Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:47 am

Darcie wondered if she would be able to make some new friends in Durmstrang, she didn't know many people apart from Tyler and he spent a lot of the time sleeping, so she was often alone, it was a scary place, but she was just glad to be helping people learn her art as opposed to just being here and doing nothing, she wondered if she would be able to open up a club, but she wasn't yet confident enough to approach the Doctor.

Wandering through the grounds, Darcie smiled and relished in the nice warm weather, it was still summertime, but only just, and she wanted to spend some time outdoors, then, the herbology gardens caught her eye and she blinked lightly, summoning her courage she bit her lip and walked closer to the office of the Professor.

She had heard they were new like her, and wondered if they needed some company, gently rapping on the door, Darcie's heart rate went through the roof as she waited to see if the door would open.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Fri May 04, 2012 10:48 am

Mikhail glared over at the happy kitten in the corner. He had papers to grade, and the darn thing just wouldn't stop purring or making some kind of noise. He turned back to his parchment, marking things down with his quill as the purring stopped. Good, now he might actually get some work done. When the purring started up again, Mik threw down his quill with a sigh of disgust.

"Honestly, cat. You really need to learn how to shut-" He canted his head as a quick rap on his door sounded. "And yet another distraction. Tigon, stay." Standing up from behind his desk, he went over to the door and opened it, peering outside of it. He blinked when he saw a woman standing there. At least it wasn't a student. "Can I help you?"
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri May 04, 2012 6:50 pm

Darcie was beginning to worry when nothing happened when she knocked at the door, she wondered if the man who was there was out or something? But when it opened she couldn't help but smile happily at the Professor, who was indeed there and was probably just finishing up some work.

"Hello there!" she said with a happy little smile "I'm Darcie, I just thought I'd introduce myself and see if you wanted some company or something, you're a little far away from the rest of the Professors in the Herbology Gardens."

Hoping that he wouldn't mind the intrusion, Darcie wondered if he was busy that she should probably leave him be. "But of course if you're busy I'll leave you to get on with whatever it is that you want."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Fri May 04, 2012 10:44 pm

Mik inwardly sighed and cast a glance behind him at his kitten, slightly amused to see her inching toward the doorway, hoping to not be caught in the act. He opened the door a little wider, a blatant invitation into his office, before he stepped away and picked up the troublemaker orange fur ball. "Nice try," he muttered, going and putting Tigon down back in her bed. He moved back to the doorway, and back to this...Darcie.

"Mikhail," he finally grunted, crossing his arms. "If it gets to be a bother, just call me Mik. It's true I haven't seen any other teacher come around here. Might as well come on in then since there's no way that cat'll let me grade papers either way." He placed two fingers on his forehead and made sure to keep his distance from Darcie. He'd rather not be privy to her information if he happened to shake her hand or something.

He moved back over to his desk before leaning against it, beckoning her into his office more. He figured it didn't kill anyone to be friendly, if he wanted to or not. It was good manners to greet those who came knocking, so that was just what he was going to do.
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri May 04, 2012 10:58 pm

Darcie gave out a small 'aww' when she saw that the Professor had a kitten, it looked so cute and she really wanted to stroke it, but she didnt know if she would be allowed so she merely looked at if like she wanted to do nothing more than huggle it.

"Tigon? Thats a sweet name, like a tiger and a lion I suppose?" she asked with a large smile "It's such a cute cat, how long have you had it for?"

Glad that she seemed to be making some headway with the new Professor, or Mik, Darcie was not going to be deterred by his seemingly grumpy mood. It just wouldn't do to be in a grump over something like this.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mik, papers to grade? I've done mine, not like there are very many students that want to take Soothsaying, but I'm covering my friends class too so it's double the load."

With a happy smile, Darcie looked around his office; "How many students do you have?" she asked.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Sat May 05, 2012 7:39 am

Mikhail rubbed the back of his neck. He could have guessed that the girl would have found the kitten cute, but he didn't see the appeal. He supposed it was his mistake. "Yeah, just like that," he muttered, glancing back at his kitten. "She just came up to me one day and started purring, latching onto my leg. No matter what I did, she wouldn't leave. I want to say it was before Durmstrang started. So I haven't had her for too long."

He stared evenly at the woman, scrutinizing her a bit. She seemed to be a bubbly person, the complete opposite to himself in more ways than one. He wondered if she was naturally like this all the time, or only if she met new people. Grunting to himself, he inwardly shrugged. Wasn't any of his business anyhow.

"I think I have seven or so," he finally said, looking up at the ceiling before returning his eyes to the woman in his office. "Though more than half never attend class anyway, so I'm not seeing many new faces around. If only they understood that Herbology could help them out immensely once they graduated. Depending on what profession they went in to of course."
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Tue May 08, 2012 11:16 pm

Darcie really did think that the kitten was sweet, especially when Mikhail told her about how he had come to get her, it was almost like they were meant to be together, perhaps it was something to do with the fates, and that Tigon knew that Mikhail would need it in the future?

"It sounds like Tigon is a little bit cheeky then," she laughed placing her hand just in front of the cat and beckoning for it to come forward to her "Do you mind if I stroke her? I just thought I had better ask before I do...just in case."

With a happy little smile on her lips, Darcie turned her attention back to Mik when she heard a small grunting noise coming from him, she wondered if he was okay and blinked lightly at him until she was sure that nothing was wrong.

Pouting a little bit when Mikhail told her that he had seven students, Darcie couldn't help but feel very sad, after all she was beginning to have more fun teaching Dark Arts because there were simply more students.

"Oh of course, I bet that Herbology is really very useful when it comes to healer positions and things like that, of course, Soothsaying is more useful for the Prophecy Department of the Ministry than anything else most people would want to do."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Thu May 10, 2012 3:26 pm

Mik looked over at the demon kitten because it really wasn't up to him. Tigon had a mind of her own, and whenever she decided on something, Mik had to go along with it no matter what. Crossing his arms, he moved his head a bit at the cat. He figured he might as well give her some permission otherwise she'd annoy the hell outta him later.

He watched silently as Tigon ran her head and body across Darcie's hand, purring louder than a cat should ever be able to purr. At least, according to Mik's ears, cats should purr much quieter than his cat was doing at the moment. "Wasn't up to me," he finally said, tearing his eyes away from the orange puff. "She does what she wants and doesn't mind me one way or the other."

He blinked when he felt something brush up against his leg and looked down in horror. "Cat," he barked, picking up Tigon and glaring at her evenly. "Orange fur. Black pants. It just does not work out." He placed Tigon in Darcie's arms. At least the cat would stay there for a bit. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he was happy to move onto other manners of conversation.

"Soothsaying? Can't say that I've ever been interested in it. It wasn't one of the classes I ever took while here. I would like to learn more about it, granted if you have the time." He said, giving her a small smile. "How does the saying go? You share yours, I share mine? Though Herbology is a pretty basic course overall, despite harder challenges few and far in between."
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Thu May 10, 2012 6:15 pm

Darcie couldn't help but giggle a little bit when it seemed like Mik's cat had a life all of it's own, normally cats were quite placid and didn't want to cause any trouble, just sit there in the sun and get nice and warm and toasty.

Glad when she was able to stroke Tigon, Darcie tickled her behind the ears and laughed lightly when she started to purr quite loudly, she could see that Mikhail was less than impressed, but Darcie thought that it was quite sweet.

"Sounds like you two have an interesting relationship." Darcie grinned "I wish I had a pet, I don't think that I'd have a lot of time for one though."

Pouting a little bit, Darcie nuzzled her cheek against Tigon when she was placed back in her arms, she really was becoming quite fond of the cat. Unable to stop a little giggle when Mik protested at the cat rubbing against him because of the fur, Darcie stroked Tigon again.

"Oh!" she gasped "I would love to show you how to do some of the things I teach in class, of course you would be able to learn whatever you wanted from me, if there's anything that you've already been interested in like Tarot or something like that."

When Mik offered to teach her about herbology, Darcie grinned; "I would like that very much, I didn't take herbology at school either, so this will be interesting."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Sat May 12, 2012 12:36 pm

Mik nodded to himself, satisfied. It appeared that Tigon liked the woman before him, and he hoped she stayed in Darcie's arms. After all, if she decided to launch herself at him like she had done before, he'd have to repair another suit. And even with magic it was a waste of time. He placed his hands on his desk edge, crossing one leg over the other as he listened to Darcie speak.

"You could say interesting," he murmured, inclining his head to the right. "Or you could say downright disastrous. The kitten is the demon spawn from hell. She bothers me more than she helps me that's for sure. Honestly, I'd say you could keep Tigon. But she'd find her way back to me like a lost puppy rather than the kitten she is."

He sighed to himself and ran a hand through his hair. He murmured a mild curse and reached up to fix his hair. Damn his bad habits. He just couldn't stop himself sometimes. "As for the old Tarot cards and the like, I've never been fond of anything dealing with Divination or the divine arts, if you will. It's always been straight hardcore facts with me."

He raised a lone eyebrow at her when she admitted to not taking Herbology. "Really, you didn't take Herbology? That's quite fascinating. I always found it to be a class that most people wouldn't be able to avoid, but I supposed you had good reason to miss it." He answered, reaching over to pat Tigon's head. He made sure to avoid making any contact with Darcie's skin. He didn't particularly want a pounding headache.
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Mon May 14, 2012 6:50 pm

Darcie raised Tigon up and looked in her face, placing them together nose to nose, she most certainly did not seem to her to be the demon spawn from hell, although perhaps Mikhail was not really that enamoured with animals, and she seemed to be very effectionate with him.

"Awwwww that's a little mean don't you think, demon spawn from hell?" she asked with a laugh "Although I never know, you could just be acting up around me, mightn't you?" she directed towards Tigon playfully.

Blinking a little bit when Mik apparently messed up his hair and then cursed because of it, Darcie couldn't help but giggle a little, it was kind of odd, but who was she to judge? Maybe he just wanted to have everything perfect.

"Oh well that's all that soothsaying is about really." she sighed, a little dissappointed "I guess I wont be making a new fan out of my subject then, but oh well, I'm always here if you want to learn anyway."

A happy smile graced Darcie's lips and she nodded her head; "Yes, when I was found out to have quite the knack for seeing, I was placed into an apprenticeship and only took a few other classes. Herbology unfortunately was not one of them."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Tue May 15, 2012 12:24 pm

Mikhail raised a lone eyebrow, faintly wondering what it was with women and animals. Especially kittens or puppies. Sure, they were cute but... He just didn't do cute, he supposed. Never had, never will. Not if he could help it at least, though this demon that stuck with him seemed adamant to change his mind.

"Trust me," he remarked dryly, "She's putting on a cute little show for you. Just wait; I'll be dealing with her when you leave. Getting orange hair on my suit, jumping up on my shelves to mess with my books. I think she was born on this Earth to make my life crazy."

He was a little confused as to why Darcie had giggled at him, but then he realized that it might have been when he messed up his hair. What could he say? He was immaculate, punctual, and above all, organized. It was how he liked it after all. That cat wouldn't change anything; that much was for certain.

His ear twitched slightly at hearing her low sigh. "Just because I'm not fond of it, doesn't mean I'm not curious," he murmured softly. "Go on and talk about it if you wish. Perhaps I need to have a better understanding of soothsaying before I become so judgmental about it."

He canted his head at hearing that Darcie had been put into an apprenticeship. "Interesting. I do imagine that took up most of your time, so I suppose I can forgive you for not taking Herbology." He teased lightly.
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Tue May 15, 2012 6:25 pm

Darcie giggled again and then she knew that Mik must be obsessed with keeping everything just so, after all it could be fixed with a simple spell the books and the fur, but he seemed to just not be one for animals that made a lot of mess.

"Maybe you should get a fish, it might distract her while you try and get some work done." Darcie suggested with a small smile on her lips.

Very glad when Mikhail did not totally write off Soothsaying, Darcie did not know quite where to begin, after all there was such a broad range of different subjects in Soothsaying...biting her lip while she thought, Darcie hummed.

"Well, there's a lot of Soothsaying to talk about, my favourite thing to do is reading tea leaves, because it's just so easy to do, but I think that's different for everyone. Although many people just learn the properties of crystals and claim to be a soothsayer." she added with a small frown.

Smiling happily when Mik told her that he could forgive her for not taking herbology, Darcie grinned; "I'm glad I waited though, it means I get to learn from the best." she teased back.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Tue May 22, 2012 12:50 pm

Mikhail raised an eyebrow at Darcie. He seemed to be doing this a lot, in fact. More so than he was used to. It seemed that Darcie was eliciting a ton of different emotions and facial reactions that he wasn't used to. Well, her and that damned hell spawn cat of his. He needed to work on his emotionless mask some more. The less contact he had with people, the better.

"A fish? Surely the cat would eventually manage to get up and into the fishbowl before I could stop her. She'd either drown, jump out immediately, or eat the fish and then get out." He said, making a slight face. "Knowing my luck, she'd jump on my desk with all the parchment to grade and ruin everything. Magic can fix it, but not my irritation."

Mik tapped his fingers against the inside of his elbow, his head canted to the side while he listened to Darcie. "Tea leaves?" He finally asked. Sighing softly, he grinned at her. "What say we try and figure out my fortune, eh? What better way to get into the whole mood?"

He waved his hand when she mention learning from the best. He wasn't the best; far from it actually, and he was always striving to do better everyday. "I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst," he finally grunted. "If only more kids took part in Herbology."

Last edited by Mikhail Novikov on Thu May 24, 2012 1:58 am; edited 1 time in total
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Wed May 23, 2012 10:05 pm

Darcie was a little bit worried when Mik kept raising his eyebrow at her, she wondered if that meant that she had done something wrong or said something he didn't like, although it could just be that he was thinking about what she had suggested.

Biting her lip a little she smiled when he seemed to be further mean to his poor Tigon;

"Maybe not a fish then, you could just put her in another room while you do your work and then let her out when you are finished, or would that not work?" she asked, wondering if Tigon was actually really intelligent.

A large grin spread on her lips, and Darcie nodded her head looking around the room; "Of course I'd love to! Do you have any tea cups and any tea leaves around here?"

When he said that he was not the best at Herbology Darcie pouted a little, surely he must be good to teach here, after all they don't hire just any Professors who walk in; "Regardless of your position I get to learn something I have never known, and if you're ill I can always cover your lessons." she teased.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Tue May 29, 2012 2:18 pm

"Sometimes it seems like she's got magic herself," Mikhail deadpanned, looking at his kitten warily. "When I leave her out or somewhere else, she seems to find a crack in the wall, a window to wiggle through, or a door to push open when I'm fairly certain I locked it previously."

Mikhail canted his head over to a cabinet on the wall. "I'm actually quite fond of drinking tea, when I get the chance to. Go on and put Tigon down and help yourself to the stuff in there. I'll clear my desk off." Mik moved behind his desk and started clearing off the parchment and other assorted papers.

He picked up the photo frame of his mother before looking back up at Darcie. "I'm not sure I'd necessary trust you to take over my lessons so easily," he admitted truthfully. "Unless of course you can tell me what two plants are often mistaken for the other. It's a rather fatal thing if you think one is the other, when it's not."

He set the frame down, thinking about it before moving it up to the shelf in front of his books. He would hate to get it ruined after all, since it was his only picture of his mother he had. He sat down at his chair, waving Darcie to move her chair closer to his desk on the other side. He was somewhat curious to see what his leaves would read, since he wasn't so much into the soothsaying aspect of magic.
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:08 am

Darcie couldn't help but laugh lightly when he said that Tigon had magic all of her own, she knew that she might do, and that it was probably something that was less than cute to Mikhail. However she did hope that if only for his sake, Tigon behaved, she seemed to crank up his stress levels no end.

"I somehow knew she would be." she smiled gently "She's just a bundle full of trouble isn't she? Maybe you should put her in a training class so she learns how to behave."

When he looked towards the cabinet, Darcie smiled and she gently placed Tigon on the floor and walked slowly over to it, opening the doors gently and she gathered two cups and a strainer. The teapot and the tea came next and she placed them on Mik's now empty desk.

"Awwwww, I'm sure after you've taught me I'm going to be able to tell one plant from another with no problem." she grinned lightly.

Putting the teapot on the table, Darcie tapped it and hot water poured out of her wand tip and into the pot, waiting for the tea to brew she looked back to Mik with a smile on her lips.

"So what do you think it's going to say?"
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:20 am

Mikhail eyed Tigon while she slowly paced her way over to his desk. He cast a look over at Darcie, and that was truly the downfall in the battle he didn't know was waging. Tigon leapt up into his lap and snuggled down on his black pants, purring contently. Sighing to himself, he placed a hand on the kitten's head and scratched behind her ears.

"I'm definitely thinking about a behavioral class," Mik muttered, shaking his head. "However, something tells me that she would be the best trained cat there. They will find no fault with her. And when she comes back, she'll be the crazy kitten I have to get used to I suppose."

He tapped the fingers of his free hand on his desk as he thought. Perhaps it would be good to have another teacher so in tune with plants. He wasn't sure when he'd need to be called away. Actually, he never knew what it was with his father. Crazy old man.

"The answer by the way," he commented lightly. "is Devil's Snare and Flitterbloom. While they do look the same, Flitterbloom has a bluish tint to the tentacles on the underside, and all it does is coil gently around your fingers before letting go. Devil's Snare, of course, ensnares you and gets tighter as you struggle."

Mikhail watched Darcie's ministrations with the teapot before looking down at the sleeping Tigon. He faintly wondered if he could move her, but then an image of claws came into his head, so he decided to leave her there. He didn't need to conjure himself new pants or even fix the ones he had on. Devil kitten.

"I honestly have no idea," Mik grunted. "Something like 'You're going to die alone with only plants to mourn your passing. And your devil cat. Her too.'"
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Darcie Vane Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:04 am

Darcie giggled lightly, of course Tigon could be nothing else but the cleverest cat that she had ever met, she seemed to almost have a human mind the way that Mikhail was saying that she would be cunning enough to do all of these things.

It was kind of funny, but she didn't want to make Mik mad by laughing, after all he might think that she was laughing at him.

"I bet that you'll come to love her and her mischevious ways in the end, when you get used to her." she smiled, especially when Tigon went to go and sit on Mik's lap, and he didn't go to move her away from him.

Of course, Darcie had no idea about plants, and so to hear that there were plants that would capture you and not let you go, was something that was very distressing to hear; "Oh my, these...these devil's snare plants are rare aren't they? I'm not likely going to have one in my garden or something?"

Darcie couldn't help but let out a small' Awww' when Mik told her what he thought would be the result of this drinking; "Well I'm sure that's not true! But if you drink the tea that I pour in, the leaves at the bottom when you have finished will make your prophecy."

Pouring the tea into the cup, Darcie smiled and poured one for herself too.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail) Empty Re: New In Town (Darcie and Mikhail)

Post by Mikhail Novikov Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:25 pm

Mik sighed to himself. Darcie was probably right. He'd have to get used to the demon cat eventually, especially since she wouldn't leave him alone for anything, and he didn't condone abandoning or hurting animals. He removed his hand from her head, ignoring the indigent meow that followed.

"Deal with it," he muttered before looking at Darcie. "You're right, I suppose. One day I'll be used to all her antics. Today, or even in the very near future, is not that day."

Mikhail canted his head. Darcie had a garden? "They're not so rare, but they prefer dark, dank, and creepy places to be frank. Like the Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts. There's quite a number of specimens located within those trees."

Mik wrapped his hands around the cup of tea and blew on it to cool it, a little bit skeptical about all this Soothsaying and Divination aspect that he was currently diving into. He sipped at his tea, before deeming it a little too hot for drinking. "I'm actually curious about what you'll find dealing with this so-called prophecy for me."

He blew on the tea a little more before drinking the rest of it and setting his cup down in front of Darcie. "Despite what the leaves have to say, that was some good tea."
Mikhail Novikov
Mikhail Novikov

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