Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:36 pm

Walking beside her, he felt himself feel awkward. He had been silent the whole trip towards Honeydukes and while he tried hard to talk but nothing ever really came out of his mouth. He looked at her and looked back at the road, perhaps it was too awkward, he hated silence.

"Having fun?"

He winced after he said that. He was so stupid.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:45 pm

Victoria could feel the tension rolling off of Luke. It was as if this formal...date?...was too much for him. To be honest, Victoria was feeling tense too.

"I am. Though it will be more fun once we get to the store. I've only ever passed it, never really been in. It was a great idea!" She smiled.

When that didn't help, she gingerly took his hands, lacing her fingers through his. She hoped it wasn't too bold of a move, but it had felt so comfortable at the lake that she wanted to feel it again.

She just hoped it didn't scare him off.

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:59 pm

He was glad that she ignored his tension and was all the more surprised the moment that she took his hand. He didn't want to seem surprised, and he simply squeezed her hand back. And tugged her along smiling and feeling more confident.

"I'll treat you to whatever you want" he said smiling.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:25 pm

Victoria blushed. No one had ever made her feel so special. Her family always seemed to be centered around her older sister, just dragging Victoria along for the ride. It was strange to have someone's attention.

"So...getting to know you. Where to start? How bout your favorite subject? And color!"

She knew these question games usually went one at a time, but just as she was asking about his favorite subject she was struck by how vibrant the colors of the trees were.

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:35 pm

He chuckled seeing her blush, it seemed that he wasn't the only one that was nervous. He looked down at the road and tugged her along.

"My favorite subject is a tie between Herbology and Potions" he said "And as for my favorite color..."

He looked down and saw her eyes.

"Brown...I like brown"

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:44 pm

Victoria didn't think she could blush any more than she already was. Was it her imagination or did he mean her eyes? Stop being so mushy, stupid! her mind rebelled.

As she saw the shop coming into view as they entered town, she could see some students here and there from Hogwarts. She wondered, for a fleeting second, if Luke would be embarrassed at being seen with her. She didn't know what she would do if he was and fear crept into her.

To hide it she pressed on with her questions. "So, what was it like growing up in this world?" She couldn't recall if he had mentioned he was a pure-blood, but she assumed.

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:55 pm

He opened the door for the pair and walked her in. A part of him was a little nervous about being beside her, and how certain people thought, but he figured if no one was affected by it and he didn't care.

He did chuckle a bit at her question, not expecting it.

"Well...it's normal for me? Nothing special really"

He didn't want to speak about his family. It was never good.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:05 pm

Victoria shook her head at her stupid question. Luke was a year younger than her, yet she kept feeling stupid around him. She didn't get angry about it, just embarrassed.

She pulled up short, finally getting a good look inside the shop. It was amazing!!! Some things she had seen around the school, but most were new to her. She was immediately drawn to a stack of...Chocolate Frogs? She picked one up and turned it over in her hands.

"It's not a real frog is it?" He stomach, already alight with butterflies, couldn't take it if wizards and witches regularly ate real frogs.

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:15 pm

Luke laughed at her question and nodded.

"Yes...in a way we do" he teased "They wiggle and move and fight till the very last second"

He grabbed four chocolate frogs and placed them on the small basket.

"Come on let's pick up a lot of stuff and perhaps find a place to eat?" he said smiling.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:30 pm

Victoria shuddered, but then decided to just go with it. This was all still new to her, but she wasn't going to back down from the unknown.

As they traveled around the shop, she picked up more delicious looking treats. Sugar quills. Things that resembled Jelly Beans. She couldn't resist the Pumpkin fizz. Anything pumpkin was her weakness. She tried to hold herself back, not wanting to take advantage of his offer to pay. She didn't have much money really, since her parents hadn't had the foresight to transfer muggle money over to wizarding money for her. All she had was loose change from buying her school books.

Victoria wondered how she, as a second year, was always feeling inferior. Get over it! she told herself.

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:00 pm

Luke noticed that Victoria was second guessing herself, so he decided to take advantage of the situation and get everything for her. He walked over and tugged two of every single kind of candy. He wanted to show that he cared and that he didn't mind her opening up and saying more about what she wanted.

Money didn't matter to him. To him it was just a piece of gold or paper that you gave to get what you want. He grabbed her hand once more and tugged her towards the cashier.

"Come on let's go pay and get out to somewhere quieter"

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:59 am

"Um ok. Thank you." She murmured. Victoria wasn't used to people paying for things like this. Indulgences. But she didn't take it as an insult. Some people had money, and some didn't. That's the way the world was and she accepted that.

"I think I saw some benches outside the shop, unless you had somewhere else in mind."

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:25 pm

Luke smiled and paid the woman as if it was nothing and grabbed her hand.

"If you'd like we can go there. I was thinking perhaps the park?" he suggested. "It's quieter."

He wanted some time alone with her, so she could really get to know him and perhaps could like him enough to be around him more often.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:44 pm

"Sure!" Victoria was excited to get outside and into the fresh air. Once they found a nice shady area by a tree, she picked up one of the chocolate frogs. Even though she was slightly disgusted at the idea of eating a real frog, she was intrigued and had to see for herself. When she opened the package, it jumped out and landed on the tree trunk.

Laughing, she grabbed it and held it in her hands. "What do I do with it!?!"

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:56 pm

He laughed softly seeing that the frog was out of her grasp. He found it refreshing how she could and would get excited about the littlest things. He figured that's why it never bothered him that she was a muggleborn. Picking up the chocolate frog, he simply bit into it.

After swallowing the bite he showed her that he was just playing a joke and it was just enchanted to move, but made of chocolate.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:36 pm

Victoria giggled. Which surprised her. Who actually giggles! Guess I do? She relaxed now, knowing he had just been playing with her about them being real.

Examining some of their other treasures, she wanted to continue getting to know him. "So, tell me about yourself. Something people don't know." She didn't expect anything big, especially since they'd met not to long ago, but she wanted to feel special to him.

She opened a Sugar Quill and found she rather liked them!

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:42 pm

Luke ate the last piece of his chocolate frog and thought about her question. What did she want to know? And what did he want to tell her? He didn't want to tell her about her parents that was for sure. His mother giving up her life to protect him, his father going to the dark side and ruining their lives. Being raised in a home of neglect?! none of it sounded good.

Clearing his throat, he reached into the bag to find something to drink and took a long sip.

"Well...I like drawing. The day we got to know each other better...that day I was drawing. It clears up my mind." he said.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:55 pm

Victoria could feel his hesitation. She understood not wanting to talk about certain things, so she didn't push him.

At his answer she remembered his drawing of the Whomping Willow. "Oh yeah, I remember. It was really good. What other kinds of things have you drawn? Could I see them?" Then thinking they may be a private thing, "Or I don't have to. It's ok."

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:17 pm

He shook his head and smiled.

"I've only recently bought his notebook...I left the rest of them at home. I wanted to start fresh get a muse and I don't know...learn a bit of myself?" he ended softly.

He smiled at her and took a bite of a sugar quill.

"Any hobbies?" he asked in return.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:29 pm

Victoria looked up as a squirrel moved around above them. Most people found them annoying pests, but she loved them.

It made her think. "Well, I used to play soccer at my old school. The American kind though. So I was hoping to get into Quidditch here, but nothings seemed to happen with the teams this year yet. I don't know if enough people are interested to get it going." She frowned at this. How could students not want to play this fabulous game?! She loved it and had never even saved a game. Maybe she was just overreacting to the need for physical activity.

"But basically anything outdoors works for me. I feel more alive, like...I don't know...like I'm connected to it all. I know it must sound silly."

Victoria Rossmund

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:39 pm

He nodded totally understanding her. He always found himself trying to go out and play sports and Quidditch was his way of really having fun.

"You know, Xander and I love playing Quidditch and I don't know about Tess , but why don't you guys play with us some time? The Quidditch pitch always seems to be empty anyways" he said smiling.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:44 pm

Victoria almost jumped with joy. "That would be wonderful! I haven't had much time on a broom, but I'm sure I can't be too horrible at it. At least I hope so."

She was excited to hear they had that in common. Stretching out on the grass she looked up at the clouds with her arms tucked under her head.

"What's the craziest thing you've ever done?"

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:28 pm

He chuckled at her comment.

"I'll teach you! Xander and I taught one another" he said smiling.

Thinking over her question...he realized what he could answer.

"Once Xander and I accidentally burned down Auntie Clarke's rose garden because we said the spell wrong. She made us plant all the roses back the Muggle way. We never tried acting out advanced spells again...at least not in her garden" he finished nostalgically.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Victoria Rossmund Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:09 pm

Victoria laughed. "Well that's definitely a way to teach you not to do it again. Gardening can be hard if you're not accustomed to it."

Loving the feeling of the sun on her skin, especially after those confining classes, she flipped onto her stomach and started playing with the grass, tying blades into knots. Her dad had showed her once how to make necklaces and bracelets using only grass. She started one up, thinking about him.

"What about your family? What are they like?" She guessed pure blood families could be just as moral as muggle, if his aunt thought of the planting all on her own.

Victoria Rossmund

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Age : 36
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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

Post by Luke Sullivan Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:21 pm

His smile immediately disappeared and he looked up at the sky. The bright sky didn't really cheer him up as he felt the memories flash before him. His mother, Merlin bless his mother she was a saint.

"I was raised by my father" he murmured. "I am currently living with Xander so I can attend Hogwarts" he said.

Luke Sullivan

Posts : 144
Join date : 2012-02-13

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A Weekend Stroll (Victoria) Empty Re: A Weekend Stroll (Victoria)

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