of all the missions by she was knew that she had to keep everyone safe from Germany Dani yawned and rested her chin on her knees.


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Post by Briony Romain Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:24 pm

Briony looked around the ampitheatre, she had just come out from one of the rooms behind the frontage and was now all worked out, and was a little bit tired from it, after all she had been in there for a few hours at least, and it was quite a vigerous training session now that her husband was leaving her to it.

She didn't want to hurt him in the process of training after all.

It was then that her eyes clapped on someone who was just sitting on the steps, she stood out from the other small groups of people milling about and she seemed vaguely familiar, even though they had never met in person, wondering over to her, Briony stood in front of the woman and looked down at her.

"Hello, what brings you here? Have you come to train?" she asks.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:30 pm

Dani looked up at the woman and shrugged " Sorta" she said the woman seemed familiar somehow Dani just couldn't place it, she smiled at the woman and Dani stood up and dusted the dirt off her jeans.

" You traing as well?" Dani asked her she could tell that's what every person here was doing, training, training, and more training.

Dani looked at her and smiled " I'm Danielle" she said holding out her hand to the woman Dani felt like she could trust her Dani smiled.


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Post by Briony Romain Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:48 pm

Briony smiled lightly when she saw the woman stand up and dust her jeans off, the mass of the people here seemed to be working out, it could be described as a sort of wizard gym, as odd as that sounds. With a small smirk Briony shrugged her bag off her shoulders with a small nod.

"Well I was training, I've had my fill for today however." she grinned

Taking the woman's hand, Briony shook it firmly and snapped her head up to look into the woman's eyes, Dani, she thought about the name for a moment and hummed to herself.

"Briony, pleased to meet you Dani."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:56 pm

Dani smiled at the woman and shook her hand " Briony, it's nice to meet you" She said smiling the name Briony sounded familiar shaking her hand Dani let to of her hand.

" Well I'm thinking about training, but I mainly come here just to see the old building" Dani said smiling and looking her this place was filled with history that a lot of people will never know, like fights tournemeants and all the history Dani smiled and looked back at Briony.


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Post by Briony Romain Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:27 am

Briony looked around the place with a small smile, it looked to her as if people were not as appreciative of history as they could be, in fact it was one of the most important things that you could look to for advice, history was important, and sometimes it could even be interesting, depending on who's history you looked at.

"History is very important, I believe not many people rate it these days, but it's there so that we can learn from others mistakes, and not make them again." she said with a small hum.

Gesturing to the place around her, Briony smirked lightly; "Like this place, battles to the death, gladiators and all those sorts of things."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:02 am

Dani nodded " Exactally, no one appreciates history anymore and they say don't make a mistake twice. Well apparently people make the same mistakes as the people before them did" Dani said she was in love with history she never understood why she liked the history, she just loved it.

" So, you're the headmistress of Hogwarts?" Dani asked kindly she had heard that there was an headmistress at Hogwarts she humed lightly and looked at her shoes she had never realized how old they were she smiled.


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Post by Briony Romain Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:20 pm

Briony nodded her head, it was only the wisest of people that tended to look to history to find the answers to problems, it seemed as though she was in the company of one of the wise people who appreciated history and how it seemed to flow to the present.

"Very true, I always try to look at my past and not make the same mistakes twice, after all, it would be very foolish if you did."

With a smirk Briony nodded her head, she couldn't seem to escape the knowledge of the public since she has taken on this role and she wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing.

"I am indeed, and pray tell what job do you take?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:22 am

Dani smiled " Exactally, My past isn't the best past I try to not make the same mistakes but for some reason my past finds no matter how far I run away from it" Dani said shrugging slightly.

Dani smiled " I'm an Auror, well I've been an Auror since I was about eighteen so I have no idea how long I've been an Auror" Dani said laughing a bit she couldn't help but laugh she sighed and smiled " Well the only way I know you're the headmistress is because a few friends have told me" Dani added shrugging.


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Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:43 am

Briony thought that she could relate to what Dani was saying although she would probably never tell the woman herself, after all she had not even told Lucia all of what had happened to her in her past, but these thoughts were becoming more and more promenant the closer she became to being a parent.

"You can never escape ones past, only learn from it, and try to look past it." she said, in a calm voice.

With a small noise of recognition, Briony nodded her head and then realised where she knew her from, she had looked at the auror department while she had been in the Ministry one time and had seen her file there, only the front however, so the name and the picture, no wonder she knew her vaguely.

"An auror? An exciting career I always think, I would have done that had I not been drawn into teaching, I think I would be suited to it. Is it hard?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:20 am

Dani nodded " Well I've learned from my past and I guess you can say I gained some strength from it" she said shrugging Dani had learned a lot from her past and she knew she couldn't be mad at her sister but she can be mad at her killer.

Dani smiled " Sometimes the jobs hard, but normally it's pretty easy except training to be an Auror that's hard work" Dani laughed she smiled Dani now remembered where she saw Briony, she saw her at the ministry once she smiled and pulled her hair up in a quick ponytail " Has Hogwarts changed any?" She asked kindly.


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Post by Briony Romain Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:38 pm

Briony smiled lightly, this seemed to be something that the two women had in common, and they had only just met, this was a good sign, perhaps they would be able to meet again in the future. Looking around at the other people training here, she sighed softly.

"I could imagine that the training process would be hard, after all they want to know that they have the best people out there looking after their country, they don't want just anyone being an auror I guess." she smirked "It's a good reflection on a persons character if they make it through the process."

Thinking about Hogwarts and how it had changed Briony smirked lightly; "Well I would like to think under my leadership it is doing a lot better than the head before me, but I'm not quite to Dumbledore's standard quite yet."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:03 am

Dani nodded the training was long and tough but it meant the you were able to defend Britian Dani smiled " Well, I passed everything except disguising that was very tough but it's worth it" Dani said smiling she loved her job and she loved what she did except the worst part of it was that you hardly got time off to have a life, Dani sighed softly.

" Well Dumbledore was a good headmaster, but I think you're just as good as him" Dani said smiling she knew Dumbledore was one of the best she could tell Briony was just as good as him, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail and watched all the other people training.

" The bad thing about being an Auror, is you never have a personal life which I don't either way if I get time off I have now life so all I do is work and work and work" Dani said shrugging inwardly she hummed lightly and she continued to watch the people train.


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Post by Briony Romain Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:49 pm

Briony smiled lightly, if there was one thing that she was good at it was diguising herself, shadows lended themselves to the darkness, but in the daytime, she was pretty hard not to spot, what with the gothic dress and being who she was, but in the past she used to be good at disguising.

"It is hard, especially when it comes to places that you are known, people recognise you so easily it's unreal, and one slip of the name and the whole mission could be in jepordy." she hummed.

Unable to stop a small smile gracing her lips, Briony felt a swell of pride in her chest, glad that she was thought of as a good Headmistress, good enough to even rival Dumbledore; "Thank you very much, I do try to be the best, and I'll only get better with age I think."

Grinning a little Briony looked at Dani and smiled lightly; "I don't have much of a personal life either, maybe when the war eases up the load will get less."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:57 am

Dani nodded " Well, Disguising is quite hard when you work at the Auror office everyone knows you and what you look like, well that's why I stay at my desk and be quiet or I talk to our head of office" Dani said smiling, she alway's was either talking to the head or sitting at her desk being quiet.

Dani smiled at Briony " No problem, and you'll probably get better as you get older" Dani said nodding.

Dani laughed lightly " Even before this war started, I had no life still don't not since four years ago" Dani said sadly she really had no life she laughed slightly.


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Post by Briony Romain Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:11 pm

Briony chuckled a little, it was true that it was incredibly hard to not be spotted when everyone knew you and what you looked like, she supposed that's what the miracle of glamour charms and polyjuice potions and the relief that they provided for Aurors, and people like Briony who took contracts.

"Very true, so you must really be a master of the glamour charm and used to the foul taste of polyjuice then?" she asked with a glint to her eyes.

Still very proud that someone thought that she was doing a good enough job, Briony let her mood dampen a little when the life of an auror turned out not to be as free and as fun as she would have expected, and was suddenly glad she didn't take up that path.

"So it's definately not as good as if would appear then, perhaps I should add this little bit of information into our work profiles for the 4th years to look at." she grinned.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:24 pm

Dani nodded " Well, being an Auror had it's perks but it can also put you in jeopardy" Dani said smiling slightly she had taken the path to being an Auror cause it meant she could do a lot of good with her life she laughed a little at The polyjuice potion.

" No way I use glamour charms I will use polyjuice potion if I have too" She said shuddering at that horrible tasting potion she smiled.

" Well you can tell the fourth years that Aurors have good things too but unless they want to be tested for a long amount of time than they shouldn't be an Auror" Dani said smiling happily she wanted to be an Auror since she was young but when you got time off you'd have to use it wisely she looked at everyone training she smiled.


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Post by Briony Romain Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:30 pm

Briony chuckled a little, it was something that was always exciting and always attracted attention to things the promise of adventure and excitement, it was amazing how many people wanted to be auror's these days, not that she could talk, she had wanted to do it herself.

"I don't blame you to be honest, foul tasting stuff, and it takes ages to brew, so it would only be good for a pre-planned hit." she shrugged lightly "Glamour charms are the way to go I think."

Smirking a little Briony nodded her head, she always did try and get people to do things considering the Ministry, so she would definately big up the good parts about being an auror too, so there was no worries when it came to that.

"I will definately say that, I think it's a good career, but it's not for everyone...it's hard work, but not a lot of people can hack all the training."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:31 pm

Dani nodded " Yeah glamour charms are the best way to go" Dani said agreeing she had never liked polyjuice potion Dani smiled as she thought of that foul tasting stuff.

Dani nodded being an Auror wasn't for everyone " That's true not everyone can Handle being an Auror" Dani said agreeing not everyone was cut out to be an Auror Dani sighed.


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Post by Briony Romain Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:00 pm

Briony remembered that there was one boy who said that he wanted to be an auror, and he was one of the laziest people she had ever met, she reccommended him or the course and had recieved a rather angry owl in return for the person she had sent over.

A faint smirk on her lips, Briony remembered this incident with fondness;

"So you've been kept busy recently have you? Were you on the German attack squad a few weeks ago?" she asked, interested.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:35 am

Dani nodded " Yeah, things have gotten...complicated for the aurors" Dani admitted remembering her almost dying she sighed and closed her eye's.

" Well, Things happened that shouldn't have" Dani said shrugging slightly.

" So things at Hogwarts going okay, with the O.W.L'S?" Dani asked as she remembered taking the test she smiled.


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Post by Briony Romain Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:55 pm

Briony bowed her head lightly, it pained her to think that her country was in trouble and that she couldn't do anything about it, but she needed to focus on making the new students as good as they can be in terms of exam results, and not only that, but in practical knowledge too.

"I am sure that it will get better once the heat has been taken off with the extra raids on Britain, and the aurors going off on raids to Germany."

With a small chuckle, Briony nodded her head; "The exam results are going alright, I just wish the students would take more practical subjects, after all they need them in times like these." she sighed.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:31 am

Dani nodded she hoped that after the war everything'll be fine she sighed and looked at Briony.

" I remember taking the O.W.L's I was such a nerd" Dani laughed as she remembered her dorky glasses " I'm also glad to hear that the students did good on the O.W.L's" she added


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Post by Briony Romain Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:34 am

Briony smiled lightly, something she didn't do often, and she thought about the last time that she did any sort of exams, and it was in fact the NEWT's but she only had to do them to prove to Hogwarts that her education level was the same, if not higher than the NEWTs.

"Well I didn't take those exams, I was homeschooled by my father, I did have to take the NEWT's though, to prove that I was capapble enough to handle a professor position at Hogwarts." she smirked.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:54 am

Dani nodded Dani wasn't homeschooled she had gone to Hogwarts for all seven years she somewhat hated her third year she sighed.

" Well Hogwarts was very kind to me until, the third year that's when school got very though for me" Dani said while looking at Briony she sighed and watched the people train.


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