Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Full Moon (open)

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Full Moon (open) Empty Full Moon (open)

Post by Zara Hawkins Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:49 am

Zara stumbled through the forest, holding her aching stomach. Her hands went completely numb. Whenever a part of her body went numb, it meant it was starting to transform. She could feel a hairy sensation forming on her hands and her nails began to grow sharper. Her whole arms were beginning to transform, but Zara continued to run as deep into the forest as she could.

She got to a point where her thighs were numb and her teeth were really sharp. Suddenly, the bright moon caught her attention and a sharp pain ran all the way through her body. Her feet went numb and she tripped and fell. Struggling, she managed to crawl into a bush.

She completely transformed into her wolf form. Having been trained many full moons by her dad, Zara had learned to control herself as a wolf. At times, though, she could get aggressive.

She slowly walked out of the bush. Her fur was white with light purple streaks through it. Her eyes glowed an abnormal violet colour. She stopped and thought for a moment. She wondered if there were any other creatures about the forest tonight. Zara didn't mind if other creatures, animaguses or werewolves saw her. Then she could have someone to share the same secret with.

Zara Hawkins

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Full Moon (open) Empty Full Moon

Post by Teresa Maria King Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:56 pm

"Cazzo," Teresa said. "Am I lost?"

It was around midnight and Teresa was in the Forbidden Forest, even if she said she isn't

"Teresa, did I say you shouldn't be saying such word, regarding what language?"

"Oh, yeah," she said, reminiscing about what her mother told her many times. "I guess that does not apply to me since she's not here. My problem is where am I exactly. Maybe I should shout, but then I would get in trouble if a professor finds me. And there is some dangerous creatures around here. I'm screwed."

Teresa started walking around like Alice in Wonderland.

"For a forbidden forest, this place is pretty much boring," she said like five minutes later. Then she sat down on a tree and began playing with her necklace.

Ding, ding the bell went.

Suddenly, a bush rustled. Teresa stopped and look around. There in the dark, she saw a huge shadow of a creature. A pair of violet eyes on her. It growled.

"What pretty purple eyes you have," Teresa said, absentminded. "They look like mine, but darker. They're like topaz purple gems looking down. I wish my eyes looks like that."

Last edited by Teresa Maria King on Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Teresa Maria King

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Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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Full Moon (open) Empty Re: Full Moon (open)

Post by Zara Hawkins Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:26 pm

Zara smelled the scent of student nearby and quickly hid in the bushes. She examined the girl as she sat by a tree, fiddling with some sort of bell she had around her neck.

Slytherin first year I'm guessing. Always getting lost. She shouldn't be here. Especially right now. Zara was suspicious so she began emerging from the bushes. Maybe it could be fun to freak some students out once in a while.

The girl noticed Zara, but didn't really react. Alright. So I've got a tough one on my hands. When the girl started speaking to Zara, she was really surprised. Was she not scared at all?

Zara started to feel herself change again, back into a human. She hid in the bushes. "You shouldn't be here. If i were you, I'd leave right away. Trust me. You're not safe here" Zara told the girl, trying to sound different from her real voice to keep her identity safe.

Zara Hawkins

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Age : 24
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Post by Teresa Maria King Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:24 pm

Teresa looked at the bush which the creature was hiding behind. She giggled.

"This place is not safe?" she asked. "Well, I have been here for about ten minutes and nothing happened. I expected something a lot more scarier, like some giant spiders. You're the first thing or whatever you are T seen since I been here and you seem....not dangerous."

"What do you have to say about that? And where is that stupid bird of mine? He's why I'm here in the first place. He's a raven who wears a black tied lace in a ribbon around his neck. Want to help me?"

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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Post by Zara Hawkins Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:17 pm

Zara rolled her eyes when the girl giggles at her statement.

Zara sat in the bushes, listening to the girl go on and on. Becoming more angry, she felt like she was going to transform again. "I may not appear dangerous, but boy can I do some damage if i wanted to" she said, in an angry tone. "And ten minutes isn't long. A real predator wouldn't pounce right away. They wait until the right moment and when you're least expecting it. Besides, none of that matters, this is the forbidden forest and students aren't allowed here"

Zara shook her head in dismay. "You really should take better care of your stupid pets. And i wouldn't even bother. With creatures like me in this forest, that bird could be gone forever" Zara said, with an evil tone in her voice.

Zara Hawkins

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Age : 24
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Full Moon (open) Empty Full Moon

Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:01 am

Teresa felt mad. Nobody calls Raven stupid, except her.

"Excuse me," she sneered. "But, nobody but me calls my pet stupid, even if you're the bloody Minister of Magic. He's not only a pet, he's my best friend. Anyways he didn't wonder he by his own whim. I told him to check this place out and he hasn't come back and I'm worried. If he's gone forever, then I have nothing else at this school."

Teresa could feel a tear falling on her cheek. She rubbed it off. There was no way was she crying for that stupid bird.

"Since you seem mad, I'll leave," Teresa said, getting up. "I'll find Raven by myself."

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," she kept muttering as she walked.

Teresa Maria King

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Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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Post by Zara Hawkins Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:35 pm

Zara felt bad for what she had said. Best friend? I guess I should help since I'd be able to smell him from a mile away.

The girl started to leave. "Wait! If he means that much to you then I'll help. I'm not going to be able to talk, so you're going to have to follow me until we find him" she said. The only reason she could talk now is because she was still human. Once she had transformed into a wolf, she wouldn't be able to speak.

She looked up at the full moon, causing her to start to transform again. While she still could, she grabbed some Wolfsbane potion out of her pocket. She'd had it since her friend Benedict told her where to find it. Working with a human while she was a wolf is very risky. She figured that because she's been trained to control herself and with the help from the Wolfsbane, everything would be fine.

Zara Hawkins

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Age : 24
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Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:30 pm

Teresa literally lit up. "Really?" she said, turning around. "Yay! Okay, so my pet response to Raven and like I said before he wears a black lace tied in a ribbon on his neck. He's attracted to shiny things like diamonds." Teresa yawned.

"Oh, no." Teresa doesn't like to be bored or tired and she tried to stay up, but as the years passed her body did not listen to her standard and reject it. So when she yawn twice in an hour, she'll fall asleep sooner or later. Oh, the weirdest places she find herself awake in. She remember falling asleep at the walking to Charms class. The situation ended in the worst way.

"We better find him fast or I'll be falling asleep here. Lead the way, whoever you are. You should tell me your name later. I'm Teresa Maria King. Nice to meet you."

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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Post by Zara Hawkins Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:00 pm

Zara transformed, whimpering a little bit, but staying as quiet as possible so she didn't worry the girl.

When the girl introduced herself, Zara was already transformed, so she couldn't reply. She emerged from the bush with her glowing, violet eyes. Still able to acknowledge what she was saying, Zara nodded slightly.

Without wasting time, Zara started sniffing around for any scent of a Raven. She could first smell it on Teresa. Zara began wondering around, still sniffing. She eventually picked up a scent. She knew it was a raven. Trying to let Teresa know, Zara looked ahead for a little bit, then looked back at Teresa.

Zara began following the scent, looking back every minute or so to check that Teresa was alright.

Zara Hawkins

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Join date : 2012-01-23
Age : 24
Location : London, England

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Full Moon (open) Empty Full Moon

Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:21 pm

Teresa looked up as the shadow of the creature came out of the bushes. She thought it was beautiful in its own way. It had gray fur and the figure of a wolf. A werewolf. Now, she felt stupid. It took her that long to figure out what the creature was.

Teresa watched as the werewolf sniff the air until it picked up a scent and began following it. She quickly followed with a little excitement. She heard stories about her dead father from her mother when he went on an Auror mission. Maybe she was becoming like her father.

Ding went her bell with each step she took. It could make finding Raven easier because he heard it many times. She was happy, but she felt as if she was missing something important then shrugged it off for later. At this moment she was finding her pet while keeping up with a werewolf.

Teresa Maria King

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Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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Full Moon (open) Empty Re: Full Moon (open)

Post by Zara Hawkins Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:43 pm

Zara continued searching, using the scent as a guide. The bell that Teresa carried was really annoying, but at least it let Zara know she was still following her.

Zara looked up, wondering what the time was. She'd been here for a while. She had to be careful not to be in Teresa's sight when she changed back. She looked at the moon, which was awfully low. Suddenly, a little, dark shadow caught her attention. Her eyes followed it as it flew through the sky and landed in a tree. She stopped walking and looked up at the tree, barking, hoping Teresa would understand what Zara was trying to point out.

The raven didn't seem to move. Zara remembered what Teresa had told her. That Raven was attracted to shiny objects. She couldn't see anything shiny. I wonder if Raven's attracted to glowing things. Zara knew her eyes could glow quite brightly. But she thought she might scare Raven.

Zara turned to Teresa. Your bell! That's shiny. And your tiara! Zara tugged lightly on Teresa's hand to try and get her to move to a spot where the moon could reflect off her tiara and bell and possibly get Raven's attention.

Zara Hawkins

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Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:05 pm

The werewolf tugged Teresa. "What the hell is it doing?," she thought. Then a bird call came out.

"Raven!" she shouted. The bird flew out of a tree and flew to Teresa. He landed on her shoulders. Teresa yawned. "Where the bloody hell have you been?"

"Caw," Raven went.

"How the hell can you get lost? You can fly and you can see in the dark."

"Caw, caw."

"That makes less than no sense."

"Anyways, how long have we been here?" she said, turning to the werewolf. "It seems very late."

Teresa yawned again. She was getting sleepy and ten seconds later, she closed her eyes and fell to the ground.

Raven jumped off and onto the ground. He gave a sound of disbelief and shook his head. Then he eyed the werewolf as if it was telling it something.

Teresa Maria King

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Age : 28

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Post by Zara Hawkins Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:53 pm

The sun was beginning to rise and Zara was getting worried. The raven flew down and Teresa began talking to it. Thank goodness! Now get out of here! She went to leave, then heard a thud. Zara turned around and saw Teresa asleep on the ground. This night just keeps getting worse! Raven stared at her. What are you looking at me for? I didn't do it.

Zara knew she was going to have to get Teresa out of here before the sun came up. She got hold of her foot, trying not to bite too hard, and started pulling her. This is so embarrassing!

Zara looked into the sky and saw the sun. Her eyes widened. She began transforming back into a human.

Once she was human again, she looked at Teresa, who was still sound asleep on the ground. Zara shook her head."Guess I'm going to have to carry you aren't I?" she said. "And you. Don't fly off again" she added, looking at Raven. She picked Teresa up and started walking.

Zara Hawkins

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Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:46 pm

Teresa found herself woken up by the daily morning call of Raven in her dorm. He was her alarm clock since he always woke up first.

"Five more minutes," she muttered, drowsily. But, Raven ignored her. He flew off his perch to her bed and started pecking her head. Finally he couldn't take it. "I'm up! I'm up!"

Teresa quickly got up and got dressed, trying to remember what day it is. Then, she noticed her wand was missing. Could she have lost it in the Forbidden Forest? She tried to recollect what happened last night. She went in the Forbidden Forest, got lost, got a werewolf to help her, found Raven, fell asleep and that was it. Curse her short term memory!

"Raven," she said. "Help me find my wand. I think I lost it." He nodded.

"Thanks. Ask some birds to search in the Forbidden Forest and the school grounds. Don't you go to the Forest because I don't want you lost in there again. Make sure they're in a group of at least ten birds because I do not want any of them to be in danger. If one of them is injured, one of them can comeback and tell you then tell me so I can help them. Got it?"

Raven nodded as Teresa opened her window. She gave him breakfast and retied his ribbon before he flew out. She expect a few flock of birds over the castle grounds today. Hopefully today was a weekend.

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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Post by Zara Hawkins Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:20 pm

Back in the Forbidden Forest, Zara was sitting by a tree, recovering from the night before. Her arms and back were aching from carrying Teresa back to her dorm. "At least she didn't find out it was me. Well, I hope she didn't"

Zara tried standing up, but couldn't. Her legs were far too weak. She decided to stay a little while longer and hoped no professors would catch her. There were no classes today anyway. Lesson three had only just finished.

Zara Hawkins

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Age : 24
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Full Moon (open) Empty Full Moon

Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:09 pm

The day passed quickly and it was soon sunset. There was no sign of Raven since morning. Teresa has been seeing flocks of different kind of birds over the castle grounds. Students and staff members wondered about them. When do you ever see flocks of birds together in the same place?

After dinner, Raven had not come back yet. Teresa had a gut feeling that he had disobeyed her and he went to the Forbidden Forest. "Maybe he went to find the werewolf that helped me last night. He was raised by me, a King, so he must had went to pay back the debt," Teresa thought.

She didn't go find him because paying a debt is something that can only be seen by the one who pays the debt and the one who made the debt.

"My wand can wait for tomorrow," Teresa said, letting the words be carried by the wind. "You better come back to me, Raven."

Teresa Maria King

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Age : 28

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Full Moon (open) Empty Re: Full Moon (open)

Post by Zara Hawkins Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:34 pm

Zara had spent the whole day in the Forest. She must have fallen asleep there because she woke up and the sun was setting already.

She woke up to a bird sitting beside her. "Raven? What are you doing here? Teresa will worried about you" she said. Raven just stood there staring up at her. "Caw" Zara could tell he was thanking her for last night. "You're very welcome. Could you take this back to Teresa for me please?" she asked, holding out a wand.

Last night, Zara carried Teresa back to her dorm. Luckily, she wasn't spotted by anyone. After dropping her off, she went back to the forest. On the way back, she found Teresa's wand on the ground.

((OOC: If you want, we can continue this story in the Slytherin common room. Sound good?))

Zara Hawkins

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Age : 24
Location : London, England

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