Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Moonlight Night (Open)

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:38 pm

He saw her light up and he smiled, though he was a bit confused as to where such a random interest was coming from. "Er- yeah, a telephone. It-" He cut himself off when he saw the flame in her hand, startled, but looked up at her again and smiled when she said how it happens when she's excited. He never felt so close to someone before and was glad that he felt they could open up to one another.

After reeling his mind back to what he was saying about phone, he continued."Well, you talk to people through them. You call people by- by putting in the number to the phone which connects you to another phone, because each phone has a unique number. And you talk into the mouth piece and...well, I think your voice travels through the wires somehow and the voice goes to the other phone which you listen to through the ear piece and then talk back."

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:48 pm

Pxyis listened in fascination as Parker described the telephone to her. "How interesting. I always told mother that muggles were truly amazing, though she never listens," Pxyis toyed with her Salazar Slytherin locket as she felt a frown adorn her features.

"Mother never listens to me, too busy with work. Same with father. The only person who cares about me is my nanny, and its just not the same. She's always busy cleaning the house anyway, I normally just wander around the manor, bored as always," Pxyis looked down at her legs as she crossed them over and began to do her 'finger thing'. It was where she crossed her fingers over continuously, it was a form of OCD.

She did it whenever very worried or terribly upset. Or when she talked about her parents. She let her head drop down and her eyes focused intently on her toes as her hair fell down and shaded her face from his view. She pushed it aside and tucked it behind her ears. "Parker," she said in a soft voice. "Do your parents love you?" She continued in the same soft tone.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:06 pm

Parker looked back down, plucking the blades of grass from the ground as she talked about her parents and home-life. It sounded almost eerily like his own, minus the fancy nanny, and...manor? Wow. He looked up very slightly when silence settled between them, noticing what she was doing with her hands. He looked back down, continuing to pluck at the grass as the silence stretched.

He looked up again at her bowed head when she said his name softly. "Do your parents love you?" Such a question took him by honest surprise. Well he assumed parents just loved their children, no matter what, but having hardly seen much of them, he did have his moments of worry and confusion over it. He tried never to think about it, always making sure he kept his mind busy, doing one thing or another.

He didn't know how to answer it directly. He took a steadying breath."I- well, my parents are never around much either. They have to work all day, all the time to make sure we have enough money to keep our house." He took another breath, he didn't know talking about such things would turn out to be so difficult, but he'd never talked about them before, so of course it was going to be difficult. "My neighbor sometimes watches me, but she's old, so I'm left alone most of the time, unless the other kids from the neighborhood decide to..." He paused. "Bother me."

He took another breath as he continued. "I never really thought about it, I just...sort of assume all parents love their kids, but never really seeing them you begin to forget, I suppose..."

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Pxyis looked up when Parker expressed the doubt that Pxyis was feeling, and she shook her hair out so that it came out from being tucked behind her ears. She felt a deep connection to this boy, for despite his lack of knowldge on the Wizarding World, they weren't so different. Her parents worked all day, and when they arrived home they ate, talked amongst themselves and went to bed. A word was hardly ever uttered to her, and she had always felt abandoned by her parents.

Pxyis longed for a sibling to love and care for, and who would care about her back. Someone who would love her forever, she longed for that person. She couldn't wait until she was older and could date, for she knew she would never receive a sibling. Instead, all of her hope for someone to love her came from the thought that when she was older, a man would love her, and she love him.

"Parents are supposed to love their children," Pxyis said in her soft tone. "Dosen't mean that they do. My parents couldn't care less about me," Pxyis could feel herself getting choked up, and she could feel the gentle breeze turn ice cold. She reined in her elemental powers and steadied her breath. "They love each other, I see it in their eyes, but I am just the Heiress. The one who will marry a pureblood and continue the Malfoy and Wilson line. Their eyes, the hold such love when they look at one another after a long day of working," the wind was getting stronger as Pxyis felt her resolve weakening. She began to cry.

"But they look at me," she whispered, tears pouring from her eyes. "And there is nothing. No emotion. Not love, not anything." She buried her face in her hands as she tried to contain her emotions, but she had never confessed that to herself before, let alone someone else. She let her emotions run wild, and the wind became harsh and cold. "I will just marry a pureblood and that will be the end of it! I will never truly have love, Parker. I will have a man that I do not care for as my husband, and my child will just be someone to keep the pureblood line going!" Pxyis had jumped up from her position and was shouting at nothing.

"I will never, ever truly have love! Not from my parents, not from my husband, not from my child! Being a pureblood isn't so great! You muggle-borns, you have it easy compared to us!" Pxyis whipped around, not meaning for her words to sound cruel, but they did. "You have no social expectations, no one thinking that you're hard and cold just because you're a Wilson or a Malfoy! You can marry whomever you want, but I cannot! Do you know what it is like, Parker? My father used to love me, but he does not anymore!" She turned away from him, letting the wind form a sphere around her.

She had never felt so powerful.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:43 pm

He kept his eyes on her as she seemed to drift into deep thought wondering what was going on in her head. He didn't look down, as the moment of silence stretched. He waited and then listened when she spoke.

"They love each other, I see it in their eyes, but I am just the Heiress. The one who will marry a pureblood and continue the Malfoy and Wilson line. Their eyes, the hold such love when they look at one another after a long day of working." He felt himself sigh, thinking of his own parents. Although he and Prxyis' situations were similar, there was another major difference. He knew his parents didn't even like each other anymore. When they got home, he heard them argue constantly, over money or the lack, over their home, over him. It was times like that, curled on his bed that he felt most alone. His eyes stung when the wind blew over them, and he reached out to her, resting his hand on her arm when he saw she'd started to cry. He felt the lump in his throat tighten.

As she continued to sob and talk, he wanted to hug her as the wind grew icy and sharp. He didn't understand any of what she was saying about the pureblood this and that- it was confusing, all to much. He jumped back a bit as she lept up, shouting and pacing. The wind grew ever harder, whipping his clothes and hair around him.

"You muggle-borns, you have it easy compared to us!"Her word ripped through to him, and he listened raptly as Pxyis whipped around. "You have no social expectations, no one thinking that you're hard and cold just because you're a Wilson or a Malfoy! You can marry whomever you want, but I cannot! Do you know what it is like, Parker? My father used to love me, but he does not anymore!" Her words hit him deep, and he was scared. Why was she she suddenly yelling at him, why was she talking about marriage, why was she making the wind do this? He wanted to tell her he thought he understood, but that he was confused, and wanted to ask her to calm down.

As the wind sphere circled around her he blinked, tears sliding down his face as he shakily stood up. He needed to get through to her, she was starting to drown in her own way and he felt he needed to pull her back up. He shouted, louder then he ever remembered shouting before, "Pryis!" His voice, still loud, but starting to lower back to frailty, he shouted again. "Pryxis, stop! Stop it!"

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:53 pm

Pxyis could see Parker's befuddlement as she yelled at him, but inside her sphere of despair she felt nothing but pain. She heard his voice, and it was like a wake-up call that she was acting insane. The wind stopped and became a soft breeze again. She looked at him, a sad expression on her face as she regarded him.

She felt un-stable, like she could release a whirlwind of fire and air mixing together and killing everything around her. She'd never allowed herself to think of it, but know that she was she realised her life was a lie. There was no love, no care. She might as well cut off her emotions know before she could get hurt. "Im sorry." She whispered once she'd reined in her emotions and shut them off.

"Parker, I need help. I don't- I can't," she couldn't speak, it was too hard. She'd rather just sit there and get her life over and done with.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:11 pm

Parker watches at she seemed to wither and cut off right before his eyes, which for some reason was far more startling then her initial outburst, at least something had led up the that. This was so sudden, no easing down, as if her face had been covered with a mask. He took a few steps closer to her, deeming it more safe to do so.

"Parker, I need help. I don't- I can't" He wrapped his arms around her tightly, shaking both from being freezing cold and frightened. He was able to feel the energy around her fade away as before. "It-it's okay. I understand, just- calm down, please. Please, Pxyis. M-maybe we should go to the Headmistress, or the Head of Slytherin, tell them what's happened, it's okay." He really had no clue how to comfort her, he was so confused and although hurt by what she said, wanted her to just calm down and explain what had just happened.

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:55 pm

Pxyis wrapped her arms around him in turn and held him tightly. Him just being there was the only thing keeping her from falling into the ark abyss of insanity below her. She could sense his fear, and knew that with her amount of power she had probably frightened him, but she attempted to let him know she wouldn't hurt him by holding him tightly as he held her.

"Im scared, Parker. Im just a child. I need- I don't have anyone to love me. I don't have anyone!" She held back the tears as she buried her face in to his shoulder. "Please don't be scared," she said, her voice muffled by his shirt. "I won't hurt you, I promise," she felt as if she had her powers completely under control now. She would never hurt him, he was her life support now. She felt as if she didn't have him with her now, she surely would've tossed herself into the Black Lake.

She acted on impulse like that a lot. She felt her body tremble with the weight of her realisations. She had no loving parents, no adorable younger siblings, no bunch of friends to hang out with, no hopeful and bright future. Her future was all set out for her. Arranged marriage to a pureblood, reproduce and do nothing with herself. That was it. There was nothing exciting for her, and she couldn't think of a thing to do about it.

Finally, she lifted her head up and rested her chin on Parker's shoulder instead, the warmth of his hug filling her with a prospect of friendship that would last her throughout her life. "Promise me," she whispered. "That you won't just leave me to fend for myself if I start to go mad. Please Parker, im only a child," she held back tears and gripped him tighter, burying her face back into his shoulder.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:45 am

He felt a bit better when she had hugged him back, knowing she hadn't drowned in her own way, in her own inner lake. "Im scared, Parker. Im just a child. I need- I don't have anyone to love me. I don't have anyone!"

"But- but you do, Prxyis. You've now got all your friends you've made, including me." he felt her begin to tremble after her reassuring she'd not hurt him, which although frightened by the idea, knew she wouldn't ever do that on purpose. The things he heard her say about her parents and her future were still confusing to him, he didn't know why anyone their age would have to worry about things like that.

She then placed her chin on his shoulder, whispering, "Promise me that you won't just leave me to fend for myself if I start to go mad. Please Parker, im only a child." He smiled a bit, taking a breath.

"I promise. But firstly, you're not mad. And secondly, I'm just a kid too. I really don't know how I could just leave my first friend when she needs me. "

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:01 pm

Pxyis smiled warmly at his comfort and tugged him down onto the ground with her. She sat next to him and draped her arm over his shoulders. "Parker, I know your confused," Pxyis could sense his confusion and see it in his eyes. He didn't understand what its like to be a Pureblood. "Parker, the wizarding world isn't really like the muggle one, in both magical and social standings ways. A Pureblood always has an arranged marriage to another Pureblood so they can keep the Pure lineage going," Pxyis sighed. It was hard to explain this.

"Pureblood's don't marry for love. They marry because they were forced too. My partner will be chosen by how good my parent's think our children will look. And how much money they have, and how pure their blood is. Do you get it?" Pxyis tone had turned sour as she withdrew her arm and sighed.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:05 pm

He sat down next to her listening to her talk. He still couldn't wrap his head around the whole blood purity thing, but no matter how many times he asked about it he probably still wouldn;t understand. It was no use asking about age old tradition.

"Well, wait- didn't you say your parents are in love? What makes it so that you can't have what they do?"

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:22 pm

Pxyis shook her head at him and laughed dryly. "My parents fell in love with one another, and both being Pureblooded their parents didn't care if they married or not. My parents, were lucky. It's hard for you to understand, Parker. Just be happy that you're not me," Pxyis looked up at the sky again and smiled.

"Let's not talk about it. Let's talk about happy things. What lessons are you doing?" Pxyis asked, pulling out bunches of grass with her hands as she scanned the skies.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:31 pm

He sighed, still wanting to understand more, but let it drop when she asked. He looked back up at the sky as well. "A lot of classes actually. As many as I can take on...I've got Potions, Transfiguation, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm signed up for Herbology, Astronomy, Divination, and the infultration and dueling classes too. Oh and History." He smiled. "Nearly everything I think. It's no wonder I'm always late, I'm always at opposite ends of the castle when trying to get to classes."

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:59 pm

Pxyis laughed at the amount of lessons he was taking. "I think i'd pass out from so much learning!" She exclaimed. "I'm just taking Care of Magical Creature, Transfiguration, Charms, DADA, History of Magic, Potions, Infiltration and Muggle Studies," Pxyis frowned as she realised she was also taking a lot of lessons.

"I wish, that there was a spell that just gave you all the knowledge you needed, though I do love being at Hogwart's. I just wish that Tabitha wasn't so... annoying. And Corinne," Pxyis sighed and looked at Parker. "Watch out for those two, Parker..." she told him. "Corinne will despise you for your blood status, and Tabitha is just down-right rude." Pxyis snarled, before calming herself and looking back up to the sky.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:11 pm

"I like it, it makes me feel productive. And you're taking a lot of classes too, you know." He smiled at her a bit. He really did love learning and he hoped that once he got to know his way around the library, he'd be set to go.

"Well you'd need an awful lot of training just to be able to do that spell to begin with. Plus, nothing's as satisfying as when you learn something new or understand somethings clearer then you did before." He was still smiling a bit, then shivered, still feeling very cold.

"I'll try to be careful...thanks. And...don't let them get to you. You're better then that."

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:17 pm

"Hmm... learning's not that great in my opinion, but I prefer to be outdoors so I can't really say much. I get wriggly when im inside," Pxyis shrugged.

Pxyis laughed at his taking everything so seriously. "Loosen up, Parker. I mean your parents or something- ah don't worry about it," she bumped his shoulder with hers when she said 'loosen up'.

"I try not to let them get to me, but im easily agitated." Pxyis pursed her lips, but smiled when he said that she was better then that and patted him patronizingly on the head. "You're alright kid," she said in a teasing tone, grinning.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:34 pm

"From being outside so much back home, I get a bit restless too...that's why I came out tonight. Sitting in the class rooms is worth it though." Once you're able to bear sitting through and gaining the knowledge, you can do whatever you want. You aren't held back by anything, at least that's what Parker thought.

He smiled when theY bumped shoulders. "Well then that'd not be fair, 'cause then you'd be all smart cause you've got magical parents and I've not!" He smiled again, pulling away a bit when she pat his head.

"Hey, you can't call me kid, we're the same age! Or- wait, when's you're birthday?"

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:39 pm

"I'd be inside the manor when im back home if it was up to my parents, but it's not up to them so normally I go wandering in the gardens, but sometimes I leave the property and dash off. It get sso boring just sitting in the Plaza sometimes, and the waterfall is nice but you can't sit around staring at a waterfall all day. Most of the time, I slip inside and floo to Diagon Alley. You know what floo is right? Wrong." Pxyis laughed and shook her head. "Floo, is like travel by fireplace. You use floo powder which is green. You grab a handful, step inside a fireplace and shout to wherever you want to go." Pxyis told him.

"Yes, but it's not fair because you've muggle parents and i've not! I don't know as much about the muggle world as you! Like, you know all about fellytone's!" Pxyis exclaimed enviously. She loved the muggle world.

"My birthday is the 22nd of May," Pxyis proclaimed, smirking at him. "When's yours, kid?" She loved to tease Parker, for he took it so well. Everyone else got offended.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:59 pm

"Well you've got a whole huge manor to walk around in. I know I could watch a waterfall for hours. Well- I've never actually seen one, but I'm sure I could. I just live in a shabby two bedroom place with a tiny back yard." He listened curiously as she talked about the floo travel. He was glad she just went on to explain things without him having to ask, which was a bit embarrassing to do nearly constantly. "Really? You could just go anywhere? Absolutely anywhere? That's amazing..."

He smiled as she went on about him having Muggle parents. "Telephones, Pxyis. And their not that great, all me mum does is talk on hers whenever I see her. Can't be bothered to do much else. I'd rather just talk to people face to face."

"July second, so I guess you are older." He jokingly rolled his eyes and groaned. He was used to being teased and bullied back home, but her joking and good-natured laughs comforted him, knowing she wasn't being mean or anything of the sort.

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:20 pm

"Watch a waterfall for hours? My, my, Parker i'd be bored in 10 minutes. I always use the Air to manipulate it. I can't really move the water, I just make it part due to the wind pushing it apart. It's fun, but I get bored even doing that after a while and it takes a lot of my energy. You must come visit, that'd be fun. At least I wouldn't be so bored all the time." Pxyis grinned at her idea.

When he said about the floo network, she shook her head. "Not really, no. Most Wizarding places have their floo networks shut off, or they have wards that only let some people through," Pxyis informed him, then realised he wouldn't get it. "It's hard to explain but you'll learn it all," Pxyis patted him on the head again.

Pxyis was delighted to hear she was older. "That means I can call you kid, kid." Pxyis smirked at him. "This is going to be fun, don't you think, kid?"


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:33 pm

"Well, I'm not bored easily so..." he shrugged. "I dunno, I'm just used to sitting around with nothing to do." He looked at her when she proposed he come over, he;d never been over to anyone else's house before, especially so far away from his own home. "I- I dunno. My parents..."

He then gave her a curious and confused look when she continued talking about the floo. "Well, alright. Maybe I can do research on that too-" he cut off when she pat his head again and smiled.
"I actually think it may be incredibly irritating." He kept smiling, knowing he'd have fun with her as his friend.

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:44 pm

"How can you not be bored eas- never mind," she shook her head, befuddled by this boys strange ways. "You're one strange boy Parker. Luckily for you, im one strange girl so that's all good," she pat his head yet again. She was quite enjoying being older than him.

"You should come over, we'd have fun." Pxyis told him, laying back against the grass and examining the sky and all of the stars among it. She spied the hippogriff and smiled.

"Well, I think it will be quite fun," Pxyis informed him, smiling.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:33 am

Parker smiled, "I'm just ised to not having much to do, if you try hard enough anything can be at least a little interesting."

"You should come over, we'd have fun." He watched as she layed back on the grass, watching the sky again. He really didn't want to make her feel bad by saying no, but he was a little bit worried about the idea. "I don't know...I've never been to anyone else's house before...and until now I'd hardly even left my city- let alone all the way out here."

He looked up at the sky again, still sitting up, adding as an afterthought, "Plus, I don't know if me parents would even allow it."

Parker Emery

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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:51 pm

"Oh," Pxyis frowned when he said his parents wouldn't allow it and shrugged as if she didn't care, though she did. She then abruptly stood up, still frowning. "Are you going to the dance? The end of year one?" Pxyis asked.

She shuffled her feet and looked back to the castle. "We should go back now before we get caught by a teacher." Pxyis sighed.


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A Moonlight Night (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Moonlight Night (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:09 am

He saw that him saying that most likely he couldn't visit her bothered Pxyis. He frowned as she shrugged. "I could always ask. And if you be sure to send me a letter, we can write back and forth through the break."

He watched as she stood up. "Are you going to the dance? The end of year one?" He shrugged. "I dunno. I wasn't planning on it, but seeing as a lot of me new friends are, I think I will. Are you?"

Parker then stood up, brushing the dirt and grass from his pants. "Good Idea..."

Parker Emery

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