Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:23 pm

Victoria walked slowly out of the forest and looked out at the lake. She had let her lessons take priority at the time. Letting her subconscious deal with her change. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she had to come back here. Where it all ended.

Or started. Tess had given her hope that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She didn't know if she would ever age, but she could deal with it as it came. And she had had an interesting breakthrough with her magic in DADA class.

As she walked closer to the lake, she looked up at the moon. It was fun. She wondered where Humphrey would be off to now. Sitting down on a nearby rock, she closed her eyes. The flashes of lights were the same as always. Spells. But it was hard to see past the brightness.

As she was trying to remember, she could here a heart beat. And the smell was intoxicating. She'd found traces of it throughout the castle, but whoever it was, she hadn't come into contact with them. Nervous, she put up her hood and waited.

Victoria Rossmund

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Join date : 2012-01-20
Age : 36
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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Luke Sullivan Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:17 pm

Luke was walking down the path towards old Willow Lake. It was dark and beautiful, and he hadn't realized exactly what brought him here, but it was beautiful and whatever it was, he knew it was for a reason.

Last year had been an interesting one, for one thing classes swooped down like he'd never expected. Seeing the lake in front of him, he saw a figure there. He was tentative hoping not to bother them, but he didn't know who, or what it would be.

"Excuse me" he called out clearly. "Am I bothering you?"

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:58 am

Victoria was stunned to hear a familiar voice. [I]Luke.[I/] She felt both elated to see him again, and fearful of it at the same time. They hadn't had time to talk since her return to class and she was unsure if word of h change had reached him.

Taking a slow breath she put down her hood. Big mistake. As he walked closer her senses were overwelmed. He smelled like potion ingredients and plants. And food!

She turned and smiled at him, hiding her fangs. "Not at all. You can bother me any time."

Victoria Rossmund

Posts : 400
Join date : 2012-01-20
Age : 36
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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Luke Sullivan Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:01 am

Victoria He hadn't seen her in a long time.

He missed her; her smiles her love of food, her shyness, and her enthusiasm over the wizarding world.

Walking towards her he ignored his heart hammering at his chest. She looked as beautiful as ever, her skin was paler though, almost glowing, and he realized something was different.

"I haven't seen you in forever" he commented.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:42 pm

Victoria laughed lightly. She could hear Luke's heart speed up. His comment quickly sobered her, though.

"I know. I'm really sorry. A lot has happened lately." That was the understatement of the century. She hadn't even been able to tell him about Germany, let alone her attack and transformation.

She sighed, knowing it was going to be a lot to explain. But she was happy to finally have the chance to do so. Through everything, he'd always been in her thoughts. They weren't as serious as Tess and Xander appeared to be, but he was the only boy she'd ever really liked.

"I...I don't even know where to start." She stood and walked over to him. She lightly took his hand reveling in the warmth of his skin, and lead him down to a grassy overhang near the water.

Old and New (Victoria and Luke) 8629308

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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Post by Luke Sullivan Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:56 pm

He smiled slightly at her laughter, he missed that. But as she took his hand, he noticed how cold it was compared to how it used to be. He figured it was the cold night, but simply followed her, a small smile still gracing his lips.

He had never stopped thinking about her throughout the year. He had searched for her, asked Tess nonstop, and even wrote owls that were only returned.

"Start from the beginning" he teased lightly.

He was glad that she was trusting him, and he would take it in stride.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:57 pm

Something within Victoria relaxed. Luke was real to her. In a world where things were become more and more unbelievable, he was here.

Her eyes lit up at his teasing. "Well...I don't know what you may have heard through the Slytherin grapevine, but I spent a week in Germany this past summer. I made a friend actually." She smiled at the thought of her amnesic friend. She hadn't spoken with Vlad since she was attacked.

"And then, after the second round of lessons...I came here one night." Victoria gulped, feeling like her heart was in her throat. She didn't want to lose him, or scare him, but she couldn't not tell him. "I was attacked."

She looked at her hands in her lap. The ring Charlie had given her was securely set on her right hand. Since it was dark, she didn't feel the need for her usual gloves. As the silence grew, she couldn't bare to look at him, for fear of what she might see.

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Luke Sullivan Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:38 am

Luke smiled softly, and listened to her, glad to have her just talk to him, and he just listened. Germany, he had heard something of the sort, at least he thought he did, at the thought of the Slytherin grapevine he smirked at the thought of Tess. Yeah he heard of her visiting, and Tess' anxiety had hit him a bit worried.

But when she mentioned friend, he figured it wasn't too bad, until she mentioned attack. His skin paled considerably and as she wouldn't look at him, he decided to work up the courage and make a move.

He placed his hands over hers, squeezing lightly, trying to comfort her and get her to simply keep talking. Letting it out might comfort her, but he feared hearing just how she was attacked.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:33 am

Victoria took a deep breath, squeezing his hands tightly. She looked out at the lake, as if searching for answers.

"I really don't know what happened. When I try, all I can see are spells flying. The lights, they hide the attackers." She shuddered, not really knowing what she could have done to provoke anyone.

She steeled herself. Victoria didn't want to cry in front of him. Especially since they would be bloody. "All I remember is walking around sometime after. I came upon this house in London. I really don't know how I got there. But a woman answered the door. She said she was my...sire."

Fearful, she loosened her grip on his hands, waiting for him to pull away. "I...I'm a vampire."

Victoria Rossmund

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Join date : 2012-01-20
Age : 36
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Old and New (Victoria and Luke) Empty Re: Old and New (Victoria and Luke)

Post by Luke Sullivan Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:44 pm

All that was heard from Luke was a sharp breath. She, was attacked, not just that but she was, she was no longer human. His heart clenched at her confession and he felt that a part of him was mourning for her human side. For the girl before him, while she looked like the old Victoria, the changes were there, if you squinted a bit.

Her skin was paler and it had an eerie glow, and she was more enchanting than ever, at least in his eyes. Whether that was her or her transformation he'd never know.

"I'm-I'm sorry" he replied hoarsely.

He didn't take his hand away, but feeling her letting go made him grip her hand at first tighter than necessary, fearing her leaving, but soon relaxed not letting go. He couldn't let go.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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