Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:01 am

Jack was in no mood to be in his brother's company right now. James blamed the attack on their home town on him and his selfish desire to hunt vampires for sport. It had led to some heated rows between the two brothers but one thing Jack knew was the one reason why he was now trying to get drunk.

He knew that his brother was right.

It had all been his fault and what's more he recognised his faults and knew that if none of this had happened he'd have done it again without a care in the world. But he wasn't as depressed as you'd think. He'd already had several drinks after all, the world was getting a little brighter with each drink.
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:08 am

Evangeline blinked into existance right next to Jack in the Rizukia pub, she was quite irate with Jack as she had heard form James tht he had allowed himself to become bait for a vampire and he had killed so many people in the process, well, killed so many vampires.

While she had cleaned up his mess and sent 400 and something souls to the afterlife, she had stayed away from Jack while she calmed down, however she now felt like she would be able to look him in the face again and she tapped her fingers gently on the bar.

"Hello Jack." she muttered "You think you need to speak to me about something, don't you?"
Evangeline Webb
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:13 am

Jack watched the bartender jump a little bit in surprise and he couldn't help but chuckle. He knew it was Evangeline just from that reaction. Glancing at her he could tell that she was quite upset with him. Or as upset as she had ever seemed at least.

He hadn't seen much of her recently but he didn't suppose that he would have done. Between him and Charlie she'd have had a lot of work to be getting on with. And he knew that she did not appreciate extra work so it wasn't a stretch to know she was probably very unhappy with him. He nodded and drank a little more,

"Yea I kno' why yer need te speak te me." he muttered before sighing, and putting the bottle down, "We need te speak abou' te whole... mass killin ting. Righ'?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:56 am

Evangeline had her normal public apperence on, as such her mowhawk was more than a little odd to see in the middle of quite a posh establishment like this, however she did not really care at the moment, she was here to talk to Jack and get all of this sorted.

When he assumed that was why she was here, Evangeline nodded her head gently and ran her hand through her shorter hair and kept the dead pan expressing on her face while she spoke, she was lesson than happy with Jack and he already knew that she supposed.

"Indeed that it what we need to discuss Jack." she spoke, calmly "I thought you said that you were going to stop killing so many people now that you were aware of my existence?"

As the bartender came over as if to ask her if she was going to drink anything, Evangeline fixed him with a blank look and he quickly backed off.
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:04 am

Jack didn't want to have a conversation where he got chewed out for his actions again. James did that alright on his own. But he knew that although Evangeline disapproved, strongly, she would not chew him out so he wasn't going to have to be on the defensive during this conversation at least.

He sighed a little bit and ran his hand across his face. They both knew that he had made just such a promise. But the truth was, at the time, he hadn't thought he'd actually broken it,

"At te time... I didn' tink tha' te vamps were alive enough te coun' as killin tem." he told her honestly, "But tey are... aren' tey? Alive enough te ten be killed tha is."

Looking down at his drink, he sighed and pushed it away,

"I tol' yer before tha I ain' a nice guy Eva." he commented quietly, "Ye' more proo' if it were needed. I'm sorry I gav yer such extra work Eva."
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:41 am

Evangeline frowned a little bit, it was sort of strange that Jack would think that something that was living and breathing technically was not alive, although she didn't want to press the argument into that sort of territory, that argument would never end.

"Yes they are alive, because someone has to be alive to be killed, and you killed those people pretty good." she sighed gently before tapping her fingers again on the bar top "You just didn't think before you acted, is that it?"

Looking at Jack when he said that he wasn't a nice guy, she hummed a little and she had a though, if he wasn't a nice person, why was she having romantice feelings for him, should she stop?

"Well if you want to give me more work, and you want to continue being a bad man, why should I continue to have romantic feelings for you, you aren't supposed to feel love for bad people."
Evangeline Webb
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:54 am

Jack was glad that Evangeline decided not to pry into why he didn't think they were alive. It was a religious reason and he had no desire to get locked into a religious debate with her. It was likely to be a heated debate and he didn't want to get into that. He paused. Evangeline was giving him an out. He could say that he hadn't been thinking and that would be all that was said. But he wasn't about to lie to her,

"Nah, I was tinkin as much as I always do." he told her quietly, "I jus'... it's in me beliefs tha tey ain't alive. Tha tey're someting te be killed."

He froze when she spoke. Was she having second thoughts about being with him? Jack turned to her,

"That's fer ye te decide Eva..." he whispered softly, his heart about to shatter into a million pieces, "De yer tink yer can still lov... have romantic feelins fer me?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:04 am

Evangeline blinked a little bit when Jack told her that it was a religious reason why he didn't think that Vampires mattered, and she remembered that these were to two things that you were not supposed to talk about in civilised conversation.

"Well I am not willing to get into your beliefs, in case we end up arguing about them and that is something that I don't think that we need to get into at this present moment in time." she said simply.

Humming a little bit, Evangeline wondered if she was feeling any different towards Jack, she realised that she did, but that feeling was mostly disappointment, she didn't think that she didn't love him any more, she was just disappointed by what he had done.

"I feel very dissappointed that you didn't do what you said you were going to do for me, you realise that I held that idea in great regard yes?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:10 am

Jack could see that Evangeline understood the implications of him telling her that it was a religious matter. She did, after all, agree to drop the subject for now because neither of them wanted to get into an ideological debate,

"Yea tha's fer te bes'. My beliefs are strong an' maybe a lil bit too stubborn te see logic or reason." he admitted with a small smile, "An' I certainly don' wan' te be arguin wit yer Eva."

He sighed a little bit and nodded. Of he knew she had held that promise in great regard, as she put it, but it hadn't been at the forefront of his mind when he had acted. It wasn't an excuse and it wasn't a good reason for doing it but it happened none the less,

"Dissappointed is better tan yer stopin yer love fer me." he told her quietly before nodding again, "Aye, I knew wha' it meant te yer. I jus'... wasn't tinkin o' it at te time I guess."
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:19 am

Evangeline nodded her head and she wondered if religion really made all that much sense because it was something that Jack even admitted didn't make much logical sense if she started to analyse it, but hopefully he would learn to see sense later.

Hearing him sigh, Evangeline wondered why he was sighing, she thought that he had probably heard this from everyone, and he was getting tired of being reprimanded for his actions, maybe Evangeline should stop being so mad with him?

"I can see that you weren't thinking at the time Jack." she said quietly "Are you a sad of getting told this all the time? That you have made a mistake, I hope that we can change topic soon."

Moving from the barstool she hugged her arms around Jack's neck and she nuzzled her head into his neck, gently kissing his neck and hoping that her gentle kiss to his lips that followed would help change her opinion from dissappointed, back to her loving feeling.
Evangeline Webb
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:36 am

Jack was sure that to an outsider, someone who had never been touched by it like Eva, religion and religious belief was rather silly. But it was ingrained into him and he wasn't about to have an argument over something that wasn't likely to ever change.

He was sure that Evangeline didn't really hold a grudge about what he'd done but the continuation of the topic was driving home that perhaps he would deserve it if she did. Jack chuckled lightly,

"If we coul' change te topic te someting tha doesn't make me feel like crap... yer tha' would' be great." he told her with a small smile, "Anyone ever tell yer tha' yer too fergivin?"

When she got up from off the stool and hugged him he smiled happily and kissed her cheek gently. The gentle kisses did much to lift his mood and he was soon smiling wider again,

"Ah yer know jus' how te make me feel better Eva!"
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:47 am

When Jack mentioned to Eva that he wanted to change the topic, Eva nodded her head lightly and she wondered if it was going to be hard for them to move past what had happened, after all it was quite a large problem in her eyes and she wondered if it was a large problem for Jack as well.

"Then we shall change the subject now that you know how I feel about everything, there is no need to push the subject any further." she sighed a little bit, keeping her deadpan expression.

Evangeline heard that Jack felt better from her little attentions and she smiled gently, she was glad that he was feeling better now, he had been through a tough time, and she needed to be there to support him, like humans did for one another.

"I want to be able to make you feel better, how are you feeling? I know you were injured quite badly, I was worried about your health while I was working."
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:56 am

Jack had never really found it strange before but now her deadpan expression was quite unnerving. It meant that he had absolutely no idea what she really thought of the situation as she wasn't about to come out and tell him that there was a problem. He'd just have to hope that not doing something this foolish again would be what she wanted,

"Yea now tha I know how yer feel abou' it I'll not do it again." he told her quietly, wanting very much to just hold her but not sure if she would actually let him, "I don' like seein yer like tis. Te differences are subtle but... yer sad. An' I don' like te see tha."

Seeing Evangeline smiling made Jack smile back in return. It was good to see a smile back on Evangeline's beautiful face. He kissed her again, lovingly, and stroked her cheek gently,

"Jus' bein' wit ye makes me feel like I'm te luckiest an' happiest man in te world." he told her quietly with a grin, "Ah yer heard abou' me injuries huh? Well... she took a chunk o' me wit her before she fecked off."
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:15 am

Evangeline blinked a little bit when Jack said that he could tell that there were differences about he, that she looked a little sadder than normal and shehad to agree with him, she was sadder than normal, and it was being around Jack that made her sad.

"Well I would hope that you would not do it again, especially since you have just told me that you will not do it, knowing that it upsets me to see you killing so many people." Evangeline stated, quietly.

Returning his little kiss after he had started it, Evangeline close her eyes and only opened them when the kiss was done, it was nice to know that they still had that special connection that Jack had mentioned the last time on her birthday.

"Yes I heard about your injuries, I was unhappy that you were treated in such a manner, but I am happy to see that you are all healed now?" she smiled gently "What else have you been doing?"
Evangeline Webb
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:21 am

Jack could see that Evangeline was a little bit surprised that he could tell that she was sad. He wasn't really that surprised considering how many people actually took the opportunity to get to know her. Most in the ministry just assumed she was boring and didn't talk to her or thought she was something unnatural. Both were untrue,

"Yea well because it upsets yer I won' do it again." he told her with a smile before chuckling, "Scou's honour Eva."

Having seen Evangeline close her eyes in happiness at the small, soft, kiss, Jack was reassured that her feelings for him were still there. Just as his own feelings for her were still there. His feelings for her were growing beyond simply 'romantic' though, they were close to becoming 'loving' feelings. And he was a-okay with that,

"Yer an' me both Eva. Don' worry though, I'll make sure tha I don' take tha' amoun' of damage again alrigh'?" he grinned before chuckling, "Oh not much really. Recoverin, gettin evils from me brother. Wha' yer been up to aside from work? Anyting?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:49 pm

Evangeline nodded her head, she believed Jack, even though he had broken his promise before, she had hoped that he was going to keep this one , if not she was not sure what she would do, many people killed their loved ones if they broke promises to them...

She didn't think that she would want to do that at all.

"I believe you." she nodded.

When he said that he wouldn't let himself get that hurt again, Evangeline nodded and she smiled ever so slightly, it was nice to know that he wouldn't hurt himself again.

"I would like it if you tried to keep all of your organs inside of your body." she nodded with a matter of fact smile on her lips, thinking of what she had been doing outside of work, Evangeline spoke "Not really, I have had a lot to do after all."
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:26 am

Jack was so very happy that Evangeline believed him but at the same time he was honestly rather surprised. After all, he had broken his promise to her. He wouldn't have held it against he if she had decided to hold it against him. He smiled happily when she said that she believed him. Having the feeling and hearing the words were two very different things. Hearing the words themselves made him feel so much better,

"Tanks Eva, yer know tha means a lo' te me." he told her with a happily smile, "Yer trust is someting tha I cherish..."

The ever-so-slight smile was something that Evangeline rarely ever did but when she did it seemed to brighten up Jack's day. It wasn't what people would call a smile that would 'brighten up a room' but it didn't need to be since it seemed to brighten up his entire life,

"Hehe... yer me te. It hurts like a son o' a..." he agreed with a morbid chuckle before frowning a little bit, "All tis war an' rebellion shi' mus' really give yer a lo' o' work righ'?"
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:25 am

Evangeline hummed lightly to herself she thought that the war was indeed keeping her busy it was making her more and more crazy with each passing day especially when there was a big battle, she often had to bend time in order to deliver all the souls in time.

If only she could stop doing her job, but then that would mean stopping who she was as a person and she didn't know if she could do that, she didn't know that if she stopped being who she was that she would continue to survive.

"It does give me a lot of work, however, I have the means to make sure that the time I take does not exceed too much human time, only a few seconds of it when it comes to a larger attack."

Blinking a little bit, Evangeline looked at all the alcohol behind the bar and she asked quietly;

"What does it taste like? Alcohol?"
Evangeline Webb
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Jack Irvine Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:11 am

Jack had to admit that with the war and all the deaths going around he was surprised that Evangeline ever had time to be with him. He was surprised she did anything other than work. She must be even faster than he thought if she was able to keep on top of every death and apparently she had to be since it was her job.

And it wasn't exactly a job you could retire or quit. He had no idea how it would even work. If she stopped working would the number of ghosts increase? Would people even die? It was all rather confusing and he tried not to dwell on it,

"Yer have te means o' makin te mos' o' yer time?" he asked, rather stunned at this revelation. Then again this was a world of magic and time turners did exist, "So yer go' yerself a time turner or someting?"

When Evangeline suddenly asked him what alcohol tasted like he opened his mouth to tell her before pausing and closing it again. How to explain the taste of a drink to someone who didn't eat or drink? He paused,

"Well maybe I can show yer..." he smiled, "Can yer still taste tings even if yer can't swallow te drink it?"
Jack Irvine
Jack Irvine
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Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva) Empty Re: Drinking away the pain (Jack and Eva)

Post by Evangeline Webb Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:32 am

Evangeline allowed her lips to twitch up into the same smile that she showed Jack whenever she was amused, or happy, she was in this case amused by what he was saying, after all it was quite sweet that he didn't understand what she meant when she said that she could work on her own time, not humans.

"No, allow me to show you what I mean when I say that I can operate on my own time, maybe it will be easier that way." she mused

Placing her watch on the bar in front of them, Evangeline let the smile drop from her lips before placing a finger on Jack's forehead, closing her eyes, Evangeline then opened them and the bar around them was still, all the people frozen in place, but her and Jack still animated.

"This method allows me to round up souls as slowly as a like as human time is temporarily frozen while I do so, I believe, a correct human expression is that this is 'cool'."

Evangeline shook her head; "No I cannot taste anything, you will have to explain it to me."
Evangeline Webb
Evangeline Webb
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