Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Searching For A Musical

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Searching For A Musical Empty Searching For A Musical

Post by Horst Sollmann Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:06 am

Horst Sollmann walked into Flourish and Blott's with a sense of purpose, as he always did when looking for books. He browsed the shelves looking for a possible play and musical for the upcoming year at Hogwarts. The Head Librarian of Hogwarts needed something that was fun, yet also with a serious side to it for the musical. For the play, he wanted a tragedy, and he had already decided upon Shakespeare's Hamlet. He would ask the Headmaster before he Christmas Holiday for permission. But the musical would take place before the Christmas Holiday. Considering that most of the students would be new to acting and singing, he wanted something simple enough to pull off properly. So nothing complex. After looking through the shelves he realized it may be better to search for a Muggle Musical. A very long time ago, he had heard something about a musical called Hairspray, maybe that would be a good choice.

But, a trip to a bookstore was not something to waste, and he decided to search for some textbooks. He soon found three excellent books on advanced charms, as well as a book on advanced defensive magic techniques, and a book that was titled Divination: For the Intellectual. Horst thought that was a contradiction in and of itself, but he decided to get it and read it for himself. The other books he would put in the Library for the students' use, and maybe if the Divination book was any good he would add that as well. After purchasing the books, he left Flourish and Blott's with a spring in his step. Muggle Musicals, he would look into them. So he decided to go to the biggest library in London. And that is precisely where he found information on the American Musical Hairspray. Which he thought would be an excellent attempt for the students of Hogwarts. Very different than what they were used to for sure.
Horst Sollmann
Horst Sollmann
Hogwarts Professor

Posts : 181
Join date : 2012-01-19
Age : 30
Location : Ohio

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