Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:49 pm

Benedict sat down, feeling more content than he had in ages. The war that was raging on was disgraceful and he tried his best to not feel the anger and annoyance welling up in him when he thought about it. But it had never been possible. Until he found this place. The Lunar Trap. It was so soothing to him. He figured it was because of the strong moonlight that reached him even more than usual.

He looked around. There were other people there, but he was pleased that none of them had gone over and talked to him. He liked his lone company. It gave his mind more freedom than anything could. The silence. The night.

The moon.

A sigh escaped his lips. He was very happy that this place had reached his ears. Usually, he was only in the hidden forest where no one could reach him but the words of the horrible war and the foolishness of men. He was trying to find a way to solve this war without having to resort to violence, but it proved futile.

Then someone sat down beside him.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Join date : 2012-02-26
Age : 42

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:07 am

So that's where the emotions are coming from... Lolly sat down beside an interesting-looking man in the moonlight of the Lunar Trap. She stared at him, blinking through her big blue eyes. His emotions seemed to be in turmoil, and he definitely was thinking a lot... but somehow, he was... free.

She could feel the warmth radiating out towards her from him, and he was a lot warmer than other humans. Like he had a temperature or something. Lolly cocked her head to the side and chewed her lip thoughtfully. Trickles of content flowed into her head. This was one intriguing specimen.

"Hello," Lolly said quietly.

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:42 am

The woman greeted him. Benedict looked at her. She was studying him. He didn't mind. The creatures of this place were studying each other to see if they could manage to identify what creature they were. But he wasn't the curious type, though she couldn't be a vampire since her skin wasn't that rough, white marble, and she wasn't a werewolf. Benedict would've recognized her if so.

He gave her a small nod in reply of her greeting. "And what is your name?" Benedict then asked.

Normally he would've introduced himself first, but she was the one who had walked up to him. It was common courtesy to introduce themselves if they walked over to someone. However, despite what he had imagined, he didn't find it annoying that the woman was sitting next to him. She seemed to be a very calm person.

The possible creatures narrowed down. Nymph, dryad, or any creature associated strongly to the nature was what he was looking for in this woman. He could see that now.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Age : 42

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:26 pm

"I'm Lolly," she told him. "And what is your name, werewolf?" It was beginning to be a habit of Lolly's, picking out creature species. She'd gotten good at it lately.

She felt him puzzle over the nature of her kind. She smiled kindly. "I'm a Nymph, a Dryad to be specific." Lolly didn't mind people knowing her race, it helped her feel like they could appreciate her better. Unable to help herself, Lolly let down the barriers protecting her mind, allowing the flood of emotions to rush in. There was just something about this man that made her feel she needed to let him in to understand him better.

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:32 pm

Benedict wasn't surprised when Lolly told him that he was a werewolf. There were some very easy traits to read, not to mention that creatures could read others easier than what humans could.

"My name is Benedict Holmes," he said calmly.

He wasn't surprised when Lolly told him she was a dryad. She was too peaceful to be anything but.

"And what brings you here?" Benedict asked the dryad.

He had actually never met a dryad before. He had met some nymphs, but the dryad was new to him. He wasn't truly very interested, but it was always a good experience to meet other creatures.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:37 pm

"The moonlight," she replied. "The moonlight brought me here."

Lolly sensed an uninterested string flowing from Benedict. "I'm sorry. Am I boring you, sir?" She sat back, ready to leave, almost offended. The moonlight beat down brighter and the bushes swayed in the breeze. It wouldn't be hard to lose herself in the forest again.

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:11 am

"Yes, it brings everyone," Benedict said calmly.

When she asked if she bored him, he looked over at her. He contemplated if she'd be worth talking to or not, and finally resorted to a positive answer.

"I am sorry to say that I'm always bored. I live a boring life. It is no offence. And I do not mind you sitting here, talking to me. Not at all," Benedict said, giving a very small smile.

He knew he was insufferable when it came to other people. The weird part about it all was that though he didn't like them, humans were the one thing that amused him. But it was soothing to sit next to a dryad. That was something he'd have to make a note of. And Lolly seemed to be a very nice person.

"I did not mean to be rude. I just do not feel so much anymore," Benedict then said, looking up at the moon.

It had been both a blessing and a curse for him. People had pushed him away, but he found comfort in the animal within him. He was free.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:52 pm

Lolly returned to her seat beside him when he gave her his answer. She could feel the pitter of thought draining from Benedict, and it intrigued her. The mind continued to fascinate her even though she'd heard from it her whole life.

Searching his deep eyes, Lolly felt he was contradicting himself. "That's a lie," she said. "You feel more than you show." His emotions were swirling and mixing together in a massive tide, like water, but thicker. Once again her brain buzzed with captivation.

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:42 am

Benedict's lip gave a small crooked smile before letting his mouth relax again. "Really?" he said, slightly amused.

She wasn't right, but she wasn't wrong either. She was bright, though, maybe one of the talents of a dryad.

"Well, you are only half-way right. Of course I still feel, but I deny myself the right to. Why, you might ask? Because I do not see caring as an advantage. It has only caused me pain. Maybe one day when I feel safe enough in this world, I will allow myself to care again, but until then, nothing shall get to me," Benedict said calmly, meaning every word.

"I only give myself the amount of caring that is necessary for me to have something to fight for," Benedict then added solemnly, looking at the moon.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:55 pm

She laughed shallowly at his misunderstanding of her words. "I don't mean feel as in to care about something; caring isn't the only emotion a person can harbour." Her blue eyes twinkled as she explained. "You have so much anguish and logic and just... everything, swirling about in that noggin of yours!" She rapped him lightly on the top of dark head.

"I'm an Empath, you see. In case you hadn't already noticed, I have been burdened with feeling every emotion anyone and anything feels around me. I was born with it." Lolly smiled thoughtfully. "Sometimes I wonder how quiet it would be not to hear anything. The silence would deafen me, I expect."

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:35 pm

Benedict tilted his head to the side. An Empath? Interesting.

"I see. Well, yes, of course I feel," he said calmly.

He then straightened up, stretching his back, feeling it cracking.

"I am confused a lot these days, thinking about the war raging. That confusion easily turns to anger and annoyance. And thinking about it all the time does not help either," he said.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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Age : 42

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:35 pm

Lolly nodded slightly. She fully agreed, and he was seemingly a very sincere and trustworthy man... from what he was exerting right now. "You know, if you stop dwelling on it so much, the answers would come a lot faster, even when you weren't expecting them. Give your mind a break, yeah?" She smiled.

"I don't know why this war is still going," Lolly sighed. "It's pointless, I don't even know what they're fighting for anymore!"

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:56 am

Benedict nodded. "That may be so, but I find it better to think of than to not think of it at all. But maybe I should try to not think of it," he said.

He then looked over at Lolly. "What really frustrates me about this war is the fact that I don't know and have never know just what they're fighting over. Maybe it would be easier to understand if we knew that, but I have never heard the reason," he said coldly, wishing the war gone.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:09 pm

Lolly nodded. "I feel the same. How did it start? Why can't it finish?" It was so infuriating, the way these humans kept this up. She guessed that had kind of rubbed off onto the Naiads and the Dryads... but that couldn't be helped. At least their war was over.

Taking a deep breath, she stared up at the moon. It reminded her of an old tale her mother used to sing to her and her siblings. "The sun and the moon have sorted their differences out. They share the sky - the sun for half the day, the moon for the rest. Is it so hard for the wizards to share the earth like that?"

Lolly Hart

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Sherlock Watson Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:15 pm

Benedict looked up at the moon. "Sometimes the moon and sun share the sky at the same time," he muttered, "It would be nice to imagine a world where Durmstrang and Hogwarts returned to what they once were."

He rose. "I am afraid I have to take my leave. There is so much to do. But I presume I will speak with you again," he said calmly.

He started walking away and then stopped. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Lolly, I shall look forward to our next meeting," he mused.
Sherlock Watson
Sherlock Watson

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In the night (Lolly and Benedict) Empty Re: In the night (Lolly and Benedict)

Post by Lolly Hart Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:24 pm

Lolly smiled softly at him. "I am honoured to make your acquaintance, Benedict. Until then."

Lolly watched him go and then decided it was high time for her to return to the castle. Picking herself up, she wandered out of the Trap, all the way back home.

Lolly Hart

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