Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite)

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Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite) Empty Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite)

Post by Jaycie Simple Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:17 pm

Jaycie wandered about the grounds, not noticing where her feet where taking her. She was humming quietly to herself most of the way. It was an old Siren lullaby her mother always sang to her to help her calm down when she had nightmares as a child.

Eventually, she looked up, to find herself a few metres in front of the most famous tree in Hogwarts - the Whomping Willow. A small bolt of fear jolted through her, after all the stories circulating this giant tree. But in these stories where numerous ways to calm the tree. She wondered if Siren song would work...

No longer humming and allowing her full, powerful voice to resonate around the area, Jay sung the lilting song with all her talent. This had to be the first time she'd done so since she'd gotten to Hogwarts.

The tree shivered a bit and then started swaying almost unnoticeably to the ancient siren music. It almost seemed like the tree recognised the music. Jaycie was buzzing; she loved singing with so much behind her voice. It made her feel special.

Jaycie Simple

Posts : 121
Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite) Empty Re: Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:31 pm

Alcyone loved the Whomping Willow, it was magnificent. Its branches lazily swooped about as leaves drifted to the ground, but she did not care to anger it. She watched it from a distance, along with a blonde head of hair whom was drifting far too close to said tree for comfort. She worried for the girls safety, and she watched as it became angered by her closeness.

A song drifted to Alcyone's ears, a calming song that made her want to please whomever was using the voice. She presumed it was the blonde girl, and she noted with curiosity that it seemed the tree had completely calmed and was swaying along with her beautiful melody. Alcyone moved down the hill right to the blonde girls side with a smile, when she realised it was the Hufflepuff from her classes, Jaycie.

"Hey, Jaycie," she greeted softly. "Are you a siren?"


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Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite) Empty Re: Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite)

Post by Jaycie Simple Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:48 pm

Jaycie started and her eyes widened in surprise as Alcyone, from many of her classes, appeared next to her. She licked her suddenly dry lips, shyness starting to choke down her words. She swallowed briefly past the knot in her throat.

"U-uh, h-hello Alcyone," she stammered in her tiny voice. She blinked. "Um... yeah, p-partly. My mother is a- a siren." Jay tried to smile at her, but it didn't reach her fearful eyes. She still wasn't used to talking to people outside her household, and it still racked her with nerves every time someone here so much as glanced at her.

"S-sorry," she whispered. "I'm just n-not used t-to talking to... other people."

Jaycie Simple

Posts : 121
Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite) Empty Re: Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:49 pm

Alcyone tilted her head at Jaycie's stutter and wondered if she was any good at talking to people. Often, girls would struggle to make friends with people because they couldn't hold a conversation with someone they didn't know all that well.

"Oh? That's awesome!" She exclaimed, thinking sourly that her parents were just traitors who tortured her to near death all the time. She wondered what it would be like to have a mother with such an interesting power.

"Its okay, lots of people aren't good at it."


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Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite) Empty Re: Discovery (Alcy + Jay + Invite)

Post by Jaycie Simple Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:50 pm

Jaycie smiled shyly. She knew that all too well, and regretfully had to admit she was one of those people. "What.. brings you down here?" She asked Alcyone, seeing out of the corner of her eye as the all-too-close tree started shivering.

Jaycie Simple

Posts : 121
Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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