Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:54 am

Tessa had gotten up to Professor Slytherin office, thanks to Yasmina. She was glad that she learned where everything was in the caslte. More important she loved that her father gave her the puppy.

She then knocked on her door.


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:07 am

Sofia heard a knock at the door, but she already knew who was there.

"Come on in Ms. Grey. What can I do for you today?"

As Ms. Grey walked into the office with a beautiful dog.

"I see you have a new friend Ms. Grey, is she providing you with a lot of help?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:13 am

She then walked into her office.

Tessa smiled. " I really don't need anything, I just wanted someone to talk to."

She then looked down at Yasmina. " Yeah she is, my father got her for me."

Tessa then made she and started to pet Yasmina.


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:42 am

Sofia looked at Tessa and smiled.

"Well Dear I will get some snacks from the house elves, I know this will be a long talk. Every talk about boys is."

Sofia called for Ali, she was glad Ali came with her. Ali was the one who understood her condition and always new when she was out in a vision.

"Mistress called Ali." said the little elf in the lite pink dress with a bow on her head

"Yes Ali will you please bring us a try of snacks?" Sofia asked.

"Ali do anything for mistress" said the elf as she popped out and then withing seconds popped back.

"Thank you Ali" Sofia smiled and offered the elf a cookie from the tray

"Ali always serve mistress." Ali said as she popped out

Sofia noticed that the dog did not seem to flinch at the little elf.

"You have a very well trained dog for our world. Didn't even flinch when my elf came in.

Sofia poured the drinks for them and places the cup and some cookies right in front of her.

"So what is going on with Mr. Greene?" Sofia always knew most of everything, except when it came to things about her. She hated it most days.
Sofia Slytherin
Sofia Slytherin
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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:08 am

Tessa then started to pet Yasmina. " She is well trainned. She was a gift from my adoptive parents."

She didn't even know where to start with Daimen.


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:54 am

Sofia looked at Ms. Grey and wondered how to get her to open up.

"One thing why don't we keep it personal in here. I will call you Tessa and you can call me Sofia. Will that be ok with you?"

Sofia hoped that would make her feel a little better.

"The best place to start is always the beginning"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:57 am

Tessa smiled a little bit. " Ok Sofia." She thought it was weird that she was calling her professor by her first name."

" I don't even know where the begining is."


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:07 am

Sometime she got frustrated when it came to people who wanted to talk but. Never knew what to say.

"I imagine if you just started to talk your problems and they just seem to flow."
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:39 am

Tessa blinked. She might as well start somewhere.

" Well he keeps reminding about the wizarding contract with Tabi, and I don't know how to react when he keeps bring it up."


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:12 am

Sofia could understand all too well about wizarding contracts seeing as she had been under one. They could not even stand to be in the same room with each other, but everyone wanted to me married into the Slytherin money and a price had been paid.

"Well dear he is proably really worried about it. He has feelings for you and this will always be a cloud over his head." Sofia knew this all too well, she had to turn all the boys away through high school.

"It is not fun to be promised to someone who was your friend"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:17 am

Tessa sighed. " But I don't know how to feel about it. I never heard of a wizarding contract before."

Yasmina could tell that Tessa was getting upset and started to nuzzle her hand.


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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:37 am

Sofia understood completly not many families praticed that art form any more and Sofia was glad for that.

"Well let me explain it too you a little it is almost like a wizarding oath taken by the two sets of parents but it is on papers. It is where the one family usually the one of the daughters promises the family with the son, that their son will be able to marry the daughter. This type of contract can only be broken in two ways."

Sofia hoped that Tessa would understand.

"This is not Damien's fault so make sure you do not hold it against him or he will run away."
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:42 am

Tessa then started to blink. “ You mean it can be broken? But how?”

She sighed a little bit. “ I did once, that was because I was tired of hearing about it, but then Yasmina pushed me over to Damien. And I guess we forgot about it.”


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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:00 pm

Sofia was sitting there listening to Tessa talk when she suddenly went ridged and she started jotting something down on a piece of paper in front of her. This would have scare Tessa a little had she been able to see it. During the episode Ali had popped in to make sure that everything was ok and stayed until the episode stop.

Sofia started to come down and her breathing got regulated.

"Is Mistress ok?" asked Ali "Does Mistress need Ali to bring anything"

"No Ali, and thank you." with that Ali popped out.

"Sorry about that Tessa, sometimes that happens, I am a different type of seer, sometimes when I see things I do not necessarily speak what is going on I write."

Sofia looked down at the paper and then back at Tessa.

"This tells me that Damien hurt Tabi down by the lake today, and it mentions you, care to explain?"

Sofia was not mad just a little concerned about what happen to Tabi.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:44 pm

Tessa blinked. " Yeah it did happen, I heard all of it."

" I guess Tabi told me something about his father and then went stright to Tabi. It souned like they were screaming at each other. And he then started to treat her like she was property and then Ivano came down and seen what happened. Damien saw me and acted like nothing had happen, but I started to walk away. That is when Professor Valentine came down and gave them all detentions."


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:02 am

Sofia knew she was in for a long talk with Tessa, when you go to talking about Slytherin ways of life it gets complicated.

Sofia pour herself a cup of tea and began the long process of explanation.

"There are two types of Slytherin families: the ones that believe in the old ways and the ones the believe those ways are outdate." Sofia took a sip of her tea.

"When a girl is raised into a old ways family most of the time she is betrothed to a boy from another old ways family. Then those children are raised around each other so it gives them a chance to fall in love with each other, which does not work." Sofia sighed got up and went over to her desk to retrieve a book and placed a spell on it so Tessa could read it.

"Now this girl is taught from the time she can understand that there are a list of rules she must follow." Sofia hands Tessa the book.

"Here is a book for you to read to help you understand what is going on. This is a list of all the rules that a Slytherin wife and wife-to-be must obey too.." Sofia sighed once more and went back to her seat

"Do you have any questions so far?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:06 am

Tessa sighed. " Muggles used to believe this, but then it faded away. Muggles men used to think that they was the head of there household and women shouldn't be allowed to work or learn. But that was broken too."

She couldn't think of any questions.


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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:28 am

"I completely understand that dear and that is why most of the Slytherin families have quit that way of thinking, but apparently the Prewetts and Greene's have not." Sofia sighed because she hated that they still did this.

"I imagine that Damien grabbed and was rough with Tabi because that was the way he was trained to treat his wife to be if she got out of line. being out here Tabi has been able to be free and live the way she feels and didn't think about it when she told Damien's secret to you."

Sofia remembered when the man she was suppose to marry treated her like this, but Tabi got off lucky at least he didn't smack her.

"Grabbing Tabi by the arms was the best way that Damien could have done, granted by people's way of thinking now it was wrong, but in my way of learning it could have been a lot worse."

Sofia took a drink of her tea and a long sigh, she was remembering many of the beating she had to endure from this man she was suppose to marry.
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:35 am

Tessa sighed. " I am glad that I don't have to put up with that."

She then stopped to think about it. " You can't force someone to fall in love."

Yasmina then looked up at Tessa and had a confused look on her face. It was like she was trying to understand what they was talking about.


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:20 am

Sofia had to smile, it was a breathe of fresh air speaking to someone who didn't understand old Slytherin ways.

"Oh honey no one cared about love. It was all about the money and power." Sofia could not believe the things people would do to make themselves higher in society.
Sofia Slytherin
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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:23 am

Tessa blinked. " If you aren't in it for love then it is pointless."

She then remember how the girls in the orphanage would meant in lessons how people used to marry for money. Or would marry inside the family to keep blood pure.


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:39 am

Sofia was not sure that Tessa would ever understand how Slytherins operate.

"That my dear is why most families do not do it any more. That is what an arranged marriage is all about. Love might happen in the future, but it is not for the happiness of the children it is the happiness of the parents."

Sofia remembers that all too well, she hated Ricardo with a passion but yet she was going to have to marry him.
Sofia Slytherin
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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:42 am

Tessa smiled. " I think I understand what you are talking about. But the reason I came up here was to you Yasmina."

She then smiled as she knew her dog was sitting perfectly still.


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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:31 am

Sofia smiled down at the dog. It was a truly beautiful creature.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take you off of your mission, sometimes my visions take over. So where did you get this lovely dog?"

Sofia smiled at the dog, she really knew everything that was going on.
Sofia Slytherin
Sofia Slytherin
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Going to talk  Empty Re: Going to talk

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:35 am

Tessa smiled as she said how beautiful Yasmina was.

" My adoptive parents got her for me."


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