Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Searching (Werewolves only)

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:11 pm

Benedict looked around the Lunar Trap. He could smell them. At least two. He knew one of them would be Zara. But who was the other? And where was she? It was a she, he could tell. But he didn't know where she was and if she was close or not. She couldn't be too far, of course, but she was not very near.

The other werewolf was new. She hadn't been one for long. He frowned. She seemed confused. He stopped tuning in on her, and tried to increase his own presence, hoping she would feel drawn to the comfort of another one so much like her.

He then tuned in on Zara. She had much potential. Very much. She could control herself so well when she was only twelve. And he surely wouldn't mind being the only werewolf in the protest against the wars.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Zara Hawkins Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:44 pm

Zara sat by a tree in the Lunar Trap. All of a sudden, she picked up a scent of another wolf. She knew straight away that it was Benedict. She stood up and followed the scent. It lead her straight to him. "Evening, Benedict" she greeted.

Zara Hawkins

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:52 am

Benedict smiled slightly as Zara made her way over and sat down.

"Good evening to you too," he said calmly.

He looked over at her. "Have you been here before?" he asked.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Zara Hawkins Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:51 am

"No. I never usually have the time to come here" she said. Zara was still a Hogwarts Student after all and couldn't always come to the creature hangout areas. She only ever came when she had spare time. Only at night though.

Zara Hawkins

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:22 pm

Benedict nodded. "I see," he said, "I do suppose it is a bit far from Hogwarts to just take a stroll out here."

He then looked up at the sky where the half-moon shone brightly. It captivated everything so beautifully. Benedict tilted his head to the side, thinking about how weird it was that something so fair could create something so wild.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:58 am

Ostanda peered at them through the trees. She had the oddest feeling that she was being called, her only reason for being there. A shudder rocked her being a hand flying to the gnarled mass of scars that stretched from neck to thigh tears coming to her eyes. She didn't want to be here, she was a terrible monster that deserved death no matter what Iris had said. What perturbed her more however, was the knowledge that worse things could be prowling about her at that very moment. Trembling she turned to flee but stepping on a twig gave a small scream, the sound of it bringing memory back as a wave of fight. Falling to her knees hands on head visions of searing claws, teeth and blood flooded through her mind and body.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:51 am

Benedict's head snapped to the trees as he heard a twig break, followed by a small squeal. He rose and walked calmly over to them. He saw a woman standing in between them, looking deadly frightened. The werewolf. Benedict cleared his throat.

"Good night, madam," he said, "I am Benedict Holmes."

He reached out a hand for her to take, being very calm and sophisticated to not scare her away.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:49 pm

Ostanda looked up her heart racing a dizzy feeling washing over her. She brow furrowed sharply, in some terrifying, unnerving way she could smell him. "N-no!" she sobbed daring a glance up to his face. He was tall and lean with sharp blue eyes and black curly hair. Covering her mouth and nose as tears fell silently to the ground she managed to ask two questions, "How?" and "Why?"

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Zara Hawkins Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:49 pm

Zara heard the sound of a twig snapping and a faint squeal shortly after. Benedict's attention seemed to have been caught by the sound too. She followed Benedict over into the trees.

Feeling a bit frightened, she tried to pick up a scent of what she was going to approach. The scent of a wolf filled her nose immediately. Soon enough, she found a woman kneeling on the ground. Benedict greeted her. "And I'm Zara Hawkins" she introduced herself after Benedict.

The woman appeared to be quite hesitant and worried. "It's ok. You don't need to worry about a thing" she said to the woman, hoping to ease her stress.

Zara Hawkins

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:07 pm

Benedict gave a small smile to Zara. A young girl would probably not scare the woman. And this woman was scared of both others and herself.

"We are not monsters," Benedict said, "We are not demons. We have simply been unlucky. But do not fret. There are ways to control it. We will help you with that."

He looked calmly at the woman, wondering what had happened to her. But it was bad. Benedict himself had been very lucky during his full moons when he didn't know of the wolf's bane. Now he didn't need it. Now he accepted who he was and he could make out who he truly was, even in wolf form.

"We are the same as you," Benedict then finished.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:29 pm

Still crying Ostanda took a few greedy gulps of air as she tried to compose herself. Standing slowly she glanced quickly from the girl Zara and then back to Benedict. She cleared he throat. "N-not monsters?" she asked softly. "Not demons?" a bitter smile creeping across her face. She stood there for a moment, set her jaw and slapped the man hard on one cheek her eyes fixed in a glare. She then crossed herself quickly, "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." and spat at his feet angrily, he knew nothing of her pain.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:36 pm

Benedict didn't react when she slapped him. It didn't even hurt due to what he was. Pain didn't reach him. When she then chanted some christian sentence and spat at him, he raised an eyebrow. Two seconds later, he had grabbed her and pushed her up against a tree.

"Don't be foolish. Christianity doesn't repel me. I can freely walk on God blessed ground, I can touch Holy Water. If we were repelled by God, would he not repel us in his house?" Benedict hissed.

This was going to be tricky, convincing her if she believed so strongly in God as she seemed to.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:46 pm

She screamed and thrashed about, kicking at him. "I was praying for protection from you yes, but also for what is left of our souls..." she said in a taught voice through clenched teeth after a moment. "And, for death." she added locking eyes with him as he held her fast.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Zara Hawkins Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:50 pm

Zara was shocked when the woman slapped Benedict and spat at his feet. Her hand covered her mouth in astonishment. How dare she? We were only trying to help! Zara could feel her teeth growing sharper as her anger began taking over her body.

She stood back out of the way when Benedict pushed her up against a tree. Things started to get serious and Zara worried a little bit.

Zara Hawkins

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:20 pm

Benedict looked deeply into the brown eyes in front of him. "Relax," he said calmly.

"As for souls, maybe we have lost ours, but God hasn't shunned us still, has he?" Benedict asked. He didn't believe that, though. He believed that one didn't have a soul from the beginning. He believed they had a body and that you were a soul. Not the other way around.

He then looked sideways. "Calm down Zara, it's all right," he said softly and then let go of the woman.

He looked back at her. "Death may come, but I wouldn't pray for it so early. Even as a werewolf, you can live a relatively good life. I have. And if you will let me, I will help you," Benedict said, "We both will."
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:29 pm

Ostanda rubbed her wrists and glared at the two begrudgingly. She didn't trust them. She hated them, she told herself. "How..." her words trailed off. She'd meant to ask how someone could live as the vile monsters they were, oven taken by demons by the light of the full moon but didn't. "Have you killed anyone?" she asked instead. "Anyone you knew, loved?" she nodded to the girl also, indicating the question was for them both.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:47 pm

Benedict understood now. She had killed someone dear to her. He almost cursed out loud. This was going to be harder than he expected. If it had only been a Christian, it would have been easier to convince him that God still loved him. The eye sees what it chooses to see and all that. But this was something completely forgotten.

"No, I did not. I learned quickly to control myself," Benedict said softly.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:01 pm

Ostanda's lips quavered tears filling her eyes once more she turned, not wanting to look at him. "You say you're same." she smirked bitingly as she folded her arms and leaned against the tree behind her. "And you, girl?" she called, voice wavering as she fought off her ever present tears.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Zara Hawkins Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:27 pm

Zara nodded at Benedict. She was still a little frightened though. She'd never been in such a situation.

When she got asked if she'd killed any loved ones, she shook her head immediately. Even though she could get pretty vicious as a wolf, she never thought about killing let alone hurting a loved one. Yes, it was unusual, but she grew up and spent every full moon with her father getting trained to control herself.

"And you, girl". Girl? Zara didn't like this woman's attitude. "First of all, my name isn't 'girl'. I told you it's Zara" she told her, firmly. "Secondly, of course we're the same. Can't you smell? Plus, isn't it kind of obvious?" she asked, holding out her hands, with sharp claws now grown on them. Zara was aware that she may have been speaking rudely, but she grew to learn that she needed to speak up for herself and not to be afraid or hold back. Zara glared at her with her glowing violet eyes.

Zara Hawkins

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:40 pm

Ostanda was taken aback at the sight of the girl's terrible claws, monstrous. She dared a glance down to her own hands, they were as they had always been. She trembled in such company, three demons. "I don't care what you name is." she said in a low even voice and glared at the girl. She looked up and the moon, God how she hated it. She crossed herself again, for comfort. She made up her mind that she was going to leave, she didn't even know why she was there in the first place. That was a lie, something called to the very core of her, drawing her here. Somehow being with the two felt right. The word pack flared into her mind, she stamped it out. She turned planing to make one final point before she fled. "I killed my fiancee, slaughtered him... He cried for his mother, for me..." she broke into a sob. "Do you really think you can help me?" she asked. "Stave off hell for me?" she turned her eyes on the man daring him to speak.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:08 pm

Benedict growled under his breath. "That is enough," he said coldly.

"Do you think we've had it easy? What do you blame me for, woman? For being bitten by another werewolf and changing to something wild in the nighttime? Can you blame me? I have never hurt anyone. Can you blame me? I can control my transformation and I do not forget who I am. Can you blame me?"

Benedict spoke in a harsh manner, but he let some empathy shine through. The woman, who had yet to introduce herself, he thought bitterly, had gone through a lot more than she should have.

"And you cannot blame yourself for what happened. You didn't know what happened yourself. But if you leave without even trying to grasp the concept of what you are, then one will blame you. I will blame you. You know now. Now is the chance to change who you were last time you changed. If you walk away and never accept who you are, there will be severe consequences," Benedict said coolly.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Zara Hawkins Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:57 pm

Zara felt sorry for the woman. When Benedict spoke, Zara was amazed by his words. He was absolutely right. The least she could do was let us help her. Although Zara didn't like the woman's attitude, the last thing Zara wanted was for someone of her own kind to be hurt like this and have to live like this.

Zara Hawkins

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:08 am

The weight of Benedict's words rocked Ostanda. Could she blame him? She did, with every fiber of her being she blamed him, for everything. For being what he is, for she being what she was, for not knowing her pain, for when she had killed Augusto. She trembled, she blamed him for all the evil in the world and she hated him for it, all because she couldn't blame God. He didn't deserve any of it though, he was a good person she could sense that but she'd been hiding. Since she first began to run she'd been hiding behind her anger so that she couldn't feel the immense sorrow draped over her, a shadow of pitch black. And now she spoke of Augusto with such apathy! Her heart beat sharply against her rib cage causing pain to rise within, having never let herself feel sorrow she had never even mourned him.

"I'm sorry." she said, voice wavering as she tried to let herself be consumed by the rage that seemed to have fled her. She took a step forward, her knees gave way. "I'm sorry!" she repeated hands of over her face. She rocked herself slightly as she knelt forehead pressed to the earth. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she wailed, only half in response to the man and girl beside her.

Ostanda Moreno

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Sherlock Watson Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:13 am

Benedict watched as the rage slowly left her body. He saw it being replaced with guilt and remorse and pain and sadness. When she fell to the ground, repeatedly saying 'I'm sorry', he clenched his teeth. He didn't know the pain of being responsible of her loved one's death, but he knew sorrow.

He crouched down and put a hand on her shoulder. "I know," he said softly, "And this pain will never leave you, but from now, it can only get better, if you let us help you."

He removed her hands from her face and lifted her to his eyelevel. So much tears, so much pain.

"Let us help you," he offered again.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Searching (Werewolves only) Empty Re: Searching (Werewolves only)

Post by Ostanda Moreno Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:20 am

Her eyes shifted to his, glancing first into one and then the other. He was kind, empathy shining through. Throwing her arms around him she buried her face tightly into his shoulder nodding between body wracking sobs. After staying like this for a few moments she looked up and saw the girl, no, she saw Zara. Reaching towards her with one hand palm up, in a placating manner, she was so terribly sorry!

Last edited by Ostanda Moreno on Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

Ostanda Moreno

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Age : 35

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