Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:47 pm

Briony was glad when Richard said that he enjoyed the little things that they would do as well as the more...active ones, after all, it wasn't just about that in their relationship however much they tended to focus on it most of the time.

"Good, I'm glad, then we shall have to do that when we get back home them wont we?"

Rembering with a wince the creepy guy that had been Frank Stein Briony was too glad that she had fired him, after the paperwork had cleared she was pretty sure that experimenting on students and Germans wasn't strictly 'allowed'.

"Yeah, me too, I don't even know why I hired him in the first place! I mean he was far from mentally sane, and poor Lolita...she seems to have been...a little befuddled by him."

Briony really did feel bad for the girl, she didn't think that getting rid of Frank would have sucha negative effect on her, but, part of her wanted to slap her around the face and tell her to get a grip.

"Oh yes please, I will have strawberry pavlova, thank you very much."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:08 am

Richard smiled happily and reached across the table to take one of her small hands in his larger one. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb as he stared across the table into her eyes,

"Let's curl up in front of the fire tonight Briony." he suggested softly, "Just hold each other and talk until we fall asleep. Your favourite little 'house keeper' will magic us away to bed when she sees us like that of course but it'll be a nice way to fall asleep."

Yes, Richard hadn't exactly been the best of friends with Frank Stein. The guy was a borderline necromancer and the other half of him was some kind of doctor so messed up that Richard was afraid labelling him as such was an insult to doctors,

"Yes... the man didn't seem to fit the normal parameters set for professors. Or Doctors. Or men for that matter..." he muttered darkly. Stein had been someone Richard had really disliked. At the mention of Lolita he sighed faintly, "Poor girl... she just wanted some attention and he gave it to her."

The waitor nodded and went away again quickly, allowing Richard to put his privacy charms back up. He chuckled a little bit,

"The poor waitor seems to be conflicted about something." he smirked, "Seems he's dreadfully confused as to why an english woman is dining with a german man without trying to kill each other. At least those are the surface thoughts I could pick up. My skills in the mind arts are somewhat lacking."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:49 am

Briony looked into Richard's eyes and she could feel her cheeks flush ever so slightly but she covered it up with a smirk, that was an offer that she could never refuse, after all what more could a woman want but to fall asleep in the arms of the man she loved?

No matter how lethal the woman that was something that never changed.

"I think I like that plan, after all, we can't let our work keep us from being together like we were, before I got this position and promoted you to yours."

With that Briony nodded, she felt anger rising up in her at the emotions of the poor woman that Stein had left behind, as if he had simply had his fun and then cast the left overs away to one side, as soon as he had his son that's all he wanted.

"Why Richard, that wasn't what he was thinking at all, he was thinking about how interesting it would be to try and get my number without you looking or catching on."

Briony looked around the people in the restaurant and closed her eyes, homing in on a large woman wearing a horrible pink dress she pointed at her and said with a laugh:

"She's wondering if were married or not, and apparently she likes your ass too."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:12 am

Richard saw Briony's cheeks flush with a slight blush but he didn't call it to her attention. He didn't want her to think it was a bad thing after all. It made her look cute, which was something she didn't often look. He smiled happily across the table as she smirked. It had been an idea rattling in his head for awhile now and it felt good to finally ask it,

"Exactly my love." he gave her hand a small squeeze, "Sometimes it's nice to go back to the beginning... just for awhile. To relax completely."

He raised an eyebrow at her anger, Briony was normally so composed with her emotions in public, even with privacy charms. At her words his eyes widened a little bit before narrowing a little bit more. Shaking his head, Richard got rid of the anger and smirked slightly,

"Remind me to break his teeth if I see him again." he half-joked, half-asked, "I didn't know that actually... Oh well. Freaky man is gone now. Keine Knochen brechen..."

The last bit he muttered in german, making a mental note to amend it if he came across the man again. Richard followed Briony's gaze and shuddered a little,

"Eww.... that's just not right..." he focused on the surface thoughts of some of the other customers, "Well that guy..."

He sighed and hung his head in mock defeat,

"Also thinks I have a nice ass..."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:53 pm

Briony didn't know that Richard had been thinking of something like this, and it felt good to actually know that he was still the romantic man that she had married at heart, after all they weren't always as they were now, they used to be a bit more loving, but now it's just grab it when you can.

"It really does feel good to go back to the beginning again, to be like we used to be before work and before stress got in the way of everything."

Raising her eyebrow Briony smirks and she shakes her head, Richard really was too funny when it came to other men and herself, he knew full well that she would never even entertain the idea but still...his reaction was amusing to watch.

"He wasn't freaky, he was actually quite yummy, maybe I should give him my number what do you think?" she asked, teasing Richard slightly.

Barely holding back a splutter of laughter Briony bit her lip to contain herself, poor Richard, no super models oogling him today, well there were but she wasn't exactly going to draw attention to them. The joke didn't work in reverse after all.

"Awwww there there Richard, curiousity killed the libido don't you know?" Briony jokes
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:43 am

If Richard regretted anything in his now almost perfect life it was that with the amount of work and stress both he and Briony had, it was hard to find time simply to be together. Sure their sex life was still going strong, showing that they were still incredibly attracted to each other. But what they had not had in a while was time to simply sit down and hold each other, talk about each other and the love they shared,

"Yes I've noticed that our lives have become a lot busier." he sighed a little bit, before smiling, "Guess it's the price we pay for leading the war effort and the education of the next generation eh?"

He knew that Briony was just teasing him. Richard had complete trust in his wife, he knew that she would never even entertain the idea of an affair. Despite this he felt his hands grip the table tighter. Realising what he was doing her chuckled and loosened his grip,

"Well I don't think that's a good idea..." he teased her back, "You don't know what weird stuff that guy could be into after all!"

Richard gave Briony a mock pout before sticking his tongue out at her playfully,

"So it would seem my dear..." he paused and scanned the thoughts of some of the other guests, "Mmm... Interesting. Sleezy looking Italian in the white suit, to your immediate left, has noticed that the charm seems to be looping our actions. Seems to be spending a lot of time watching us too... thoughts?"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:18 am

Briony nodded her head, she knew that the two of them were busy for good reasons but sometimes she couldn't help but resent them just a little bit, in the times when she really just needed someone to hold her, only to find he was busy.

"That's true, but those reasons should all come second to the love that we share, Hogwarts could crumble around me and I'd still be content if you were with me."

Illustrating a side of her that was normally hidden Briony took a sip of her drink if only to seem more cool after saying such a romantic thing, she had thought them plenty of times, just never voiced them.

Briony chuckled and shook her head, pointing at Richard as if to say something.

"In case you haven't noticed we aren't the innocents either you know, were into pretty odd things to the average persons eyes."

With a raised eyebrow Briony used her periphorals and saw the man himself, she sighed and tapped the table with her wand, extending the charm so that it reached just in front of the man, walking to the edge of the field Briony smirked and dispelled the charm, her smirk only broadening when she saw the mans expression:

"Hello. You want a picture? It'll last longer."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:28 am

Richard was truly sad that he didn't seem to have enough time to spend with Briony. If he had his way both governments could burn in hell and he'd not lose a wink of sleep as long as he spent his time with Briony instead of fighting the Germans and trying to convince the British he was thrustworthy,

"I feel the same way Briony..." he reached out and held her hands with his own softly, "You are the only thing in this world to me that means anything to me Briony. Our love is forever but we shouldn't ever have to let it play second findle to something... I think I've done enough for the British Ministry."

Richard laughed happily at her comment. They weren't really into weird things... not in overall anyway. Well sure, he loved the smell of blood and she enjoyed killing muggles a bit too much for regular society but so what? Not like it mattered, they were normal enough and what's more they were happy as they were,

"Yes well the average person would have died a thousand times over in each of our average days." he replied with a grin, "We're better than normal... we're great!"

Following her lead, Richard wandered up behind Briony as she confronted the man. He chuckled a little bit, standing behind her as he simply glared at the man in front of him,

"Oh he was just leaving..." his eyes flashed dangerously and the man shivered, "Weren't you?"

The man nodded frantically and made a hasty exit. Richard rubbed at his chin with a grin,

"You know... I think I can understand why you said we're a bit odd to regular people."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:43 pm

Briony then remembered why she never really said or did anything loving, because as soon as she did it was belittled by whatever Richard said, it made her feel loved of course, but a small part of her wondered if he would just hush up so that she could say her feelings too.

"We have both done enough for the Ministry, yet that is just not good enough."

The sound of Richard's laugh was one that she never really heard, she heard him chuckle of course but she never heard him full blown laugh that often. It was a really refreshing change for her.

"That's very true Richard, very true, we're very active people and some people just couldn't do it, other people would wither under the stress but no! We grow!"

Obviously mocking him Briony punched her hand in the air and she smirked, raising one eyebrow before she let her arm come back down to rest upon the table.

The look on the man's face when they suddenly broke free of their Charms was one that made Briony chuckle happily, it seems as if he had been officially caught out and he knew it, looking at his plate Briony picked up a strawberry and ate it in front of him.

Waving him out of the restaurant Briony took a seat back at her table and sighed waiting for their desserts.

"Richard, this restaurant really is slow today, I could have cooked in this time, and this is me, I burn toast for Merlins sake."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:58 am

Richard realised something Briony had told him a few months ago. When being romantic he tended to go a tad too far, making her statement seem less. But Richard was resolved to change that now. He wanted to hear and savour Briony's romantic moments from now on,

"Well why don't we just... let them handle it?" he suggested with a mischievous grin, "Why don't we just stop helping them? We're integral parts of howarts... they NEED us."

It felt rather strange to laugh but Richard enjoyed it. Laughing was something very rare for him and if one were to watch, they'd know that he only laughed happily with Briony. He chuckled and he'd given the odd evil laugh but he never laughed with anyone else,

"Why thank you Bri! It's not often that I'm right but I am now!" he grinned with her and laughed happily again, "That's very true! We grow! Onwards and upwards!"

He laughed again and mimicked her mocking actions, knowing he was being mocked lightly. Of course he made a mental note of how much he was laughing now. It was beginning to get a bit weird, he didn't ever remember laughing this much. Of course the man had been entranced by his wife's obvious beauty and charms. Briony was a knock out after all. Richard sniggered a little bit at the way the man blushed and spluttered at being caught out. He left in a hurry and Richard moved back to the table as the waitor came back with the deserts. He gave the man a withering look before turning to Briony with a small smile,

"I think we should donate this man's once potential tip to charity... don't you my dear?" he turned back to the now very disappointed waitor, "You may go."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:33 pm

Briony blinked at the forgein notion, of course she had considered doing this but she had never actually thought of seriously acting on her thoughts, however much she might be tempted to. However...

Now that her husband was feeling the same she might as well begin to let go of her responsibilities with the Ministry, they can stand on their own for a while. They're big boys after all, they don't need their hands held.

"Yes Hogwarts does come first and if we are neglecting our duties there, then we really do need to rectify this."

Pretending to be a little hurt Briony clutched her chest and pouted slightly, as if her heart was wounded, it wasn't her fault that Richard wasn't always right, or that most of the time she was, it was just unfortunate circumstances.

"Make sure that you write this day down, you can't say you're never right any more. So you can stop whinging."

Briony nodded at Richard's statement, they had waited a good twenty minutes for their food and it was annoying.

"I agree, finally we have our dessert, it does look good, but I want more of it it's quite small portions."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Richard Romain Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:02 am

The British ministry was something that Richard held no love for. To be honest it was probably only marginally better than the German ministry. The only difference, so far as he could see, was that the German ministry was overtly corrupt and the British ministry merely covertly corrupt. He grinned a little bit as he wife caught onto the idea and seemed to like it as well,

"Indeed! The education of the next generation should always be a focus of ours." he chuckled a little bit, "And if we just so happen to have a lot more free time to spend together... well that's our reward for doing so well with the children! And not killing the more annoying ones..."

Richard laughed lightly but happily. He knew his wife wasn't really hurt by his observation. Besides, it was rather easy for him to admit that his wife really was his better half, she was smarter than him by far so her deductions were often better than his own,

"I'll write it down... but I don't whine!" he whined playfully before laughing again and smiling warmly at her, "I married the smartest woman in the world."

Richard nodded in agreement and the waitor muttered several inaudiable things before shuffling away. When he was out of the charms, he chuckled a little bit,

"I think we scared him." he joked with his wife before nodding, "It was a long wait..."

He tried some of his desert,

"It's good... but not twenty minutes good I'm afraid."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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A night to remember (Rich and Bri) - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to remember (Rich and Bri)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:23 pm

Briony had decided that she would write to the Minister for magic tomorrow and tell him directly that she would no longer be helping him make decisions about the running of his country, she thought it was vaguely pathetic that he even had to ask about it.

"I know because that's so hard, sometimes you just see one and you really just want to punch it in the face and tell it to just pick a partner, it's not hard."

Rolling her eyes Briony remembered her wasted duelling class where the students did nothing because they couldn't find a partner to begin to practice with.

"You really do whine Richard, I don't mind though, I find it quite endearing on most occasions, most. Being the key word there."

A little deflated by Richard's admission that the dessert wasn't really very good Briony took up a spoonful of her own and ate it cautiously, it was good, the strawberries were a little too mushy for her liking however and it was mostly cream.

"I agree, they are substandard for the price that they charge for them. I ought to complain but I think the staff are already scared of me."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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