Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Second Lesson - First Years

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:07 am

Now The Doctor was one of the first to admit that he liked being Highmaster of Durmstrang. After all, it came with a lot of power and pretty much everything went your way. The only problem was that every problem in the school became his. Which was why he was new standing in a classroom ready to teach a class he really didn't want to teach.
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-11-27

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Avangeline King Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:28 am

Avangeline slowly walked into class. She heard the Highmaster himself would be teaching the class. Ava didn't know anything about the man, except he must be powerful to be in control of the school and everything in it.

She wondered what his temperament would be like, as all the other instructors had to follow his lead. Since he created the rules, did that mean he was going to follow them, or take some liberties in breaking them?

Avangeline was not afraid of coming to harm, but she was nervous about this unknown entity. Would she be good enough to meet his standards? She simply didn't know and it was bugging her.

Avangeline King

Posts : 121
Join date : 2011-12-10
Age : 35

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Guest Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:39 am

The first person she saw upon entering the Defense classroom was Ava and the blonde breathed a sigh of relief. Subjects with names like "Dark Arts", "Dueling" and "Defense" had her nervous enough as it was and she appreciated the friendly face.

The second person she saw was the Highmaster, and she blinked. Was he teaching Defense too?

Quickly, the witch hurried over to take her place beside Ava.


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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Guest Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:15 am

Tarragon entered the classroom shortly after Alys, he'd tried to catch up with her in the hall, but had been too late. He could see she had taken up her place next to Ava and sighed, resigning himself to the desk behind them on his own.

He nodded in the Highmasters direction, taking out his books, parchment and quills he sat down.


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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:41 am

The Doctor had once been perhaps the greatest offensive duelist of his age. Some would say that this 'fact' was bragging. The Doctor didn't. It's not bragging if it was true at one point as all.

It had all changed for him after an incident. In that incident he had changed. He had seen exactly what could come from his brilliant use of strategy and arcane magics. Death and destruction on a large scale. So he had largely abandoned offensive magic but he was still a keen believer in self-defense, hence why he was here. The Doctor clapped his hands and smiled his usual, happy, smile,

"Alright then class... I'm sure you know who I am but for those who don't, I'm The Doctor." he waved at the class for a second before growing slightly more serious, "Tell me class... what is the best way to not be hit by a spell?"
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-11-27

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:21 am

For once, Alys was glad to answer. This didn't require a textbook, perhaps the doctor just wanted to see some common sense. Raising her hand tentatively, the witch said "Duck?" At least, that's what she would do seeing as she didn't know any spells that could cast a shield or retaliate an offense.


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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:06 pm

Tarragon also raised his hand, he knew this one.

"You'd use Protego, Sir."

His answer was simple enough. However, doing the spell wouldn't be as easy to most people. He had to hand it to Alys though, he answer was right for their level of magical ability. Albeit a little Muggle esk!


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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Avangeline King Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:10 am

Ava decided to put her nerves aside and just say her gut reaction.

"The best way to not get hit with a spell is knock your opponent out before they have a chance to cast. If they can't fire a spell, it can't hit you." She hoped that was an alright answer.

Avangeline King

Posts : 121
Join date : 2011-12-10
Age : 35

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Doctor Florence Nettle Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:11 am

The Doctor clapped his hands together happily before pointing at Tarragon,

"Good answer Mr Zeverai but unfortunately not what I was looking for." he smiled a little, "After all, a strong enough spell can break through a protego shield. Not to mention the Unforgivables."

He smiled warmly at Avangeline's answer, mainly because he knew she had to overcome her nerves to answer at all,

"That is very true my dear." he replied before shaking his head a little, "However, also not the answer I was looking for. After all, you will often find yourself up against people who are better duelists than yourself."

The Doctor clapped his hands happily again,

"We have a winner!" he declared theatrically, "Miss Diederich is correct in this instance. The best way to avoid being hit by a spell? Don't be there when the spell lands. Dodging, ladies and gentleman, will save your life more than any spell or charm."

Moving to the centre of the room, he rubbing his hands together, leaving his wand on the desk,

"I shall now demonstrate." he smiled happily at his students as he put his hands in his pockets, "Fire some spells and curses at me. Go on."
Doctor Florence Nettle
Doctor Florence Nettle
Durmstrang Highmaster

Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-11-27

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:58 am

Alys blushed at being correct. She was sure Ava had the best answer amongst them all and Tarragon's was also perfectly plausible but her own simple "duck" had satisfied The Doctor.

However, when it came to the demonstration, the blonde blushed for a whole other reason. The number of spells she knew was laughable by any accounts. She doubted she could ever do anything to harm The Doctor. Lifting her wand to point directly at the Highmaster, she muttered the spell she had been learning in Charms lately.



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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Avangeline King Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:15 am

Ava doubted any first year could touch the Doctor with a spell, unless pure dumb luck stepped in. That was not her problem when she hesitated. She didn't know which spell to try. She had seen and practiced a few with her father, but only using a practice wand can make things different when you use a real one.

Deciding to go with a defense type spell that she was only semi-confident she could do correctly. If she managed it, she would be writing father immediately to tell him. "Expelliarmus!"

Avangeline King

Posts : 121
Join date : 2011-12-10
Age : 35

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Second Lesson - First Years Empty Re: Second Lesson - First Years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:46 am

Lukas was silent and observant the whole while. The Highmaster was very amusing he concluded because of the amount of his claps.

However he didn't waste a moment when he was asked to act. Anybody can answer but demonstrations was what he enjoyed.

He smiled as he fired twice hoping one would come at least a bit close to the Highmaster as he mouthed, " Confringo! Confringo!"


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