Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:45 am

Alcyone had been sulking in her dorm with the letter in her hand when she had decided to write one back to Caelum. She had to help him, she couldn't just let him and Capella suffer. She had to protect them, it was her duty as an older sister. Capella had even begun to call her 'mother', so Alcyone considered herself more of a mother to them then their real parents ever had been.

She quickly scribbled a response on the back of Caelum's letter, and once she had done so she fled her dorm and half-walked, half-ran to the Owlery. Her eyes were filled with tears that streamed down her face. She hated her life, and though she was only 11 she felt as if she were an adult. She knew that she must stay strong for her sister, for her brother, for herself. She would not succumb to her imaginings of plummeting off the Astronomy tower to her death.

Alcyone walked into the Owlery and examined each owl with thoughtful eyes, not sure which would be most suitable. She saw an owl that looked restless and was wriggling around a lot, so she chose that one and attached the letter to its leg.

"Take this to Malfoy manor." Alcyone murmured, and watched as the owl took off with her letter that read very few words. 'Cae, be strong. Be brave. Don't let them hurt you. I'll be home soon, Alcy.'

She hoped this would be enough for him, that though he was only 8 he would understand that she couldn't just leave Hogwart's. She paused momentarily in her tracks. Could she? It would be worth it, after all. Not having to walk past Gryffindor girl or Damien and seeing the puppy-love in their eyes. She couldn't handle it, and how her life was ruined now. She had no where to go, for she had hoped Hogwart's would be a painless haven.

It wasn't.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:50 am

Yasmina was leading Tessa up to the owlery. She had Salina help her write a letter to the mum. She talk about how Yasmina was getting around the school a lot better. But she didn't mention any romance with Damien. Because it was a secert, and nobody could find out. One day someone would discover. But she was trying not to think about it.

She then grabbed a school owl and told her where to take it to. Yasmina then started to barck when she saw a girl that she didn't know. As if to get Tessa's attention.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:01 pm

At the sound of approaching footsteps, Alcyone turned away from the window where she had been watching the owl disappear into the horizon and her lip curled. It was that Gryffindor girl that had stolen the one thing she had ever been excited about. The only boy who had ever noticed and spoken to her. The only boy that she ever believed would notice her.

The softest of growls escaped her as she looked at the dog and realised that it was in actual fact the blind girl, Tessa. Her eyes widened in shock, but her anger did not fade. She had suffered to much in her life to care if she hurt a blind girl's feelings. After all, those who were blind and deaf always requested to be treated like a normal person, so Alcyone decided she would do just that.

"Hmm," she stepped over to Tessa. "Ah, Tessa, how lovely to see you," her tone was cold, not kind like it had been when she had first spoken to the girl. She no longer felt sympathy for her.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:11 pm

Tessa just stood there while Yasmina was barking. She then remember where she head the vocie. This girl was in one of her many classes. She then remember the story that Salina told about the lady on the lake with Damien over the summer. She then wondered if this was the same person. But there was nothing that she could do, she even told Damien that he should have gave her another chance. But he would never listen to her.

She could tell that this person hated her, like it was all Tessa's fault. But there was nothing that could change how a person thought about someone. She could hear how her voice sounded cold. When she spoke she tried to make it sound like they been friends or even known each other for a while. " Oh hello Alcyone, it is odd that I would run into you up here."


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:38 pm

Alcyone couldn't believe Tessa. Clearly, the girl must've known about her. Or maybe, she didn't? The way she acted as if they were friends or something made Alcyone recoil. It hurt, her whole body ached as she tried to remain calm. Tessa had taken away the only thing that had ever made her excited. And here Tessa was, not caring that she had inflicted so much pain on Alcyone and taken away the only place that Alcyone had thought could be her safe haven.

It wasn't fair, she told herself. Why did she, an 11 year old girl, have to suffer so much? Why did she have to always be the one that was passed up, that was harmed. All she ever wanted was for one thing, one person, one crush, one friend, even! She had no one, and her anger had made her body shake. She looked down at the stupid dog that continued to bark at her and attempted to ignore it.

"Let's cut the crap, Tessa. You may not realise it, but you have just taken away the only person who has ever cared about me. You don't know what I go through, and I had thought that maybe I could come here and be happy, not have to worry anymore. Not have to be in pain." Alcyone snarled.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:02 pm

Tessa could tell that this girl was hurting. Was this the other girl that Damien originally liked? Was this the girl that he hurt to be with her? She then started to feel a little bit sorry, because she never really knew. She could understand what pain she was going through. But this was the first time that she felt this way about anybody. And she wasn't about to let her take it away from her. Tessa didn't care what she had to do, but she was going to keep Damien. And if this girl started problems, she would talk to Salina.

She could tell that she thought that life wasn't fair. And it really wasn't, but that was life. Tessa had suffered a lot to get to this point. And she wasn't going to look back. This was apart of her new life, and was going to make the best of it. And Damien actually made her happy, and wanted to stay happy. Tessa noticed that Yasmina was still barking at her, she must have thougth that she would hurt Tessa.

She wasn't going to take this. “ Yeah I can tell you got hurt, but you ignored him that is why he came to me. If anything this is all your fault and need to quit blaming me.” She then paused. “ You don't know what I been there, yes I am blind. But I was put up for adoption when my parents found out I was blind. Your a Slytherin, your life can't be that hard. Unless you didn't get pampered enough.” Tessa wasn't finished. “ I am aloud up here to send a letter to my mum, so you best watch what you say.”


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:53 pm

Tears pricked Alcyone's eyes and she took a step backwards. Her anger faded, and was replaced with pure loathing. She had not hated Tessa before, merely been upset that this was the girl she had been ditched for. She hadn't meant to ignore Damien, she just wasn't sure how to approach him. She'd never had a friend before, never talked to anyone other than her family members and her tutor.

Alcyone's fingers rested on one the many scars all over her body, and she looked down at the words 'Blood Traitor'. Teras began to stream down her face, and in that moment she swore to hate this girl forever. Not because of Damien, this went deeper. She could not assume that Alcyone's life was amazing. She did not know that Alcyone was tortured so much it didn't hurt as much as the first time, she couldn't understand the fear she felt for her little sister and brother.

The images of Capella, screaming and writhing on the floor flashed through her mind and a muffled whimper escaped her lips. Her eyes landed back on Tessa, and a snarl escaped her as she looked down at the stupid dog.

"Shut up you mangy mutt!" She exclaimed, aiming a kick that was not meant to even come close to hitting it at the dog. It was merely a warning, for Alcyone did not harm other creatures. She experienced it, and vowed to be better than to harm something or someone.

"Pampered enough? Pampered?" She snarled at Tessa, her eyes focused intently on the words 'Blood Traitor' engraved in her arm. "Oh if only you could look at me, foolish girl. The scars I hold are not only inside of my mind, but they are on my body also. I will not tell you of my life, for I do not share secrets, but know that I am far from pampered. Oh, how I wish I had been put up for adoption. But alas, I was not so lucky," she drawled.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:15 pm

Tessa could tell that she was crying, and then she started to feel bad for what she said. She could tell that this girl thought she was lower then the worst type of scum. But she really had no idea how to make it better. Maybe it would be best if she just would leave Hogwarts altogether. And have her mum teach her at home. But she knew that both of her parents would say no to that. “ I am really sorry what I said, I know that if won't make a bit of difference. Because in the first ten seconds is when you decided about what you think about a person. And I know that I started out wrong.” She then wondered if this girl could forgive her. Tessa knew that she said some hurtful things.

She could tell by the sound of her voice that her life was worse than Tessa. And this only made her feel worse. Compared to this girl, Tessa lived a somewhat pampered life. Always assuming things, always got her in trouble. She was warned that jump to conclusions would get her in trouble and now could say that it was true. One thing she hated was to hear anybody cry, because she would start to. And this would only make her feel ten times worse. If only there was a way for her to make things right. But she didn't know where to start, maybe if Aylcone took her apology. That would be a step in the right direction.

She could tell that she was thinking about her brother or sisters. And this wasn't helping, Tessa knew if anything happed to Agatha or Salina she won't know what to do. She could tell that Aylcone was looking at Yasmina. She then heard Yasmina had started to whine, had Aylcone kicked her. Tessa then bent down telling Yasmina that she would be alright and that she had to be quiet.

“ I had no idea! I thought all Slytherins lived a pampered pureblood life.” She then bite her lower lip. “ I am sorry but I don't know this, I only lived like a muggle my whole life and find out that I am a witch. And then have people ask me what my blood stauts is just to tell them I dont' know. Yes I know that your life is a whole lot worse than mine. And I would really like to put this behind.”


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:27 pm

Alcyone took a deep breath and let her loathing and hatred go. Tessa had most likely leaded a hard life too, not being able to see and all. It would be difficult, and Alcyone respected that for Tessa, Damien was a gift. Not many men would ever notice a blind girl, and she suddenly wanted Tessa to be happy. She didn't want to hate her, she seemed like a nice girl. She wanted friends, not enemies. Besides, Damien and Tessa were happy together, she didn't want to ruin that.

"It's alright, we both went a little crazy. I understand how hard it is for you, most guys won't go for a blind girl. You're both so happy together, and I respect that. I don't want to take him from you. Friends?" Alcyone smiled softly at Tessa, even though she couldn't see.

Alcyone looked down as the dog, Yasmina she thought, began to whimper and she felt bad. She bent down and held her hand out to the golden labrador. "Sorry, puppy. I didn't mean to scare you." She patted the dog gnetly between the ears before standing up again.

"You don't know what i've been through, so it's alright to just assume. Most people do with Slytherins, thats why its so hard to be one." Alcyone admitted with a sigh. "I wish I were a Hufflepuff, but I had to tell the hat to put me in Slytherin. If it didn't, my parents would have done un-speakable things to me." Alcyone mumbled the last part.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:50 pm

Tessa blinked a little bit, Alcyone could tell that she had a hard life, but she wasn't able to see it. She could tell that she thought that Damien was a gift to Tessa. Alcyone was right, not many guys would ever date or even notice a blind girl. And her sister was thinking that Damien would get bored of her after a while and break her heart. She could tell that Alcyone wanted her to be happy, which this made her smile. Tessa was right, Alcyone was a nice girl. And she was scared that she misjudged her, but was glad that she could do something to change it. She could tell that she didn’t' want to ruin her and Damien.”

“ That is good that you forgive me. I was shocked when Damien started to pay attention to me. I have never known about about love. And I knew that I always felt funny around Damien.” She then paused for a couple of seconds. “ I did try and tell him that he should have gave you more chances. That in potions that you were busy to talk to him.” Tessa was smiling. “ I guess I could say friends.”

She let out a laugh. “ I am sure you didn’t' mean to. Yasmina thought that you were saying things to upset me, she does that a lot. It seems like every time that Damien and I have a fight. She does her best to bring us together. She is also has a real good judge of character.” Yasmina then looked like she was grinning before she started to lick Alcyone on her cheek. As if giving her kisses.

“ But I feel bad, I always been told never jump to conclusions. They will only get me in trouble.” She then noticed that she said that she wanted to be a Hufflepuff. “ My father is the head of that house. My sister Agatha is in the house. And my other sister, Salina is in Ravenclaw. I love how my mum says we need to adopt a Slytherin. Then there will be one from every house.”


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:01 pm

Alcyone beamed when Tessa agreed to be her friend. She had already begun to relax around Tessa, and she leant casually against the wall after receiving several kisses from Yasmina, who she had decided was most adorable. She sat back down on the ground and set to work giving Yasmina the most wonderful stomach rub the puppy would ever receive.

"Well, Damien is different. No boy had ever noticed me before. You keep him close, okay Tessa? Don't let any other girl snatch him away from you." Alcyone warned. A guy like him was hard to find, and jealous girls who were beautiful beyond imagination would attempt to steal Tessa.

Alcyone could feel her heart aching, for she longed to have Damien herself, but she wouldn't take him away from Tessa. She deserved him more than Alcyone did. Alcyone's eyes lit up when Tessa mentioned adopting a Slytherin, but she knew it was a joke. Besides, she couldn't abandon her younger siblings and she certainly didn't think that Professor Devante and his wife would want to have 6 children. That would be a ridiculously large amount.

"That's sweet. Yasmina's a very nice dog. And I wish your parents could adopt me, heaven knows I hate my life right now. I doubt, however, that they would want 5, let alone 6 children. I could never abandon Caelum and Capella." Alcyone sighed. She wished it were so easy, to just run off to an orphanage.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:20 pm

Tessa smiled. It seemed she was having more and more friends every day. She could tell that Alcyone was becoming relaxed around her. Like she was getting used to Tessa. She could tell that Alcyone was loving Yasmina. Tessa then decide to sit on the ground, as Yasmina was getting a belly rub. If Tessa could see this, she would have thought that she was in heaven. “ I feel rude, I should have introduce to her to. Alcyone this is Yasmina, my guide dog.”

“ I am sure if you give it time guys will notice you. Remember we are only in our first year. There is still many years left. I will do my best to keep Damien close.” She knew that another girl could come any second and snatch him up. But she knew Damien felt something that he liked about Tessa. She then did her best to remember what she was being told. “ I will remember that.”

She was still smiling. “ Yeah I guess they love having a big family. Maybe you should talk to him about it some time. I guess they like taking children in who had hard lives and make things better.” Tessa hoped that she didn’t' get Alcyone hope up.

“ Thank you. I was so happy when I got her. Maybe they could, you never know till you ask.” Tessa got the thought of having a bigger family.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:34 pm

Alcyone smiled as Yasmina licked her hand in thanks for the belly rub before returning to Tessa's side and sitting on the ground beside her. Alcyone felt happy now. She had more friends, and that was a nice thought. She hadn't had friend before, and now she had two.

"Ah. That's a quite name, Yasmina." Alcyone commented.

Alcyone nodded in agreement. They were only 11 after all, and she was sure there was that perfect guy out there for her. Or girl, she added as an afterthought. She would never tell her parents, but she had romantic thoughts towards both men and women, but it was more men than women. Her teeth clenched for a moment, for she still wished she hadn't ignored Damien, but she focused on relaxing. But, she couldn't relax. Not when she knew that Capella could be at her home now, being tortured. She had to help her.

Before she could confess, Alcyone responded to Tessa's comment about her family.

"Don't worry about it, no parent wants 6 children."

"Tessa, can I tell you something? Something i've never told anyone? You canot, EVER, tell ANYONE what I tell you... I have a tutor and, he, erm, he enjoys to torture me. If you could see me, you'd see the scars on my face, on my arms, on my leg, all over my body. I received a letter from my younger brother that since I left he has taken to torturing my little sister, Capella. I - I don't know what to do." Alcyone's voice became crackly as she began to cry.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:46 pm

Tessa was smiling that Yasmina was loving this. And Tessa was happy about this. She could tell that Alcyone had never had a friend, but now she had two. “ That was her name that was given to her while she was being trained. But I love it, because it is different.”

She then was smiling, she could tell that something was scaring Alcyone. But Tessa didn’t' want to push her for any information. Because she didn’t' want to hurt her feelings again. She could tell that she wished that she didn’t' ignore Damien and for some reason she was thinking about somebody special to her.

Tessa sighed. “ I really wished I could help you out. Maybe I could talk to my dad about it.”

She then blinked. “ You mean like a secret?” Tessa realized how serious it must be to trust someone that you just meet. “ I promise not to tell anybody.” She sat there and listened carefully to what she was saying. Tessa was shocked. “ How could this go on, doesn't anybody notice that this happenes.” Tessa then took on of her hands and could feel the scars on her face. She knew that she had to do something just not mention this story. Without even thinking, she hugged Alcyone. “ I am so sorry, I didn't realize any of this.” She then bite her lower lip. “ Please don't cry.”


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:53 pm

Alcyone nodded. It was like her own name, special and unique. It was a tradition of the Malfoy family to be named after constellations, star signs and stars. She was Alcyone, a constellation, whilst Capella and Caelum were stars. She loved Capella's name, it was so beautiful. Capella was the 11th brightest star in the night sky, and whenever Capella was sad because she had seen Alcyone crying after being tortured, Alcyone had sung her special song to Capella about being the brightest star in the sky.

Alcyone could help but feel her hopes lift at the thought of not being stuck in the hell-hole that others would call her 'home'. She felt better at Hogwart's now, and she could see why Damien had fallen for Tessa. She was sweet, and so kind, and selfless.

"You would do that? Thank you, Tessa. It probably won't happen, but the fact that you would do that for me means a lot." Alcyone was slightly shocked. No one ever did anything nice for her. Though often Caelum had tried to take the torture for her, Alcyone would not hear of it.

Alcyone knew it seemed a bit surprising, but she was so sick of it. She needed someone who could help her with her problem, she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to just run away from Hogwart's, but she didn't want Capella to be in pain.

"Tessa, my parents want it to happen," she choked out through sobs. "They- they don't care if s-she gets h-hurt. They don't love us." Alcyone willingly curled into Tessa and tried to still her crying. It didn't work.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:51 am

Tessa smiled. She liked her name because nobody had it. And she would out that it meant “ Harvester” But she loved her name because it was unique like herself. She then could tell that Alcyone could see why Damien had fallen for her. She could tell that Alcyone thought that she was sweet. Tessa knew that she love saying Alcyone name for some reason.

“ Yes I would do that for you, you seem like a very nice person. And I don't like to think of people who are suffering.” She then knew that she would have to find her dad later and ask him. She knew that this meant a lot to Alcyone. And Tessa was happy to help. She could tell that she hadn't had a person to be kind to her before. But Tessa was going to changed that for her.

She was still holding Alcyone. Tessa wanted to let her knew that everything would be alright. She admired how strong Alcyone was. You had to be, just to survive a hard life. But she loved that she was also very brave, and this was another thing that Tessa loved. “ I am surprised that you wasn't placed in Gryffindor, seeing that you are brave and loyal.” She really didn't know how she was going to respond to that. But she still smiled.

“ Why would anybody want to do that to their own child. There are many people out that who can't have any children and that is why most of them adopt.” She then started to rub Alcyone back, just to let her now that everything was alright. And that it was alright to cry. She then smiled as she hummed a little bit to try and calm Alcyone down. Without even thinking she was running her finger through her hair. Tessa knew that Damien loved this when he was upset.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:07 am

Tessa's company and obvious care for her pain brought comfort to Alcyone's thoughts, and she managed to calm down enough to stop crying. She just wanted to live a happy, care-free life. Alcyone couldn't believe how nice Tessa was, and though it pained her to admit it, she could see why Damien had fallen for Tessa and not herself. Alcyone was too cold, withdrawn, shy and dangerous to ever attract a boys attention. Tessa was sweet, selfless, kind and beautiful. It made Alcyone's heart ache.

Alcyone smiled at the thought of being a Gryffindor. She really would've liked that, but alas she had to be a Slytherin or else pain and mis-fortune would've come her way. What worried her most was Capella, for the small child was a Hufflepuff through and through and she wasn't sure if the hat would place her in Slytherin. The thought of Capella being tortured to near death for not being in Slytherin made Alcyone angry.

"I would've liked to be a Gryffindor, though my parents would have sent me to the brink of death for that crime. I worry about Capella, she's such a Hufflepuff I can't see her persuading the hat to place her in Slytherin." Alcyone fretted, yanking at her hair in frustration and shaking her head. It was all too much.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:26 am

She could tell that Alcyone was calming down. Tessa felt like she was doing something right. Comforting and letting Alcyone know that she wasn't alone. Was actually helping her and Tessa was glad. She decided that she was going to help Alcyone. Maybe if she could help her maybe she would find someone to love. That was going to be her new goal, was to help Alcyone.

Tessa could tell that Alcyone thought about being a Gryffindor. And she would have made a good one. But she seen nothing wrong with being a Slytherin. Most of her friends where Slytherins. She could never see herself being in a different house. She also could tell that she was worried about her little sister. When she thought about her two older sister, they were probley worried about Tessa all the time. It was something that you could stop doing.

She then sighed. “ I am sorry that your parents are like that. I know I don't know them, but I hate people like that.” But she knew that some people where like this, and she couldn’t' change this. Most of the time it was because they were bitter about something. “ I think that they shouldn't worry. Hufflepuff is only just a house, it shouldn't be a big deal.”


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:31 am

Alcyone let herself sigh as she wiped the tears off her cheeks and sniffled. She began to feel weary, and she really wanted to talk to Damien, let him know that she was okay with this. It would hurt her, but she'd do it. She didn't deserve a guy like Damien, anyway. She was pathetic and a loser, it was something she had always been told.

"I hate my parents too. Say, would you mind if I went and saw Damien now? We need to talk." Alcyone wanted to make sure it was okay with Tessa first.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:44 am

Tessa was still smiling. “ No I don't mind that if you talk to Damien.” She knew that there was a lot that they need to talk about. And that it would be good for Alcyone to talk. Maybe this would make her a little bit happier. Tessa would do anything, just to make Alcyone to smile. She could tell that Alcyone deserve a lot better than what she had.

She loved how she asked her first, and that made her feel better about Alcyone. This was something that she liked about her.


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The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy) Empty Re: The Meeting (Tessa & Alcy)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:09 am

Alcyone smiled at Tessa, glad that she didn't mind. She really just wanted to see Damien again, hear his voice again. Then she'd move on, after all she had more important things to worry about than boys. Even if they were incredibly cute, but not all too sweet.

"Thank you, Tessa. I think i'll go talk to him now. See you around." Alcyone gave Tessa a quick hug, before she turned and hurried back to the common room.


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