Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Starting a new Empty Starting a new

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:50 pm

Angelus had sent an owl off to Dani earlier that day letting her know what restaurant to meet him at and the time. Angelus and went to the store and purchased a bouquet of white roses as a sign of peace.

He began to pace outside of the restaurant waiting for her, he was a little nervous, he really like this woman and he wanted things to be different this time.

He had heard a pop and looked up to see Dani coming up to him, so he took her hand and kissed it.

"Thank you for coming." Angelus smiled. "These are for you" He handed her the roses.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:57 pm

Dani had received a letter from Angelus, she put on nice clothes and she left her house and went to the restaurant she smiled when she saw Angelus she blushed slightly and smelt the roses hoping they weren't fake roses she smiled and took the roses with a smile.

" Thank you, and how did you know I like white roses?" Dani asked with a small smile she looked at the restuarant she smiled " Fancy place" She said she saw all of them in dresses she was wearing black skinny jeans flats and a envy blue tank top, she wore a necklace and had very little make up on she left her hair down and made it slightly wavy she smiled at Angelus.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:23 pm

When he discovered she like the roses he took a breathe of relief. "Honestly I did not know, I love roses myself, and I went with white as a symbol of peace."

He really did want to make peace with her, and fix everything. "You look beautiful tonight", he smiled " Shall we go in?" He offered his arm to walk her into the restaurant and told the counter they had a reservation.

They were lead over to a table way in the back away from everyone where Angelus pulled out her chair to allow Dani to sit down, and then sat down himself.

The hostess told them their waiter would be right over and then turned around and left them alone with them menus.

"I want to thank you again for joining me this evening Dani, and thank you for another chance." Angelus really felt bad about what happened and really wanted to be with this girl.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:53 pm

Dani smiled and took his arm, they followed the hostess Dani smiled lightly " Thank you, you look very handsome as well" Dani said Dani wanted to make peace with him she didn't want to lose him, she sighed when they sat down Dani smiled and sat down she looked at the menu and she smiled.

" Well, I'm glad you invited me to come, and I'm willing to give people a second chance" Dani said with a small smile she hummed silently as they waited for their waiter.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:03 pm

Angelus smiled when she said she believed in giving people another chance.

"I don't plan on blowing this one." He picked up the menu, deciding on Lobster tail, with a baked potato, and salad with Italian dressing. With a nice glass of tea to top it off.

"Please order whatever you would like, and no stealing the check this time." Angelus smiled at her over his menu.

Angelus look at her over the menu and realized just how beautiful she was in the light they were under, he made her hair look like it had red tints to it.

"So feel free to ask me any question you want, and I shall be truth and answer them all." Angelus said as he sat done the menu.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:57 pm

Dani smiled and looked at him from over her menu she decided she would get a pasta with a Caesar salad on the side with an ice tea to go with it she looked at Angelus and smiled.

" Well I don't plan on blowing this chance either" Dani mumbled with a small smile she had blown her chances with so many guys that she wasn't going to blow this one she looked up when she noticed Angelus looking at her she put her menu down and she looked up at him.

" Okay, how many girlfriends have you had over the years?" Dani asked smiling she noticed how handsome he looked under the lighting she smiled and hummed as she waited for him to answer.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:08 am

Angelus noticed that the waiter had come back and they order the food they had decided on, of course he let the lady order first then himself and when the waiter took off to place their food order he looked at Dani in order to answer her question.

"To be completely honest I have only had one girlfriend in my life, and when I screwed that up I had sworn off woman for quite awhile."

Angelus looked up and noticed the waiter had come back with their drinks and salad. So he picked up his tea and took a drink.

"I decided I was tired of being alone so I inched my way back, then screwed that up as you can see. I still do not understand woman." Angelus sighed.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:30 am

Dani nodded one wasn't all that bad, she gave the waiter a smile as he handed them their drinks and she took a drink and smiled.

" Well one's not all that bad, I didn't have a boyfriend since my fifth year" Dani said she took another drink and smiled " So, what's your favorite spell?" Dani whispered the last part so no one heard them she smiled as she ate some of the salad then she waited for Angelus to answer.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:07 am

Angelus noticed she mentioned something about a spell so Angelus took a moment and added a wandless Muffliato spell around them so no one else could hear them but added a special charm that would alert them too anyone wishing to speak with them.

"No, ones not bad until its a long one and your stupid." Angelus kind of mumbled.

Dani wanted to know what spell was his favorite and he really was not sure he had so many.

"Well I happen to enjoy cleaning spells actually." Angelus had to laugh. "After being raised muggle and my mother making me clean everything by hand, I find it much easier."

Angelus took a sip and looked up at Dani, "How about you, which one is your favorite?"


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:18 am

Dani smiled and nodded she took a sip of her drink and noticed the spells she smiled " Well my favorite spell would have to be accio, when you have a dog that likes to sit in your lap and he won't let you get up so you can get something to drink that spell comes in handy" Dani said with a small smile she looked when she noticed the waiter coming with their food she thanked the waiter and smiled at Angelus.

Dani smiled and started to eat " So, how long have you been teaching?" Dani asked with a smile she ate most of her salad and she hummed as she waited for her pasta to cool off a bit.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:56 am

Angelus was finishing off his salad while she told him about her favorite spell. "Yes I would imagine so. Speaking of your dog, I don't think he liked me too well." Angelus smiled as he took a drink of his tea.

Angelus noticed that the food was coming so he stopped for a minute and waited for the waiter to leave again.

"Actually I have been teaching for a few years now and I cannot imagine doing anything else anymore." He said as he took a bite of his lobster, it was really good.

Angelus noticed that she was humming again, "You know I love it when you hum, its just a little quirk you do and I love it." Angelus smiled and went back to his food.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:08 am

Dani smiled and blushed slightly " I've alway's hummed, and sometimes I hum and I don't realize I'm humming" Dani said while giving him a small smile than she had to keep herself from laughing.

" Zephyr, he doesn't like any guys and plus he thinks he's better than everyone." Dani laughed, when she was done laughing she smiled at him.

" You just had to prove that you aren't a threat, to Zephyr you're a threat" Dani said with a small shrug than she ate some of her pasta, it was really good she drank some of her tea and smiled " I don't think I'll ever retire from being an Auror" Dani added.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:17 am

"Well you never have to worry about your humming with me, I love it and don't mind it at all. Its like I game I play in my head to try and figure out the tune." Angelus smiled at her.

Taking a drink of his tea he looked at Angelus, "He is probably afraid I am going to take his master away from him, but I will like a chance to get to know him and let him know I want to take very good care of his master." Angelus looked down at his plate.

Angelus took another bite of his lobster, "Do you like lobster, you should really try a bite, its delicious." Angelus put a bit on his fork and offered it to her.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:24 am

Dani smiled and took the bite of lobster it was really good she smiled after she swallowed it " It was really good, and I also think Zephyr is scared you are going to take me away and kick him to the curb, which happened to him when he was a puppy he still is but when he was five weeks old" Dani said with a small shrug she hated it when people dump their dogs in front of people's houses.

Dani smiled and ate some more of her pasta " You want to try some of the pasta?" Dani asked putting a little bit on her fork and offering it to Angelus.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:43 am

Angelus looked up and noticed the waiter was coming over to check on the table and refill drinks after finding out everything was ok he turned around and walked away.

"Well I think Zephyr is adorable, and he would be as welcome around me as you are." Angelus said as he finished up his plate.

He placed his fork down and was watching Dani eat a little, he just loved to watch her place the food in her mouth. He so wanted to kiss her the way he did not so long ago it was heaven.

She asked him if he would like a bite of her pasta and so he took the bite off of her fork and chewed it up. "That was really good to, I might have to try that the next time."

"So you always want to be an Auror, have you ever thought about children?" Angelus just wanted to place that out there to get her feelings on the subject.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:51 am

Dani smiled and she finished eating " I'll have to try that lobster next time" Dani said with a smile she took a sip of her tea and she smiled at him.

" Tell Zephyr that and I hope he believes you" Dani said with a smile than she nodded slightly she had alway's Wanted a family she just hadn't met the one yet.

" Yes I do want to have children, what about you?" Dani said with a small smile she knew a lot of guys didn't want to have kids she shrugged inwardly and she looked at her empty plate.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:41 am

Angelus leaned back in the chair drinking his tea, "Yes I would love to have children someday, I have just been looking for the perfect woman who shares my dreams."

Angelus saw the waiter come back to pick up their dishes and wanted to know if they wanted and dessert.

"None for me thank you, Dani, did you want some dessert?" Angelus asked.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:49 am

Dani nodded at Angelus and she shook her head at the waiter " None for me thank you" Dani said with a smile the waiter left to get their check Dani smiled.

" Looks like you and I are looking for the same thing" Dani mumbled as she drank some of her drink.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:34 am

Angelus smiled when he caught what she had mumbled he had so smile.

"So what else are you wanted out of life, besides children, and your job." Angelus knew what he wanted and hope beyond hope that maybe someday she would want it with him.

The waiter came back with the check and Angelus placed the money on the plate and the waiter carried it away.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:44 am

Dani smiled and thought for a second " Well, a husband and hmm... A house instead of a cluttered apartment" Dani laughed at the last part she smiled as she watched the waiter leave with the check.

" Alright, besides your job and kids what else do you want and love in life?" Dani asked him kindly she looked around and noticed there was still a few people there she smiled and turned back to Angelus.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:17 am

Angelus lean in close to the table like he was telling a secret that really wasn't a secret it at all.

"I want it all, I want a love of a lifetime, I want someone to cherish and to be cherished in return. I am tired of being alone, I am looking for someone forever." Angelus sighed and leaned back in his chair.

It was so true Angelus wanted someone to share his home and everything with.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:49 am

Dani smiled it took all her strength to keep from kissing Angelus, she smiled " Well if you want it all than you should have it all" Dani said smiling at him than she noticed the waiter coming she smiled at him.

" We should do this again sometime" Dani said with a small smile she yawned slightly and looked around the restaurant.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:53 am

Angelus sighed when Dani said he should have it all, "I do want it all Dani, but I only want it all with one person and if I can't have it with that one person, then I shall resign myself to being alone forever."

Angelus knew he was saying a lot but he was putting up a lot of internal fighting with himself to have what he wants. Part of him tells him he doesn't deserve to be happy that he will just hurt again, but the other part is telling him to quit being scared and continue to fight for what he wants.

Once the waiter came back with his receipt he stood up and offered Dani his hand to help her up.

"Yes I would love to do this again real soon." Angelus smiled and kissed her hand again and then lead the two of them outside and headed towards and apparition point.

"Would you allow me to escort you home again." Angelus asked, he is at the point he does not want to assume anything. One step at a time and he didn't want to rush her.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:26 pm

Dani nodded and she stood up and blushed slightly " Well, how about next week?" Dani asked with a kind smile she walked with him, outside she yawned slightly.

" Yes you can escort me home" Dani said while walking she walked toward the apparation spot she looked around to make sure no muggles came she stood and waited for Angelus.

" Ready?" Dani asked him she hoped he could make peace with Zephyr she smiled inwardly.


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Starting a new Empty Re: Starting a new

Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:52 pm

Angelus smiled when she said they could get together next week. "It is a date then." He smiled.

When she asked if he was ready he couldn't resist but to pull her close and apparated them to her front door. He remembered exactly where she lived, he memorized every detail of her place., at least from the outside anyway.

Angelus smirk, "Was that ready enough for you?" He had just wanted to hold her.

"I really would like to kiss you right now." Angelus said while he was still holding her.


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