Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Midnight Snack (Open)

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:58 pm

Anne snuck down to the kitchens, sure it was late, but the treacle tart at dinner was devine. She hoped the house elves still had some.

Of course they did, bless them. she sat down on the bar stool savoring her midnight snack.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:34 pm

Briony had decided that she needed to go and get something to eat, she had been scouring the school all day for signs of German spies that might have come in, and now with this new threat Briony couldn't bear to sleep in case another child died.

Taking a deep breath she opened the door to the kitchen after tickling the pear and she blinked when she saw a student in there, she smiled however and just went about her business.

"Hello there Anne, a little hungry this evening are we?" she asked with a small smirk "Don't worry you're not going to get detention I'm hungry too..."

Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Lolly Hart Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:14 pm

Lolly stepped back into the kitchen, arms full of her cleaning things, ready to put them away after her final shift. She noticed Briony and a student she hadn't met eating at one of the tables and smiled at them. She stacked the supplies back in the broom cupboard and picked up some trays of the leftovers to tonight's meal.

"Are we hungry?" she asked, delicately placing some tarts and cakes in front of the two with a smile.

Lolly Hart

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:52 pm

Briony smiled happily when she saw Lolly appear, something that she didn't often do and she quickly covered it again, it just wouldn't so if a student saw her smiling...it would probably scar them for life.

Eyeing up the cakes that were placed in front of her, Briony picked up a jam tart and gently broke a piece off, tasting it first before beginning to eat it properly.

"Just a little, sometimes I forget to eat, being so busy. How are you both today, or tonight?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:23 am

Anne swore, she just saw the hadmistress smile. However when sshe looked closer it was gone. "Ya I'm hungry, other than that I'm good. How about you Lolly?" Anne took another tart and looked over at the two woman. she was slightly intemmated. But she was in gryffindor she was brave.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:51 pm

Briony realised that it might be a little bit unnerving to have two adults eating around you, and more than a little bit odd, but Briony was starving and she needed to eat.

Lifting up the tart, Briony went to take another bite but blanched and set it back down, her eyes watering.

"Oh for Merlin's sake. Lolly do you have any vodka lying around here?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Lolly Hart Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:18 pm

Lolly smiled at the student. "No, I'm not hungry. Besides, I'm still working, and I don't eat until I retire." She pulled up a stool and sat cross-legged on it. "I don't believe we've met; I'm Lolly, I work here in the kitchens. What's your name?" She held out her hand for the girl to shake.

Lolly thought for a second. "I'm sure you stashed it somewhere here," she mused, sliding off her seat and rummaging through some cupboards for the desired alcohol. "We have firewhisky, wine, butterbeer, and ... you're in luck, Briony. There's half a bottle here." Lolly pulled the clear bottle out of the cupboard, along with a large-ish glass, setting them down in front of Briony. She had a feeling that Briony may ignore the glass, but just in case, she let it be.

Lolly Hart

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:32 pm

Anne smiled at Lolly, "I'm Anne, nice to meet you." She looked over at Professor Romain, and considered asking about her tempory family, but desided agaist it.

Anne continued to eat her food, and debated, just going to bed. She smiled thinking about her recent visions, they had been all of the past. "She had seen history, real history.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:20 pm

Briony smiled lightly at Lolly when she rooted through the cupboards for her trying to find some alcohol so that her stomach might settle and she could eat something at least, not just a little bit of a jam tart, which was quite frankly pitiful.

"You're very professional that way Lolly, you're a good worker here I'm glad that you wanted to come to Hogwarts with me and Richard."

When Lolly found the bottle of vodka Briony's eyes lit up and she took it, pouring a little into the glass and chucking it back without hesitation, sighing lightly at the pleasant burning sensation Briony immediately refilled her glass and chucked the alcohol back again.

Turning to Anne she smirked; "If anyone asks, you did not see me drink in front of you, this is all an illusion." she joked.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Lolly Hart Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:42 pm

Lolly grinned at Briony. She was grateful that Briony had let her come to Hogwarts; it was the best thing to have happened to her so far in her life. "I'm glad you let me come!" She sat back down on her stool and nodded her head to Anne.

Her eyes twinkled as she made a zip-closing movement over her lips and chucked away the 'key', a smirk playing on her lips.

Lolly Hart

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:15 pm

Anne Looked at the head, and smiled "What alcohol?" She siad lightly. She looked over at Lolly wondering why she had come here. She knew better than to ask.

Anne looked around the kitchen, Then went very still and fell off her chair. The vision that filled her head was terrifing, she saw herself wither in pain and let out a scream. This horrabal thing was going to happen to her.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:29 am

Briony smirked lightly and nodded her head to both of them, they were very good at covering this sort of thing up and she knew that they wouldn't tell anybody, even if they did, what would they do about it? She was the highest authority here.

"Exactly, exactly." she tapped her nose knowingly.

Raising an eyebrow Briony looked from Lolly to Anne, as Anne fell onto the floor, Briony was all for just sitting there waiting for whatever it was to finish but she knew that she had better look at her to see what was going on.

"Anne? Anne are you having a vision? Lolly will you get some water?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:16 am

Anne came around horrified at her vision. She was going to be touchered. She sat on the ground very pale, she was scared, she didn't want to have that happen.

She looked at her professor and stood up, she didn't want to talk about this vision. She forsed a smile on her face and said, "I'm fine." she made her way toward the exit, shakeing.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:27 pm

Briony just looked at Anne as she got up, she knew nothing about visions and as such couldn't help, but whatever it was she saw must have been horrific, judging by the reaction that she had just given.

"You should go and speak to Professor Slytherin." she said firmly "Shell be able to help you with whatever it is that you just saw."

Seeing that she was making her way to the exit she turned and gave Lolly a look as if to say 'Guess she doesn't want our help' and took another shot of vodka with a happy hum.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Lolly Hart Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:32 pm

Lolly gasped as the student fell to the ground and writhed around like some drowning caterpillar. She went and fetched a glass of cool water as quickly as possible, and when the girl had finished, she handed it to her. "Drink up," she encouraged.

She watched Anne curiously. Terror was engulfing the poor child. Lolly's eyebrows knotted together as the girl made for the door. "Hang on, Anne. You're not fine. Why are you so scared? What did you see?"

Lolly Hart

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:55 pm

Briony should have known that Lolly would have the patience to deal with the girl, or the will, of course Briony listened in on the conversation in case she was needed, and in case there was anything that she needed to know.

Blinking slightly as her eyesight began to fuzz with the alcohol she smirked lightly and looked at the bottle:

"Strong stuff." she said happily.

Deciding that she probably needed to say something Briony looked at the two others as Lolly attempted to ask what was wrong, and Briony began to wonder this herself.

"A problem shared is a problem halved. In the end you know you'll probably come and tell me anyway right?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:05 pm

Anne stoped and looked at the two woman. She sighed and went back to sit down. "I saw myself being tortured." She said, "After my memory was moddifed so I wouldn't remember." She told them. Anne took the water from Lolly and drank it. It didn't calm her, but it helped none the less.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:59 pm

Briony didn't like the way that she appeared to be having to force this girl to tell her what was wrong, she had the entire resources of Hogwarts school in front of her and did nothing.

When she was told what the vision was about Briony was tempted to place the girl directly under her care, but rethought that immediately. There's no way she could handle that now.

"I see, well we will need to keep you under survailence while you're here, and keep a track on you through the trace, I'll inform the ministry. Did you happen to see who it was...completing the act?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:36 am

Anne sighed she didn't know who it was they were in the shadows, "I don't know who it was i couldn't see them properly."
She looked over at the two woman and just sat there, she wasn't quite sure what to do.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Lolly Hart Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:22 am

Lolly licked her lips. She really couldn't help but sympathise with Anne. That vision would have scared the bejeezus out of anyone.

Briony seemed to want to take the child into her own care, but they both knew that would be too much. "I'll watch you," she suggested. "I'm practically everywhere in the castle so it's easy for me to keep an eye on things. I'm not sure about the holidays though, you might have to keep a keener eye over your own shoulder then, but while you're in Hogwarts I can look out for you."

"If that's okay with you and Briony, of course," she said, eyes flicking between the two of them.

Lolly Hart

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Anne Jones Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:52 pm

Anne smiled at the woman, it was going to happen no matter what they did.

"No matter what you do this is going to happen." she said . she had learned her lesson already.

Anne Jones

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Midnight Snack (Open) Empty Re: Midnight Snack (Open)

Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:12 pm

Briony listened to what Lolly said and she nodded, that would be a much better solution to this problem than her watching the child, besides she would have to ask Richard and Richard like her probably wouldn't be too keen on the idea.

Happy however that someone she trusted as much as Lolly had stepped up to the plate, Briony smiled her normal, short, smile.

"That would be acceptable yes, and regardless of whether it will happen or wont happen we can stop you from charging off into something you think is your vision, and actually isn't."

Seeing that it might be a little awkward for the girl Briony looked at Lolly and poured another shot of vodka.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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