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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:45 am

Lucian had finally found him, the person who had killed Raziel, his beloved sister, and God knows where she was now and what she was enduring without him to help her and be there for her, he didn't even get to see her before she died...

Screwing up his reserves he placed those memories to one side and he glared at the light from the window that flickered and showed the bastards shadow to him, it was that goddamn reporter that couldn't help sticking his nose in their business.

With that he walked slowly to the door and pressing his hand over the lock forced his magic inside and lifted the latch, he stalked his way inside, his magic crackling in the air audibly, there was no escaping for this man now, if he was even a man.

Now standing just outside the room, Lucian stepped inside the light and roared loudly in an attempt to scare the man in front of him, Marcus that was and he dashed towards him aiming a right hook square at his nose, drawing his fist back for another punch as he sat on top of the mans chest cooly looking into his eyes.

"I suspect you know why I'm here, Umec." he spat out, letting his fist come crashing down onto the mans cheekbone.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:50 am

Marcus had been reading poetry by candlelight again. It really did a number on his eyes, made him feel rather tired actually, but it was one of his few guilty pleasures. So he was very unprepared when someone burst through the door into his study. He had just enough time to stand up as the attacker roared at him in rage and charged him.

Not being able to dodge or move, Marcus fell to the ground with a little yelp, the first punch having missed but having lost his footing the attacker was still able to sit on top of his chest. He held his hands up in a placating manner even though right now he was scared out of his mind,

"No! I don't know why you're here! I don't know who you are!" he cried out, being able to soften the next blow to his face slightly with one of his flailing hands, but not completely, "Why are you attacking me?!"
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:53 am

Lucian snarled and he spat to one side of the man as he attempted to protect himself, getting up from his chest Lucian beckoned for him to stand up and he drew his wand, although his magic was not his best front, he had his runic advancements from the Doctor, and he would put them to good use.

"How insulting, you scum. You do what you did and then you have the nerve to pretend like you haven't a clue about what happened, it's even worse than confessing." he growled

Gesturing to him again Lucian waited until he stood up and made his stance and even stronger one, his wand drawn over his head and ready to make a strike with his most effective spell;

"Get up and fight me." he said coldly "You should have known better than to anger a creature like me...and frankly, I am beyond pissed right now."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:58 am

Marcus flinched away from where Lucian had spat on his floor. He was not a man of violence and he hated to be in situations like this one more than anything in the world. When Lucian got up off of him he breathed a sigh of relief before it turned in a small groan,

"But I don't know what you think I've done!" he groaned, a touch pitifully if he was honest, "I don't even know you! If this is about some article I've written there are easier ways to show your displeasure...!"

Seeing that Lucian was not about to give up, and he seemed angry enough to perhaps even attack if he didn't get up, Marcus pulled himself to his feet. Seeing that he was going to need his wand, he shakily collected it from the desk,

"I don't know what I've done to anger you... I don't even know who you are!" he tried to explain, "What have I done to you?"
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:06 am

Lucian couldn't believe this guy, he was still denying the fact that he had murdered his sister and her lover in cold blood, what more of an idiot could you get, the more that he did that the more he was annoying him. It was not the way to go.

"You don't know what you've done? Well let me refresh your memory, you, you weakling reporter who wouldn't know the right way to hold a wand if it would save your life, killed my sister." he growled stepping closer to the man.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a notepad the threw it on the floor in front of Marcus, it was found at the crime scene, and, it was covered in his sisters blood.

"That's yours isn't it? HUH?!" he asked, shouting now at the man in front of him "You killed her, that is her blood on that goddamn notebook. Raziel Ciero, and James Brunel. You killed both of them, you murderer."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:11 am

Marcus was at a complete loss. Here there was what appeared to be a teenage boy attacking him and trying to tell him that he had killed his sister. That was just mind boggling to Marcus. Hell, the idea that he had it in him to kill anyone was just stupifying to him,

"That's not true! I've never killed anyone in my life!" he told the boy desperately, "I'm a journalist and a poet! I don't kill people! I've never even had the inclination to cause anyone harm, ever!"

When the boy took out one of his notepads, a missing one to be exact, he was about to claim that it was his. But as soon as he saw the blood on it his eyes widened,

"T-that's my notepad... but I lost it days ago!" he declared, moving away from it as it was thrown at him, "I don't remember killing anyone! Hell, I don't even remember ever meeting Raziel Ciero! The only time I met James Brunel was when I wrote an article on his company taking over Hasbro! I swear, I haven't done anything!"
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Join date : 2012-02-12

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:16 am

Lucian growled lightly and he was getting tired of this man grovelling and telling him that he hasn't done anything when he knew that he had, there was forensics on the body the proved that he had done it, and he was getting more and more irate.

"Oh SHUT UP." he bellowed "Fact is, if you were high, drunk, or just mental you killed them, both, and it's now up to me what happens to you, do you understand?"

Smirking, he let himself temporarily grow into his adult form, his tattoo burning through this clothes, so that Marcus could see the glowing red pentagram that lay there.

"Either, I kill you now, or, I kill you now." he smirked, his power crackling through the air again "So which option is it Umec, if you want to stay alive you best start talking. What happened on the 20th of November?"
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:22 am

The way that the teenager growled in anger told Marcus that he was not going to be satisfied by talking this out. The fear was creeping in more too, this teenager was not some simple boy. The fact that he'd called himself a creature earlier confirmed that,

"I don't drink! I don't do drugs! I KNOW that I can't have done it!" he pleaded, wanting Lucian to understand, "I've never done anything to anyone! Why are you so intent on killing me for something I've not done?"

When the teenager grew into a man in the space of a small second, Marcus was at a loss as to what to do. He gripped his wand slightly tighter, mostly out of fear,

"The 20th of November?" He repeated before trying to calm himself, "I... I was going to meet with Charlie... I was walking through an alley when... I don't know... All I can remember after that was cold hands and deep voices... then I was back home... That's all I know, I swear!"
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Join date : 2012-02-12

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:04 am

Lucian hummed to himself when he listened to the man in front of him, it wasn't in his character to be so calm, especially when he wanted to kill tha man in front of him so badly, but he knew that there was something about the denial that didn't sit well with him.

It was like he believed that he was actually telling the truth about what had happened, it sounded like he had been ambushed to tell the truth and he didn't know who by.

"Thats all you know you say?" he asked calmly "Well let's say that I'm beginning to believe you, now dig deep and think about whether you can remember anyone, or anyhting that was suspicious lately." he said cooly, waiting for the man to speak.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:32 am

When Lucian began to hum a little bit, obviously a thinking pose, Marcus relaxed slightly. If he had wanted to attack him still then he wouldn't have been thinking about it so hard. Marcus hoped that Lucian believed him because he knew that his skills in magical combat were terrible. And that was being charitable.

Nodding his head eagerly, Marcus frowned as he tried to remember more. It was so hard to think of what had happened that night and he had no idea why,

"Dig deep..." He scrunched up his face in concentration, "I remember... cold hands... but... they were different... somehow. And the voice... deep... German and then... then..."

He screamed, falling to the ground clutching at his head as it seemed to split open with the magnificant pain that it produced,

"Pain! So much pain! Oh god! It hurts!"
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:49 am

Lucian watched Marcus carefully as he began to think about what happened that night, and he was interested to hear that he mentioned the German voices, she knew that he was going a little bit pale the more he seemed to think on it.

When he dropped to the floor Lucian's eyes widened and he dropped to his knees in front of Marcus, it seemed that his brain was under some sort of spell, maybe this was going to be harder to figure out than he thought.

"Sorry about this." he said with a light smirk as he raised his fist and slammed it into the side of Marcus' head, the aim to knock him out cold and to reset whatever it was that was effecting him.

It was enough for Lucian to know the guy was under some sort of control curse.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:55 am

It had all seemed to be going well until he felt the pain and when he felt it... dear god it was a thousand times worse than any pain he'd ever felt before. It was so intense and it never seemed to waver. Then the pain stopped and everything went black for a few moments.

He groaned a little bit when feeling began to return to him. His head hurt like Hell, like it had been trapped in a vice while being buzzsawed, but it was beginning to die down. Opening his eyes slowly, he pulled himself up to his hands and knees,

"What happened?" he groaned, pulling himself up into his chair, "I feel like I hit a bus..."
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:06 am

Lucian couldn't help but smirk, it was all too satisfying to punch him in the face again, even if he knew it or not he had been the person to kill his sister and he needed to pay for it...just a little bit. When it seemed like he was coming around he sat down in front of him.

Chuckling a little, Lucian raised an eyebrow and felt a little bit shocked for a moment; "You expect me to tell you what's going on in your own head? I don't know you from Adam Marcus."

With that he shrugged his shoulders and decided to tell Marcus what he suspected already; "I think that you have been placed unnder the control of some sort of spell, it will make you under the casters control, and you might black out while they manipulate you."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Shekel Umec Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:17 am

When he saw that the teenager turned man was still here, Marcus groaned a little bit. It had been too much to hope that it had all been some kind of dream it seemed. He waved a hand at Lucian,

"Is it too much to ask for you to be the end part of a dream?" he muttered to himself before groaning and trying to pull himself together, "In the nicest possible way of course. It's just you seem to bring me a lot of pain."

As he listened to what Lucian was saying, Marcus was gradually frowning more and more. It sounded vaguely familiar but in the same way that things like robots were familiar. From fiction. His eyes snapped open,

"No... it can't be that!" he muttered before moving over to a book shelf, "It sounds like a magical version of a muggle concept... sleeper agents..."
Shekel Umec
Shekel Umec

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Join date : 2012-02-12

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Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus) Empty Re: Vengence is Sweet (Lucian and Marcus)

Post by Lucian Ciero Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:28 am

Lucian raised his eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest, he let himself morph back into his younger self, he was glad to be back in the normal body that he occupied, it just felt right to him now, as odd as it sounded.

"Yes it;s too much to ask, without me you would still be rolling around on the floor screaming and some sh*t." he said, the same snarl in his voice as before "Or out killing someone, who knows what that meant."

When he seemed to remember something Lucian raised his other eyebrow as Marcus got up and went searching amongst his books, great...this meant they were going to have to study, didn't it?

With a large sigh, Lucian waved his hand;

"Well then you're a sleeper agent then, whatever, it's what you are regardless of the label you put on it."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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