Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A little repair needed

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A little repair needed Empty A little repair needed

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 10:59 am

Carmin was hoping that she would not have to ever go to Vincent's office but she did not have the things needed to take care of the black eye. She tried to use a glamour on it but it was not staying so the only thing she could like of was going to Vincent office.

She made her way to the hospital and asked for directions to his office, and when she found it she knock her small knock and waited for him to answer. She knew she was going to have to explain how she got it.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 11:53 am

Vincent had been doing paperwork it was so much paperwork it wasn't funny he had seen so many patients that day he yawned than he jumped when someone knocked on his door.

He got up and walked to the door and saw Carmin, with a black eye! His eye's widened slightly " Carmin? Are you okay what happened did a man do this to you and if so he'll regret it" Vincent said he was getting slightly protective of Carmin he sighed and looked at her eye.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 2:04 pm

Carmin had to smile when Vincent sounded so protective of her, she had never had that before and she liked it.

"Calm down just a little. It is just a black eye, I have had worse trust me." Carmin said with a small smile knowing that wouldn't help matters.

"I got into a argument with Candy's boyfriend over something he did to her and I slapped him and then he punched me. But we worked it out."

Carmin knew that it was not an excuse for a man to hit a woman but it was something she was used to.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 3:14 pm

Vincent was so angry when he heard a man had hit her and she had been hit before he took her hand lightly and brough her in his office he closed the door and made a chair and he hoped she'd sit down.

" What the man's name and where can I find him so I can pay him a visit" Vincent said darkly he wanted this man to pay for punching Carmin.

Vincent accio'd all the equipment he needed so he could take care of her black eye he sighed and looked at it " Well first off you got a real shiner there" he said with a small sigh " Second I don't think that man should've hit you" he added he hated men that did that he sighed and looked at her eye.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Thu May 24, 2012 11:21 pm

Carmin was actually really touched at how upset he got that she was hit, granted it was something she had always handle and gotten over. When he lead her into his office she sat down in the chair he made and smiled at him, but she could tell he was really pissed.

"I am not so sure you want to mess with this guy.". Carmin was touched that he wanted to defend her but she didn't want to see Vincent get hurt.

Carmin sighed, "Chase Dourse, Lord Chase Dourse." Carmin was afraid for him, but she wouldn't lie to him either. "He felt really bad when he did it, he did appoligze to me."

Carmin sat still while Vincent worked on her eye, "It doesn't hurt has bad as it looks, i tried to use a glamour until it healed but I couldn't get it to stick."Carmin sighed


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 4:44 pm

Vincent sighed and looked at her black eye " Yeah but still he has no right to hit you" Vincent said while he began to take care of her black eye.

" I've run from bullies my whole life, so if he were to chase me I could easily get away and besides he wouldn't know which was the real me if we fought" Vincent said with a small chuckle he sighed and knew that black eye must've hurt.

Vincent blinked when she said Chase Dourse, " Chase Dourse? I'm sorry but I don't know who that is I'm sorry" He said he blinked " Wow I must stay in this office to much" he added with a small laugh.

Vincent shook his head when she said she used a glamour charm " A glamour charm won't work unfortunately sometimes it can make things worse" he said he saw it was getting bruised he sighed and grabbed an old cream that a friend of his had invented to heal bruises he sighed " Just close your eye do I don't get this in your eye" he said kindly.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 8:19 pm

Carmin tried to sit still as he worked on her eye, but it did tickle a little as he worked on it.

Carmin almost started to laugh as she pictured two of him fighting Chase, "I know he had no right to hit me, and he knows he was wrong. But I might pay for seats to watch him fight two of you."

Carmin sighed as he talk about bullies, "I guess when you are around people that treat you that way you just get used to it, and believe you should get treated that way."

"Well, I guess hanging around me I will get you out of the office, until I drive you crazy." Carmin laughed, she had a feeling that would never happen.

Carmin closed her eye like he asked, she loved to have his hands on her, and it didn't matter where.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 7:46 am

Vincent chuckled as she tried to sit still " Will ya quit moving" he joked with a smile he could imagine it tickled.

Vincent had to keep from laughing when she said she'd pay for seats to see two of him fighting this Chase guy " I'd pay to see it to" he said " Considering I can only make three copies of myself one could watch while two could fight" he added with a small laugh he shook the thought out of his head.

Vincent listened to her when she talked and he sighed " You won't have to deal with that anymore, I'll make sure no one treats you like that... I promise" he said honestly he wouldn't let anything happen to her he loved her to much.

Vincent saw her close her eye he smiled and put some of the cream on her eye he sighed " There the cream will turn invisible soon, promise" he said with a kind smile.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Mon May 28, 2012 8:49 pm

"I am really trying not to move." Carmin said through her gritted teeth, but it tickled so bad.

Carmin had to smile when he talking about even making 3 of him to enjoy the fight, Carmin started to laugh as she good very bad ideas in her head. She was laughing to the point she was not being able to stop. Of course her laughing was causing her self to move.

"Sorry, dear, I just got some really nasty ideas in my head." Carmin smirked

As he promised her that he would never let anyone touch her like this again she got a little tear she was trying to hide. "Thank you, I shall let you be my protector.

Carmin had never had anyone that would stick up for her and she was glad that Vincent was going to do it.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 10:26 am

Vincent smiled as she gritted her teeth he couldn't help but think it was funny he smiled at Carmin.

He shook his head when she started to laugh he smiled and she couldn't stop laughing he bit his tounge to keep from laughing than he listened to the bad thoughts he blushed slightly " Trust me, I've heard a lot of things in my life time with my gift" he said with a small laugh and a shake of his head.

Vincent looked at Carmin and he thought he saw a tear he smiled at her and he nodded to her " Whenever you need me, I will come and that's a promise" Vincent said with a small smile.


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A little repair needed Empty Re: A little repair needed

Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 6:44 pm

Carmin smiled as Vincent finished her eye. "Thank you, I am sure it will be better in no time."

Carmin knew she would not be on stage for awhile, but that was ok she had more fun any more watching the show.

Carmin leaned in and gave Vincent a kiss. "I love you, I hope you know that."

Carmin knew that she had not given herself to him yet, but she really wanted too.

"Maybe if you are not busy tonight I could show you how much I love you and appreciate you." Carmin smiled at Vincent


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