Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:01 am

It was a weekend, and he was working at Cruor Sanctorum. He loved this weapons shop so much, and the boots he had gotten from Kiera de Auvergne were amazing. They were so comfortable, and their numerous special qualities had come in handy. Most of the time, he kept them locked in a box under his bed. Only taking them out when he knew he needed them. Those boots were too valuable for him to wear around all the time.

Humphrey had learned so much about weapons since he began working here. Still, he didn't know near as much as Kiera, but he was smarter than most kids his age. It was because unlike most of them, he put in the work necessary to study. Learning, and knowledge was always an advantage. He was careful not to come across as a know-it-all, but if he did on occasion he didn't mind. If people didn't like him because he studied hard, that was their problem, not his.

Hearing the door open, he turned away from the sabre he had been staring at. This was the first weapon that Kiera had told him about. Probably the deadliest weapon in here, well, maybe not. But definitely at the top of the list, and probably the most well-known. "Hello, may I help you?" he asked. He still couldn't see who it was that had walked into the shop. His vision was blocked by one of the weapons cases.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:16 am

Senium, although she hated doing so, had been sent by her Grandpapa into the darker section of Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, she hated being here simply because she was scared by many of the people that shopped down here and they often tried to steal things from her when she came.

Holding on tight to her money bag, it was velvet blue and she had made it herself, Senium walked towards the new weapons shop, her Grandpapa wanted her to be able to scope out the new weapons shop and she would see if they had any posioned darts, they needed them for their new puppet they were engineering.

Oddly she was feeling better than normal and walked almost normally except the feeling of the sticky dried blood on her skin was one she could never get used to.

Peaking around the weapons case Senium blinked and her mouth opened slightly as she saw who was working here, it just had to be the one person she wanted to think of her as normal.

"Humphrey?" she squeaked.
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
Ravenclaw Fifth Year

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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:48 am

He saw Senium, the Russian girl, peek around the corner. Her voice squeaked out in surprise at seeing him. "Whoa, Senium?!?!" he asked loudly. "What are you doing here? Are you lost or something, this is Knockturn Alley, you know that right? And this, is a weapons shop, mainly weapons that are extremely deadly. Not to sound, well, shocked, but you don't seem like the weapons, killer type of person." Humphrey asked in a little quieter voice as he walked towards her.

As he got closer, he noticed that there was some dried blood on her, which stopped him dead in his tracks. "S-senium, is that dried blood? Are you injured?" he asked in a bit of a shaky voice. Maybe she was more dangerous than he thought.

"Well, since you are holding that bag, which I'm assuming holds money, what is it you need here?" Humphrey asked, turning to a business tone of voice. "I've been working for the owner of Cruor Sanctorum for a little while now, Kiera de Auvergne. She is an, unusual shopkeeper. Definitely knows what she is doing with this shop, though." Humphrey explained to her.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:58 am

Senium almost wanted to crawl into a hole, now Humphrey was going to think that she was a complete freak and she was not going to be able to keep him as a friend like she had wanted too, hopefully he would be able to understand her reasons for being here.

"N-no I'm not lost my Grandpapa sent me to this shop to pick up some things that he needs for something that he is making." she said with a large pink blush on her cheeks "I don't really like it here, it's scary, and the people are very unfriendly."

When Humphrey noticed the bit of blood on her, Senium squeaked again and rubbed at her ring, which contained her vanity charm, it dried off from the slight drizzle outside and now the charm was working again.

"I-I'm okay thanks Humphrey, it's just something that I did while I was off on holiday, it's nothing to worry about."

Biting her lip Senium asked quietly; "Grandpapa wants some poisoned darts."
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:18 am

Obviously, Senium wasn't too happy to see him here. Which was kind of hurtful, he'd thought they were friends. It puzzled him, so he decided to ask her straight out. "Senium, you don't look very happy to see me here? Did I do something? I don't judge people based on what shops they go into. From our time by the lake last year, well I'd thought you would have known that." Humphrey told her. It needed to be said, and hopefully she wouldn't seem so nervous now he told her that.

She blushed as she told him that she was indeed in the right place. "I see, no need to be embarrassed. Though, maybe I should embarrass you more, that blush is still as beautiful as ever." Humphrey told her. "Oh, I see, scary and unfriendly. Sorry I'm such an intimidating person, I didn't realize." he said, making a joke to lighten the mood.

"You clearly aren't okay Senium. That was dried blood, at least wash it off or something. Also, I know enough about charms now to see that ring of yours just concealed the blood. What is it? A glamour charm, vanity maybe?" he asked her. Humphrey had learned a lot since he'd been working here. "A simple tergeo charm will clean it up, you know. I can do it for you if you don't mind me doing so?" he queried, raising one eyebrow.

"Poisoned darts it is, then. Right this way, if you would follow me." he told her, as he walked over to the darts section. "Here are your regular darts on the left. The ones that are already poisoned, are on your right. As you can see, there are more that are not poisoned. But, we also have poison, so if you wish to use a dart that does not have poison already on it, you can do so. Kiera has already shown me how to poison darts, so I could do that for you before you left if you wish it." he said, in a completely professional manner. He indicated which darts were which.

"Now, the different poisons we have, are all listed right here." Humphrey said, as he pulled out the shop catalog. "The darts that are poisoned already have the type of poison labeled under them with the name of the dart. All our poisons are kept under lock and key though, don't want anybody to sneak off with them. If you'd like a different one, just tell me which and I can retrieve it for you."
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:30 am

Senium really did not want Humphrey to think that she was not happy to see him and she did not want to be rude in any way so she merely shook her head rapidly when he asked her if she didn't want to see him here, her eyes wide as she attempted to explain;

"Ah no! I'm sorry I didn't mean to give that impression Humphrey it's just that...I don't want you to think that I'm weird or anything buying poison darts and I know you're going to ask me why I want them and I can't tell you." she said in a hurried manner.

Holding her hands up Senium shook her head again, getting more distressed; "No no I don't mean you! I mean the people who shop here, the people who stay in the alley outside."

When he asked her if she wanted him to clear it up, Senium shook her head even more, and felt herself going slightly dizzy, biting her lip she knew that if he kept pressing her she was going to have to leave, there was no way that she was going to let Humphrey see how ugly she really was.

"N-no please just leave it, I'm okay I can sort it out when I get back home."

Blinking Senium scratched the back of her head and decided to just give Humphrey the illustration of the dart that her Grandpapa wanted; "W-well he wants this one if you have it, I don't know what type it is though."
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
Ravenclaw Fifth Year

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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:03 am

She began to shake her head no very rapidly, and her reaction amused him a bit. "Come on, you know me better than you think. I'm weird, after all, I am the one working here, not you. I was more concerned you would think I was strange for working at a shop that sells all these weapons. Get scared of me or something like that. Actually, Senium, I wasn't. Part of working here is that you don't ask why somebody wants a weapon, you just get the weapon. That was one of the very first things the owner of this shop told me.", Humphrey said in a calm manner. Hopefully, she would see that he didn't think she was odd at all.

"That last bit was a joke, clearly you missed the tone of sarcasm there. We met last year by the willow lake, I know you aren't scared of me or anything. If you were, you wouldn't have talked to me about all the stuff you did. We're cool, Senium. Don't take everything so seriously, I'm a fun guy." he said, trying to get her to stop worrying. "Now, my beautiful Russian friend, stop worrying." Humphrey put on his best smile to show her everything was okay. "You aren't the first person to be nervous shopping in Knockturn Alley, or Cruor Sanctorum for that matter."

Senium was biting her lip harder now, and she looked a bit unsteady on her feet. "Easy there, I won't press the issue. You don't want to show me that is quite alright. I don't care if you are bleeding, scarred, or anything like that though; just so you know." If she had scars she was hiding from him that was her choice to make. But, he didn't want her to feel like she needed to.

Taking the picture of the dart, he recognized it. "That one, well, let's see. This dart in particular is one of our higher quality ones, definitely the more expensive end of the line. I believe this dart is called the Instant Death. What a title, am I right?" Humphrey asked her. "Let me see here, okay, here we go." Pulling a dart off the poison darts side of things, he handed it to her. It was a small dart, that had a white swan feather attached to the end for stability in flight. It was cut into the basic four slits, to keep it heading straight. The tip was deadly sharp, and if you weren't careful it could draw blood while holding it.

"Alright, here it is. This one, the Instant Death, is called so because of the poison that is used. There are certain frogs that make this poison, called poison dart frogs. Now, this dart uses the poison of the Golden Poison Frog. One of those frogs, has enough poison in it to take down between ten to twenty full-grown men. How many of these are you supposed to get, Senium?" he asked her.

Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:21 am

Senium tried to relax a little bit she wanted to be able to make sure that she didn't seem like she was some sort of tensed up freak in front of Humphrey, she wanted to be as cool as she could be, because the truth was she had a little crush on the older boy, who wouldn't he was just so cute?

Of course he would never be told that by her, it sounded like he was going through enough emotional problems at the moment and he didn't need her clinging to him like a lost puppy;

"I'm glad that you don't want to ask me, it's very professional of you Humphrey, its something that I wouldn't be able to do, I'm such a curious person." she giggled a little.

Now feeling a little bit more at ease Senium blushed more when he complimented her again, threading her hands together in her embarrassment; "I would hope not, although I do wish that I wouldn't have to come here on my own, at least I know you work here now if I ever need to come back." she smiled widely.

When he said he didn't care if she was scarred, Senium smiled softly and thought 'You haven't seen me.'

Senium nodded when Humphrey picked up the dart and she looked at it curiously, wondering just how she was going to be able to get all of these home without pricking herself with one of them.

"My Grandpapa wants 100 of the darts..." she whispered.
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:02 am

"I never said I didn't want to ask you. To be quite honest, I am immensely curious about what you need these darts for. Well, what your grandpa needs them for. However, I've learned to respect privacy, and if Kiera caught me asking a question like that." Humphrey moved his hand in front of his throat making a cutting sound. "No more job for me, and I love working here. She seems pretty intimidating, but is actually very nice." Humphrey explained to her. Surprisingly, Senium giggled, and that caught him off guard a bit. "What are you giggling about?" he asked her.

Again, Senium blushed, and he began to wonder if she was really that shy. Maybe she was, or maybe, no, it couldn't be. But this thought had crossed his mind, [/i]Could Senium Nex have a crush on me? I like Keiba, but, not as much as I used to. She is really nice, talented dancer, funny, cute...hmm.[i] "Well, maybe next time you don't have to come on your own Senium. I only work here on the weekends. Plus, as you can see, I am used to Knockturn Alley. Still cautious here, but not as scared of it as I used to be. I wouldn't mind coming here with you." Humphrey said, blushing just a bit at her beautiful smile. He could tell she was still a little embarrassed by her hands, they were fiddling around a bit.

Humphrey had dealt with girls thinking they were ugly because of scars, Anne Greene had thought that way. "I've been friends with a girl who had freak carved into her. It was in a pretty visible spot, but I didn't care in the slightest about that scar. It doesn't matter how you look on the outside Senium; trust me, the inside is what matters." he told her. He just felt that she needed to hear that, even if she didn't believe it at the moment.

"One-hundred of them, alright." Doing some quick mental calculations, he got out a sheet of paper. It was going to be expensive. Writing down the cost on the slip of paper, he handed it to her, hating that it was so costly. But, he was sure her grandpa knew what he was asking for. "That is the cost, I will go start gathering the darts from the back. With that many darts, you are also given a small vial of extra poison, in case you want to refill a couple of them. They come in a box, with a lock, of course, so you don't have to carry a hundred poisonous darts in your pockets."
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:15 pm

Senium blinked a little when Humphrey told her that he did want to know what she was buying the darts for, she bit her lip and wondered if this was really the best time to tell him in the middle of a weapons shop, she didn't Want someone to try and copy her and her grandfathers art. But she didn't want to keep secrets from Humphrey either.

"Maybe you can come to my house and see it when we've finished making it, I've already told Grandpapa about you and he seems to like you, I'm sure you could come over sometime...I-I-if you wanted."

When he asked her why she was laughing Senium stopped giggling and looked at the floor; "I was just laughing at my curiosity, I wasn't laughing at you or anything Humphrey."

The offer from Humphrey to come with her next time she needed to go to the shop or the alley, made her feel much safer, she just hated coming here on her own because if something happened she wouldn't be able to get away, her condition as it was.

"I think that would be lovely, although I only really used come here for poisons and now that this shop is here I think I'll have to come a lot more." she pouted

With a small smile on her face she shook her head and knew that it was something nobody would expect when she revealed it to them, with a little sigh she merely smiled and nodded at Humphrey; "Well maybe in the future I'll show you, but it's a lot worse than that girls scar." she said bitterly.

Nodding her head Senium looked in her money bag and smiled, she had enough!

"Okay, I was wondering how I was going to get them all home without stabbing myself with one a few moments ago." she smiled gently.
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:17 am

This was definitely a girl thing, the lip biting when nervous. Almost all of the girls he knew well did it. "What is it with girls and biting their lips when they're nervous?" Humphrey asked Senium. He listened as Senium invited him to her house, that would be fun. "I'd love to come visit you, and see it when you are finished with making it. Whatever the it is, I would be willing to bet it is pretty interesting. Besides, I'm always looking for an excuse to spend more time with you." he told her, blushing just a bit. Hopefully she wouldn't notice, because he doubted she liked him as more than a friend. It was unlikely, and he didn't want to get his heart broken again.

"Oh, I see, how interesting. Don't stop laughing on account of me though. I love listening to your laugh, it sounds pretty, well pretty." he admitted, laughing himself now. "Senium, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Humphrey asked, realing he just had. "Well, another one, it is kind of personal." He knew he was starting to crush on Seni Nex, just like he knew that she was younger than him. She probably liked somebody her age, but he had to find out.

"You most definitely should, Seni. We can go to other places too, in the less scary side of Diagon Alley. Not that I mind looking out for you here, of course. What is with the pouting, Senium?" Humphrey asked, looking at her. Just a moment ago was laughing, now she was pouting. That didn't make much sense to him, why did girls emotions always have to change so quickly. Their moods were in a constant state of flux it seemed like.

Humphrey walked up to her and gave her a big hug. "I don't care how bad it is. It doesn't matter if you are a walking corpse, or have so many scars that you are all bumps and ridges. You're Seni, and Senium Nex rocks!" he exclaimed. "Even if she has more, and worse scars than anybody else I know." Humphrey told her, smiling widely at her.

"Yea, most people don't want to be seen carrying deadly weapons through Diagon Alley. If you carry them through Knockturn Alley in plain sight, you'd probably get mugged for the darts. They are valuable, and these people are always looking for weapons to give them power over others. Tell you what, I am going to go grab the darts, and then lock the shop. I'll walk with you at least until we're out of Knockturn Alley, and maybe I can have a food break. She normally lets me hae one, so it isn't a big deal. That sound like a good plan to you?" he asked. Maybe he could spend even more time with Senium, and the thought made him smile.

He took out a box from behind the counter, and walked towards the dart supply. Locating the Instant Death he packed one hundred into the case very neatly. Then, he put the extra poison in there, and shut the lid. Coming back, he handed her the box, with the small key to open it. "There you go, Miss Nex. Now, is the time where we need to count out this exorbitant amount of money. Sorry it is so expensive, I feel like I'm robbing you and your grandpa. Normally, Kiera would do a trade instead of have you pay in coins. But, she likes to do those herself, so if she isn't here than I ask for coins. See, Miss Auvergne, she prefers not to have people pay with money for some reason, I guess so she can barter and expand her collection of items. Still, it seems kind of odd to me. A shopkeeper who doesn't want money most of the time." Humphrey stated, shrugging.

Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:01 am

Senium did not know what it was with girls and biting their lips when they were nervous so she stopped immediately, she didn't want to do it if it was something that annoyed Humphrey; "I don't really know, I'm sorry I'll stop."

When Humphrey told her that he did want to see what it was that she was making Senium got a little bit excited, she wanted to be able to show him now, and she wondered if he would like to see what she could do on a smaller scale;

"This is making me really want to show you, although, I'm not sure if you want to see it or I want to show it in here, I wouldn't want to have it taken away from me as a sort of fee for the darts." she said quietly "If the owner comes back."

Hearing that Humphrey wanted her to ask her a question, Senium smiled and she nodded her head; "Of course you may silly, you can ask me anything you want to."

As soon as Humphrey wrapped her in a hug Senium hissed a little, it hurt her when he wasn't careful about her limbs, but how could he be careful when he didn't know that there was anything to be careful of, she thought to herself.

"Ow, Humphrey could you...a little bit gentler." she said quietly "I would however like to spend some time with you on your lunch break, maybe I can show you the kind of thing I'm working on."

When she saw all of the darts Humphrey had gotten for her she smiled and placed the bag of money on the desk and smiled widely, "There you go Humphrey that should be enough."
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:59 am

She stopped biting her lip and he frowned, he was just curious. He'd actually thought it was very cute. "I was just asking, I didn't mean stop. It was actually a pretty cute thing to do, in my opinion." Humphrey admitted, staring at the floor. He hadn't meant to embarrass her or anything like that.

Now Seni was getting excited, this was clearly a passion of hers. Whateer it was, Senium enjoyed doing it. "She won't be back for another hour at the earliest, probably closer to two. The shop owner stays pretty busy acquiring weapons, or selling them. It is almost like an obsession of hers. Even if she does though, I can promise you I won't let her take away whatever it is. Honest, if I asked her I think I could convince her to let you keep it." he said, smiling at her in a reassuring tone. "You willing to show me what it is?" Humphrey asked, the light of curiosity shining in his eyes. Somehow, he knew it would be very interesting.

Clearly, Senium had not even the slightest idea it would be a pretty serious question. "Do you have a crush on anybody Senium? As in like anybody, you know, like like?" he asked, feeling a complete idiot. "I'd like to know if you do? Have to admit, I'm very interested to see what your answer will be. I can tell you who I like if you want as well." Humphrey offered, maybe that would help her to tell him. Make it not quite as awkward for her.

As soon as he hugged her, he heard Seni hiss a bit. Automatically, he let go, and he felt so bad. She said ow, and he felt horrible about it. "Oops, sorry, I should have known not to hug you. I mean, I did just notice you bleeding a little while ago. Next time I hug you I'll be careful. Forgot you were a bit fragile." he apologized.

"Oh, cool. Sounds like a good plan to me. Where do you want to go?" he asked. He didn't care, as long as he was with her. Besides, if she felt more comfortable showing whatever it was she had to him outside the shop that was cool. All he wanted to do was see it, didn't matter where.

Senium smiled and put the money bag on the desk. Such a beautiful, stunning smile that girl had. It literally took his breath away for a couple seconds. "I believe it will be." Humphrey said, hearing the heavy coins clink together when she set it down. He counted out the amount, and gave what coins were left back to her. Putting the money away in the register, he locked it. Then walked out from behind the counter, and headed towards the door. "Ready to go, Seni?" he asked her, smiling back happily.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:09 am

Senium blushed a little bit more when Humphrey told her that she looked cute when she bit her lip, and she instinctively did so again, running her hands through her hair she hoped that she would be able to hold out without her limbs beginning to hurt, with standing so still they were beginning to lock slightly.

"So I can stay here? I don't really want to go out of here if I don't have to, and if I don't have to give her my art then I will be very happy to stay here in the lovely toasty shop, it's starting to rain outside anyway." she said with a small pout

When Humphrey asked what he did Senium blushed a little bit more and she bit her lip slightly harder, fiddling with her ring before she realised that she might mess the vanity charm on it, and she stopped. It was always best to answer with the truth she had always been told.

"Yes I do have a crush on someone at the moment Humphrey." she said quietly, her gaze directed at the floor as she shuffled her feet.

A light smile appeared on Seniums lips and she merely nodded at Humphrey; "Please don't apologize you weren't to know that my whole body is rather sore at the moment." she smiled a slightly more strained version of her normal smile as a spasm of pain ripped through her.

Suddenly she knew she needed to sit down and she rested herself against the shop counter;

"C-could I just sit down for a moment p-please?" she asked, her eyes slightly wide as she struggled to cope with the pain, why now of all times?!
Senium Nex
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:51 am

Senium was blushing, and biting her lip. Now he couldn't help wondering if she was doing it because he told her it looked cute. Humphrey didn't care either way though, she just looked so pretty. It looked like she was a bit uncomfortable though, still, and he wondered why. "Of course you can stay here if you want to. She won't take anything from anybody, well not from customers. Maybe from other people though. With customers, Kiera will try to make the best trade possible. It is, I hadn't noticed." he said, surprised. Normally he paid excellent attention to his surroundings, but the beautiful Russian in the shop was distracting him.

Surprisingly, in response to his question Miss Nex blushed even more, and bit her lip harder. Now, that was very interesting. Why would she be nervous about telling him who she liked? She even started fiddling with her ring, maybe that was another nervous habit of hers. As she spoke, she looked at the ground and moved her feet a bit. Antsy girl, wasn't she. "You do, who is it?" he asked, very curious now. "I have a crush on somebody as well, though I think you'd be surprised at who it is." Humphrey continued, trying to get her to ask him. It would give him the perfect opportunity to tell her he had feelings for her.

"Alright, if you say so." he told her, smiling widely at her. Then Senium's smile became strained and she was leaning her weight against the counter. "Whoa, are you okay?" he asked quickly, rushing to her side.

"Of course you can sit down, Senium." Humphrey said, and he wrapped his right arm around her carefully. "Right this way, Russian Flower, just over here." he told her, as he walked towards the seat in the corner behind the counter. Hopefully, him calling her Russian Flower would distract her from the pain momentarily. Lowering her gently, he set her in the chair. Now was the time to let go, but he didn't want to. Forcing himself to take his arm away, he looked at her. It was clear she was in a lot of pain.

"Hey Senium, have you seen a Healer about this problem? You should really get it checked out. Also, I wanted to tell you something. If you want to hear it, that is." He wanted to let her know how amazing he thought she was, how beautiful, smart, funny, talented, and that he didn't care if she had scars or was in pain.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:04 am

Senium smiled gently she wanted to show Humphrey but there was something that would make it less effective than if she used a larger puppet, however she knew that the smaller one, when she enlarged it, would be more than adequate to show him.

"Well then, you should step back a little bit, I don't know how big this will be when I have finished enlarging it." she smiled gently taking the small puppet out of pocket she sat it on the floor and pointed her wand at it.

Hoping she would not fail at this spell, Senium concentrated hard and cast the enlarging spell over it, so that it grew to human size, it was modelled on her mother so looked like an older Senium, exactly like a human, only puppet joints.

When he asked her who she liked Senium blushed and took the easy way out; "W-well maybe you should tell me who you like." hopefully he would say her, if not, it would be so embarrassing.

Now that she was sitting down, Senium whimpered slightly and placed her head in her hands for a moment, and when Humphrey offered her the distraction of conversation she gladly took it, even though the pain was reaching it's highest level, she knew it would subside after this.

"W-what is it?"
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:21 am

Smiling, Senium took out a puppet, after telling him to step back. The puppet looked a lot like she did, except older. A puppet based off of her mother possibly. It was very life-like, clearly she had put lots of work into making it. Once enlarged, it was like looking at a second Senium almost. "Okay, so how long did it take to make that?" Humphrey asked as he stepped back. Once it was life-size he wondered something, was this just a puppet. It was definitely odd watching a puppet grow from regular size to human size. Could it be magical as well. "Does it have any magical properties or anything like that Senium? It is really beautiful, looks a lot like you. Well, an older you, is it of your mother?"

Again Senium blushed, and asked him to tell her who he liked first. Odd, he didn't think she would be afraid to say who she had feelings for. "I think you already know. At least you should be able to tell." he said, blushing madly. Staring at the floor, he told her the truth. "It's you, of course. Everything about you is just, perfect. Senium, the Russian Flower, so beautiful, smart, funny, and talented. Do you, by any chance, like me back?" Humphrey asked, a bit embarrassed that he had been put on the spot. Still blushing, he looked at her hopefully.

When Senium placed her head in her hands, clearly in pain, his heart broke for her. He hugged her, gently this time, and pulled her into the hollow of his right shoulder. "If I could take your pain, and carry it for you I would. Anything, anything I can ever do to help you. The worst things always happen to the best people. Since you are the best person I know, I guess you had to have the toughest thing to deal with. What exactly are you sick with, Seni?" he asked her softly.
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:37 am

Senium was very proud of her work and she smiled happily when Humphrey started to ask her questions about it, it was not often that she got to show it off and when she did she liked it when people were interested in her work.

"It took me about a week to make this puppet in particular, and it took my Grandpapa about a week to add all of the extra details to it."

With that Senium concentrated and with a small noise of release she let strings of magic fly from her fingertips and attatch to the puppets limbs, so that it could now stand up, making her bow to Humphrey Senium smiled gently.

"It is based on my mother...yes."

Seeing Humphrey look so bashful and blush so much, Senium blinked a little bit and she could hardly believe it when he told her that it was her that he had a crush on. Biting her lip Senium tried to conceal a smile and it was a great distraction from her pain. When he mentioned she was beautiful, Senium's eyes filled a little with tears.

"I...I do." she whispered quietly "I do like you back Humphrey, I was hoping it would be me that you like, although I know really...I'm nowhere near what you deserve."

Resting her head in the crook of Humphreys neck, Senium bit her lip and she wondered if she should show him, he deserved to know. Blinking back tears Senium held out her hand with the ring on it. Underneath it, when he removed the ring he would see her bloodied bandages that covered all of her body, her limbs were covered more darkly in the red splotches of dried blood, fresh patches appeared there too.

Even her fingers were bandaged now and she knew she would be ashamed to have herself seen when he took the ring from her so she cast her gaze on the floor. The only part of her still intact was her wrists, where her tattoo lay; 'This body is made from death, all it can do is die.' it read in latin.

"I'm suffering with Necrosis...n-now you see, I...I am a walking corpse!" she said through her tears "I'm not beautiful, I'm dying." Senium sobbed.
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:12 am

"I'm not surprised it took that long, it is so detailed. This is really, really good Senium. Glad you have a hobby you are so good at. Hobbies are really fun. I thought it might be..." he said. Then, Humphrey told her, "You look just like her. What was she like?"

Senium kept blinking as he was talking. It was clear that this was not what she was expecthing him to say. When she started crying, he thought that she didn't feel the same way. Then she told him she liked him, and a big, goofy grin came across his face. "Wait, you actually do. No way, that is so awesome. Senium Nex likes me, this is crazy." Humphrey said ecstatically. But then she said something completely ridiculous.

"Hold on, what are you talking about? You have this backwards Seni, I don't deserve you. Senium, you deserve a great guy, but for some reason you seem to think that's me. I mean, I'm not complaining here, but if anybody doesn't deserve somebody here, it is me not deserving of you. Are, are you like my girlfriend now?" he asked her, hoping she'd agree.

"Ah, necrosis. I do see..." he said, looking away for a second." Slowly, Humphrey took the ring off her finger. Her body was covered with blood, and bloody bandages. Some were older and dried, others were freshly broken. "A walking corpse, hardly. The way I see it there is so much life in you it is just spilling over. You are beautiful, silly Russian Flower."

Kissing her on her bandaged fingertips, Humphrey smiled at her. "Even if you are dying, that is okay. We have time left to spend together. I'll do everything I can to help you figure out how to beat this. Besides, don't you know true love can conquer anything. I don't know if it is love yet, but it could be. I think we should try and find out if it is, personally. Now stop looking at yourself like you are ugly, you aren't." Humphrey looked her straight in the eyes, daring her to say he wasn't telling the truth.
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:21 am

Senium nodded her head she did in fact like him a lot, it was really hard to not like someone who was so nice and kind to her, she was one of the only people who seemed to get along with Humphrey and she wondered why, he was such a lovely person.

"Of course I like you Humphrey, you're so nice to me all the time, and you're so cute, I promise that I wont hurt you like everyone else...I promise." she whispered quietly.

When he asked her if she was his girlfriend now, Senium blushed a little bit and she bit her lip, daring to look up at his eyes Senium couldn't help but let her blush develop more.

"If you want me to be Humphrey." Senium said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with a shy smile on her lips, she had never had a conversation like this with anyone "I don't really know what we do now, do we...kiss or something?"

Unable to believe what he was saying to her, Senium blinked and her eyes overflowed with tears, unsure of whether they are tears of happiness, relief or disbelief, Senium couldn't help but laugh quietly, was she worried about this for nothing?

"Y-you mean it Humphrey?" she asked, gasping a little when he kissed the tip of her fingers even though they were bandaged "B-but..." she began, trying to tell Humphrey that he was wrong, she was ugly.
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:45 am

Senium nodded in response to his you actually do sentence. This was so cool, it was actually working out for once. "Well yea I'm nice to you, I've liked you a lot ever since that time by the lake. I mean, you are a really talented dancer, and it was great talking to you. I do try to be nice to people, because I hate when people are mean." Then she told him she wouldn't hurt him, and he grinned wryly, "Good to know, I won't hurt you either." Humphrey whispered back.

So, was she his girlfriend or not, all she did was blush and bite her lip. Finally, she said if he wanted her to be. "Well of course I want you to be. Why wouldn't I?" he asked, completely oblivious to the fact that not everybody cared for Senium as much as he did.

Again, she started crying, and he was confused. Was this some weird girl thing that made absolutely no sense. "Okay, why are you crying? Are you sad? Or, is this some weird girl thing that I don't understand?" Humphrey questioned, worried he had upset her.

"I told you, I don't lie to people. Especially not to you. Did you forget I said that?" he queried, smiling lightly. She gasped when his lips touched her bandaged fingers. "But nothing, you're beautiful. Not another word about it." Humphrey stated in a definitive tone of voice. "My girlfriend is Senium Nex. This is a dream come true, I have the best girl in the whole wide world. More like she has me actually, because my heart belongs to you."
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:53 am

Senium smiled happily, it was so strange that this was actually happening to her, she really thought that she was going to be alone in her feelings because she was sure that Humphrey still liked Charlotte, then she heard he liked Keiba, and so she was so confused when she began to feel for him too.

"Maybe you will have to help me with some of my shows then, you're a wonderful singer Humphrey, so you could sing while I dance, that is...if you wanted to." she grinned.

When Humphrey asked her why he wouldn't want her to be, she blushed and laughed a little; "I'm sorry I can be so silly sometimes, I guess I'm just a little shocked." with that she leant forwards and gently pecked Humphrey on the cheek.

Laughing a little bit Senium wiped her eyes and she knew it didn;t make sense but she couldnt stop herself from doing it; "I'm sorry these are just happy tears, I can't believe that someone can still think I'm pretty and want to be with me after seeing me like this...it's just so brilliant."

Senium took the ring back and slipped it back on her finger, what she should have looked like flickered back into place and she became more confident immediately. With a slight gasp she stood up again and held her arms out for a hug.

"And you are my boyfriend. Humphrey Williams, the sweetest and kindest Gryffindor I have ever met."
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:32 pm

Grinning back at her, he just stared at her eyes for a little bit. They were so beautiful, and he could tell what she was truly like by looking at her eyes. "I'd love to, maybe I can write some songs for you to dance to. Play some guitar, or maybe piano for you while you dance. Plus, maybe I could help you figure out the screen thing, with all the lights and stuff. I do love art, and I know some people who have done that type of thing. I grew up muggleborn, so I know a little bit about electronics. Probably more than you, even though I'm not extremely good or anything like that." Humphrey told her. It would be so much fun to do that.

She blushed and laughed, the perfect combination. "Yes you can, and you can be shocked. I don't mind. Anyways, I'm just as shocked that you like me, I mean, I was always on the other end ya know. Being the one who liked people. So glad that you do, because I'm not sure my heart would have known how to handle another rejection. No worries, though. Everything's perfect now, don't see how it could get any better than this." Next, Senium shocked him by pecking him on the cheek, and it felt like they had caught fire. Where she had kissed him, it felt like lightning had hit him, his body was energized, and the spot on his cheek felt like it had been zapped. "Wow." he said, because that was all he could articulate at the moment.

Still laughing, she wiped away her tears. There, that looked a bit more like the happy girl he cared so much about. "Don't apologize if they are happy tears, I was just worried I'd messed up somehow. Not used to people being happy when they cry I guess. Brilliant, no, I just have enough common sense to recognize an awesome girl when I see one." Humphrey told her, and winked at her, closing his left eye and opening it quickly. winking was such a fun thing to do.

For some reason, Senium slipped the ring back on her finger. If she was more comfortable that way that was fine. The beautiful girl he had met at the lake reappeared, both her actual skin and her fake skin were stunning. Just in different ways. Her scars were beautiful in a unique, dark way, whereas the smooth skin she would have had was perfectly smooth, pristine, glowing almost. It was a cool change to see.

When Senium held her arms out for a hug, he smiled, and barely remembered not to hug her too tightly. Stepping up to her, he wrapped his arms around her slowly. Starting with a light squeeze, and increasing the squeeze until he felt she was snug. Not hard, just snug, and he rested his cheek on top of her beautiful blonde hair. Blushing when she complimented him, he replied quietly, "Oh stop it, I'm not sweet and kind. I am a Gryffindor though; and, somehow, I managed to become your boyfriend. Still confused as to how exactly I pulled that off." Humphrey told her, laughing a bit.

Everything was just so perfect, and on impulse he lowered himself until he was just a bit above her. Looking her in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed her on the right cheek. "Now we're even. You've kissed me on my cheek, and I've kissed you on yours."
Humphrey Williams
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Senium Nex Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:23 am

Senium smiled happily, she was not sure why Humphrey liked her and she had a feeling she would never know fully, however she knew that she should not allow herself to sound whiney, or make herself sound even worse than she already was. More than anything she was glad he was willing to help her in her passion.

"Well I think that I would be a bigger and more realisable dream if there were two of us to dream it." Senium smiled happily "I would be so very happy to dance to your songs that you compose."

As soon as Humphrey told her that he was surpsied, Senium nodded her head she understood the feeling that he would not want to be rejected again, even though she had never had a boyfriend before, she could see it would be a horrible thing to experience...

"I'm glad that everything's perfect now Humphrey, I'm oh so very happy that I could make you so happy, it's what I always like to do, I just get to feel happy in return now." she smiled wider.

Giggling at Humphrey's reaction Senium merely held her hands in front of her and waited for him to stop blushing, he looked like the Hogwarts Express and it was cute.

Very happy to be recieving the hug that she had wanted, Senium was even happier that Humphrey remembered that she shouldn't be hugged too tightly, and the snug hug that he wrapped her in made her feel so much safer and happier than anything else, apart from the hugs Master Richard gave her.

"You give good hugs." she said, her face buried in Humphrey's chest, before moving away to look up into his eyes "Thanks for being gentle this time."

Gently pressing her hand to her cheek Senium laughed lightly; "That's right! Does that mean you'll copy whatever I do?" she asked with a small smile on her lips.
Senium Nex
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Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium) Empty Re: Surprising Visitor (Humphrey and Senium)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:13 am

He was just glad that Senium actually liked him back. It made him feel proud, like he was worth something. All of the worries he'd had before had completely disappeared. "Oh, I think you are right Miss Nex. Dreams are always better with somebody to dream them with, and this way we can share the work to make it come true. I'd be happy to write them for you; it is always good to have an excellent muse to work off of, and you're the best one I could ever have." he told her honestly, smiling in return.

When he told her how surprised he was, Senium just nodded. Despite the fact he'd probably had more crushes than she had, she understood him. It made him happy that she did, because not everybody did understand him, he was weird. "Well I'd hope you are happy, if in the first couple minutes of us being together you were unhappy that would not be a good sign." Humphrey said, laughing just a bit. "I like to make people happy too, especially when they are you." He couldn't help but add a wink to punctuate that last sentence.

Surprisingly, Senium told him that he gave good hugs. Suddenly warmth blossomed in his chest, and a huge grin crossed his face. Looking at her beautiful eyes, he told her, "I wasn't aware that I did. Senium, I'll always be gentle with you now I know how fragile you are. Wouldn't want to break any bones or anything now would I?"

She held her hand to her cheek in such an adorable way. "Aww, you are so cute, holding your hand to your cheek like that. Well...I don't know about copying everything you do. But, if it involves kissing than I most definitely will. Not that I will always wait to copy you for that." Humphrey told her, staring down at the ground and blushing. Despite the fact they both liked each other, it was still weird talking like that. Smiling, he looked up at her. "You may simply be too beautiful to resist at times."

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