Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson Four - Fourth Years

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Lesson Four - Fourth Years Empty Lesson Four - Fourth Years

Post by Richard Romain Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:49 am

Richard sat behind his desk whistling to himself as he waited for his class to file in. He'd been planning on teaching them another attack-based transfiguration spell this lesson. It was up on the board already.

Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Lesson Four - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Four - Fourth Years

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:42 am

Airen walked slowly into the classroom. He had had a rough night, and thus was rather drained. He wasn't really sleepy, he was just feeling slow. He took his seat at the front of the classroom.

"Good morning, professor," he said as he took out his parchment, ink, and quill. He idly wondered why wizards didn't use pens, but he pushed those thoughts aside to focus on the lesson.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Lesson Four - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Four - Fourth Years

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:06 am

Charlotte walked into the classroom and she sat down in her normal seat next to Airen, she was a little bit surprised to see that they were the only people in the lesson, but she wondered what they were going to be learning today and she allowed her thoughts to wander from the emptiness of the class.

Sighing gently she got all of her materials out, having been a little bit sad last night, the mood had seemed to continue into today, and hopefully she would manage to break it later.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson Four - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Four - Fourth Years

Post by Richard Romain Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:56 pm

Richard looked at the emptiness of the classroom and frowned. It seemed some of the students had been taken out early for the summer holidays. He was sure that Briony would not appreciate that. Shaking his head, Richard smiled,

"Hey Char, hey Airen." he greeted them a bit more informally, "Seems to be just us so I'll be teaching you in a bit of a looser manner if that's cool."

He tapped the name of the spell on the board,

"This is another attack spell I'm going to teach you." he told them simply, "To put it simply this spell turns objects into glass. If you put enough power into it, the spell turns parts of people into glass. Neither of you are strong enough to glass a whole person yet though."

Richard merely pointed his wand at his desk,

"Combardamenta!" he declared, watching his desk turn to glass, "No wand movements needed. Practice on some of the free desks would you?"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Lesson Four - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Four - Fourth Years

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:39 pm

Charlotte smiled happily and nodded her head when Richard told her that they would be taught in a much looser manner than they would have been before, and she watched as he performed the spell that they would have to be trying themselves.

They were learning some quite dangerous spells now, turning someone to glass sounded like it was going to be very dangerous if they then smashed the bit that was glass.

Getting up, she looked at one of the spare desks, casting a smile at Airen before she concentrated on the desk, visualising it changing from its current state, into glass, closing her eyes she muttered;

'Combardamenta!' and opened one eye, seeing that she had managed to turn one leg of the table into glass. Charlotte grinned and set to turning the rest of it into glass too.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson Four - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson Four - Fourth Years

Post by Nancy Blackmore Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:31 am

Nancy was late today and that seemed to be not a good sign to her. As she was opening the door, she was expecting the whole class to start staring at her while the teacher would be silently driving mad.
"What a terrible sound this old door makes!" That only made her even more irritated. However, she had no choice but to come in, smile, sad her apology and join the class.
At that moment, her whole silhouette was full of insecurity and desire to be liked.
"Calm down girl, you are pretty and that always saves you" At least, she would always think so.
Nancy Blackmore
Nancy Blackmore
Ravenclaw Seventh Year

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