Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Revisited (Tess and Parker)

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:59 am

Tess was surprised, but didn't jump as he tried to comfort her, instead she let out a soft smile and shrugged. She didn't think it was brave, just instinct, she had no choice for her body had taken her towards it.

"You know what I think is brave? The fact that you came back here" she said softly.

She meant it, for her it meant nothing to return because she didn't blame the lake, she blamed herself for being out there late at night, and she blamed Corinne for trying to attack her, but most of all blamed her own stupidity. The lake meant nothing but a place of peace to her, but for Parker it meant his fears. So she didn't lie, and she couldn't not only because she was a horrible liar, but because he had to hear it out loud.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:57 pm

Parker seemed to think for a moment, but then shook his head. "I don't really think so...it could have been just as stupid as the first time."

While he had developed a sort of fear for the mysteries beneath the lake, it was because of his poor judgement that it happened in the first place. No one in their right mind would think it smart to wade around in a body of water in the dead of night, especially an unfamiliar one. He should have known better.

He sighed, bringing his hand back around his legs, murmuring more to himself than to her, "It's lot more brave to save someone than to saved..."

Parker Emery

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:00 am

Tess frowned and shook her head.

Does he really think that little of himself? she thought sadly.

Some did, she didn't understand how he didn't find heroism in it, but rather saw a "hero" as someone saving another.

"You want to save someone?" she said voice high.

She got up and looked down at him.

"I'll gladly swim deep into the lake if you want to play hero" she said frustrated.

She walked a few feet till it covered her knees. The water was a bit chilly, but she didn't care, what mattered was that he got the point across.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:44 am

He looked up at Tess as she stood up, confused with her seemingly sudden frustration and what she was saying.

"Wait- Tess, what do you mean?? I didn't-"

As she took steps into the water, Parker was filled with an overwhelming sense of panic. Even though it wasn't night time, he suspected to waters to be just as dangerous. He could nearly feel the water on his legs as well.

He sat forward, onto his knees but not moving from his spot. His chest felt like it tightened and he called out in urgent panic- "Tess! Tess- stop it! Come back, please!"

Parker Emery

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:07 pm

Tess frowned and felt her shoulder sag a bit at his reaction. It was just water and looking down, the waters might look black from above, but she could see the ground, somewhat clearly. She felt her heart beating a bit fast, but nothing that made her immediately panic.

"I'm serious Parker, I'll swim." she said pointing towards the deeper part.

She really wouldn't but she wanted him not to be ashamed of his actions. She didn't care that he didn't want to get in, she wanted him to realize being a hero didn't always mean being daring and reckless, it meant knowing what to do.

"Parker" she said sighing.

Taking a few steps back a few inches deeper, but nothing that scared her. She knew that the mermaid colonies were a few feet farther and she wasn't going to really trying to enter.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:29 pm

He felt his hands curl into tight fists, watching her with wide eyes. "Tess- please!" He didn't care how pathetic his begging and pleading sounded. His heart was beating so fast, he felt frozen in his place, and wanted her to just get out before something happened. He knew he'd not be able to do anything.He was a damn coward and knew it well. He blinked his eyes a few times, taking a deep breath. As she stepped out further, Parker reached his shaking hand out desperately still not moving. He choked out, "Tess-"

And then groaned. He more frustrating with himself then anything, and then moved his outstretched hand to run through his hair. Why could he not just stop being an idiot and go pull her back?? It was one stupid, stupid thing he did. Why was he acting like this? "Tess, I wasn't even that far out and the bloody thing got me- just please!" His voice cracked at the end, not feeling his panic die down.

"Please listen to me!! I can't do this!!" He didn't understand the point she was trying to make. He didn't want to be a hero, he couldn't be one, and didn't know how making him freak out would help anything. ...or...was there no point to it? A brief idea flashed into his find that maybe she was just being cruel. And just as quickly he tried to push it aside. No, she wasn't like that, she couldn't have been.

Parker Emery

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:39 pm

Well I definitely wasn't expecting this she thought.

He looked s o nervous and twitchy and her heart went out for him. She lowered her head knowing that it was no use, he wasn't going to try and get in, and she wasn't going to make him go through an anxiety attack.

"Come over here" she murmured softly. "It's safe, I'll keep you safe"

She wanted him, if not try and pull her out, to try and just put his feet in the water without being frightened of being attacked. The squid was kind and he protected the children from getting hurt. Walking towards him, she stood in the water, halfway up her knees and stuck her hand out.

"Come on, get over your fear, be even more of a hero"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:56 pm

His eyes skimmed around her and the water carefully. She didn't seem to move any further out and he was able to catch his breath enough to hear her speak quietly about him going into the water.

"I-I don't..." he trailed off, his eyes still darting around by her legs. He lowered his head slightly, but not moving his eyes, as hit bit on his lip. He watched her come back closer and hoped she'd just get out of the water. He was too much pf a coward, he repeated to himself.

He looked at her hand as she held his out. He opened his mouth to protest but closed it. He sniffed, taking a few breaths as he looked at her hand a few moments longer. He slowly stood. "It's not heroic...I feel so stupid- I'm sorry."

Parker Emery

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:14 pm

Tess felt her heart break for the poor boy. He was so frightened, and she felt that no matter how optimistic she'd be, he wouldn't even try to get in, not even touch it. She pulled her hand back and held it to her chest.

"No...I'm sorry" she murmured softly.

She walked out, feeling the cold breeze hit her wet legs. She winced a bit as her skin goosepimpled but she simply stood there awkwardly not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I'm so stupid sometimes...it's not your fault"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:31 pm

He lowered his eyes to his feet as she walked out of the water. He felt like in some way he'd let her down in not going into the water. But he just couldn't and he felt a bit of resentment towards himself. What if something actually happened? He shook his head. "Please don't be sorry..."

He didn't look up at her as he wrung his hands together nervously. "I don't know what you were trying to do but...Can-can we just...forget that just happened?"

Parker Emery

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:40 pm

She avoided his gaze feeling like she had made everything worse rather than better in her attempt to help him. She sighed and rubbed her arm awkwardly and nodded not wanting to say much. She felt like she forced him to lose more hope in himself, but she firmly believed he could be brave if only he tried.

"I shouldn't have pushed you I just...I just wanted you to-.... never mind." she took a deep breath and nodded once more. "Never happened"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:52 pm

He sighed. While he wanted to be curious about the reasons, at the moment he just needed to walk and get away from the water. "...Thank you."

"Y-you're probably cold. We should go back to the castle..." He managed to spare her a glance. She looked freezing and if he had a jacket, would have given it to her. But he didn't, and he didn't want to be there anymore. So leaving back to the castle, and to the common room or where ever else seemed like a much better idea. "Don't...blame yourself for whatever it is...just- please?"

Parker Emery

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:35 am

Tess had wanted Parker to be more outgoing, something that she had done in this year, she wanted him to have confidence in himself so much so that he didn't have to be so nervous and not push himself down. But it had failed, miserable, he looked even more shaken than before and it looked like he thought she was a crazy lunatic.

Seems he isn't so far off McCartney her conscious taunted.

"I'm not too cold" she said looking down at her legs. "But...yeah I head back in."

She looked away hearing his last comment and simply picked up her book, slipper on her shoes, hand began walking towards the castle. Of course it was her fault, the poor boy was worst off than before, and she mucked up everything, as usual.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Revisited (Tess and Parker) - Page 3 Empty Re: Revisited (Tess and Parker)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:39 am

Parker felt like he'd taken two steps back again today. First year he'd opened up so much. He didn't even expect himself to actually have friends and he'd managed to make many in all of the different houses. While between first and second he'd retreated back again, he made a bigger rebound, and felt more able to open up. But of course when actually faced with something it hadn't been true. He'd not changed at all. And he felt ashamed that he couldn't go after her because of the fact that he was too scared for himself. He did hear something about the whole slytherin self-preservation thing....

As Tess began walking away he realized she may have been trying to help. Help what for whatever reason, he couldn't quite say, but whatever it was he wasn't upset or bothered by her at all. It was him and he damn fear of the lake. Quite a few paced behind, he then began walking back to the castle after her.

Parker Emery

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