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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:09 am

Tess gave her a half-smile and giggled softly.

"Well isn't that a shame" she murmured. "Oh well now you learned something"

She smiled brightly and laid on her bed lazily. She caressed her familiar's head and heard her cat purr happily. She smiled and nuzzled her pulling her close to her body.

"Aren't you happy vacation is coming?"she asked. "Have anything planned?"

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:44 am

Tabi smiled at the thought of holiday.

"Yea, I am thinking about spending time at the lake and some time with Ivano." Tabi smiled at thought.

"What about you, have any big plans?

Tabi was just excited to have someone else that was not going to judge her for things and just listen.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:39 am

Tess smiled at how cute it sounded hanging out, with someone that loved you. She laid on her stomach and placed her hands under her head and looked at her smiling.
"That sounds sweet" she commented.

At the question that Tabi threw towards her she shrugged.

"Victoria and I will probably hang out. Probably ask Luke if he wants to go with us...hm...but that means Xander might come along."She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "I don't know yet basically"

She laughed slightly and added.

"But I know it'll be fun"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:52 am

The way Tess was laying looked really comfortable so she took her pillow and threw it at the foot of the bed and then laid on her tummy grabbing the pillow with her hands and pulling it up under her chin. She did not realize when she did that the two bruises on her arms came into view.

"So you and Luke huh? I take it you don't like this Xander guy?"

Tabi did not know who either one of these guys were, but then she didn't look at guys.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:02 pm

Her cheeks turned red and she shook her head quickly at that comment.

"Merlin no!" she said surprised. "Luke seems like a nice guy and everything but he's too quiet. I think Victoria and him would be good"

She small glint in her eye showed she was scheming. But as soon as Tabi mentioned Xander her cheeks got even more flushed.

"Xander is nice" she said looking away.

She tried to cool her cheeks off, but soon her complexion turned white as she noticed those bruises. She was wondering whether or not to say anything, but her mouth beat her to the punch.

"Are those bruises?" she asked.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:34 pm

Tabi saw the flush on her face." I see so its Xander is the current flavor. Well good luck with that. I might just have to meet these boys and give my stamp of approval." Tabi had to laugh.

When Tess mentioned the bruises on her arms she had not even realized they were showing. She started to tear up a little again wiping her eyes as she pulled down the sleeves she was wearing,

"Oh those..they are nothing." Tabi said as she buried her face in the pillow willing herself not to break down and cry again.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:46 pm

Tess lowered her head at her comment about Xander.

There's definitely no disapproval there...yet she thought to herself.

But her thoughts went back to Tabi as she saw the tears beginning to rise. She felt her heart clench and she began to apologize profusely.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she said trying to get her to stop suffering.

Why was her incessant curiosity hurting people?! Tess felt horrible about it.

"You...you don't have to tell me if you don't want too" she whispered.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:02 pm

Tabi heard Tess apologizing, she lifted her head and looked at her.

"Oh honey its not your fault, just when you said something to me it all came back." Tabi said setting up on her bed reaching for some tissues.

"I forgot about what happened at the lake earlier. I guess I tossed it out of my mind. Damien cornered me at the lake and got a little rough. no big deal." Tabi tried to push it off as a no big deal but she knew it really wasn't


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:13 pm

Her eyes flashed with anger hearing that comment. He wouldn't dare do that would he? How could some ignore

"Did Damien do that to you?" she hissed in anger.

She never felt so much rage before. Only a monster could do that. Coeur meowed trying to get her mistress to listen, but the magical atmosphere had shifted. It had been a while since Tess got angry, but when she did, her wandless magic was uncontrollable and some books fell from her shelf.

"Did he?!"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:35 pm

Tabi jumped when the books flew off the shelf, she could tell that Tess was mad at the situation.

Tabi looked at the floor. "Yes he did it, I deserved it. I told something about him."

Tabi knew the rules of being a Slytherin wife and that was not to tell anything about what happens in the family.

Tabi almost sounded like a recording when she said it.

"Slytherin wife rule number 14: The man is always correct and it is your job to do what he wants when he wants. Slytherin Wife rule number 4: A wife never talks about her husband to anyone."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:47 pm

Tess closed her eyes and took in sharp breaths trying to calm down. Her magical core was always uncontrollable, ever since they had locked it for her safety, but it was no use, she was mad. Before she would even control herself she let out a string of curses, all ranging from English, to French, to Italian to Japanese ending in her favorite language: Spanish.

"Bastardo!" she yelled

She got up and picked up her books placing them back trying to fix the room about. This is why she always forced herself to be calm, always asking herself to be logical. Emotions always was her weakness, that's why she was always behind her mask.

"Well he is not your husband Tabi Ann!" she yelled. "He's some idiot abusing you. Honestly show me who he is, and I will hex him till there is no tomorrow"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:46 am

Tabi took a deep breathe before she said something Tess.

"Thank you, I know that I am not suppose to let him do things to me, but I was trained in a certain way, and that even though we are not technically married I am still suppose to listen to him." Tabi sighed she sounded so stupid when she talked like that.

"I promise that Ivano showed up and was about to take care him when Professor Valentine showed up. I just haven't gone to the healer for a cream because I didn't want any questions." Tabi looked at her arms and realized how bright they were and that they were in the shape of a hand and fingers.

"I also promise that I will not let him treat me like that again. Besides I am sure he feels really bad for doing it, and I know him well enough I will get an apology."

Tabi looked at the time and thought that he might be down in the common room at the moment and she new he would have some cream for her.

"I am going to run down to the common room and I will be back in a few minute. Unless you want to go with me?


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:41 pm

Tess for once in her life felt ashamed by the customs that purebloods had. She appreciated her parents all the more, especially when she was not betrothed to anyone as far as she knew. They never told her anything of the sort that could limit her freedom to choose her own future. She knew that it was expected (thought never spoken of) that she would end up with a pureblood, but that was just a little hiccup she'd get over, that is if she ended up with a Half-blood, Muggle-born or forbid a muggle.

Unlike Tabi's parents, they weren't raised with those limitations. Her mother had changed the family dynamic because her being born in a Spanish home the wizarding rules were very different. It had destroyed her family when she married an English wizard and they blamed the family for allowing her to be raised in England. She didn't want to think what would happen if she didn't have this liberty.

"It's a good thing she appeared...you could have gotten even more hurt" she murmured.

She was glad that Tabi trusted her and she felt that she could trust her back in return. She bit her tongue though, at the fact that she was speaking as if she was reciting things out of a brain-washing book.

"I....I don't know if I should...I wouldn't know what to do if I saw him or how my magical core would react" she said looking down.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:22 am

Tabi was glad Tess understood what she was saying.

"I am glad she showed up or the guys would have probably beaten each other to a pulp." Tabi could tell Ivano was a little upset, but was not sure if she was worth fighting for. But then she always got those feelings She thought of saying that out loud but knew that Tess would correct her.

Tess said she didn't think it was a good idea to go down to the common room looking for Damien with her and that was ok and Tabi understand.

"Thats ok, if I was in your shoes I wouldn't want to go down there either." Tabi smile, she felt a lot better now.

"I will be right back" With that Tabi took off out the door.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:42 pm

Tess saw her go and shook her head as she was left alone. Stretching on her bed, languidly, Coeur came towards her and mewed.

"I know I'm lucky" she murmured.

She knew that she had many benefits to being raised in a home where they tried to see past their prejudices. Her father warned her about her socializing with other children, and that it was fine, as long as she never found herself dragging a muggle-born at their doorstep. She did have a choice per-say, as in she chose the boy, but he had to fit into the criteria that was asked : Successful family, pure-blood, bright, and having a future.

She didn't want to think about it, rather she wanted to simply live her life day by day. Curling under her covers, she found herself drifting off into a light slumber as she was left alone.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:14 am

Tabi had forgot that Tess was in the room when she came practically running into their suite and threw herself on her bed.

Tabi was screaming and crying it was like a part of her was dying, she could not believe that she could not hear her sister. She was so made at herself that she had not been answering her sister when she was calling her.

"Why me..why me..."Tabi was screaming into her pillow.

Severus had felt her distress and made his way up too her bed and curled up around her pillow.


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:20 am

By the time Tabi returned to the room, Tess was out like a light. She was in a heavy dream state, but that all ended as she heard the door slam open, the screaming began and soon sobbing. Tess was so disoriented that she rolled off the bed and groaned as she hit the floor.

She lifted her head and ran her fingers through her hair trying to look presentable. Once her brain started functioning, she noticed it was Tabi. She frowned, and got up walking towards her side.

"Tabi what's wrong?" she croaked out, her voice full of sleep.

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:33 am

Tabi had not realized until she heard her voice that Tess was in the room, she must have been sleeping.

Tabi pulled her head up out of her pillow and looked at Tess through her watery, blood shot eyes

"Its...Its.." Tabi almost couldn't get it out through the sobs.

"Something has happened to Leshia and they don't know what, and its all my fault." Tabi continued to cry.

"Shes in the hospital wing."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:52 am

Tess rubbed her eyes as she saw Tabi crying, perhaps she was seeing something, but it was right. And once she heard what Tabi was saying, the sleepiness and lethargy disappeared. She bent down tentatively and rubbed Tabi's back frowning.

"How is it your fault?" she said shaking her head.

Tabi couldn't blame herself, it wasn't her fault. It was normal for people to blame themselves and it usually wasn't true at all.

"How did she get there?"

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:08 am

Tabi's crying slowly started to subside and she went to talking to Tess.

"Leshia had been trying to talk to me through our connection for the last couple of days and I have been ignoring her." Tabi rolled over and just stared at the ceiling

"I could feel something was bothering her but I was ignoring her and just worried about my own problems." Tabi sighed

"According to the note I received was Professor Moody found her lying on the floor in the common room and they carried her to the hospital wing."


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Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Tess and Tabi's Suite (Invitation Only)

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:19 am

She frowned hearing how Tabi blamed herself. Sometimes people needed to be selfish, sometimes one needed to think of oneself.

"Tabi...sometimes a person needs to think about themselves. You can't blame yourself...it could be more than you. She...she'll be fine okay?"

She cooed and rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

Tess McCartney

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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