Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:26 am

Richard groaned a little bit as he fed little Raven from a bottle of milk. She had woken up in the middle of the night again crying. It had been Briony's turn tonight but Richard had been closest to the door so he'd told his wife he'd get it.

Yawning a little bit, Richard stood by the window as he rocked his daughter gently back to sleep. He was already beginning to wake up which was a bad thing, now he was unlikely to get back to sleep. Oh well, living life at midnight wasn't always too bad.
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:58 am

Briony tried to turn over and go back to sleep when Richard had gotten up to take care of baby Raven, it was so hard to keep yourself in a good mood to speak to her when she was waking you up at god knows what hours of a night.

Groaning she realised that she was not going to be able to get back to sleep and lit the various floating candles around the room that she had set up a few nights ago.

It seemed as if her and Richard were going to have some time to talk to each other, finally, after the fiasco with the Durmstrang ship and St Mungo's attack, and school restarting, they had both been very busy.

Sitting up in bed Briony lit a cigarette and sighed softly, exhaling the smoke.

Restlessness (Richard and Briony) 8629308

Last edited by Briony Romain on Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:03 am

Richard settled little baby Raven back down to sleep with a sigh. Making sure that she was tucked in nicely, he yawning slightly before wandering back into his bedroom. He blinked at the unexpected light of the candles and saw his wife awake, smoking quietly on the bed. He smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips before sitting down on the bed behind her, rubbing her neck and upper back as he began to give her a back rub,

"You alright babe?" he asked her quietly, "I know it's been a stressful couple of weeks for you. How you holding up?"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:17 am

Briony purred happily when Richard came back over to the bed, and began to give her one of his lovely neck and back rubs, to help him she lay down on her front so that he could get to her back easier than if she was sitting up.

Turning her head to look at Richard Briony sighed lightly, there was no point in lying to him, so she might as well say it like it is.

"Not well," she said simply "What about you? Managing to keep the Ministry off your back these days? I feel as if we haven't had a change to talk in so long since we had Raven."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:54 am

Richard smiled happily, chuckling a little bit, when Briony purred. She really did act like a tiger sometimes. Especially when he was going to give her one of his good back rubs. He enjoyed pampering his lovely wife with just such back rubs after all. When she laid on her front he grinned and started to rub all of the way down her back, working to relieve her aching muscles.

He smiled sadly. They hadn't really been given a lot of time together since their baby came. Of course since then all they seemed to talk about was little Raven,

"What's been troubling you meine leibling?" he asked her in a whisper as he massaged her upper back, "The ministry has been leaving me alone thankfully. They've turned their focus onto Raven, the older one. She's the number one threat to Britain at the moment apparently."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:38 am

Briony could not help but happily purr even more when she was given the full massage by her husband he was so good at them and over the years he had found just the right spots to rub to make her relax completely, which was a skill in and of itself.

With a large grin on her face Briony murmured into her pillow and had to lift her face up to speak once more;

"Just the tournament, the press is having a feild day and the Prophet wont stop talking to me about what the trials are, and why we have decided to do it." she rolled her eyes "The ministers are pissed off since we did this behind their backs..."

When Richard told her about Raven Briony took a drag from her cigarette; "People always see her as the main threat because she doesn't hide her actions."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:42 am

Richard couldn't fight the urge to smile happily as he began to make his wife purr, he was rather proud of his massages now that he'd had several wonderful years with Briony in which to perfect them. Of course she was the only one who got them. He chuckled a little bit,

"The press are predators and you're a lovely looking piece of prey to them." he leant in and whispered huskily, "And to me to..."

He smirked a little bit and went back to massaging her lower back,

"The ministers will cool off." he chuckled a little bit, "Leon might be a bit hard headed but he's smart enough to see the good in this."

Richard thought about it for a few moments before shrugging,

"That's true, she also doesn't pull punches." he thought about the attack on the hospital, "It's a shame she's not on our side... she's good at pyching people out."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:51 am

Briony almost chuckled and pushed Richard playfully away from her, but she didn't she just chuckled and allowed him to continue to whisper huskily into her ear, she really did quite enjoy it and she knew that Richard knew she liked it.

"I just think they gravitate towards people who are important and look to bother them for all the questions that they have, I even had an interview for one of the wizarding tabloids you know." she said, rolling her eyes.

When he mentioned Leon Briony made a disgusted face; "Leon's an ass hole, he insulted me, means he's on my death list for all I care, he could be the Minister for the World and I'll still be more powerful than him."

With a small sigh Briony pressed her head into the pillow;

"I'm sure Raven would be on our side if we asked her, or rather, I asked her, but I want to make sure she can be her own person."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Richard Romain Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:35 am

Richard chuckled a little bit. He knew that his wife tended to humour him when it came to his attempts at teasing but that was alright to him as long as she did actually enjoy it in some way, even if that way was as comedic relief,

"You know I think you might be right. They're like a kind of parasite, latching onto anything and everyone better than the average person so the average person feels better when they know more about the extraordinary people's lives." he smirked, "Which is why they wait outside the gates of the grounds."

Richard chuckled a little bit at Briony's opinion of Leon,

"Yeah he's not easy to get along with when you first meet him. But trust me, the crazy bugger grows on you." he told her before smiling a little bit sadly, "Not the most understanding of guys though."

Richard hummed in agreement,

"She probably would." he agreed before smirking and teasing, "Although she might insist on living with us. Now wouldn't that be fun?"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:53 am

Briony raised her eyebrow a little bit, the idea that the press were like parasites was one that she herself had contemplated a little bit, it would certainly describe most of the very accurately, but then again it would describe the whole of humanity accurately.

"I think you're right too Richard, after all, people think that we must lead some sort of glamour filled life and they wouldn't be more wrong, just show them the pile of paperwork we have." she smirked, laughing lightly.

When he spoke of Leon, Briony frowned lightly and she turned to look at Richard in the eyes; "You speak of him like you know him or something." she said, almost as a question, wanting to know the reaosn behind it.

Laughing when he mentioned how Raven would want to live with them Briony nodded her head taking another drag on her cigarette; "I do actually think it would be funny, for me anyway."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:58 am

Richard was not a man to suffer fools and that meant that he was, more often than not, not a man to suffer the press. He chuckled a little bit, the press were a terrible curse on humanity as far as he was concerned. And despite it all, he thought that humanity was something better than paracites,

"I know right? We might have quite a bit of money on our side but lets be honest, money doesn't buy happiness." he chuckled a little bit, "And it doesn't buy our freedom from the evil that is paperwork. I swear if you leave it together too long it breeds!"

Richard chuckled a little bit as he worked on rubbing the tension out of Briony's shoulders,

"Well that's because I used to know him." he replied with a small smile, "Leon Becker, Luther Amsel and I were a team back in the days before my defection. Called us a legendary unit but all I know is that we had some good teamwork."

He rolled his eyes even as he smirked at the joke,

"Yeah it would be funny for you." he chuckled lightly, "I think we might come to blows about my side of the bed though. She'd probably try to stake a claim to it."
Richard Romain
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Restlessness (Richard and Briony) Empty Re: Restlessness (Richard and Briony)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:21 am

Briony couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, it was true that in the past, especially when she had first become the Headmistress, she would after be up for 72 hours running on pepper up potion alone to try and do all the paperwork.

"I think you might be right, there's something for someone to look into there in terms of magic, they'll say it's thr quick quotes quills having adverse effects on the parchment or something." she joked lightly.

If she had not been in the position she was, Briony would probably have glared at Richard, and she probably would have done so in a very scary manner. After all, it was kind of important to know that your husband was close to the German minister of magic after all.

"I see." was all that she said, glaring into the bed in front of her.

Waving her hand at the response to her joke, Briony could not help but wonder if Raven would in fact do that...or if she might have gotten over her at last;

"Actually, I think Raven has a man all of her own now, no need for me."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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