Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Return to Hogwarts (Invitation Only)

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Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:20 am

"We'll miss you mi amor" she heard her mother mutter in her ear as she hugged her tightly at the train stations.

She hugged her back and ignored the tears that were once again in her mother's eyes. It seemed that even if it was her second year, her reaction to Tess leaving was just as bad as the last school year. Her father was different, he was sad too, but he simply hugged her close, kissed her forehead and told her:

"Be good" soon to ruffle her hair.

She smiled and waved at them as she walked towards the train. Climbing into the train, she walked down the thin hallway looking for an empty compartment. She made it a ritual where she would find it empty rather than walk into an already used one. Seeing an empty one she immediately walked in.

Closing the door, she opened her satchel and Coeur popped out inspecting her surroundings. She was expecting the new school year to come, and she promptly fell asleep at the corner of the seat. Tess rolled her eyes at her lazy cat, and soon climbed on to her seat to place her last items up on the rack. Seeing everything in order, she hopped back down and sat comfortably.

The vibrations of the train told her that it was almost time to go. She did hope Victoria would find the compartment because she'd rather not have to deal with strangers entering.

Now that she had some quiet time, she delved into just what her vacation had consisted of.Her vacation had been exciting. They had gone, traveling, to Barcelona (where she got lost) but found her way back safe and sound. Victoria managed to visit and both had a fun time at the beach swimming and scuba diving. And once Victoria left to go back home, her parents and her packed her bags and once more flooed towards London, where she returned to her other home to get herself prepared for an event her parents were heading off to. There while she managed to look at beautiful architecture, she also had met the most arrogant boy ever.

He toyed with her, and caused her emotions to yo-yo substantially from one of curiosity, to frustrations, to embarrassment, to anger. Xander. She did hope that she could avoid him this school year, she wouldn't want to be feeling those emotions all the time.

Coeur hopped on her witches' lap and immediately stopped her mistress' thinking. Tess smiled and ran her fingers through her cat's fur. Taking out a book, both curled up nicely and Tess began to read as her cat slept. Both anxious to return to Hogwarts.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:47 pm

"Kai, wait up!!" Victoria couldn't believe how fast that cat could move when he wanted to.

After a tearful goodbye with her sister, Victoria had walked through to Platform 9 3/4, only to have Kai choose that moment to get squirmy and jump out of her hood to have a good romp around the platform before they left. He artfully made his way onto the train, no doubt following a familiar scent. I wonder if Tess is here with Coeur.

Victoria had been glad for the time away from her parents. Kathleen had offered to drive her to the station, which spared her of an awkward goodbye with her mother. Over the summer break She had been able to bond with Kathleen, now that they were both, in a way, out of the house. While Kathleen didn't quite understand most of what Victoria was saying, she was extremely loyal to her and believed every word she said, finally understanding that Victoria really needed that in her home life.

They had went on a small vacation back to Raleigh to see old friends, allowing them to get to know each other better, now that Victoria was growing as an individual, away from the family. Kathleen had a small summer love while they were staying at the beach, making Victoria curious for the first time. She wondered what it would be like to feel the way Kathleen said she did. No boys last year had even remotely piqued her interest, so she wondered if it was just her.

After finally spotting Kai outside of a cabin, she saw that Tess had claimed it for her own. As she opened the cabin door, Kai jumped up next to Coeur and curled up to sleep, too. Cats...what a life! Victoria just rolled her eyes at the little devil.

"Hey Tess! How's the rest of your summer been? Anything exciting?" They hadn't really been able to talk much since Victoria's visit to California and she had missed her.

Victoria Rossmund

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Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:55 pm

She smiled brightly seeing Victoria there and laughed softly seeing Kai curling up with Coeur.

"Victoria!" she said happily.

She shrugged at her friend's question.

"Well.....I went to a party..it was...eventful to say the least. I met this guy....he's annoying to say the least" she grumbled angrily.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Victoria Rossmund Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:54 pm

Victoria was intrigued. "How so? Was he anything like Humphrey?" She laughed.

She had realized that while Humphrey had his good moments, she had started to think he may like her, and she didn't feel the same way. Victoria sighed. Maybe the boys won't be so clingy this year.

Victoria Rossmund

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Post by Xander Clarke Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:50 pm

Xander's parents had told him all about Hogwarts since he was young enough to understand. But the powerful sight of the train and all the gathered people was still surprising. His parents had Appareted him here and then promptly left. It allowed him plenty of time to notice lots of other families who were sharing tearful goodbyes and wonderful moments. He wondered for a second if he was missing something...

He heard the train horn sound, signalling that it was almost time to leave. He grabbed his luggage wondering if he would know anyone. Just as he was about to bored he saw his cousin across a crowd of people. Luke Sullivan. Xander hadn't even known he'd existed about a month ago. Their fathers hadn't been in contact for years, for whatever reason. But ever since they had met during his parents' latest shindig, he had felt like he may have a new friend.

And, of course, there was Tess. He hadn't seen her since the party, but hadn't been able to forget her. She was maddeningly argumentative, quite stubborn, and always taking offense to things he said or did. But deep down he loved it. She had left on bad terms though, them being interrupted by a shy little Hufflepuff, and he wondered if they would still be able to be friends.

He called over to Luke, "Hey! Hurry it up. We're about to be left behind."

Xander Clarke

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Post by Luke Sullivan Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:29 pm

This was his first year at Hogwarts and still, still he was messing all of it up because of his tardiness. So far, he was having a good year so far. He had managed to get away from his father all because of his cousin Xander. It turns out they have a lot in common both having the same sense of humor, yet both were different enough to entertain one another. Both being neglected did prompt some adventuring and some flirting with girls as well.

Now he was tugging his luggage with him, his cat in his bag and looking for a way to get in.

"Coming!" he yelled at Xander.

He managed to catch up to him and immediately climb the stairs to enter the train, right after Xander.

Luke Sullivan

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Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:34 pm

Tess laughed softly hearing Victoria's comment and shook her head. Her cheeks pinked at the thought of Xander and she shook her head.

"No...he's just..He's so annoying! His name was Xander and he flirted with anything that wore a dress, and thought he was the best thing in the world. Honestly! He called me love, pushed me around and so fickle"

She was so mad shaking her head and her cheeks were reddening in anger in just remembering it.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Victoria Rossmund Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:49 pm

Victoria wasn't really experienced in young love, but she sensed that maybe Tess didn't really hate this guy as much as she said. Either way she decided to stay out of it.

"Was the party fun at least? Did you see any other students there?" Besides the trip she took to see Tess, Victoria hadn't seen anyone from the wizarding world all summer and had been feeling like it might all be to good to be true. She couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts and start learning new things.

Victoria Rossmund

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Post by Tess McCartney Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:06 pm

She shook her head and sighed.

"No. Honestly...it was full of uptight people." she said annoyed. "All they talked about was spending ludicrous amount of money on materialistic things. Girls our age giggling with every boy that walked towards their path...it was disappointing to say the least"

She tugged her locks and ran her fingers through her hair in thought.

"The only good thing about vacation other than you visiting me was getting a change of look" she said smiling.

It was true. She had found a hair salve that straightened her hair in softer tresses and it made her feel more feminine. It was silly really, but she felt more grown up. Her mother had bought her some Muggle clothing, after all Tess found Victoria's clothing fascinating and she began trying it herself.

"Anything that you did after you left California?" she asked in return.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Xander Clarke Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:23 pm

Xander led Luke past a lot of cabins, hoping to find an empty one. He had opened up to Luke in the past month, but wasn't so sure about branching out to strangers.

Just as he was about to give up and try flirting his way into a cabin, he saw a familiar brunette with a beautiful angry flush.

"Luke, there's the girl I told you about. Let's go say hi."

He knocked on the door, hoping she wouldn't turn him away. He really didn't mean to annoy her so much, but he couldn't help it. Most girls just fawned over him. Tess was the first girl that actually fought back and had a mind of her own.

Xander Clarke

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Post by Luke Sullivan Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:37 pm

He tugged his luggage along and sighed seeing that there were so many students chatting up a storm. He hated large groups but as soon as Xander stopped he sighed in relief.

"The girl?" he repeated.

He rolled his eyes remembering. Of course he remembered the girl, it was impossible not to. Xander began ranting about how she didn't fall for his 'charms' and how she flushed angrily and how he hoped to be in Slytherin because of it.

"Sure" he murmured.

He usually let Xander take the lead when it came to socializing for he was worse.

Luke Sullivan

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Post by Victoria Rossmund Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:50 pm

Victoria was about to tell Tess about her trip with her sister when she heard a knock on the door. She saw a boy through the window and wondered who he could be. Obviously a first year since he didn't look familiar at all.

The way he was focused on Tess made her think this may be the same guy she was just talking about. She thought she saw someone else with him, but couldn't see him.

Victoria Rossmund

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Post by Tess McCartney Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:11 pm

Tess was interested to learn about her friend's vacation, that is until she heard a knock at the door and her eyes widened seeing him there. He looked different, still overdressed for the occasion, but still somehow different. Her eyes trailed away from him and towards Victoria.

"Excuse me" she murmured.

Something in her asked her to do this and so she got up and walked towards the compartment door. Opening it she came face to face with him and her expression couldn't be hidden. She noticed that someone was beside him and she tried to act polite.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Xander Clarke Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:17 pm

Xander cleared his throat. "Tess, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot at the party. I apologize for my abruptness, but I would like to be friends, if that's possible." He paused for air.

He didn't know who was more shocked. Probably himself at having been honest with her. Honesty and women didn't mix, from what he saw from his father. Xander's parents rarely ever talked to one another, and when they did it was quite superficial and mostly at social functions.

He thought of Luke then. "Where are my manners? Let me introduce my cousin, Luke. Luke, this is Tess and..." he looked over at the other girl in the cabin.

Xander Clarke

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Post by Luke Sullivan Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:34 pm

He was surprised at the confession that Xander just said. He had no idea that he would even say that to a girl. Nonetheless seeing that honesty would probably weaken the girl's defenses so he smiled and stuck out his hand.

"Luke Sullivan at your service" he said sticking his hand out and shaking her hand before she could even blink.

He looked behind her to notice the other girl and he smiled at her as well.

Luke Sullivan

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Post by Tess McCartney Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:40 pm

Her eyes widened all the more at his confession, soon softened at his honesty and her cheeks flushed in surprise. He wanted to be her friend, she'd like that and with a small smile she nodded.

"I'd love to be your friend" she said softly.

Before she could say anything else, Luke was already shaking her hand and a bigger smile took her face, one of amusement. She shook it back and looked back.

"This is Victoria, feel free to come in" she said. "The train will be departing soon"

With that comment she moved out of the way and let them enter.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Victoria Rossmund Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:21 pm

Victoria was surprised to see Tess's mood change so suddenly, especially since not moments ago she was saying how much she hated the very boy she was now blushing at. Hmm...

She saw another boy, Luke, shake Tess's hand and he smiled at her. He was kinda cute, in a quirky way, and she smiled back.

Victoria Rossmund

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Post by Xander Clarke Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:15 am

Xander was relieved to know he wouldn't be starting this school year with just his cousin as a companion. Not that Luke was bad, he had just been thinking a lot about Tess since the party and wanted to see what was there.

He took a seat across from her, and noticed that the other girl already had part of her uniform on. Instead of the green of Slytherin that he expected, her colors were Gryffindor. He was taken aback that they could be friends and had to know more.

"So how did you guys meet? I have to admit it's strange for me to see a Slytherin and a Gryffindor as friends."

Xander Clarke

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Post by Luke Sullivan Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:25 am

Glad he was invited, he immediately walked in and sat in front of the girl named Victoria. He set her a smile and saw that she was wearing a Gryffindor uniform.

He didn't want to say anything, but once more Xander brought up the observation. He sometimes wished Xander wasn't do outspoken but e knew that he did it naturally around girls.

He was surprised at tr fact that there was no malice but rather genuine curiosity and he was intrigued.

"I'm curious about that myself" he added.

Luke Sullivan

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Post by Tess McCartney Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:47 am

Taking her seat beside Victoria, she was taken by surprise by Xander's question. Soon that changed considering she remembered how certain people here felt some competitiveness between certain houses. Those were especially true with Slytherin and Gryffindors.

"Victoria and I are friends because we have a lot in common" she replied. "And we met at the End of the Year Ball."

She did not want to remember just how they became friends. She wanted to remember the good things, such as she talking to her and both wanting to avoid drama. She didn't want to remember the attack, or the danger that both faced.

"How do you know...Luke is it?" she asked trying to change the subject.

Tess McCartney

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Post by Xander Clarke Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:56 pm

"Luke and I are cousins. Long lost, actually. We only just met a month ago, but I thought I'd keep him around." He winked at Tess. He new his humor hadn't went over well with her last time, but a guy could hope.

He was surprised to find how happy he was to hear that house prejudices were a thing of the past, for the most part. He had grown up around the elitist society for pure bloods, but it was too much work to try to be who everyone wanted him to be. And he didn't always like the other young people from those families.

Xander Clarke

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Post by Victoria Rossmund Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:28 pm

Victoria was surprised to learn that the boys were related. While Xander's comment had made her laugh, and she didn't think he was bad looking, she thought he maybe thought a little too highly of himself. Not that that was the worst feature for a friend to have, just something to get used to.

Luke, on the other hand, was very cute. She'd never really been attracted to anyone and thought it may just be that he smiled at her. But the butterflies in her stomach were telling her otherwise.

"So from what Tess has told me, you're a pureblood, Xander. Do you think you'll be Slytherin then? And you Luke?"

She figured if they were all being honest, why not ask? She really just wanted to hear Luke talk more, since he seemed to be such a quiet person.

Victoria Rossmund

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Post by Luke Sullivan Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:23 pm

Luke was a very observant person and he noticed a few things. For one thing, that both girls seemed to like Xander, but it was different. He knew Xander was a looker, he realized this based on how girls reacted, but both girls viewed him differently.

Tess looked at Xander in a complicated fashion. She noticed he was good looking, but she also reacted to him, and both played off of one another like some sort of dynamic, and it was amusing to watch. Xander basically opened up when around her, it was amusing.

Victoria noticed that he was good looking, but she didn't really giggle or flush or anything of the sort, and when she turned to face him, he winked at her teasingly. This was probably as much as he had really interacted with a girl. Hearing her question, he smiled brightly.

"You bet I'll be in Slytherin, Xander here, well you never know he could be a Hufflepuff" he teased nudging his cousin.

Luke Sullivan

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Post by Tess McCartney Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:28 pm

Hearing his comment, she smiled softly and laughed softly at his humor. For some reason, the whole atmosphere was different it was lighter and she found herself amused by him.

She was trying to learn more about him. So far, she knew he was handsome and he knew he was handsome, and she knew that he knew that she knew that he was handsome. She mentally slapped herself not wanting to really deal with those awkward thoughts.

"I'd think you'd be an enchanting Hufflepuff Xander" she teased as well.

Tess McCartney

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