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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:10 pm

Tabi was a little shocked when she received an owl from Tess asking her if she wanted to share a dorm room this year. The really had not much to do with each other last year, but she suppose it would be ok.

Tabi was just happy not to be in the same room with Pxyis, there was just something about that girl that made the two of them clash and Tabi cannot even remember the last time they had even talked.

Tabi was the first to arrive in their new room so she thought she would take the bed to the right of the room. Throwing her bag on the bed she started to go threw everything.

After she had gone through everything she pulled out a book she had started at the beginning of the summer. It was something she decided to start after she had hooked up with Ivano. She was working on the newest entry when Tess arrived in the room.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:20 am

She entered the room with a small smile. She was glad that Tabi had agreed to be her roommate, because the people in Slytherin varied a lot, changing from over perkiness to lovesick people, to depressed people, but Tabi stayed the same.

While they didn't talk much she did like Tabi and having recently learned through classes that Tabi was dating Ivano, well she considered that flirt her friend because he had helped her out in Spain. She knew they were different, but then again it worked sometimes. And she didn't think Pxyis liked her, and she thought she was best friends with Charlotte and she didn't like cliques too much.

"Hi" she said smiling. "Thanks for being my roommate"

Placing her cat Coeur on what she deemed her bed and smiled.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:57 pm

Tabi looked up from her journal entry when Tess walked into the room she saw that she had a cat too. Severus must have felt the new presence in the room he decided to come out from the bed where he was hiding.

"Hi" Tabi said to Tess, still not too sure what to think. "This black feline is Severus" Tabi said pointing at her cat.

"Tess, I do have one question for you, why did you decide to ask me to be your roommate?"

Tabi was really curious on this fact, not that it bothered her, she just thought that Tess didn't like her, or that Tess thought she was better than Tabi. They had talked a total of 3 times she thinks.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:10 pm

She looked at Severus and bent down to pet the cat. It seemed to think it was the boss, like cats usually were. S was surprised that Tabi asked the question and weighed her options of whether sugaring up a lie, or be honest.
She decided the latter and sat on her bed, while Coeur looked down at the cat and sniffled the air trying to learn more about him.

"Honestly? I'm not too close to Slytherin people....and with you, while were aren't close, we tolerate one another. I like your honesty and how you say what you mean. Also....I don't think Pxyis likes me and she's really close to Charlotte and I didn't want to be a third wheel."

She looked at Tabi and hoped she wouldn't feel insulted.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:13 pm

Tabi could not help but laugh when she mentioned Pxyis.

"Thats too funny, I know Pxyis can't stand me." Tabi glanced up from her book.

"I actually thought Pxyis and Parker were best friends, but now its like she wants nothing to do with him.

Tabi did find it odd that last year they were attached at the hip, and then this year they couldn't be in the same room.

"So have you heard what has happened to Pxyis and Parker?"


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:28 am

Tess was glad at how Tabi didn't take offense to her honesty. She always feared someone would dislike her because of her blatant honesty, so she smiled.

"Well then I guess she doesn't like both of us." she said shrugging.

Shaking her head to her question she added.

"No...I wouldn't know a thing even if I tried really. I'm not even friends with either of them, I tried being friends with Parker but let's just say....some people are protective of their own"

She laid down on her bed and smiled.

"So...you and Ivano huh?" she asked casually.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:18 am

"Ivano and I met over the summer. I didn't even know that he was at this school."

Tabi was thinking about how he was over the summer.

"Ivano and I have a lot of the same beliefs, and I hope that you understand I won't fight you over my beliefs." Tabi wanted this to be a haven and if her and Tess could at least get along in their room.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:51 am

She nodded understanding.

"The way I see it....is that if you both believe that, that's fine. I like Ivano and I like you too, and I hope we don't have to argue over our...difference in beliefs. But I will tell you this, don't call Victoria a Mudblood. You can do what you want, say what you want, but don't call her that around her or me."

There were a few things that she stood up for, and her friends was one of them.

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:13 pm

Tabi listened to what she was saying and had to agree.

"Why don't we just agree to disagree for now and see how things go"

Tabi could not believe Tess would even say that word, that was one word that Tabi would never use.

"Well using that term will not be a problem for me, I despise that word. In fact I do not recall ever saying that word."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:21 pm

Tess smiled and nodded glad that she agreed towards that thought. She felt herself flush over the admittance of that word, but it was necessary to use.

"I just...just because I want to be clear I will use that." she said trying not to stutter. "I'm not as shy as I once was, and I want to be as clear as possible. I don't like that word, but it doesn't mean I haven't heard it around here"

She remembered how her grandfather yelled out that word all the time over the Squibs that lived around the "muggle" neighborhood and the few people that were born magical around them. He despised anyone who wasn't a pureblood, and she remembered Victoria and Alice introducing themselves as such.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:14 pm

Tabi had to agree with her grandfather.

"Sometimes it is hard to get away from the way you were raised. I don't think you can get any more pure-blooded than my parents."

Yes Tabi believed that muggles and muggleborns were beneath her, but she didn't go out of her way to bother them.

"My parents used that word all the time, but my parents also still believe in wizarding marital contracts."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:50 pm

Tess looked surprise at Tabi's comment. Did people still believe in those things. Thank Merlin her parents didn't though they were both married because of a contract. Her grandfather never forgave her father for allowing her to roam free without "ensuring" her future.

"I don't think I could handle that...I can't have my future already written for me" she murmured quietly.

She thought of Xander and thought of how that would have worked if she was already engaged or promised to someone else.

"I-I used to think that, a bit I admit but...but the people I connected with were of the Muggle origin.."

She rubbed her arm awkwardly.

"I regret ever thinking that sometimes, but I can see why people dislike Muggles and their kind...they massacred our people in America"

She remembered the Salem trial stories and shuddered.

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:41 am

Tabi thought about many things and she was hoping that she could trust Tess with what she was about to say.

"I believe that I am better than muggles, but I also know that our world cannot properly function without them in it. I mean think about it..How many times does a half-blood have to mate with half-bloods to make a pureblood."

That was one thing that Tabi had thought about before.

"But, now one one knows this, not even my sister." Tabi took a minute trying to convince herself that it was ok to tell her this.

"I have been friends with muggles before, I mean I didn't like being trapped in the house all the time, and the only people I had to play with were Leshia and Damien. If I wasn't helping my dad I was out exploring."

Tabi realized that she was putting herself up for a lot, but she wanted to trust Tess.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:25 am

Tess was surprised at the fact that Tabi was being honest with her. She didn't want to push, and instead, she nodded and smiled.

"I've never thought of it that way" she said softly looking at her.

Her family was old, branching off of the Malfoy family, but she never realized that perhaps it wasn't as pure as she once thought. She didn't want to think about it, not wanting to think those taboo thoughts.

"Muggles you say? I don't have good experience with Muggles"

She remembered often times being called a freak because of it. She shivered at the memory and lowered her head.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:40 pm

Tabi could understand about not having good experiences with muggles she had a bad problem a year ago and it was not fun.

"Yay, muggle can be even more dangerous sometimes than people in our own world."

Tabi looked the other way so the tears she was about to shead didn't fall and be seen.

She had one horror in her life she never shared with anyone.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:43 pm

It seemed that both were injured by Muggles in their own way. Tess was scarred psychologically by those children and her uncontrollable magic that caused her to be even more ostracized. But seeing that Tabi looked like she had it just as bad if not worse.

Getting up from her bed, she did what she had done to Corinne before. She placed a hand on her shoulder, tentatively and looked at her with an honest gaze.

"What did they do?" she whispered.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:03 pm

Tabi was a little nervous about what she was about to say.

"I was walking home from the beach like I always did when these 3 guys cornered me in the alleyway I walked down."

Tabi many times hated the way she looked, she always looked older than she was.

"They did really bad things to me and I couldn't get them to leave me alone. Then they left me battered and bruised in that alleyway and I didn't know what to do. I sat there for hours until some strange person came to my aid and healed me up."

Tabi started to cry


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:09 pm

Tess felt that her heart dropped and without even thinking it, she pulled Tabi into a hug. She closed her eyes tight and felt her own tears beginning to fall.

Those...those monsters how could they hurt someone this way. They were children prohibited from using magic to protect themselves with magic.

Muggles are terrible monsters she remembered her grandparents tell her all the time.

She didn't want to think that, but moments like these, there wasn't another thought in her mind but that. She patted her roommates back and cooed soft nothings trying to calm her down, but it was no use. Her own tears were blurring her vision and in her silent tears nothing really made any sense in her comments.

"Its....shh...they're.....oh...horrid....damn....don't......they're.....bad people....bastards" where some words that were understood.

She didn't know what to do but she knew that a part of her, this dark part of her told her that those Muggles were bad creatures themselves, they were the freaks.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:25 pm

Tabi wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Sorry didn't mean for it come out like that, I am usually the strong one."

Tabi never let anyone ever see her with her defenses down, it was what made her strong. She hated weakness, so many times that meant she hated herself.

"I think that was why I disliked Pxyis so much, is I could not understand how she could sit their and defend muggles the way she did."

Tabi got up and went into the bathroom to clean up her face and then came back to sit on her bed.

"So how were your classes this week?"


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:42 pm

Tess let go of her roommate and saw her try to compose herself, while she tried to wipe of her own tears.

It must be hard having to be so strong she thought.

She wasn't strong at all, and everyone knew it. Her stuttering problem had ended recently, and she was still very introvert when it came to some people, but she could not help that. Tabi on the other hand, she was a paradox to Tess: She was extrovert when it came to her thoughts and interactions with people but now she saw that she was introvert in the sense that the damaged girl was still there still not over her fears.

She moved her hair from her face and looked at her. She made sense, at least to Tess she did. How could someone defend Muggles who were from the same culture as the people that harmed her. She shook her head at those thoughts. This was muddling up her values sometimes.

As Tabi left the room briefly, Tess wiped her face and tried to calm herself down. She was so emotional when other people were hurt or had opened up to her, it was her good-nature that sometimes weakened her. She was such an open book, but she had learned that was never good.

Seeing the change of topic was coming, as soon as Tabi returned, she decided to accept it, not wanting to push it with Tabi.

"They've been good as classes can be" she said. "You?" she said.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:47 pm

Tabi had been thinking about her classes and they really had not been that bad.

"Well Ivano basically fell asleep on me in potions, then Parker and I got into in DADA. Other than that it has not been too bad.

"Sometimes I wish we could just wish we could do assignments on our own." Tabi sighed she really hated team work assignments.

"Oh then of course there was the fight in Astronomy, so all is good."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:07 pm

Tess wasn't usually a gossip but she liked to listen to other people She giggled hearing Ivano slept during potions, after all she had half paid attention to that. Her giggles soon changed to wide-eyed and curious about how she aloofly mentioned Astronomy class.

"Fight?! Do tell" she said.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:06 am

Tabi had to laugh about the fight really, it was kind of stupid really.

"Well Professor Slytherin was taking her time getting the class started so I was taking a little nap. Well then the other girls starting talking loud and woke me up and I was me and bite their head off. The next thing I know Haley. that Hufflepuff comes over to say sorry then the next thing I know she is ripping my head off."

Tabi had to think back on this one, she was pretty well the calm one in this.

"Well then she stormed off, I mumbled something about not being the queen, but I was a Slytherin Princess. Professor Slytherin deducted 20 points from me then went to talk to Haley. While she was out of the room my sister walked up and slap me then yelled at me."

Tabi thought hard about her sister and she would get her back but the punishment her sister got was the best.

"Well Leshia lost post and got a detention so it was worth the slap from the goodie two-shoes."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:15 am

Tess was wide-eyed at the whole story and at the nonchalant tone which Tabi was recalling it. 

She frowned hearing about the insults were being thrown and worst of all, the loss of points. 

[ i] Seems I might need to raise my hand more[/i]  she thought. 

She hid her smile, as Tabi called herself The Slytherin Princess, she sure was confident in herself.  Tess didn't take the comment to heart, as if Tabi controlled everyone. 

She did disapprove at the slapping by we sister though. That was very extreme no matter what reason violence should never be condoned. 

A darker part of her found herself asking: 

"How many points did she lose? Detention at all? What did they get as punishment?" 

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:07 am

Tabi had to think about the points.

"I lost 20 points, but Leshia lost 20 points, and I am not sure how many Haley lost. If I hadn't been sleeping it would have only been 10."

Tabi was very disappointed in herself.

"Trust me I will never fall asleep again." Tabi laughed and shook her head.


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