Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Walking ( Damien)

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Walking ( Damien) Empty Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:44 am

Tessa was ouside for the first time. And she was enjoying it, she loved that she was by herself. She had a ton of classes but this was a break from everything. Tessa's mind keep wondering back to Damien. But she knew that nothing would come from it. Because he was a pureblood and she didnt' know what she was.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:52 am

Damien had to go for a walk so he could. Clear his mind. He had one person on his mind and that was a girl by the name of Tessa Grey. He thought she was a half blood but now she was unsure what it was. But it didn't matter he was suppose to hang out with pureblood Slytherins only and she was the farthest thing from a Slytherin a person could get.

Then his next problem was what was he going to do about Tabi. He was suppose to marry her when they graduated. It was already in contract. A wizarding contract was the hardest thing to brake. He had to find someone that could help him. He knew that he didn't want Tabi and Tabi didn't want him.

Now back to his thoughts about Tessa, he had discovered that there was a pull there and it was a little stronger than the pull that Alycone had. If only she would talk to him he would not feel this confusion.

Damien looked up and discovered that he was at the Whomping Willow, not a place to be if you didn't know anything about it. He heard horror stories about this tree. As he got closer he noticed a girl walking around, then he realized it was the girl that had been taking up his thoughts.

"Tessa, Tessa". Damien was yelling trying to get her attention.

Damien started running towards her. What was that girl thinking. As he was running he noticed the tree come down towards her

Damien was at top speed and wasn't going to get to her in time. "Immobulis" he yelled to still the tree.

Finally making to Tessa he threw his arms around her.

"What on earth were you thinking, do you know where you are.?"

Damien realized at that point what he felt for the girl.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:21 am

Tessa then stood extremely still. “ Damien?” She was deep in her thoughts and didn’t' know where she was. But from the sound of it, it was somewhere where she shouldn't be. She was trying to clear her thoughts and here Damien was. Tessa should have gone to the library and did her homework for Professor Slytherin. But decided to come out.

Why was Damien yelling at her. She was starting to become confused. But that is when she realized that she had deep feeling for Damien that wasn't going to go away. She just had to find a way to tell him, maybe it was from where he was in most of her classes. And also took muggle studies just because of her.

She then felt Damian’s arms around her. “ I have no idea where I am, I just started to walk and I guess it somewhere I shouldn't be. It sounded like she had did something bad and on purpose. But she pushed that thought away from. But she knew that she had strong feels, she really didn’t' know how to tell him.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:10 am

Damien wanted to yell at her so bad, but she couldn't see where she was going and it was apparent she was just doing what he was doing. Just wanted to be out and about.

Damien finally let her go and grabbed her hand. "Let's walk this way first, then we will talk."

Damien walked holding her hand leading them over to where a bench was. He was using this time to cool down because he really did not want to rip her head off.

"I know you want to be independent but I really wish you would stick to inside the castle, unless you bring someone with you." Damien was proud of himself for being calm.

"Here's a bench let's sit here." Damien pulled her down with him on the bench

"I am going to put this as easy as I can, you just about walked right into the path of the Whomping Willow." Damien was truly scared

"I thought I about lost you?" Damien placed his arm around her.

"Then who would I fight with?"


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:26 am

Tessa could tell that he was upset with her. But she had no idea what she was doing. Or where she was. Maybe coming outside wasn't the best ideas that she has had. She should have waited until someone was with her.

She then noticed that Damien grabbed her hand. This was something that he hasn't done before. Maybe his feeling for her was strong too. She then followed him.

“ I am really sorry Damien. I didn't know.” She then looked like she was about ready to cry.

She then sat down on the bench. Tessa heard her father talk about the Whomping Willow. She was shocked a little bit. “ Oh I didn’t' know really.” Tessa could tell that Damien was scared, and could tell that he cared for her.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:21 pm

Damien didn't want to see her cry, he hated it when woman cried. He thinks it stems back to hearing his mother cry at the hands of his father. He always swore he would never be like his father.

With his arm around herhe started to play with her hair again. He really liked the feel of her hair.

"Tessa you have to promise me you won't come out onto the grounds alone again." Damien had to wipe a tear from his own eye, he would have been lost if something happened too her. He didn't know when or how but he was falling for this girl.

"So are you going to tell me what possessed you to wander outside by yourself?"


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:35 pm

Tessa then started to sniffle. She did her best not to cry in front of Damien. Because she knew that he hated it.

She then noticed that he was playing with her hair. And she loved it when he did that. It made her feel relaxed.

“ I promise I won't go out by myself again.” She then noticed that Damien had a tear. Tessa knew sometime she was going to have to tell Damien. But she didn't know the right words or even how to start.

“ I just wanted to come outside to do a little bit of thinking. I know I should be working on homework. But there is this guy I couldn't get off my mind.”


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:12 pm

Damien was interested when she mentioned being out thinking about a guy. He was not sure he wanted to know her feelings about some guy. But he would be a friend and listen anyway.

"So, is this some guy I am going to have to tell him the dos and don't of messing with my best friend?"

He knew they hadn't known each other very long, but she was the one person he could trust. I mean he could trust Tabi and Leshia, but they were different, almost like family.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:19 pm

Tessa laughed. “ Naw I don't think so.” She then paused. “ This guy is in most of my classes with me. And loves to keep and eye on me.” Tessa never thought Damien as her best friend. But she wasn't sure if she liked the idea.

“ This guy is taking a class with me, even thought I know he hates it. But he just wants to be around with me more. Even sat down in the dirt while I was holding a kneazle.”

She then wondered if he was catching on.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:43 pm

Damien could not believe she was saying these things about him but he was going to play stupid about it.

"Wow, he sat in the dirt, you wouldn't catch me playing in the dirt. Well maybe if it was for a beautiful girl I might."

Damien had never been the type of guy to express his feelings, he was a show them guy, not a speaking guy.

"Well, I still do not know if I would trust this guy, he still might hurt you in the end, men are known for that."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:51 pm

"Well, I still do not know if I would trust this guy, he still might hurt you in the end, men are known for that."

Tessa then started to laugh. " This guy wouldn't be caught in the library, I think once he called me a dork cause of it."

But she was now smiling. " If he ever hurt me, all I would have to do is tell my father . Who is the Charms Professor and my two older sisters."

" And I do believe this guys knows my friend Leshia and Tabi."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:58 pm

Damien had to laugh about the dork part. To be honest he was in the library all the time, how else who he get good grades, sometimes you have to study and the best place to do it would be the library because the common room was always too loud.

"Why would he think the library is full of dorks, a person has to go into the library to research items for homework. I am in there all the time."

Then he whispered into her ear. "If you know where to look."

Then she talked about her father the Charms Professor. "I didn't know Professor Devante was your dad."

"I know Leshia is your friend, but what would possess you to claim Tabi as your friend?"


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:22 pm

Tessa then started to laugh. “ I will have to look harder next time. But I remember you calling me a dork.”

She then smiled. “ Yeah he just adopted me. And I have two sister. One in Hufflepuff and one in Ravenclaw.”

“ Well Tabi was talking to me up in the library.”


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:29 pm

"When did this conversation end up about me, and I don't remember specifically calling you a dork, I just said those in the library were dorks." Damien had to laugh.

"So I guess I must be a dork too." at this point Damien had begun to twirl her hair around his finger.

"So can I let you in on a secret too, I met a girl too and from the moment I met her I knew there was something about her I just had to get to know."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:47 pm

Tessa was laughing. " So does that mean I will see you in the library studying with me?"

" You a dork? That was funny, you are far from being a dork." Tessa liked it when he would play with her hair.

She was now curius. " Ah so you meet this girl, what is she like?"


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:06 am

"I suppose when the moon is in the correct alignment with the plants I will be able to be in the library." Damien could not help but laugh.

Damien could not help but make a face when she said that he was not a dork.

"Here let me have your hands" he places her hands on the face that he was making.."See I told you I am a dork." he then removed her hands from his face but continued to hold one of them. "But don't tell anyone, it has to be our secret."

"Are you sure you want to hear about this girl? I don't want you to get jealous or anything. Woman tend to fight over me all the time."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:10 am

Tessa was laughing at what Damien said.

She then started to smile. " I promise not to tell anybody."

She was laughing still. " I promise I won't get jealous of her."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:25 am

Damien had been thinking about how he was going to tell her about this girl he was crazy about.

"Well for starters she has this beautiful brown hair that has these little curls at the end that I like to twirl around my fingers, it always feels so soft"

Damien turned to stare at her a little still holding her hand.

"She has the most amazing hazel eyes, one minute they are blue, then in some light even a hint of brown. But when she is pissed at me they turn bright green. Thats how I know whens she mad at me."

Damien never realized that he had these types of feeling for her. I guess this is what happens when a person spends so much time around a person.

Damien could not hold back any more. He released her hand to run his finger across her lips.

"She has the softest lips" It was in the moment Damien could not hold back any longer he leaned into Tessa and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Many people would look at him and say how can you have feelings and thought like this at 12, but look at how he was raised.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:36 am

Tessa was blushing when she realized that Damien had just kissed her. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. But she loved it, she caught on that Damien was talking about her. Tessa would have never known because really didn't know what she looked like.

She then kissed him back, she was loving this. It made her head spin.This was something new and wanted more of it.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:45 am

Damien could not believe this sweet creature was kissing him back. he knew that he needed to push away but he was falling deep into himself and didn't want to stop.

Pushing Tessa away from him. "I am sorry I shouldn't have done that too you. It was too soon, too fast."

Damien did not want her to think he was one of those typical Slytherin boys who by the time they were in fourth year had every girl in the house. They were so young.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:52 am

Tessa look away, it was like she done something wrong.

" You right we shouldn't have done that."

But she loved it when Damien kissed her. She decided that they were both still too young.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:56 am

Damien looked at Tessa and the look on her face said she was disappointed.

"Tessa don't get me wrong I am not sorry I kissed you, I am sorry I pushed it farther than the small kiss. I just wanted more of you and that is wrong for me to want right now." Damien turned away from her a little but still held her hand.

"I am just afraid for you, I just never imagined I would fall for you."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:59 am

Tessa then sighed a little bit.

She then noticed that Damien was still holding her hand. " What do you mean you want more of me?"

" There is nothing to be afraid of Damien, I can take care of myself."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:04 am

Damien knew what he meant she was too young for those thoughts and so was he. He just learned way too many things living in the house he lived in.

"Of course I am afraid for you, if my parent ever found out that I cared about someone who is not a Slytherin it will be very bad for both of us. It is not done."

Damien let go of her hand and stood up to pace a little.

"My parents and the Prewetts have already signed the marital contract, Tabi and I have to be married after we graduate. We have already been working on the wedding details. Do you get that, wedding details and I am not even 13 yet."


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:10 am

Tessa sighed. " I will talk to my father about it, I am sure that something can be done about it."

She could tell what he was talking about, Tessa then got up.

" I guess I better be leaving then."

She then started to walk back up to the castle feeling like she was noithing.


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Walking ( Damien) Empty Re: Walking ( Damien)

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