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Having A Drink (OPEN)

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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:00 am

Kaspar was on a break form his touring and he had decided that he was going to go and relax in a typically male way, he was going to have a nice pint down the pub, there was a new one that he hadn't heard of and he wasn't sure if it was going to be one of those ones that was like a flea pit, or one of the nice ones.

Hoping for the latter, he walked into the pub and looked around, it looked like it was okay, but it was very empty, which made the atmosphere more than a little creepy, it kind of made him want to turn around and leave but he hoped that it was going to get better later on in the night;

"A pint of bitter please." he asked the bartender, and sipped at it, wiping away his foam moustache before anyone could notice it and laugh.
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:35 am

Candy walked in for a drink. She only hoped that her job wouldn't follow her here. One thing she loved to do was keep her work life and personal separate. But sometimes that didn't always happen. A guy would follow her around and wouldn't leave her alone. Candy sometimes hated her job as a dancer. But it paid good and she needed the money. All she wanted to do was leave and do what she always loved to do. Actually dance, not selling her body. When she left school, she never picturing herself doing this.

But she was cut off from money. Candy hated it when she would tell people what she did. They would look at her like she was a tramp. Deep down she knew that was true. And some told her that she could do better than that. But she knew that a guy would never love her anymore that what she was. A girl who sold her body every night for money.


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:30 am

Kaspar saw a girl come into the bar and he cocked an eyebrow at her, she seemed to be very deep in thought, but as she sat next to him it became very hard for him not to say anything, wondering if she was quite alright, Kaspar coughed quietly and turned himself so that he was facing her, she was quite pretty that was for sure, but he was sure that Tamara was prettier still...and the though of her made him smirk slyly to himself, embarrassed he had thought of something so sweet.

Then he realised what he was actually supposed to be doing and he sent a friendly smile the girls way, placing his half drunk beer back on the bar while he thought of what to say;

"Are you alright, you seem a bit, out of it?" he asked, a small chuckle escaping his lips "Got something on your mind?"
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:33 am

Candy knew this was her break from her job. It was different to have a night to herself. She would have been home reading, but decided to come out for a drink. Candy didn't come out for drinks often. But she felt like work was pushing her to drink. She had a lot on her mind but it wasn't like she was going to tell someone. Candy then sat down beside some guy and smiled. She never seen him before so it was actually good.

“ Yes I am fine really, I just don't get the chance to get out all that much. Usually after what I do I try to avoid being in the public. Because some men act like pigs once they realize I am a dancer.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:59 am

Kaspar hummed a little bit when she said that she was alright, he knew that she wasn't really alright but he wasn't going to push her to tell him, after all they didn't even know their names yet, it would be more than a little bit rude of him to do so, and he always tried to be polite, even to people who didn't deserve it.

"Well I'm a man, you've told me and I'm not sniffling around like a pig just yet, I happen to work with a lot of dancers for my music videos, they're very nice girls. I don't see the problem with that as a career."

Smiling he held his hand out to her;

"I'm Kaspar, Kaspar Kaiser."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:38 am

Candy wanted to laugh. She knew that this guy couldn't be an idiot. But there were other type of dancers. The one she would rather be doing, but she had to go where the money was. But she didn't want to offend him. Candy was always the polite, sweet innocent girl. And she was doing her best not to be rude. In her line of work that was almost every night.

“ Music video that must be nice. But no I actually work at a gentleman club. When my parents decided to cut me off of their money. They threw me out and Shadow took me in a gave me a job.”

She then grabbed his hand. “ Candy Roberts.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:02 am

Kaspar's mouth fell into an 'O' shape position and then he smiled gently, he had been meeting a lot of people who had it rough with their parents recently and he didn't think that it was fair that people had to now be in situations that they didn't have to be in because of what their parents had done.

Not wanting to be insensitive and ask why they had cut off the money, Kaspar only nodded at what the woman said to him, he didn't want to make her upset after all.

"I see, that mustn't be ideal for you to work at a place like that, oh I don't mean that the people there are bad of course not just that...it mustn't be very nice...you know all the...drooling." he smirked.

Shaking Candy's hand he quickly dropped it and nodded "Nice to meet you Candy, I always want to make cheap jokes about the name candy, about being sweet and all that, you've probably heard them all before."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:41 am

Candy watched how he was reacting. And it wasn't anything that she had seen before. She knew that he wasn't going to ask her why her parents cut off their money. But she was going to tell him anyways. “ I wanted to travel. I was in New York and Russia a lot, I always wanted to be a real dancer. But they felt that it was just a long shot dream and I need to be working in the wizarding world.”

“ What I do isn't what I really want to be doing. But I know that I owe Shadow a lot. And I am one of her best dancers at the club. Yes I hate when men drool over me. I am a women not a piece of meat.”

She then smiled a little bit. “ It is nice to meet you too Kasper.” Candy then started to laugh. “ I am sure that I heard all of them about my name. They say Candy fits me. I am one of those sweet and innocent girls. I have basically taken the name Candy instead of my real name.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:48 am

Kaspar nodded his head, he could understand the desire to travel, after all it was a bug that he himself had been bitten by and that was why he liked touring so much even if it did tire him out a little bit, it was something that he felt was worth it to see the world, however parents seemed to disagree with this most of the time.

"It's a very good career if you can break into it, you tend to get more work when you start working on the scene, you get reccommended and stuff, if it's anything like the music scene that is." he shrugged "I like travelling too, who can blame you for wanting to go to other places?"

That was one of the things that he thought was wrong about these places, they were in his opinion just so seedy, and he wouldn't be seen dead in one; "Well, places like Gentleman's clubs tend to create that kind of atmosphere, it's dehumanising and in my opinion I'd rather have the less people work there as possible."

Making a small 'Ah' noise when he realised that it wasnt her real name, Kaspar felt a little bit silly, after all, who would name their child Candy? But there were some strange names in the celebrity world.

"I didn't take a stage name when I started, so yes Kaspar is my real name."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:04 am

Candy smiled as she thought of all the places that she got to visit. Her favorite place was Hawaii, she told herself if she ever found that right guy she would get married there. If she had the time she would start traveling again. But she was always busy working.

She smiled. “ Yeah I kind of guessed that. I know it would be better than what I am doing right now. I always wanted to be a professional dancer.” Candy was still smiling. “ Yeah I know, I love everywhere I been.”

Candy didn't want to start talking bad about her job. But it was always hard to find guys to date. Because they always expected that she would do the same things on their first date. Candy remembered once after she left the club for the night she was being stalked by someone who wanted more than Candy wanted to give.

She was laughing. “ Don't worry lot of people think that it is my real name. I grew up in London, so going under a different name nobody knows me.” Candy smiled. “ I like the name Kasper.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:48 pm

Kaspar was beginning to feel a little bad for Candy, he really wanted to help her but he didn't want to appear shady, or as if he was going to want her to do the same things that she did now if he offered her the job with him on his next tour.

But he was sure that he could pull some strings to get her into some auditions if she really wanted to move away from the club;

"Well, if you ever seriously want to have a break, you let me know and I will sort out some auditions for you with someone I know, the company might put you on their books." he smiled gently.

Grinning and glad that this was quite a common occurence, Kaspar didn't feel so stupid now, he wondered why he didn't change his name, probably because Kaspar Kaiser had that nice ring to it.

"I guess it makes it a lot easier." he nodded "And thank you, I like the alliteration."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:47 pm

Candy smiled a little bit. “ Yeah I know my past sucked but I am sure my future will be better.” She knew that things would be better before they would get worse for her. Candy was sure that Kasper wouldn't treat her like other men would. So it seemed like he truly wanted to help her out. And Candy wanted to take all the help that she could get.

Her face lit up when he said that. “ That would be so awesome. This is something that I always wanted to do. But I couldn't leave the club because I needed the money. I made a lot every night, even thought I am not proud of what I been doing.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:40 am

Kaspar liked the fact that Candy was able to be so upbeat about everything, he admired her ability to do that and it made her very strong as a person, he couldn't help but think what he would do if put in her position, he didn't think that it would work very well with men, but he would probably have taken to busking or something like that.

"I hope that it will too, after all people with the worst pasts deserve a greater future, I believe that you will get there one day, you seem to have the desire to get there, so I know you will." he grinned holding up his beer to her as he drank it slowly.

When she seemed so very happy that he would ask around some agencies for her, Kaspar decided that it was something he would definately do, and he smirked a little bit as he placed the near empty beer glass down on the bar;

"Well then I shall do it for you, I imagine it is hard to find pride in a job like what you do, I'll try and get one ASAP for you." he smiled.
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:53 am

Candy smiled as she thought of where she came from and what her future was going to be. She had to be strong to make it through the day. That what doesn't kill her only makes her stronger. But she had to keep upbeat about everything. She didn't want to make people have to worry about her.

“ True but even after a muggle natural disaster they always rebuild. Depending on what happened. And the phoenix will always raise from the flames. I am sure one day all of my dreams will come true but I have to continue to fight for them. I just have to hold my head high and just smilie.”

He then started to say something about pride in her job. “ No it is something that you don't brag about. But the money on the other hand is good.” She then was grinning when he said that he would find her a new job “ Thank you I don't really know you all that well.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:04 pm

Kaspar smiled lightly, he was glad that he might have been able to help her feel better about herself and her future for the moment, he didn't know what had gotten into him lately, perhaps it was the meetings with Tamara making him softer, but he felt that if he had the means to do something, then he should do it, and he had the connections to help Candy, so he would try to do it.

"That is very true, I think that's a good attitude to have, after all, anyhting else is a little bit self defeatist, and in this world many people wont contradict what you think about yourself." he smiled lightly, drinking the dregs of his beer and then smirking "Look at me I sound like a damn philosopher." Kaspar joked.

Wondering just how good the money was, Kaspar knew it was rude to ask, so he kept quiet, it was on the whole a dodgy topic and he decided that it was probably a good idea to get another topic rolling;

"Perhaps we should fix that then?" he smiled lightly ordering another beer from the bar "So apart from your job, what else do you like to do in your spare time?"
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:44 am

Candy smiled thinking that her future could be better. She wasn't really sure what she had just gotten into. But maybe it was for the good. Anything was better than what she was doing. And if she could reach her dreams. Then she would go for it. And if he said that he could do it. Then she would go through it.

“ A good attitude can get you through the darkest days.” She couldn't help but laugh when she said that he starting to sound like a philosopher. “ This just means that you do a lot of deep thinking. Which really isn't a bad thing.”

She then smiled a little bit. Candy could tell that he was wondering about what good money was. But she knew that he was polite and wouldn't ask. “ I was making 2,500 per hour and that is all in gallons and that was just one customer.”

“ Besides my job,I like to read. Watching muggle television and taking nice long bubble baths.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:56 pm

Kaspar was glad that Candy didn't seem to think that him harping on like some sort of precher was a bad thing, after all he didn't want to seem like he was lecturing her when he really didn't want to make her feel like he knew all and she didn't. Because that was clearly not the case.

"Well I'm glad that you think that, after all, some people would have told me to stop being so pompous and popped me one by now." he smirked, remembering the time that had almost happened once with the old band's bassist.

Almost choking on nothing Kaspar looked up at Candy and blinked rapidly, that was more than he made an hour, and he was a rock star; "Well then, thats...good." he said more than a little amazed by the figure.

With a small smile Kaspar nodded his head, he too liked to read but didn't often get the chance to;

"In my spare time I like to read also, but mostly I write music and lyrics, it's what I'm paid to do after all."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:26 pm

Candy smiled as she thought of everything that Kasper had just said. It was something that she has told herself at one point. She always needed some kind of encouragement to get her through her night as a dancer. Candy told her that the sun would always come out tomorrow.

“ Well every now and then I think so people need to hear some of that. It doesn't hurt to hear some words of encouragement once in a while.

She then took him what she made and he looked shocked. “ Yeah well the prices changed with whatever you wanted. So it wasn't like I was making that every night. And I had to give some to my boss.”

“ Also love to watch musicals. I know ' My Fair Lady' is one I like to watch a lot.” She laughed. “ That is part of your job.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Wed May 02, 2012 5:00 am

Kaspar nodded, he would have liked to hear more words of encouragement coming from his father and mother when he was setting out on his career, but then again maybe if he had help it would not have turned out the way that it had done, and he would not change the way that things had managed to turn out for anything in the world, he loved his band, and his band members, even if sometimes he wanted nothing more than to be on his own.

"Everyone needs someone to be on their side, and it's no fun when it's just you there." he said with a small smirk "So, on that topic, do you have any friends or anything that you can hang out with to take your mind and stuff away from what you do? It will probably make you feel a lot better than hanging out with strange little me."

He grinned with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

When she told him that she liked to watch musicals, Kaspar smiled lightly, maybe she would like to do theatre dancing then? He thought, but didn't voice anything, just keeping his ideas to himself for the time being.

"I think theres a new production of that going on at the moment, it looks like the main girl is pretty good, maybe it'll be worth going to see if you like all that sort of stuff."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 6:15 am

Candy smiled. " Yeah everybody needs to know that there is always going to be there for them. Someone that they can count on." He then brought up her having other friends that she could hang out with. " I really don't know anybody here besides my Boss, Shadow and Amber who is another dancer. And Chase who help got her the burlesque club.

She then started to laugh when he wiggled his eyebrows.

" I may have to go check that out. I love keeping up with musical theater. Even though I don't think I am good enough to sing."


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu May 03, 2012 10:20 pm

Kaspar nodded with a small smile. She was right, everyone needed to feel like there was someone by there side to help them. It was one of the reasons why he liked being in a band so much, everyone was able to help and cover for each other,

"It's best to have more than one as well. That way you're never short of some positive reinforcement." he told her with a smile before his smile dimmed, "Ah now that just won't do! You need to get some more friends. Myself not included of course, I'm already a friend."

He chuckled a little bit, glad that he'd been able to make her laugh rather easily,

"If you'd like then maybe I could see about getting you some tickets? I know a guy who works selling tickets, I'm sure I could score some if you wanted them."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 11:10 pm

Candy smiled. “ That is true. Everybody wants to feel good about themselves.” She then seen his smiling slowly fade. “ I would rather have a few good friends. Then a lot of fake ones.” Candy smiled when he considered her a friend. “ I have Duke as a friend. He is a dog that I found out the streets.”

She laughed because she knew anybody who would wiggle their eyebrows or the googley eyes.

“ Oh wow that would be wonderful.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Wed May 09, 2012 10:08 pm

Kaspar couldn't help but wonder exactly what she was talking about when Candy said that she had found a dog on the streets that was a Duke, was it an actual dog called duke, or was he actually a Duke of some sort in the human world?

Deciding it would be best to voice his confusion, Kaspar smiled lightly and ordered another beer from the bar; "So, is he a real duke and he's just a bit perverse? Or is he a dog or something?"

When she said that she would like the tickets to the show, Kaspar made a note to get some for her, and he smiled a little as he thought about something;

"Do you want more than one? If you want to bring a date or something?" he asked a little mischeviously.
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Guest Wed May 09, 2012 11:59 pm

Candy smiled as she looked at Kasper. “ Duke is a dog that I found wondering around the club. I took him in and gave him so food.” She was still smiling. “ I am not sure why I gave him the name Duke. Maybe because he plays a part of keeping me safe. Biting guys who follow me home.”

She then laughed a little bit. “ Yes more than one. I think that I can find a date.”


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Having A Drink (OPEN) Empty Re: Having A Drink (OPEN)

Post by Kaspar Kaiser Thu May 10, 2012 6:53 pm

Kaspar laughed lightly when he was told that it was in fact a dog, he was glad that Candy was now not having to deal with the antics of a perverted man wherever she went. The dog was a much better option to him.

"It sounds like he's very useful, I'm glad that you have some sort of protection from the creepy stalkers...what type of a dog is he? I can imagine him being a big alsatian or something."

When Candy said that she wanted more than one ticket, Kaspar bowed slightly and grinned; "As you wish my dear, two tickets on their way to you as soon as possible."
Kaspar Kaiser
Kaspar Kaiser
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