Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 10:43 pm

Alcyone sat in a dark corridor, her knees brought up to her chest and cradled by her arms with her head resting atop them. She stared at the light pouring in through one window, illuminating one section of the room. The rest was quite dark, and Alcyone liked the darkness. It was strange for a child to enjoy the complete blackness that the dark brought with it, strange for them to feel secure and safe but for Alcyone it was natural. Often, during her torture sessions, she had hidden her sister and brother in the dark corner where her parents and tutors would fail to notice them.

She sighed and curled into it more, now almost fully concealed except for her choice of a white shirt which glowed softly in the dark. She clutched herself tighter as she tried not to cry whilst thinking about her little sister and brother. She couldn't wait until she was old enough to just run away with them - or until she had somewhere to go. She also couldn't wait until they were old enough to be able to go to Hogwarts with her, so she wouldn't feel guilty and tense about leaving them behind.

She wished she had Haley with her now, or Jaycie. Only those two could serve a distraction to her constant fretting over her sister and brother. Alcyone pulled out her wand and murmured 'Lumos maxima' as she no longer wished to be hidden in the darkness. She pulled back her white sleeve and stared at the scar on her arm. 'Blood Traitor'. Inspired by Hermione Granger's, 'mudblood' it was. The cruelty of her tutors never ceased to amaze her, and she felt her body wrack with sobs as she traced her finger over the scar. It had a charm on it that meant it would never fade and could never be healed. It also took a powerful glamour charm to hide it, meaning she often wore a scarf around her arm if she wore short sleeved shirts. She made it look trendy, or she had forearm length sleeves to pull over it. Sometimes, she'd wear a ton of bangles. But most of the time, she didn't wear shirts. They revealed the scars all over her arms.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Sun May 20, 2012 8:51 am

Damien had decided to take a stroll through the secret passage ways of the castle. He had a lot of things on his mind, and needed to clear his mind.

He was trying to think of everything that had been going on. He was working things out with Tessa, he was confused about Anne and how she was doing.

He was wondering around when he ran across someone he had not thought about in along time. He would never forget the day he met Alcyone at the lake. He thought she was the most beautifulest Angel he could have meet.

Something had happened when they got to school, it seemed like she was ignoring him and didn't want anything to do with him. So he just decided to leave her alone. They were so much a like in their family history, he thought they would have been perfect together.

He noticed that she was upset and down, it reminded him of the first day they met.

"Hey Alcyone, can I sit down and talk with you" Damien sighed as he sat down.

"Maybe one of these days you will be able to forgive me" Damien sighed again, he never meant for what happened between them to happen. He felt like he abandoned her, and in a way he did.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Sun May 20, 2012 10:29 pm

Alcyone looked up, startled, as she heard footsteps. For a moment, she hoped it was Haley or Jaycie, but her hopes crashed and burned as she saw Damien. She let out a sigh and buried her head in her knee's once more.

Oh, how she wished he would go away. She honestly didn't have time for boys like him. She was always in a bad mood in classes, and he hadn't made an effort to talk to her in the common room when she was there, despite the waves and smiles she sent him.

However, it seemed he wanted to talk to her and she glared up at him as he spoke. "What do you want?" She asked angrily. "It's not like I don't go through enough shit, I don't need you coming here and being all mopey and 'im sorry', because frankly? It's way too late for apologies. You don't just dump a girl when you get bored, it's really rude." She snapped.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 5:58 am

"Why wouldn't I want to talk to you. Every time we try to have this discussion something comes up and one of us has to leave." Damien stated as he looked around, "Now seeing we are the only ones for miles we can have this talk."

Damien was not sure where he wanted to started. "Last time I checked meeting and talking at the lake did not make us boyfriend and girlfriend. You are talking about me dumping you and I do not recall us actually dating."

Damien was trying to remember their meeting at the lake and he remembered thinking she was such a Angel and wanting to get to know her more, but he could not recall actually asking her.

Damien was staring out in front of him as he talked, "I looked for you all over the train that first day and you were no where, so I didn't know what happened. Then the first time I saw you was in potions class and I tried to talk to you and what did you do?" Damien took a moment to breathe,

"You ignored me. It was not just that class it was all of the classes. I never saw you in the common room those first few months so I thought something had happened and you wanted nothing to do with me."

It was at this point Damien turned to looked at her, "What was I suppose to do, chase you all around the school and demanded that you talk to me."

Damien sighed again, "By the time you decided I was worth noticing I was already with Tessa. What was I suppose to do? Dump Tessa because my Angel decided I was worth talking too again."

Damien remembered how she looked that first day at the lake and he also remembered the spark that came when the two of them touched. He had never had that touch with anyone, Tessa or Anne. It was like that special connection just with her.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 3:20 pm

Alcyone sighed wearily as he spoke, those were words she had reminded herself. It was just one time, but she'd been so happy that someone finally noticed her and the emotions had bore down on her, making her feel sour.

"Fine, whatever, I know we weren't. I never said we did, but you seemed to be interested and it's just..." Alcyone stopped herself. He didn't get to know her secret, only Jaycie and Haley did. "My life is shit, Damien, and you were something I was excited about. I got crushed, but I don't care anymore because I have more important things to do than mope over some boy who I really don't care about," that was a lie, she did care about Damien as he was her first crush.

She sighed. "Okay, so I do care a little but that's beside the point. Go to Tessa, whatever I don't care. I'm not going to tell you what happened because, honestly? You don't mean enough to me for me to tell you anything. So yeah, conversation over?" She asked in a hopeful tone.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 6:49 pm

Damien could not believe that she said fine whatever, "For someone who doesn't care you sure are pissed at me."

Damien could not believe he was doing this, why was he even trying to repair this damage.

"I was interesting very much, and I do worry about you." Damien sighed He watched her from a distance all the time.

Damien stood up, he didn't understand anything, but since Anne her knew that time was short and things could.

"It didn't have to be this way, all you had to do was talk to me, not ignore me. I might be one of the only people here that could truly understand what you go through." Damien sighed


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 7:17 pm

Alcyone glared angrily at him. "Ha ha, very funny." She snapped, not in the mood for him. He was seriously trying to defend himself when HE was the one that upset HER? She grit her teeth together and turned her head away from him.

Shut it off, Alcyone, stop feeling, she told herself. She focused on her inner calm and managed to block out her emotions.

She looked at him now with calm in-difference. "Okay. Well, I didn't mean to ignore you. I just go to my lessons and sit down, I don't really want to talk to anyone." She explained patiently. A flicker of anger slipped through her grasp, but she reigned in her emotions quickly and shook her head.

"No, no you wouldn't understand. Nobody could ever understand. But that's okay, because I have people that try and it makes me feel loved," she thought of Haley, and of Jaycie. "Well, two can understand but they aren't anyone you need to know about." Her mind now drifted to her siblings, who did understand - a bit.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 7:58 pm

Damien stood with his back against the wall crossing his arm, "Well it wasn't really meant to be funny. Feelings are involved here, and hurt feelings are not funny."

Damien was trying to be strong, whether or not they wanted to admit it they were both at the wrong.

"Well ok fine you ignored me in class, and neither of us went out of our way to talk to each other did we? So maybe we are both at fault and not just me? BUt thats ok I have strong shoulders I will take the blame" Damien was beginning to think about this and he really did feel bad.

Damien just sighed when she said no one would understand, "Oh yeah no one else could possibly understand what it is like to be abused by their parents. No one else could possibly no what it is like to have dark spells on them."

Damien was little irritated at the moment about this, "Oh and no one could possibly understand what it is like to have tremors all the time."

Damien thought about it, "I still catch you rubbing your wrist once in awhile."


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 10:29 pm

Alcyone rolled her eyes at him and raised her eyebrows. "No, really?" She snapped sarcastically. "I thought we were having a hilarious conversation."

Alcyone sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair, pushing it off her face. She absently rubbed at her forearm and snatched her hand back rather quickly when she realised she was doing it.

"I never said I wasn't at fault, Damien," her tone was icy cold, and she felt an urge to call him 'Greene'. Perhaps, she would take that up. Then again, he hadn't done anything bad enough... yet. "Oh look at that, little Damien taking all the blame because pathetic Alcyone can't own up to things she did wrong," she growled.

Alcyone looked down at her hands once more, wishing he'd piss off and leave her to her thoughts. Her head snapped up and her eyes widened a fraction - she had no recollection of ever telling him about her parents. Or had she? She wracked her brains. It had sort of been implied when he spoke about the parents troubles, but she'd never confirmed his suspicions. The thoughts of those days made her wrist ache, and absently she grabbed out the tube he'd given her and squeezed some onto her wrist.

"Do you know what it's like," she began quietly, the tube back in her pocket. She stared at him with anger on her face, pure un-yielding anger. "To watch your little sister scream and writhe on the floor, whilst you try to restrain your little brother because he wants to comfort her? You know that if you go forwards and try to help her, it'll only be worse. Don't you ever think you know what I go through," she stood up abruptly and made for the exit.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 10:54 am

Damien just leaned against the wall listening to her yell at him,

"Oh give me a break, I have never called you pathetic. I have done nothing but try to be your friend, but no you would rather crawl into your own little ball and be pissed at me and never talk to me again"

Damien knew all to well by watching her that she like to hide behind her little facade that she put on, it was easy to watch, up until a few months ago Damien had his own facade he wore.

Damien just sat there with the same glare staring back at her that she was giving him. He watched her use the tube of cream he had given her all that time ago and apply it, and he had to smirk at her.

Listened to her talk about her sister, how could she not think he understood.

Damien took a couple of deep breathes and then began to talk a little softer, "They may not be my sisters, but they might as well be we have grown up together. Do you not think I have had to watch Tabi and Leshia be tortured at the hands of my own father? That every time I tied to stop it I was beaten even more." Damien sighed.

"You might think you are the only one that suffers pain, but your not." Damien lifted up his shirt to show her all the long deep scars he had on his back and stomach.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 6:33 pm

Alcyone was only more pissed off at the way he leant against the wall, a casual movement.

She ran her hands through her hair and pulled roughly, glare fixed on her face as she looked at him. She wished he'd just piss off. "STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!" She shrieked. "I never SAID that you called me pathetic!" She hissed, trying to calm herself and failing miserably. "What the hell are you on about? You NEVER tried to be my friend! You ignored me just as much as I ignored you!"

Alcyone recoiled from him and tried to find some way to release her anger, all the emotions inside that were making her chest ache and her body heave with pain. Her legs trembled violently as she looked at him, and she had an over-whelming urge to sob.

She frowned at his smirk and remembered the tube was from him, but decided she didn't care. It made the itchiness and the pain go away, so he could go stuff himself if he thought she used it for any other reason.

Alcyone grimaced and sighed, shaking her head. It wasn't the same. How could he even compare it?

"They aren't your flesh and blood. Your bonds may be close, and you may be like siblings, but you aren't actually siblings. What about that time you hit Tabi, huh? You think i'd ever hit my brother or sister? Oh, thought I didn't know about that?" She sneered. "Everybody in Slytherin knew about your little episode. I'm kind of glad I didn't get involved with someone who would hit his so called 'sister'!" She growled. Her feet had stopped in their path towards the door as she whipped around to face him once more.

At the sight of his scars, she rolled her eyes and lifted her own shit part way up to reveal the similar ones on her stomach. They were shaped in letters, 'A, Q, G, F'. She then stormed over to him and yanked her sleeve away to reveal the intricate, rose pattern on her shoulder. Every detail was beautiful, and the rose would have been the most lovely sight were it not a scar. "I know im not the only one who suffers," she snapped. "But im damn well sure you didn't have to experience this." She pointed at the rose.


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Betrayal (Alcy & Dame) Empty Re: Betrayal (Alcy & Dame)

Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 8:34 pm

Damien felt for her as she showed her different scars and he could go on comparing scars but he knew that even though the punishment in general the pains were different.

Damien stood away from the wall and walked up to her, "You know what, I tried to be your friend in the beginning, but you see you have so much pain and anger you can't see past that."

Damien knew in the beginning it could have been something great, but even then she was closed up like a clam.

"You know what, fine, whatever you can see things the way you want to see them. I was a different person when I did that to Tabi. But you see we work through are issues and not bottle up everything". Damien sighed, at least she was being able to vent some of that pent up anger.

"I will do what you want and leave you alone, but someday you might discover that you need me."

Damien turn to leave but could not bring himself to leave yet.


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