Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Homework ( Damien)

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Homework ( Damien) Empty Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:37 am

Tessa was led up to the library. She had all of her books, because she knew that she had a lot of homework to do. Tessa smiled as she whispered to herself " Why did I have to take so many classes?" She then took her books and and spread them out.

She then wondered if Damien was going to come up. She knew that he had just as much as she did. Tessa knew that she couldn't let Damien distract her. But she knew that he would try and do it. Yas then laid down beside of her and went to sleep. Cause they both knew that they was going to be there for a while.


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:34 pm

Damien and carried a couple of books with him as he went to the library, Tessa owed him big time work getting him to come down here. He hated the library, it was always too quiet. When he did study he always played music in the background, when he had to go to the library.

Walking into the library Damien looked around until he found Tessa, so he decided to sneak up behind her and kiss her cheek.

"So this is what a library looks like, nice." Damien sat down beside her.

Looking at his notes, "It seems I have muggle studies and DADA homework, what about you?"


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:28 am

Tessa had already had her books all over the table. She had performed a speaking charm to make it easier for her. She knew that she was asking a lot of Damien by coming to the library. Tessa knew that he hated it for some reason, but she loved being around books.

She could tell that he was walking behind her, and tried to sneak up on her. Tessa then felt where he kissed her on the cheek. She then was smiling.

“ Yes Damien this is what the library looks like. You better get used to it, cause you will see it a lot.” She couldn't help but laugh. “ I have most of my work done.”


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:38 am

Damien could not help but roll his eyes when she commented about being in the library a lot. Some times he really wished she could see his facial expressions.

"Yes, dear whatever you say". He thought maybe with his sarastic voice she would know how he felt. Damien figured after they spent time together she would know all too well what he was feeling wiithout him saying it.

"I should have known that you would be about done with yours. I haven't even started."

Looking over his two assignments.."What about this muggle studies assignment, I have been thinking, what about electricty, then we wouldn't have to light lamps all the time."


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:17 pm

Tessa smiled. “ I just love being up in the library. Even though there are times when Yas hates it, she does it just because it is for me.” Sometimes she wished that she could see what Damien looked like.

She couldn't help but laugh when he said yes dear. Tessa could tell that he was being sarcastic. “ Yeah I actually finished mine, while waiting for you.” She knew that Damien wouldn't start on his till Tessa was there to help him.

Tessa blinked. “ Well I know I use a muggle hair pin. It is the same as Alohomora. Because Muggles can learn how to pick locks.”


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:33 pm

Damien looked at Tessa. "Waiting for me, it hasn't taken me that long to get to the library. I think your just impatient." Damien laughed.

Damien looked at his noted and wrote a couple of things down. "Why would the magical world need a hair pin to open a lock, we just use magic for that."

Looking at his notes. "I thought we had to take an muggle invention and explain why it would be useful in the magical world?"


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:47 pm

Tessa rolled her eyes. “ Well I wasn't sure that you were coming or not. So I had already had to do mine.”

“ I thought that we had to tell something that was in the muggle world, that was in the wizarding world.”

Maybe the class wasn't that easy as she thought. “ I am not sure anymore.”


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:39 am

Pulling out his notes on muggle studies looking them over.

"My notes here say how a magical world could include some sort of muggle Technology." Damien reread it just to make sure he was right.

"So with this idea we can think about electricity and how about telephones. Owls can be so messy." Damien thought about those ideas.

Damien wonders if Tessa would catch on that he knew about phones, he actually did know a lot about muggles, he just like to play stupid for her for her attention.


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:48 am

Tessa sighed, she knew that she was going to have to do her homework again. She had no idea what was wrong with her. Maybe taking a lot of classes wasn't the best choice.

She then grabbed her head. " Oh I guess I got confused."

Tessa the started to think. " Not really sure how Telephone would be in the wizarding world. But I know the mail system is like owls. Owls are much faster."

She couldn't believe that she was saying this, that she actually hated taking muggle stuides. " Im sorry maybe I am not the best person to help you."


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:32 am

Damien placed his arms around Tessa. "There is no other person I would rather study with than you."

Damien was writing down some of the things that they were talking about.

"So you like the idea of owl's over the muggle mail cause it is faster?" Damien asked

Damien wrote down a few more notes.

"Well we can work on it together, and we have so much done, it will not take time at all to finish it again." Damien kissed the side of her head

"It will be alright."


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:38 am

Tessa sighed. " Maybe taking a lot of classes are a mistake." She wanted to believe him, but tit was hard.

" Well it takes about a day to get mail, an owl is faster." She could tell that Damien was taking notes. " If you want to do that." Tessa couldn't believe that she made a mistake.


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:24 am

Damien thought about it. "You know I have a lot of classes too, but I think I will only take four next year. Just remember when you decide what classes we are taking I have to have potions." Damien thought.

Damien loved potions and that was one class he could not live without it.

"Maybe next year we can just be partners in potions." Damien thought they could help each other.

Damien had a feeling that Tessa was upset about misunderstanding what the assignment was.

"I really wish you would quit worrying. Just turn in the new assignment" Damien was trying to make her feel better.


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:30 am

Tessa was shocked. " I only get to pick out three, because you decided one." She then started to sigh. " Next year I am not taking as many. But I will have to keep Charms."

Potions was one of Tessa's weak subjuct. Yeah she scraped by with the first potion. But she knew that it would be harder next time. " Yeah maybe, if I don't blow up my potions this year."

She then remembered Damien told her that the first lesson. And it was something that she wouldn't forget. Tessa was still mad at herself at misunderstanding in muggle studies. It was the second time.

" Well I don't want the professor to think, that I am cheating off you. Or that I am using you for an excuss why I messed up my homework."


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:56 am

Damien sighed when she sighed. "Alright I will take five class then and you can still choose the other four."

Damien could not believe how depressed she sounded over everything.

"The teacher is not going to think we are cheating or copying each other, just explain to her that you misunderstood the assignment"

Damien was thinking about a solution to this problem. "Well how about we think of a few other things and then I will write some and then you can write about the others."


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:15 am

She didn't even want to think about her classes for next year. Tessa knew that she was going to be dropping some. But she didn’t' now which ones yet.”

Tessa could say that she was having a bad day. First History of Magic and and now a misunderstanding All she wanted this day to be over. She could tell that she wasn't herself.

“ Yeah maybe she will understand, but tell me that I should have paid more attention to her.” She then tried to smile, maybe it will only happen once.

Tessa blinked. “ Or you can write. I had to perform a speaking charm. I really can't write, you might want to be able to see the paper.”


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:03 pm

Damien could see she was really depressed and he wished that he could pull her out of this.

"I am sure that the teachers would completely understand. I think you are just worrying."

Damien thought about what she said about writing and he figured it would be ok.

"If you really want me to write for you I can, I just don't want you to be upset or anything."

Damien thought about and then said to her. "Why don't we just blow off the library and go for a walk outside?"


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:19 pm

Tessa sighed. “ I am never taking this many classes again in my life.”

“ Yeah I know that I worry to much.”

She smiled a little bit when he said that he would write for her. “ That would be so much help.”

Tessa then grabbed the handle on Yas back. “ A walk sound perfect.”


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:47 pm

Damien gathered up all his notes and books and stood up with Tessa.

"Why don't you go drop your stuff off in your dorm room and I will meet you in the entrance hall."

Damien walked Tessa out the door and walked with her to the stairs.

"Well you go up to your dorm and then I will go down to mine and meet back here, in lets say 30 mins."

Damien bent over and kissed Tessa.


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:22 pm

Tessa shoved all of her books back into her bag.

“ Sure I can go drop this stuff off.” She then grabbed the handle on Yas.

She then kissed him back.

“ I can meet you then.”


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Homework ( Damien) Empty Re: Homework ( Damien)

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