Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:34 am

Silas rolled his neck to relieve some of the tension in the muscles there. To be honest he was beginning to wonder if he was getting too old for this job. After all, he'd done a combat roll to avoid a haywire dummy after the test was over and clipped a stone wall. Shaking it off, Silas sat himself down on top of the wall to go over the team's results.

As he was doing so he paused for a second and remembered something that Charlotte had asked of him. Seeing her a short distance away he waved her over with a smile,

"Charlotte!" he called out to her, "You wanted to talk to me?"
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:38 am

Charlotte panted lightly, she was doubled over with her hands on her knees as she tried to get her breath back after the activity was over, it was so hard for her to do, especially given her condition but she tried hard to be able to be supportive to the team in any way that she could be.

Hearing Silas shout for her Charlotte stood up shakily and she placed her hand over her chest as she tried to work out the stiffness in her muscles, it was so hard to act as if everything was okay and she wasn't in pain when it was far from that.

Stopping just in front of him, Charlotte smiled gently;

"Hi Mr. Gray, can we go somewhere more private, I just, don't want some people overhearing or anything." Charlotte asked with a slight pant still in her voice.
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:44 am

Silas wasn't a fool, he had seen soldiers walking around like that and it was because they were injured and trying to hide it. He'd bring that up if he found the opening in the conversation. When she asked him if they could go somewhere private he raised an eyebrow but nodded and silently waved for her to follow him.

Moving into the fort that had been made for the exercise he lead her to the little mock briefing room and waited before she followed him in before waving his wand. The doors and windows closed. He waved his wand again and two chairs appeared. He smiled and sat down in one,

"Please, sit Charlotte." he smiled a little bit more, "I trust this is private enough? I could put up silencing wards if it would make you feel better though."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:01 am

Charlotte let a faint smile appear on her lips when she was lead into the fort with Silas taking the lead, why wasn't it this easy beforehand? Those stinging hexes really packed a punch and she was in a lot of pain right about now, but as long as she avoided pressing the areas, it wasn't too bad.

Sitting down on the chair that Silas conjured she nodded her head and she smiled happily she was a littler nervous about what she had to say and she hoped that her Papa would be mad at her for telling Silas what she was about to tell him.

"Oh yes of course this is private enough." she said brightly "Thanks for talking to me...I just thought that I should let you know something that might effect my participation in the squad Delta."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:05 am

Silas could tell that Charlotte was liking this entrance into the fort a lot more than she enjoyed the initial assault. Not like he could blame her, the dummy's spells had been turned up to level three out of ten after all. A fifth year like herself was expected to work against level two stinging hexes but they were far from ordinary fifth years, they were the cream of the crop.

Seeing that she was now sitting down, Silas reached over to one of the drawers in what appeared to be the main planning board. From out of the drawer he pulled a packet of biscuits with a grin,

"Want some biscuits? Hob nobs. Love them myself." he offered with a grin before pausing. He smiled faintly, "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's about an injury of some kind... when you walked over you walked like someone suffering from a chest injury."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:03 am

Charlotte blinked when Silas pulled the biscuits out and she giggled a little bit before nodding her head, that attack had made her blood levels drop right down again and she was getting more and more hungry the longer she waited before eating.

"I would love some Mr.Gray thank you." she smiled, taking one of the biscuits "Did I do well today you think? I mean I know I shouldn't ask but...I'm really interested to see how I'm doing or if I need to work harder at some things..."

Sucking on her lip piercing, Charlotte's red eyes flared a little dimmer and she shook her head with a small smile on her lips;

"Well I suppose you could say that but I was going to tell you that my Papa doesn't really think that it's a good idea for me to be in this programme, and I don't know if I should be in this programme any more either...I guess I just need to talk it through with you."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:09 am

Silas grinned a little bit when he notice the hunger in her eyes. These exercises really did take the breath out of some people, as was their intention after all. The biscuits had, surprisingly enough, never been noticed when people swept the room in the past so he kept his stash there,

"Not a problem Charlotte. Can't have one of my soldiers low on sugar now can I?" he teased lightly before grinning, "Oh Charlotte I have the preliminary results here so I think I can give you a vague score out of ten. Ten being the highest you scored around... seven. Don't worry though, that's the second highest score anyone has gotten for their first attempt on this exercise. If it makes you feel better, I'm the holder of the highest score."

Seeing that she seemed to deflate a little bit, Silas paid more attention. When she vocalised her doubts about the programme, as well as Cobalt's doubts about it, he frowned slightly before nodding slightly,

"I think you're doing very well in the programme so it's not a question of ability." he told her with a smile before nodding, "But let's talk it through. What are your doubts Charlotte?"
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:17 am

Charlotte felt her cheeks flush with a small delicate blush, Silas had told her that she had done the best on the exercise, she thought that others for sure would have done much much better than herself but she would be wrong she supposed in her beliefs.

"Really?" she asked incredulously "I did not expect that, although I am so happy to be a good member of the squad, I was so sure that I was letting it down on the physical aspects of things."

Munching happily on the biscuit, Charlotte felt her blood sugar and energy returning to normal. she was feeling much better now than she had done since she had started the exercise, but then again she supposed it was only to be expected.

"Well...I just don't know if I need to be trained up this much Mr. Gray I mean, I know that it's good to defend myself but I'll learn that from Hogwarts anyway, and I know what I want to be when I'm older and it's not this."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:22 am

Silas took a bite out of one of his biscuits happily. He really did enjoy this brand of biscuits, even though the brand was muggle through and through. He chuckled a little bit and nodded at her question. Seemed that she didn't have the same confidence in her abilities that he had,

"Yes really Charlotte." he told her honestly with a smile before shrugging a little bit, "You're not letting the squad down at all Charlotte. Physically you still have more drive and endurance than Humphrey. What does that boy do all day? Sit around moping or something? I kid, I kid."

When she told him frankly about her abitions in life not really following what the squad was being geared to he smiled slightly. He nodded,

"Yes I can understand that Charlotte but please keep in mind that your squad will only be in operation so long as the war wages and it seems to be dying down. Not to mention you can quit at any time." he told her simply before smiling, "What do you want to do when you grow up Charlotte? I'm curious."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:30 am

Charlotte felt herself growing brighter, her eyes were now shining a bright red with her pride and she wondered if she was making a mistake in thinking about relinquishing the claim that she had in this group, maybe she could really help make a difference in the war effort?

"Awwwww don't be mean to Humphrey, but really I am surprised that I have so much stamina, normally I really don't..." she whispered, remembering the incident with the punching bag.

It was a little surprising that Silas seemed so understanding about Charlotte flat out saying that she didn't have an interest in persuing this, it was something that surprised her but in a good way. there were so many other things that she had problems with...it was good to get one out of the way.

"I know I can quit any time, but I just don't really want to waste your time teaching me things I'm never going to use thats all...besides...I have friends in Germany I don't want to attack them." she stated quietly before grinning happily and showing Silas her paint covered fingers "I want to be an artist and fashion designer."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:37 am

It was rather strange to see Charlotte's eyes literally brightening with each helping of praise but then again it wasn't all too surprising. He smiled reassuringly. He was being totally honest here, Charlotte was doing excellent in the team right now and the team might not be the same if she decided to leave,

"I'll try not to be Charlotte." he joked before nodding with a smile, "Stamina is based on willpower almost as much as it is on the body Charlotte. That's why you always seem to be able to run faster if chased. And it's why your stamina is greater during team exercises. Because it is your will to fight for your team mates that gives you strength."

Silas, despite what some people might think, was not about to force anyone into taking a path in the military. Just because it was the life for him didn't make it so for others,

"Believe me Charlotte it's not a waste of my time. If anything I teach you helps you, in anyway, then it'll be time well spent." he told her with a smile before nodding, "I have a girlfriend in Germany. But artist and fashion designer huh? Quite the career path there! Your father speaks very highly of your art I know."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:58 am

Charlotte could guess that things like increased stamina happened when you were chased and when you were under stress, and she knew that she was working harder to try and protect Airen especially, although she supposed this was wrong...everyone should be equal, but they weren't.

"I see, well I guess that kind of makes sense now that I think about it in that way, I do try my best to make sure that nobody gets hurt when we do these tasks." she smiled gently.

When Silas mentioned that he had a girlfriend in Germany Charlotte smiled gently and she was glad that he didn't seem to have anything personal against the German people themselves, it meant that he wasn't one of those corrupt generals.

"Well my friend is someone you won't really like...you've probably fought him a lot." she sighed "Well thanks Mr/ Gray! If you ever need something comissioned, you know where to come!"

Sucking on her lip piercing Charlotte then asked; "I'm worried that I'll end up doing all the really dangerous things because of the part in the team I've been given. The spying part."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:07 am

Seeing that Charlotte seemed to be feeling better about herself now that he had talked to her a little bit, Silas decided to conjure some tea for them to have. They were eating biscuits without tea after all and that was almost a crime when you were British,

"It really does show itself in your work Charlotte." he told her with a happy smile, "That's why you're the best person on the team by far at the moment. Because you actually place the team before you at some points."

He raised an eyebrow when she mentioned that he'd probably fought her german friend a lot. To be fair he was a good enough soldier and fighter that he rarely faced repeat opponents. So the list of possibilities was rather small,

"There is that possibility I suppose." he agreed before grinning, "Thank you Charlotte, I'll be sure to comission something from you soon actually. My girlfriend is redecorating you see."

When she raised her concerns he paused for a moment before holding up a hand. He threw up some silencing wards,

"Charlotte... I have sources. They tell me that sometimes your art... literally 'jumps off the canvas'." he told her, putting emphasis on the jump part, "That it's very... 'lifelike'."
Silas Gray
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:20 am

Charlotte felt so very happy that she was doing well, it was something that she had been worried about for a very very long time, since the first meeting between them even, she always hoped that she wouldn't let the team down or cock up and look a fool.

"Are you sure you should really be telling me this Mr. Gray? After all if anyone else found out they would be really really upset." she smiled, a little unsure about this situation.

With a small smile on her lips Charlotte was immedietely excited about what sort of thing that she would be making for Silas' girlfriend, maybe it would be a lovely landscape peice, or maybe she should be making a self portrait?

Hearing Silas ask her about some of her painting magic, Charlotte blinked a little bit and she opened and closed her mouth a few times before squeaking out;

"How did you know that?!" she asked, more than a little freaked out "Are you spying on me or something?!"
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:29 am

Silas had to resist the urge to chuckle. Even now, when they were safely away from her team, she was worrying about how their conversation might hurt the feelings of her team. It was really rather amusing how she fit all of the descriptions of a great team member without really trying,

"And that concern, right there, despite our isolation is what makes you such a good team mate." he told her with a grin before chuckling a little bit, "Besides... I won't tell if you don't!"

He had to admit that he wanted a portrait from Charlotte because he had heard that she was brilliant. Not only that but Christopher had a picture in his office and it looked amazing. Seeing her having some kind of mild panic attack, Silas held his hands out,

"Relax Charlotte, relax." he reassured her with a smile, "I'm not spying on you, I'm spying on the Germans. The Nickel brothers had a conversation about it. You impressed one of them, Viktor, very much with it."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:36 am

Charlotte blushed a little bit when Silas continued to compliment her on her team work, so much so that she feared that her hair was beginning to turn the same annoying colour of strawberry pink that it did when she ended up blushing.

"Okay then Mr. Gray I wont tell anybody but we have to stop talking about it now it's making me all embarrassed." she smiled gently , running her hand through her hair to comfort her gently.

She continued to wrap her hands into her hair to comfort her when Silas told her that he had found out by spying on her friend Viktor, she was however very happy that he was still alive and was getting on well with life, or, that he seemed to be.

"Well I guess that makes sense, Viktor would know I gave him one after all, he's my German friend in case you didn't know." she smiled gently "But what does that have to do with anything?"
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:43 am

The blushing was something he'd not seen her do before and it was rather fun to watch her hair change colour a little bit too. It wasn't a good look for her though, strawberry pink just seemed to clash too much with the rest of her. He grinned,

"Awwwwww but it's fun to make you embarrassed!" he joked before chuckling, "Fine I'll stop. Party pooper."

He could tell that the way she was playing with her hair was a way of coping with the fact that he'd just casually mentioned one of her biggest secrets. Silas smiled a little bit,

"Viktor appears to be doing alright according to my sourcees. Found himself a new girlfriend after his last one was tragically killed." he told her quietly before nodding, "Well Charlotte... could you make animals out of ink? If so then when they observed something you could have them return and spell out their findings in the paint on the canvas. We've got people working on the spell to give the paint creatures the intelligence as we speak."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:53 am

Charlotte's mouth opened and closed quickly, she was so upset to hear that Niobe had died, she was so lovely when she had met her and from what she had heard about her she seemed to be good for Viktor and was making him far more calmer than he was when she met him.

"I can make anything that I want to make out of any material however I cannot create them for a very long time, it drains a lot of my energy and my stamina completely disappears."

Frowning a little bit Charlotte shook her head, so he was getting people to copy what it is that she did? She really wasn;t happy about that, her power was her power and she needed to keep it between her and whoever she wanted to teach it to.

"I'd rather you not mess around with my art, I don't need any extra spells to give it intelligence, is has an element of sentinence about it, but you wouldn't know that because you haven't asked me."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:15 am

Silas might not like either one of the Nickel brothers but he took no pleasure in acknowledging the facts that Viktor's girlfriend had been killed by British Rebels. She had been a civilian and as such should have not have been a target. He thought about Charlotte's abilities for awhile before nodding,

"Then perhaps we should focus on building up your magical reserves more than your physical stamina for now..." he muttered quietly with a small nod, "Yes I think that would be for the best. After all you won't be put in any danger if you send out ink or paint scouts right?"

He chuckled a little bit. Perhaps he had mispoken. After all, they weren't looking to replicate her powers. The military and the Ministry thought them too specialised and therefore not really worth the effort,

"Calm down Charlotte, we're not messing around with your art. Just looking it over really. No attempts at using it or improving it or anything of the sort." he assured her quietly, "But if they have sentience can they tell you what they've seen?"
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:36 am

Charlotte sighed gently, it seemed that although Silas had scouted out about her powers he had not done a very good job of it, it was something that was more than a little bit annoying and it just made her think you could never trust anyone these days.

"If the scouts are harmed then yes I will be, in order to give them the ability to come out from the painting they are connected to me via blood magic, it binds them to me. Whatever happens to them happens to me, and vice versa."

With a small hum Charlotte decided that she might as well show the guy what her art could do, after all it would stop all of these annoying questions, honestly if you were going to investigate at least do it properly.

"Would it be easier if I just showed you? And anyway...I haven't decided that I'm going to use my art for this in the first place, or even stay on in the group after the end of this conversation." Charlotte frowned gently.
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:46 am

Silas had intentionally kept the interest in the powers of his little team down so the information he had about them was spotty at best. But when Charlotte told him that she could be hurt if her drawings were his eyes widdened and he closed them for a few seconds to think,

"That is a major setback. You won't be able to use them as expendable scouts then. More like you being in more than one place at a time with them being extensions of you." he muttered before sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I think it can still work but you'd have to be extra careful."

When she suggested that it would be better to just show him Silas couldn't help but agree. He'd avoided in depth research to preserve her privacy. And because he had no doubt that if Cobalt caught them spying on his daughter he'd make the entire intelligence division disappear. He nodded,

"It would be easier to be fair. We were trying not to be intrusive in our research so our knowledge is spotty." he admitted before smiling faintly, "I know, this is all hypothetical."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:21 am

Charlotte nodded her head softly, she knew that it was a major setback, and Papa was probably going to object more to that than he objected to her being in the group in the first place, after all, the last time that she had split herself she had almost ended up dying after all.

"Well I think that I would need to talk about it with Papa, he wouldn't like me to use this power again, given what happened last time that I used one of my portraits." she sighed a little bit.

Pulling out a small picture of herself from her pocket, the same picture as before, in the gold frame, and she placed it on the floor of the small meeting room, taking a small pair of sewing scissors from her pocket, Charlotte nicked her thumb and spread a small drop of blood on the rune on the back of the picture.

Immediately she began to push some of her magic into the picture and it shimmered and glowed before the replica of herself stepped out of the portrait, growing to the same size that she was. Watching as the double noticed her, smiled and waved, Charlotte smiled back.

"Well this is what I can do...but...I can't hold them for very long, I've not really practiced, Cobalt doesn't like me using them any more."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:34 am

Silas knew that Cobalt Smith was a man to risk everything if he thought the conditions were right. However, he also knew that this personality trait did not transfer to Charlotte. Cobalt wanted nothing but absolutel certainty that Charlotte was going to be safe, he left nothing to chance if he could help it. It had been a miracle he'd allowed his daughter to join the team in the first place,

"I understand, father's don't like it when their children are put in more danger than is absolutely necessary." he agreed before chuckling lightly, "I'm surprised he let you join up in the first place actually. Cobalt is very cautious with your safety after all."

Watching as she readied and used her portrait, Silas' eyes widened as he saw the double of Charlotte stand beside her. The double really was impressive he'd certainly give her that much. Shaking his head to bring himself back to the here and now, he hummed a little bit as he thought about the situation. He nodded,

"Well how about you just ask him about it? There's no pressure. After all, you don't know if you even want to stay in the group."
Silas Gray
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:41 am

Charlotte smiled gently and she knew that Cobalt was very protective of her and she hoped that he would continue to be that way, after all it was nice to see that some people still cared that much about her to look after her safety in this manner.

"Well I wanted to join the team in the first place, but now I'm thinking that it's going to be more dangerous for me than it is going to be beneficial to everyone else, including me." she sighed gently.

Allowing the double to shimmer and fade back into the portrait, Charlotte smiled slightly wider, she was glad that Silas was impressed with what she was doing in terms of her art. Of course she would ask Cobalt, but she knew that his answer would probably be no, considering that she didn't want to do it in the first place.

"Of course I'm going to ask Papa about it, I need to tell him that we talked after all, it might help me come to my final decision about whether I stay or leave."
Charlotte Smith
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The Cooldown (Silas and Char) Empty Re: The Cooldown (Silas and Char)

Post by Silas Gray Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:50 am

Silas had to admire Cobalt's commitment to keeping Charlotte safe even if it was likely to cost his team the one member that it could really do to keep. He sighed a little bit. It was Charlotte's choice after all but that didn't mean he had to like it,

"Well you do have to consider yourself at some point." he agreed with a small smile, "You think about others a lot. It's good to see that you're capable of realising the dangers to yourself."

As he watched the double shimmer and then fade away he had to admit to being more than a little bit impressed. He'd had been impressed if a fully grown adult came up with it but for someone Charlotte's age it was incredible. He nodded,

"I'm sure that between the two of you the answers can be found." he told her with a smile, "After all, you both have your interests at heart so will choose what is best for you."
Silas Gray
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