Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:45 am

Silas appeared in front of the cafe with Jessamine wrapped up in his arms securely. Seeing that the street was empty and Jessamine was still cuddled close to him, Silas opened the door to the cafe with an unlocking spell. He scooped Jessamine up and carried her bridal style through the cafe and up the stairs because it was faster and easier to get them up to her flat in time. The door closed and locked behind them as they entered her flat.

It was very cosy and warm. To Silas it felt as if the place was not only lived in but that it was a home and not just a flat. Carrying her through to her bedroom, he gently set her down on her bed. He smiled and lightly kissed her on the lips,

"Wait right here okay?" he told her, "I have a little plan to make you feel better."

He immediately went through to the kitchen area and got two wine glasses. Unshrinking the wine, he poured two glasses full and used some wandless magic on the music player as he came back into the room. Romantic music drifted into the bedroom as Silas set a glass on each of the bedside tables. He climbed into bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her,

"You're here with me now my angel, just the two of us." he told her gently, "Just being here with you, like this, is a dream date for me Jessamine."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:50 am

Jessamine merely lay quiet as Silas moved through her cafe and up into her flat, there was nothing there that she was ashamed to have out because she had tidied it before she had come out, she had thought that they might end up back at one of their flats tonight.

When she was laid on her bed, she blushed gently, looking up at Silas, she knew however that of course where she was involved he would never want to be intimate with her after hearing what that woman had said about her, it was so saddening to hear the truth, but she knew it must be true.

Nodding when he asked her to stay here Jessamine took off her high heels and relaxed a little, pulling on a pair of leggens so she could roll about safely. When Silas returned with the wine she blushed lightly;

"Silas, hush, I'm not an angel, I'm not beautiful enough to be an angel so, let's not kid ourselves here." she smiled gently "You deserve someone much more beautiful than me."

With a small smile she sipped on her wine but snuggled herself against Silas, resting her head on his chest, nuzzling it against him.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:59 am

The way that she was silent when he was carrying her and the way that after she'd blushed, she seemed even sadder, told Silas just how badly she had been affected by the hooker's words. He didn't know why she was so shaken up about them though. He knew that the hooker wasn't right. Silas still thought of her as his angel after all.

Seeing that she had changed a little to make herself more comfortable, Silas did the same. He kicked off his shoes and undid most of the buttons on his shirt. If she was comfortable with that he'd take it all off. It was two sizes too small after all,

"I'm not going to stop calling you my angel Jessamine because you are still just as beautiful as you've aways been to me." he told her with a smile, "You are everything I could ever ask for in a woman Jessamine. You are so much more than I deserve."

He held her close to him and nuzzled right back, kissing her neck and cheek gently as he held her.
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:16 am

Jessamine blushed even more when Silas undid his shirt, she looked up into his eyes and cautiously she let her hands run against the muscles that she could see, it was so strange to have a man this handsome in her bed, she had only thought about this since she had read her first Sharpe novel.

"You believe that?" she asked him, looking up into his eyes as he spoke to her, "You think that you don't deserve me either? Well...don't we make a pair." Jessamine smiled gently, feeling a little bit better now that she was getting over the comments of the hooker.

Gently she pressed her lips to Silas' own and she pulled away after a few seconds, blushing wildly as she undid the last few buttons of his shirt, hugging him under his shirt so she could feel his warm smooth skin under her touch.

"So...you don't think that I'm cheap?" she asked, a little smile on her lips.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:22 am

When he saw her blushing he chuckled a little bit and decided to leave his shirt undone if this was the reaction he was going to get. When she ran her fingers against his muscles he smiled down at her, his heartbeat quickening slightly at her cautious touch. He nodded,

"I honestly believe it." he told her sincerely, "I know I don't deserve you but I thank god that his angel seems to like me. We do make a pair. I think we could make a good pair if you want to give us a shot."

He kissed her back gently as she hesitantly kissed him. When she undid the last few buttons on his shirt he smiled and got himself out of it so that she was hugging his bare torso,

"You're not cheap, you are a beautiful, graceful and altogether wonderful young woman."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:27 am

Jessamine blushed lightly when she could feel his heartbeat quicken, she could hear it when her head lay against his chest and she looked up at Silas as she lay down on the bed, it was so nice to be here with him, the lighting and the romantic music just made it all the more wonderful.

It was like she was living some sort of dream...

"If I want to give us a shot?" she asked when Silas asked her that same question, blushing a little her own heart quickened and she wondered if it meant what she thought it meant "You mean, if I want to become your girlfriend?"

Now that she was hugging his bare torso. Jessamine couldn't help but let her eyes wander down his body and she couldn't stop herself from blushing, so she sipped her wine, hoping to calm her nerves down a little bit.

"I guess it's only what you think that really matters Silas." she grinned with a lighter feeling to the atmosphere now she was feeling happier.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:43 am

Silas could see that Jessamine was blushing at the contact and he himself was not too far from blushing. His skin was hot to the touch he was willing to wager but he didn't appear to be outright blushing. He wrapped his arms around her protectively and softly as she laid her head down on his chest to rest. He didn't remember ever being more at peace than he was right now, here with Jessamine in her home,

"Yeah..." he whispered, a little bit uncertain if she would even want a relationship with him. Apparently no one before had thought he was worth one after all. When she blushed brightly his spirit soared before he grinned, "Yeah exactly that Jessamine. So... will you become my girlfriend Jessamine?"

Seeing that her eyes were wandering down his bare torso, Silas couldn't help but smirk. He actually found it rather flattering that she was checking him out like this. He sipped his own wine,

"Well my opinion and yours, yeah." he agreed with a smile before chuckling, "Unless you happen to be trying to put yourself down again. In which case your opinion does not matter... sorry about that."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:00 am

Jessamine smiled lightly when Silas seemed to heat up under her touch and she couldn't help but smile widely when she found out that he did in fact want to become her boyfriend, that was what he was asking, she had only had one boyfriend in the past and he was...looking back an idiot.

Biting her lip Jessamine smiled at Silas and nodded her head lightly, before more certainly;

"Y-yes I would love to be your girlfriend Silas, I really would." she smiled happily "What happens now then? Do we...start going on more dates and things?"

Sitting up away from Silas Jessamine sipped at her own wine and cou;dn't move the smile from her face she was so content right now that she had managed to fufill what she had been thinking about since she met Silas for the first time.

"This is so nice...." she giggled "Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself Silas, we should get to know each other a little better."

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:07 am

Silas had to admit that it was rather embarassing that he was almost having a full body blush at the moment. Seeing her smile seeming to brighten up the room, making Silas smile back brightly in return. And why shouldn't he smile? She seemed to be liking the idea of them being a couple after all,

"You would? Really? Woooah yeah!" he grinned widely as he seemed to bounce slightly in excitement. He chuckled a little bit and tried to calm down, "Sorry about that... But yeah! Now we go on more dates and we just generally get to know what it's like being together."

Silas followed Jessamine's example and sat up to drink some of his wine, the smile was permantly on his face now and showed no signs of leaving any time soon. He smiled a little bit at the idea and nodded,

"Good idea Jessamine." he agreed before thinking, "Well... I'm 25, I'm the general in charge of all British military forces... I like slow songs, don't know why really but I really like slow songs. I prefer the rain to the sun as well. It feels more cleansing to me I think. Well there's somethings, now your turn yeah?"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:25 am

Jessamine couldn't help but giggle when she heard Silas' reaction to her acceptance, she remembered that he had never had a 'girlfriend' so to say and it would both be their first proper relationship with another person, so hopefully they would be able to keep it strong.

"Don't worry about it Silas, it makes me think that I'm special if you react that way to being my boyfriend, doesn't it sound weird to say that? I have a boyfriend." she beamed, unable to stop herself from laughing happily.

Listening intently to Silas as he spoke about himself Jessamine thought that he looked even more like Sharpe than ever, especially when he said that he ran all of the British Army.

Although the fact he liked slow songs and rain was something that she didn't know.

"Well, you already know I'm doing a fashion show, but I love floral prints, flowers of any sort I just love, sketching is one of my favourite things to do, I sketch umpteen designs but onnly make one or two, My favourite dessert is vanilla cheesecake. Now your turn."

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:33 am

Silas had to admit to both excitement (which wasn't something he really had to admit to since his celebration had given it away) and a little bit of trepidation. Uncertainty. Perhaps even a little fear of this new, unknown, experience known as dating. How would he know if he was doing it right? Or wrong for that matter? He guessed that he'd just have to do what he thought was best and hope that it was,

"Well you are special Jessamine. You're my first girlfriend and I plan on making sure that I'm the best boyfriend that I can be." he chuckled happily, "Only if it sounds weird to admit that I have an amazingly beautiful girlfriend!"

Silas glanced at Jessamine during his explanation about himself and saw her watching him attentively. He didn't know if he should be self-conscious or flattered if he was honest. He just hoped that she learnt something about him that she didn't know before,

"Wow you must be very talented to do all of these things Jessamine. Certainly a lot more talented than I am." he chuckled a little bit before continuing with him, "My favourite desert is ice cream. Real vanilla, not plain but really vanilla. I don't like the taste of oranges. My favourite colour is grey, odd I know. Oh and I want to buy a muggle motorcycle at some point! Your turn again."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:47 am

Jessamine shook her head when he asked her if it was strange for him to say that he had a girlfriend too, it was going to be strange for the two of them and it was odd, hopefully they would be able to let that feeling develop into a further stronger relationship.

"I think that it'll be a little strange, but in a good way until we get used to it, speaking of which, since we're going out now....do you want to sleep over tonight?" Jessamine asked, innocently.

Swelling a little bit from the pride that she felt when Silas complimented her, Jessamine decided that she would show Silas some of her sketches sometime in the future.

Biting her lip Jessamine found a sudden flaw in their relationship and she opened her mouth, then closed it debating if she should ask the question on the tip of her tongue;

"Silas, do you mind if I ask you a question, instead of telling you something about myself?"

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:54 am

Silas had a feeling that he was going to like being able to say that he had a girlfriend as beautiful and wonderful as Jessamine. The short time they'd spent together so far had Silas seeing almost no flaws in Jessamine at all. It was rather perfect, they just seemed to fit so well together,

"Yeah I think it'll take a day or two to really sink in but when it does I doubt anyone I know won't be hearing about it!" he told her before raising an eyebrow and smirking, "Why Jessamine... naughty naughty! I'd love to though darling. I've never fallen asleep holding someone before..."

Seeing that she wanted to ask a question, Silas blinked and waited for it. When the question turned out to be asking if she could ask a question he chuckled and nodded,

"Sure thing Jessamine. Ask away!"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:11 am

Jessamine's thoughts were turned from the happiness that they had been before, towards the sadder thought that she had just thought, from what Silas had said earlier in their conversation, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense.

When she was given permission to ask the question, she blushed a little bit and took another drink of her wine, but found herself yearning for some sort of soft drink, now being more thirsty from the dry wine.

"Do you..." she started "Do you think that people are going to be mad at you?"

Biting her lip, she coughed and rubbed at her eyes to stop her from crying, after all the thing that she was so happy about could be taken away in an instant now.

"Do you think your British Soldier friends will be mad at you, for dating me? A German?" she asked quietly.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:22 am

Silas didn't know what Jessamine was going to ask him but by the look on her face he could tell that it wasn't going to be as happy as the rest of the conversation. She looked like it was something that she thought was going to be a major problem.

Seeing her taking another drink from her wine before giving it a small face, he chuckled a little bit before unshrinking a can of coca cola from his pocket. Coca cola was the lifeblood of soldiers nowdays, muggle and magical alike. He handed her the can,

"Here, try this." he told her with a small smile before thinking about the question. He decided to tell her the truth, "Honestly? I don't think either of us should care. But if you want to think about it... I think some people I know might disapprove but they'd accept it."

Silas wrapped his arms around her tightly and held her to him in a hug before shaking his head,

"My soldier friends won't care." he told her with a smile, "As for my other friends, well I'd hope they'd be happy that we're happy. What about your friends? Will they disapprove?"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:27 am

Jessamine blinked and she let the smile back onto her face when Silas told her that he didn't think that it was going to be a major problem, that he was going to ensure that his friends accepted the relationship that she was going to have with him.

"Really?" she asked with a happy smile "That makes me feel so much better, I was worried that you might have forgotten and you'll have to change your mind."

Taking the coca cola she smiled gently; "Thank you Silas." Jessamine spoke shyly.

When he asked her what her friends would say, Jessamine giggled and shook her head, she didn't think they would mind at all. They would probably congratulate her to be honest;

"I think they'd be amazed that I finally managed to find a man that I liked, no matter what nationality you are." she grinned.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:33 am

Silas was happy to see that the smile was sliding back onto Jessamine's beautiful face. He didn't like to see her upset. Her concern was a valid one but he was high enough in the government and in the eyes of the public that nothing bad would come of it most likely. He was certain that even if some didn't agree with his choice he could either persaude them or ignore them easily enough,

"Don't you worry Jessamine, I'll make sure that nothing threatens this relationship of ours. I want it to last after all." he told her before grinning, "My pleasure Jessamine."

Hearing her giggling, Silas assumed that her friends would be alright with the fact that she was dating one of the oppressors of her city. Although when he said it like that it was almost as if he expected them to hate him,

"I don't see why it would be so amazing." he told her with a smile, "You're a lovely person and any man would be lucky to have you. Hell a lot of men would change themselves to better fit what you were looking for if they had to."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:41 am

Jessamine blushed lightly when she was told that any man would want to change himself to be with her, she didn't think that she would want another man at all, and she certainly wouldn't want one that would have to change himself for her to like him.

"You're so sweet to me, I'm still wondering why it took so long for me to find a nice as guy as you if you are true in what you say." she teased

Biting her lip she ran her hands through her hair and she shimmied off the bed, reaching her hand under her pillow and fetching out her pyjama's, it was so comfortable here with Silas, she wanted to get into her pyjamas.

"I think that you need to stop complimenting me Silas while I get changed into my pj's, I'll be back in a moment." she smiled gently, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Ducking into the bathroom she came back wearing a slightly large grey hoodie, and her hair tied up in a loose bun, fluffy socks on and of course her underwear.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:47 am

Seeing her blush at his compliment, Silas smiled a little bit wider. He had been telling the truth after all. Any man would be lucky to have her, to the extent that they would change themselves to better suit what she wanted in a man. By some strange stroke of luck, Silas himself seemed to fit at least some of the molds she had for the man she wanted,

"Ah well maybe that's because I'm just this unique and that special?" he joked before laughing a little bit, "Oh I'm well aware there's only one guy like me. The world should be grateful."

When she went to get out of bed he raised an eyebrow but he merely smiled when she pulled out her pyjamas. It was kind of cute that she still wore pyjamas but he imaged she was the type of girl who always would really,

"Awwww damn, I'm so good at it too." he joked before chuckling a little bit and kissing her back, "Alright then darling. Hurry back yeah?"

Seeing her now dressed for bed, Silas smiled wider and winked at her,

"Hey there cutie." he greeted her, "I got undressed for bed too if you don't mind. Fyi... I'm no longer wearing trousers."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:54 am

Jessamine took another sip of her cola as she sat down on the bed next to Silas and her cheeks went a bright shade of red as she did so, after all she wasn't used to being close to such a man in his underwear, at least, not for a long time at least, and definately not a man like Silas...

Who was actually a man, as opposed to a boy who wouldn't have all of the...needed equipment to make a lady happy.

"Now you're just trying to make me blush." she said, pressing her coolish hands to her cheeks in an attempt to cool her down, she had hoped that she would be able to relax now, but Silas seemed intent on flustering her.

Lying down on her stomach, she kicked her legs up behind her and hummed lightly, looking around her bedroom, before she rolled onto her back and poked Silas on the nose;

"What do you want to do now then Silas?" she asked, yawning a little bit.

Jessamine Blakely

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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Silas Gray Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:59 am

Sila could tell by the way that Jessamine blushed that being this close to him when she knew he was only in his underwear give her some ideas. After all, blushes like that don't just come from nowhere. He chuckled a little bit and let his eyes wander up and down her creamy smooth legs. He had no doubt she was checking him out after all,

"And if I am?" he challenged her with a smirk, "Trust me Jessamine I can make you blush a lot more than this. For example..."

He slowly pulled the covers off of himself so that she could see him there just in his boxers. Silas grinned a little bit,

"And there are more ways too."

Silas smirked a little bit and when Jessamine laid down on her back he pounced, pinning her lightly to the bed with him on top. He kissed her hungrily before breaking away with a smirk,

"Oh I can think of a few things." he purred, "Want to try and guess what they are? Or should we just go ahead and get started?"
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa) Empty Re: Back to the nest (Silas and Jessa)

Post by Jessamine Blakely Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:04 am

Jessamine's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, it was so strange to be able to finally have an attractive man in her bed, but...she had no idea what to do with him now that he was here! Whatever she had thought about doing, she was now scared to try in the present.

"Silas..." she said in a warning tone "Be nice, I can't give that sort of effect so you shouldn't make me feel inferior." Jessamine joked a little bit, knowing full well Silas thought differently.

As soon as Silas lay on top of her, Jessamine's breath caught in her throat and the lips pressing to hers made her flutter her eyes close and she returned the kiss slowly.

Wrapping her arms around his neck gently, Jessamine smiled happily and nuzzled her head against Silas' neck;

"I think I could get behind some kissing, if that;s what you mean of course."

Jessamine Blakely

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