Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:58 pm

Airen walked to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Having never been there before, he was curious as to what was in there. He hiked up the rucksack on his back. It had a few snacks in it, and his drawing pad. He also had his sword. Not because he thought the dragon was dangerous, but that he was more familiar with swordmage spells.

He leaned on a tree and waited for Charlotte to meet him.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:24 pm

Charlotte had hurried to the forbidden forest when she had managed to eat some sort of breakfast, now she both felt sick from not normally eating this early, and from nerves of going to find the dragon in the forest in front of her.

Truth be told to Charlotte the forest looked rather quite scary and she bit her lip when she approached it, her shoulder bag heavy with extra food and her drawing sets.

Spotting Airen she hurried closer with a smile on her lips, she couldn't wait to go on this adventure with him, despite her nerves.

"Air!" she called and jogged to meet him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug "Are you excited? I am, it's going to be amazing!"
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:16 pm

Airen saw Charlotte approach the forest. She seemed a bit nervous about the whole thing, and he hoped that eating breakfast didn't make her too ill. He noticed that she also had a bag with supplies. He smiled at her preparation.

When she hugged him, he felt butterflies in his stomach. She always did that to him, but he wasn't complaining. He hugged her back.

"Hello to you too, Charlotte. I'm also excited. You ready?" he asked, gesturing to the forest with his hand.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:24 pm

Charlotte almost squeaked happily as she looked at the forest, it did look awfully dangerous and she hoped that Airen would be there for her if she needed his help, and vice versa, she didn't want to be attacked by some creature while they were in there, and they didn't even know where the dragon would be.

"I am ready as I'm ever going to be! Do we have any idea what direction we need to go in? I thought that we might get lost, so I learnt this charm, my Papa helped me, it's called Four Points, and it'll tell us what direction we need to go in to get to what we want." she said happily.

Stepping towards the forest, Charlotte sucked on her lip piercing.

"Let's go then." she said, slightly nervous.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:24 pm

Airen knew Charlotte was glad by her squeak of joy. He followed her gaze to the forest. It being still daylight, the forest didn't look as intimidating, but there was still that eerie feeling to it. the forest was old, and no doubt had seen many things within its boundaries. His hand instinctively went for the ruby/emerald handle of the sword. He stilled it mid-journey and instead grasped Charlotte's hand, hoping to comfort her with his presence.

"That's good. You'll have to teach me that sometime," he said. He was glad that Charlotte decided to learn that spell.

He followed her, but with his stride, he soon found himself beside her. He slowed his step to be at her pace. He wouldn't want to take his eyes off her in there.

"Alright," he said, and set off walking.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:26 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly and the feel of Airen's hand in hers made her a lot less nervous than she was already, with a small intake of breath Charlotte managed to calm herself down a little and she moved through the forest, looking at all of the nice surroundings.

It looked much less scary in the day time, they would just have to be sure they went inside before it began to get dark.

"I sure will, it took me a while to do it, because it's a higher level spell, but I'm sure you will be able to do it much quicker than I did." she said cheerfully.

Now that Airen was beside her, Charlotte knew that she would be safe, and wondered if he would come with her into the forest on another occassion, after all it was beautiful and she would love to draw it sometime.

"So what kind of creatures do you think live in here?" she asked as she looked around.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:58 pm

Airen kept pace with Charlotte easily. He took in the cool breeze and rustling leaves. He smiled and took a deep breath, taking in as much as he could. He smiled at Charlotte kindly.

Airen couldn't help but smile at Charlotte's comment on him learning the spell faster than her. He thought that she must be pretty advanced to learn it before her second year. He hadn't even heard of it. Surely, he wouldn't be so good as to learn it faster.

"I may be good at being a swordmage, but I'm not the best at everything," he replied. "I'm sure you can beat me at painting any day," he continued.

Airen felt that this could become a tradition of their's, even if they didn't find the dragon. they could just go here and talk, hang out, or go on dates if they decided to go further in their relationship.

"I think some centaurs may live here, but besides the dragon, I don't many creatures call this place home," he said, remembering looking out his dorm window and seeing some centaur-like shapes moving about.

Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:14 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly when Airen said that he wasn't the best at everything, they did however seem to learn things at around the same pace so they might be matched in ability in most things, and hopefully in the future they would be able to do all things equally.

"Well I can only beat you at painting because I've been drawing since I can remember." she said playfully, and then something came into her mind, the form that the Boggart turned into for Airen, it played on her mind but she didn't ask anything just yet.

"I suppose that we are both good at our individual things although when it comes to lessons, its nice that we're on the same page, as bad as it sounds, I would feel really stupid if I was friends with someone smarter than me, because I'd always be a step behind them." she sighed.

Looking around the forest, Charlotte was glad that there only seemed to be friendly creatures in the forest, after all Centaurs could talk and if they were found by one they wouldn't be hurt, just taken out of the forest and maybe scolded a little.

"I like centaurs, if I had to be a creature I would be one of those, what about you? What would you be?"
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:35 pm

Airen smiled back at Charlotte as she said that she was only good at painting because she'd been doing it longer. He was glad that she loved art as much as he loved being a swordmage. He hoped that one day, she'd be able to be as good at being a swordmage. Then, she'd be able to protect herself.

Listening to her reply, Airen smiled as she explained liking being friends with some one on equal level as her. He understood not wanting to feel inferior to your friend.

"I like having friends in general. I never had any growing up," he said, remembering his time at the Swordmage Academy.

He thought about what creature he'd be. He always had an affiliation to dragons in his swordmage spells.

"I think I'd be a dragon. Though, I'm not sure what breed," he said thoughtfully.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:47 pm

Charlotte almost winced when Airen said that he would just like any friends at all, she hadn't wanted to make him feel bad by saying that, and now she looked kind of selfish since she seemed to pick and choose who she was friends with as opposed to Air who was friendly to everybody.

Sucking on her lip piercing, Charlotte looked at Air as they walked through the forest and she hoped that he didn't think badly of her;

"Well any friend is a good friend as long as they are there for you when you need them, I think I would just naturally be friends with people who are like myself, isn't that the way it sort of happens?" she asked, wondering about it for a moment.

She should have known that Airen would like the Dragon the best, it seemed as if it was something that truly meant a lot to him, the species, since he had his dragon at home, Epos, if she remembered correctly and she hoped that one day she could see him.

"I think that you would be a good dragon, but then again, I think you would be good at anything you did." she smiled lightly.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:10 pm

Airen saw Charlotte tense when he finished. He knew that she was most likely beating herself up about sounding selfish. He draped an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close, sending her comfort through his touch. He wasn't one to judge, he had his own flaws.

"I think so. Though, I think that people need to have some differences so that they don't end up bored," he said, thinking on what his aunt used to say about his mother and father. She said that his father was impulsive, but he'd listen to his mother's more cautious and analytical opinion before making a decision. He felt tears coming to his eyes at the mention of his parents. He'd never had a clear memory of them. "Sorry," he said, wiping his eyes. " I was just thinking of my parents."

Airen blushed at her praise. He smiled shyly.

"Well, I'm sure that I won't be the best at everything I try. You're pretty talented when it comes to art. I'm sure you have other talents too," he said, hoping to make her feel good about herself.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:32 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly, it was clear that this was an area that they did not agree on and she didn't want to make things tense between them by continuing to talk about it, she was about to open her mouth to say something when she turned her head and saw that there was something wrong with Airen, he seemed upset.

Sucking on her lip peircing when he seemed to cry, Charlotte hugged him close to her and comfortingly squeezed him closer to try and make him less upset.

"Please don't worry Air, I know it's probably a sensitive subject and I will be more than understanding until you're ready to tell me more about them." she said with a small smile.

Seeing that he was blushing in retaliation to her comment, Charlotte felt good that she had managed to make her friend feel this good about himself, and in return she too blushed when she was complimented on the way that she had a talent for art; "Why thank you Airen, maybe as we grow older we will find that we have talents in lots of different areas."
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:53 pm

Airen returned the hug Charlotte gave him, thankful that he had a shoulder to cry on. His tears lessened until they were no more. He silently thanked God that he had Charlotte.

"Thank you for being so kind about this. I think that maybe I just need to come to terms with the fact that they're gone, but something just doesn't feel right. I feel like they're still out there somewhere," he replied getting a far away look in his eye.

Airen smiled at the fact of how humble they both were. He nodded his head at her statement.

"I think we will," he said taking her hand in his. He couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that settled over him.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:53 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly to herself when Airen decided that he would open up his feelings regarding his parents a little bit more, it made her feel special and trusted that he would do this, and hopefully she would feel like she could do the same with regard to her parents in time, for their memories were still blazing in her mind.

"Well maybe they are still there, they say that the people we love never really leave us, perhaps they're watching over you still." she smiled comfortingly.

With a small squeeze of Airen's hand Charlotte smiled even wider and walked forwards through the forest, until, she came to a bend in the road and she wondered which way they should go, after all there was no real direction that they should be headed in.

"Which way should we go now?" she asked, sucking on her lip peircing nervously.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:41 pm

Airen sighed in relief. He felt as if the a great burden was carried from his shoulders. He smiled at Charlotte, glad that she was understanding. He'd often wondered what he'd done to get her as a friend and girlfriend.

"I've heard that often. I know it's true, but still, something about it seems...well...not right. It's almost as if I know that they're still alive. I know it's silly, but it's just a feeling I get often," he explained. He recounted the times that he'd woken up from dreams that left him with a feeling of longing.

Airen let go of Charlotte's hand and draped his arm over her shoulders. He stopped at the same bend and looked down each path that was before them. The left seemed to twist and turn in all sorts of ways, but the right was straight, and the sunlight was coming in through the trees, making it look peaceful and inviting.

"How about we go right?" he offered.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:40 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly when she heard what Airen was saying about his parents, it sometimes could be nice to think about things like that, however it could also be a feeling that could lead to immense frustration and upset and for the times when it turns out to generate those feelings, Charlotte would be there for him.

"Well you know I'll always be here for you when you need help or you need to talk about it. I can imagine it would be very frustrating sometimes to feel like that."

With a happy smile, Charlotte leant her head on Airen's shoulder and hugged him lightly while they stood still, they looked across the paths and Charlotte had to agree with Airen, the right path looked like it would be the best option, the other one looked slightly scary with it's dark twists and turns.

"I think that sounds like a good plan, it looks the best way anyway." she smiled, beginning to take the path.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:54 am

Airen smiled widely at her reply to his thoughts. He was grateful that she was so understanding about this. All the times she'd been so kind to him always left him with a happy feeling. He thought of the dreams he had. he could never remember them fully when he awoke, but there were parts that stuck with him. A torch-lit room...two hooded figures...talking...

"Thank you, I wouldn't have it any other way," he said, smiling brightly at her. He gave her a peck on the cheek as a thank you present. He didn't think life could get better.

Airen walked with Charlotte down the path. The warm, morning sun broke through the trees and warmed his face. He smiled slightly when Charlotte leaned her head on his shoulder. He leaned his on her head. As they walked, he heard what sounded like heavy footfalls. They sounded like they belonged to a big creature.

"Hold on, I think I heard something," he said.
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:41 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly and blushed slightly when Airen kissed her cheek, she kissed him lightly on the lips and then looked around hoping that her blush wouldn't be spotted as she pretended to have spotted something in the distance, so she was a little shocked when she heard what sounded like several loud thumps.

Quickly she grabbed Airen's arm and she looked frantically around and she hoped that it wasn't something dangerous coming to get them throughout the forest.

"What was that?" she asked "Do you think it's the dragon?" she asked, wide-eyed and Charlotte sucked on her lip peircing, hoping that Airen would be able to tame it, now that they were porbably going to find it any moment now, after all if he couldn't it wouldn't end well.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:57 pm

Airen smiled goofily after Charlotte kissed him. She still had that effect on him, but hey, he wasn't complaining. He brought himself back to reality and listened closely to the thumps they were definitely footfalls, and they clearly belonged to something big.

Airen moved in front of Charlotte and quickly drew his sword. He kept a level head and scanned the forest up ahead. He just made out a gleam in the trees. motioning to Charlotte that they should go to a tree, he led them there as the footsteps grew closer.

He waited as the footsteps grew closer. They stopped. He heard a voice. It had a very soft spoken and kind, grandfatherly voice.

"Hello there. Come on out. Don't be shy," the voice said. Airen motioned for Charlotte to come out with him. He looked up and saw a Bronze Dragon. He sighed in relief and sheathed his sword. Epos had told him that the Bronze was one of the kindest creatures you could meet.

"Hi," Airen said, bowing respectively. The dragon chuckled.

"Please, don't be so formal. I only came to help," the dragon said.
Dragon Searching (Char and Air) 250px-Bronze_Dragon
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:44 pm

Charlotte would have noted the goofy smile on Airen's face was she not a little busy hiding her face in his clothes, she just wanted to go home now she was very scared that they might have done the right thing, she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer and her heart hammered in her chest.

Suddenly, when the dragon came into view, Charlotte gasped a little, and thought that even though she was really quite nervous, the creature in front of her was beautiful, and she would love to sit down and immediately start to paint it, letting slowly go of Airen she became a lot more at ease when they weren't attacked.

Stepping out from behind the tree they hid behind, Charlotte smiled lightly, and watched the interaction between Airen and the dragon;

"He's beautiful, does he have a name?" she asked.

(OOC: I wasn't sure if I was able to understand the dragon, so I just left it for now xD)
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:05 am

Airen smiled up at the dragon. He looked over at Charlotte and motioned for her to come over. He looked back at the dragon. He remembered what Epos told him about the Bronze dragons. How they liked to help others and often changed forms to those of humans and helpful creatures.

"We had heard rumors that there was a dragon somewhere in Hogwarts. We got curious and decided to look. We're sorry if we invaded your home," Airen said politely. He had hoped this dragon was older and was kind enough to understand.

"Of course, it's understandable concerning you humans and your short lifetimes," the dragon said. Airen nodded.

The dragon's long neck moved to where he get a better look at Charlotte. His mouth curved in what could only be a smile. Airen sighed in relief.

"Actually, yes, I do. My name is Nobelio," he said. Moving his head back to look at the two students. "What are your names?" he asked.

(OOC: Yes, you can understand him. Smile )
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:28 pm

Charlotte smiled happily and she was so very happy to hear the dragons slow voice, she hadn't thought that she would be able to understand him, but to her delight she could, and maybe, he would even be so kind ot let them come back so they could talk another time, as long as they weren't in his way.

Seeing that he was now craning his neck to look at her, Charlotte blushed a little bit, and she stepped out properly in front of his so that he wouldn't have to crane his neck to look at her, not like he would have to crane it very far.

"That's a very lovely name, my name is Charlotte Smith, it's a pleasure to meet you." she grinned, making sure that she was being polite and that she wouldn't offend him.

"How did you come to be here? Didn't Headmistress Briony send you away after the teacher left?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:09 pm

Airen smiled as Charlotte conversed with the dragon. He looked up at Nobelio. The dragon had an aroma to him. He smelled like the ocean. Airen walked over to Charlotte and draped an arm over her shoulder as she spoke to the dragon.

"Thank you. Your names also quite lovely," Nobelio said, gazing at the two students with glowing, green eyes that spoke of centuries of life on this earth. For indeed, he had been here on the Hogwarts grounds even before the founders made Hogwarts.

"I was born and raised in this forest. I've lived here for at least a thousand years. Not many have found me, and those that do decide to keep my existence a secret, which I like," he replied. He looked at the two students. They seemed to share a close bond that he remembered sharing with his mate. His reptilian lips curved in a smile.

Airen Auditoren
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:38 am

Charlotte smiled, and any nervousness that she felt dissappeared when Airen wrapped his arms around her, it made her feel alot safer, and a lot braver too, after all how many people could say that they had the chance to talk to a centuries old dragon!

"Your eyes are so interesting." she whispered, more to herself than anything else, and she found herself smiling widely, this meeting was so much more than she had ever expected "You're more beautiful than I expected you to be, I've been wanting to meet a dragon for a while now."

Blushing a little bit, when they seemed to have gotten the wrong dragon, Charlotte didn't hold her embarrassment for long, she was just happy to have met another;

"Are you the only dragon here?" she asked curiously.
Charlotte Smith
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Dragon Searching (Char and Air) Empty Re: Dragon Searching (Char and Air)

Post by Airen Auditoren Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:44 pm

Nobelio chuckled at Charlotte's comment on how beautiful he looked. The sound was a deep rumbling that Airen could feel through his bones. He smiled up at the dragon.

Nobelio inclined his head at Charlotte's question. He had lived in this forest for over a millennium and had yet to meet another dragon. He remembered a few years back that four dragons were held in his forest. The Hungarian Horntail he met was particularly vile and wanted to kill the 'putrid insects' as he called the humans.

"As far as I know, those that have taken residence here never stay for long. I remember a few years ago that four dragons were held here for the Triwizard Tournament, but that's all that have stayed here since then," he replied.

Airen listened to the story intently. He had his arms wrapped around Charlotte's waist. He wondered what it would be like to live for over a thousand years. he wondered if it would be lonely.

"Does it ever get lonely?" he asked. "Living on your own all these years?"
Airen Auditoren
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