Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Sam Hawthorn
Lucia Henley
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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Lucia Henley Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:18 am

Lucia sat down by her desk in the classroom, looking over at the box in the corner that rumbled horribly. It was made out of steal as that was the only thing that could withhold the warmth radiating from the creature within it. She sighed and leaned back in her chair for a moment. She then leaned forward. She was feeling restless, and she hoped the students would be quick to come, wanting badly to start the lesson.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Auqamenti

Post by Sam Hawthorn Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:08 am

Sam walked to her next class Defense against the dark arts, Sam hummed lightly and she walked into the class she noticed a metal box that was shaking Sam smiled at the professor.

" Good Morning Professor" Sam said she walked to a desk and she sat down in the back, Sam hummed lightly as she waited for the class to start.

Sam Hawthorn

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Defense Against The Dark Arts Classroom :: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Teresa Maria King Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:47 am

Teresa sat down without a glance up or anywhere else, except forward. The last few classes she had were empty and waiting for classes would take forever if they have to wait for more students to come. She took out her fairy tale book and started reading it. Its probably a good time to kill some time.

Teresa Maria King

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Xander Clarke Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:52 pm

Xander walked into class, glad that he wasn't late. Taking a seat near the front he tried to focus on the lesson ahead. He was getting unsettle by being one of only a few boys in his classes. The only one he'd seen yet was Damien, and that was just once. Not like the odds matter much to me. He smiled, thinking of the summer.

His eye was caught by a big metal container near the front of class. It didn't bode well that whatever they were learning about had to be locked up in a box.

Xander Clarke

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Luke Sullivan Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:34 pm

Entering the classroom, he found himself surprised at the amount of girls. It was like there were three girls to one guy in this castle! Still, he walked over towards Xander and sat beside him. He wasn't sure of DADA was right for him, but he figured he'd give it a shot, after all one needed to be well rounded.

"Hey" he said to his cousin.

Luke Sullivan

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Lucia Henley Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:55 am

Lucia looked at the students that had gathered. The class wasn't full, but it had to do, as the clock kept ticking. She smiled at them. "Welcome back to a new year everyone. So, going straight to business, we're gonna learn the spell Aquamenti, and I think the spell speaks for itself, so I'll just say what kind of spell it is. It is a water spell that shoots a waterbeam from your wands, the size depending on how hard you focus. But the water spell isn't all we'll learn about today," she said with a smile, and turned to the face the box a bit off.

She pointed at it. "See that box of steel?" she asked, just as it rumbled loudly, "Can anyone guess what kind of creature is in there? I'll give you a hint; it is an animal who is exceptionally weak to water."

She looked around the class, waiting for the first to reply.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, second years; Auqamenti

Post by Sam Hawthorn Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:37 am

Sam raised her hand " A salamander?" Sam said Sam hoped she was right and if she wasn't she'd slid so far down in her chair all you could see was the top of her head.

Sam gulped lightly and hoped she was right, she looked around at the class and blinked slightly.

Last edited by Sam Hawthorn on Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

Sam Hawthorn

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Anne Jones Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:41 pm

Anne tried to run to class she was running late. She was very tired. She felt so drained since the year had started. She didn't really want to go to class but here she was running late. She walked in and mouthed "Sorry" to the professor. She sighed and walked to her seat. She knew she was going to lose points. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't deal with everything life threw at her.

Anne Jones

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Xander Clarke Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:33 pm

Xander raised his hand. He wasn't quite sure about any animal that would be particularly vulnerable to water, but figured he'd give it a shot.

"I can imagine a fire crab wouldn't be too happy about water. Or a phoenix for that matter, though I don't think you'd keep one of those in a box, or let us shoot it." He smiled at her, remember her own phoenix from last year.

Xander Clarke

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Lucia Henley Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:07 pm

Lucia looked at Sam with a smile, and was then distracted when another girl came into the room. Anne. Lucia knew Anne had a rough time lately, and she smiled. "It's okay, just no repeats. I never take points the first lesson. It hardly gives you motivation to do well the rest of the year," she said with a smile to Anne.

She then looked at Xander, hearing his reply. She nodded. "Yes, those two are both very good suggestions, though in this case it is a salamander, so five points to Gryffindor. Now, I won't release the salamander for you to try the waterspell on, I'll just show you what effects the spell has," Lucia said calmly.

She walked over to the box and opened it, a huge salamander/crocodile looking creature crawling out, its back on fire. Lucia pointed her wand at it and said: "Aquamenti."

A strong beam of water burst from her wand and hit the salamander, making the fire die out. After some seconds, the fire was completely gone, and the salamander was looking rather miserable, and was about to bite Lucia, but she put up a shielding charm easily. Suddenly, the fire erupted from the creature again, and it made a pleasurable sound, and then Lucia locked him up again.

"As you could see, the spell forces the flames away for around a minute. However, the flames returns after the minute, and one should only use it if they want to get away from a salamander. If you want to kill a salamander, you use this spell and combine it with an explosive spell, which we will be coming back to later. Now, I want you to practice the spell on these buckets," Lucia said, and waved her wand again, buckets for every student placed on their benches, "And find out what decides the amount of water to burst."

(OOC: I'll let the class run until late, the clock here being 14:07. I'll close it at 23:00 or something)
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second Years first lesson; Auqamenti

Post by Sam Hawthorn Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:05 am

Sam nodded to the professor and she stood up and pulled her wand out and she looked at the bucket a little unsure but she gulped and did like the professor asked.

" Auqamenti" Sam said and she saw water shoot out of her wand and into the bucket, she didn't know if the bucket was supposed to burst or not so she saw that it was about to burst Sam quickly made the water stop and she blinked.

Sam Hawthorn

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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:20 pm

Lucia smiled as Sam. "Well done, Ms. Hawthorn. As for you others, I hope to see more participation in this class. Five points more to Gryffindor. Now, as homework, I want you all to write a 50 word summary of the salamander and what the aquamenti-spell does to it, just like I showed you this lesson. Class dismissed," Lucia said calmly.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti Empty Re: Second years, first lesson; Aquamenti

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:21 pm

Lesson: Aquamenti
Homework: 50 words summary of the Salamander and the effect Aquamenti has on the creature.

House points:

Gryffindor: 10
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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